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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Blastoise 2 Sold 900k Machamp 4 Sold 550k
  2. Mandibuzz 1 Sold 4m
  3. Im back, Shop is OPEN :) Update to shop on tuesday Charizard Sold 900k
  4. The floatation ring on the Right of the PC is blocking access to it, Ok so not a bug, but not being able to access the side of the pc is actually really annoying. If on future maps we could avoid blocking it that would be excellent. (and unblock it from this one xD) Ps: maps are really good :)
  5. Sounds like a good idea. Questions, If a post is made in the new cross server forum, will the seller always be responsible for moving it?(they should be) Why no shop section? Will this spell the end of the server forums? From an activity point of view, not a do they exist. Now the process is automatic should swapping be more free? in order to facilitate the new forum better?
  6. Insta
  7. Start
  8. Farm a t1 that learns memento then. I really don't see a problem, it takes a few extra seconds for a memento turn. Explosion and self destruct are also options It's also 100% optimal to have your fainted repel Pokémon also be your sync, its just annoying to organise for every repel.
  9. Use the ralts line as your sync, it knows memento
  10. Start char
  11. Are your prices above or below the Pokémon, it's none obvious which price is for which Pokémon
  12. Hydreigon 1 Auction Won 800k Shop closed contact me on discord @Allsmell#8974 if you want to buy anything
  13. Roughly 28h left
  14. Togekiss 1 Sold 1.2m
  15. Clefable 1 Sold 800k Gastrodon 2 Sold 500k Weavile 2 Sold 843k (825k+3rc(6kea))
  16. C.O. 800k by pinkbanana Acceptable payments Cash Cc-350k Rc-5k
  17. Eevee Sold 1.8m Hydreigon 1 Started from your post
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