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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. +1, cool idea (everyone else has already written a long response and I'm lazy xd)
  2. I'll get straight to the point, we don't like making these huge posts with a lot of pictures and edgy and cool edits, we're just posting our tournament event here lol. I'll also copy and paste the info because I'm lazy =P SHOWDOWN TOURNAMENT: GOLD SERVER ONLY (For now, we might open it to Silver). Tournament is open to anyone, no matter if you have 1 badge or 32 or years of experience, newbies are allowed. Tournament is to be held in showdown. Showdown is an online simulator where you can use literally ANY TEAM from scratch, so you don't need to work or capture anything. You have the simulator and you can play it for fun. https://pokemonshowdown.com/ Rules: Tournament is to the best of 3 (one person has to win atleast two games over the other person, like 2-0 or 2-1). Tournament is held in Gen 7 in Showdown. OU is the format we will be using (thus, anything in OU or below is ALLOWED). Megas, Z-Moves, or anything that is NOT in PRO IS ALLOWED. Have fun using them! Prizes: 1st place - 3 million pokedollars 2nd place - 2 million pokedollars 3rd place - 1 million pokedollars Tournament is intended to be fun and to have newbies participate in it. As extra prizes, I will personally donate level 100 PVPable pokemon with pvp sets and trained already to newbies. Tournament will only start when we have 32 participants. You can join in here: https://discord.gg/hmGQGsR Talk in the #general channel to say hi, join our guild or participate in the tournament!
  3. Bumping this post, some new people joined and soon we'll host a Showdown Tournament where newbies can enter too! :)
  4. +1 to this, maybe in a PVP zone or something?
  5. I wouldn't put limitations on legendaries, I would limit certain pokemon or ban certain pokemon instead. Stacking the Regis in your team wouldn't give you much of an advantage since they have absurdly abusable weaknesses (fighting types, Regirock's spdef, Regice's def, Registeel is somwehat decent, but they're extremely slow and borderline unusable. You get the point.). My point is: Legendary pokemon are not the problem, each pokemon is individually a case to study. I would wait until we see what does Landorus bring into the ladder and current meta and then decide by voting among the community. He might either be too overcentralising, or he might be manageable. *grabs popcorn*
  6. It might depend on the amount of badges you have in Johto, because if you had no badges and you were able to use dig (or had just three or four badges) anywhere in Johto, you could dig from Violet to Blackthorn via Dark Cave without any badges and go straight to the last gym badge skipping all of the region's story. It might be possible that this restriction applies until you've successfully obtained enough badges, but if I were you I'd wait until a content scripter answered your post :)
  7. I don't know... getting legendaries for free or by just paying pokedollars would feel a bit lame IMO. I'd just do dig spots one day farming with my four accounts (which would probably take way longer than just doing the quest lol), go to an NPC and buy it. It would feel a bit pathetic. Also, I think it's good that they're not exclusive to ladder players. Casual players shouldn't be excluded from getting their favourite legendaries. You can't force them to try out PVP if they don't want to.
  8. Bump. You can now join our discord openly to join our guild, the guild is now active again. 450+ members in our community playing as much as we can :) https://discord.gg/hmGQGsR <- Link here. Everyone is welcome! We're also looking for PVPers for Storm Raiders. I'm also working on redoing guides.
  9. Total +1, I'm too lazy to go back to a pokecenter to remove all sync fails when I'm hunting half of the entire map's distance away from it.
  10. I thought the no guard + fissure combo was illegal lol
  11. I just heavily dislike the fact that only top 3 guilds can enter (this is coming from the previous owner of the top 2 guild in gold for a lot of consecutive months). I think it should either be a rating barrier (1000,2000, a bit more even) which can be filled up by a lot of newbie people playing pvp and trying it out (which could encourage pvp more), increase pvp points gained per win (just slightly), or make it a monthly payment (a few millions, it's mega easy for 5 organised people to make absurd amounts a month if they grind just a bit, let alone 100 people). Afterwards, increase the rewards and the perks the island gives to the top 3 guilds by a lot to incentivise them pushing their rating to the top. Tldr: give access to all guilds with either A: minimum rating reached (2000, 3000, whatever you wish), monthly payment (I'm not fully okay with this one, money is way too easy to farm in PRO, but it would allow newbies in the guild to help out), give better rewards to top 3 guilds to compensate, make temporary events where you gain more pvp coins for winning in pvp (could inflate the economy a bit but would make the pvp have more people in it). EDIT: fixing spelling mistakes lol
  12. Can we get mexican hats too PARA REPRESENTASIÓN DE MI CULTURA AMIGOOOOS? *mariachi playing in the background* And yea I'm completely fine with adding more skin colours. It's just not a priority I guess.
  13. It stays the same no matter what, only boss rewards have a lower chance (afaik if you choose the shiny option)
  14. Can we have it permanent? I'd love to farm money nonstop with it (yes, I'm fully aware it would be overpowered in an MMO, but it's fun lol)
  15. I think this is already planned but I'll +1 this one anyway, in case we could get an earlier temporary fix or something while we wait for it.
  16. I thought this was planned for pvp rework. +1
  17. Take care Yuno, hope everything goes well in your future endeavors :( (And if not, you can always replace endeavor with another move that is more useful... yea I'll stop with the puns lol)
  18. Mother of the holy god and I thought my guides were already long, this guide is so big it almost crashed my computer. JESUS CHRIST DUDE this is insane +1 and liked and whatever give him contributor lol
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