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Everything posted by Iceflake
you can already do this somewhat, there was a big pc update last update allowing you to put multiple pokes in the release box to make the message "would you like to release {pokemon name here}" this message doesn't go away if you say put another mon in the release box to make a 2nd text box to appear that stacks on top of eachother meaning you can just keep putting pokes in the release mode and just rapid fire click yes on all the text boxes to confirm your releases. Tho a pc update is in the works as Norex says they have made the pc much better than it was back in the day
i dont think its possible to do it the way probetterfarm does it but you could always try
You could do it on the test server when the testing of Megas were happening, as when battling you could mega the poke then you could put it in chat and it would show the mega form of that pokemon so everybody could see. It would be a nice quality of life change but its nothing to big. Thanks for your time of reading this! p.s. sorry if this was suggested before.
how its different is only 6 was obtainable, 3 on each server. Not everybody on the servers getting 1.
to clarify on my -1 giving a free pinkan berry to make a mon pink would just be distasteful to the MMo life pro is for, and even if pro did give people the berry i know 95% of them wouldnt use it on pancham, most of them would go for ralts/totidile/scizor/ (chikorita is in the dex as pink and just thinking cyndaquil will be as well) so people wouldn't even get the hat. Its just introducing hundreds of pinks onto the servers maybe even thousands with server transfers being so easy now. That just seems distasteful, pro has always stood on a ground of people hunting to get what they want giving free form change berrys like this just isnt right even if its untradable/makes the mon untradable.
-1 for obvious reasons
Iceflake replied to Luckofgod's topic in Selling Pokémon - Gold
ill insta for 1.5mil my discord is iceflake#8225 please pm me to set up a time for the trade or if you dont have discord just message me on the forums and we'll work out a time. -
just use pro better farm tool, it does exactly the same thing, it counts the number of encouters and what they were https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/101673-url
resolved Clarification in an trade rules
Iceflake replied to Titaniaplayz's topic in General Support
https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-url The 15min rule only applies to the forum auctions as stated in rule 3 of the auction rules that I linking you. In game auctions end when times up. -
Thanks ehkoe have a nice day
@Hawluchaa we may need your help
Semi-Epic Event Snivy! Cross-Server
Iceflake replied to Archfndweavile's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Gold
2.5mil -
If anything we shouldnt ban it outright, another solution is to give it the gen 8 nerf which gives it a base 140 def and spdef (defense form) and 140 atk and spatk (sword form) and it sits pretty comphy in uu bl in gen 8 and that gen has very few mons in its nat dex.
it would make iv rerolls just get good stats and then minus a useless stat like atk on Raikou to get a hp ice your looking for. Everything would just become way to easy even if they put this behind a ticket in the pvp shop it would just be just so overpowered and not even useful for 90% of the legendarys and none of the mythicals. The only ones that pretty much need a hidden power is the electric types Zapdos and raikou (with hp ice/grass) Free hidden powers of your choosing kills the overall meaning of what makes Pro, well pro -1
At first glance this suggestion hits all the right stuff that "players" want, and when i read it i actually agreed. But when i really thought about it theres no soul in it. The soul being how Pve guilds would gain access to guild island. Creating a Ladder for Pve content would be hard and time consuming for the devs to make. If they did then we just have the same problem we do now. As in the 3-4 pve guilds get a lead with getting members that are very active then a snowball effect happens. Guilds might start paying their players to do more pve content or start paying players to join if they have a high pve rank for 7days to boost their guild. At least with pvp ladder rankings you actaully have to win to have a high rank. with pve ranks it would be as simple as doing 20 bosses and trainers tower. The best way in my eyes to even make it possible to is to make it a Pve Coin paywall that a guild has to pay off to gain access for a month. Lets say 3000 pve coins = 1 month. With each guild member able to pay that sum off together. All this would do is make pve coins marketable kinda. players could buy peoples pve coins by letting them join their guild and "help" pay off the island. There also might have to be a min amount of pve coins being paid by each guildy to be able to be able to qualify on going to the island, this solves the people just joining when you have the island to get on it. Its not a perfect plan but the only suggested plan that i see on this thread, {sorry if i didn't see your suggested way of making it work feel free to yell at me if im wrong} Just to be clear im now a solo player for the time being and don't benefit anything from this whether this be pvp or pve. so in conclusion great idea, sad execution
only way to get another chance at it would be fighting nikoli at trainers valley unknown place, ill link you to the prowiki https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Nikola_(boss)