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  1. This post is a cry for help. I can’t stand this anymore. Everywhere I go, this stupid orange shitstain somehow finds me and ruins my life. No matter how many defense mechanisms I have, it always come back. Yesterday, I was working at my job when I heard it. That fateful sound of a stat drop. I quickly leaped out of my chair and turned around, but the fucker had already used intimidate on all of my coworkers. I ran towards the [wonderful person] to punch him, but he set up stealth rocks in my cubicle, preventing me from working again. I quickly bolted to the office fridge to grab some ice cubes, but by the time I screamed “KYUREM USE ICE BEAM” the fucker had already u-turned out the window. I couldn’t work anymore because of the stealth rocks, so I had to leave so I could get a defog tm from my car. As I grabbed the defog tm from my car, the thing jumped me from behind and used knock off, smacking the tm into the middle of the road. Before I could go grab it, a car raced by and crushed the tm, making it worthless. As I was standing there, shocked by what happened, the orange demon used earthquake on my car, giving me 4 flat tires simultaneously. Filled with rage, I grabbed a keldeo plush from my car, shoved a pair of spectacles onto its face, and hurled it at the thing, while screaming “KELDEO USE HYDRO PUMP.” Just like always, however, my hydro pump missed, and the fucker u-turned away again. After I took a bus home, I was exhausted. As I was lying in my bed, depressed, my 6-year old daughter came into the room. She started talking about her favorite TV show, when suddenly, her face began to change. No. NO. As she continued talking, her face continued to morph, until it was identical to Landorus-Therian. I was ready this time, though. I quickly kicked off my shoes, revealing that I had duct-taped ice cubes to my feet. I then proceeded to triple axel the ever loving [heck] out of that thing. I looked up and screamed with joy, thinking it was all over. However, as I came to my senses, I saw my daughter unconscious on the floor and realized what I had done. The orange [wonderful person] had tricked me. My wife stood in the doorway, shocked, before she pulled out her phone and dialed 911. I’m writing this in the woods right now, the police are probably going to find me soon. Screw Landorus-Therian.
    6 points
  2. sold to 3cc now try to laugh lol
    3 points
  3. Everything posted below will be for sale, I do not have time for auctions or to find actual price checks so you are free to post your offer for the Pokémon you are interested in. I will contact you asap if i agree to the offer. Only way to offer will be through this thread since i will barely be ingame. Payments can be done with either cash or coin Capsules. Not everything will be posted at once, ill try to add it when i can and have the time for it.
    2 points
  4. This post is a cwy fow hewp. I can’t stand this anymowe. Evewywhewe I go, this stupid owange shitstain somehow finds me and wuins my wife. No mattew how many defense mechanisms I have, it awways come back. Yestewday, I was wowking at my job when I heawd it. That fatefuw sound of a stat dwop. I quickwy weaped out of my chaiw and tuwned awound, but the fuckew had awweady used intimidate on aww of my cowowkews. I wan towawds the bastawd to punch him, but he set up steawth wocks in my cubicwe, pweventing me fwom wowking again. I quickwy bowted to the office fwidge to gwab some ice cubes, but by the time I scweamed “KYUWEM USE ICE BEAM” the fuckew had awweady u-tuwned out the window. I couwdn’t wowk anymowe because of the steawth wocks, so I had to weave so I couwd get a defog tm fwom my caw. As I gwabbed the defog tm fwom my caw, the thing jumped me fwom behind and used knock off, smacking the tm into the middwe of the woad. Befowe I couwd go gwab it, a caw waced by and cwushed the tm, making it wowthwess. As I was standing thewe, shocked by what happened, the owange demon used eawthquake on my caw, giving me 4 fwat tiwes simuwtaneouswy. Fiwwed with wage, I gwabbed a kewdeo pwush fwom my caw, shoved a paiw of spectacwes onto its face, and huwwed it at the thing, whiwe scweaming “KEWDEO USE HYDWO PUMP.” Just wike awways, howevew, my hydwo pump missed, and the fuckew u-tuwned away again. Aftew I took a bus home, I was exhausted. As I was wying in my bed, depwessed, my 6-yeaw owd daughtew came into the woom. She stawted tawking about hew favowite TV show, when suddenwy, hew face began to change. No. NO. As she continued tawking, hew face continued to mowph, untiw it was identicaw to Wandowus-Thewian. I was weady this time, though. I quickwy kicked off my shoes, weveawing that I had duct-taped ice cubes to my feet. I then pwoceeded to twipwe axew the evew woving [heck] out of that thing. I wooked up and scweamed with joy, thinking it was aww ovew. Howevew, as I came to my senses, I saw my daughtew unconscious on the fwoow and weawized what I had done. The owange bastawd had twicked me. My wife stood in the doowway, shocked, befowe she puwwed out hew phone and diawed 911. I’m wwiting this in the woods wight now, the powice awe pwobabwy going to find me soon. heck Wandowus-Thewian.
    2 points
  5. would u like 1.5m for amaura and 5m for gurdurr
    2 points
  6. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/161805-recoloring-the-battle-log/#comment-900996 Would go hand in hand with my past suggestion of Color coding it. +1
    2 points
  7. Im pretty sure you know that things but I feel better to give you a reminder to put following on your improvement-list for the battle log. We have no idea which pokemon is whos in the battle log. I cant tell which lando is faster implicated by intimidate. As well it would be nice to know how much % dmg moves do, its kinda annoing to check the opponents or my percentage, look how much I have after the move and subtract then. A turn counter would be nice too, and/or a line which seperates turns.
    2 points
  8. Medicham - Jolly 27/31 S.O. 1.6m Min bid 200k Insta - 3.6m Time - 2 day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 1 S.O. 500k Min bid 100k Insta - 1.6m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 2 S.O. 400k Min bid 100k Insta - 1m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 3 S.O. 600k Min bid 100k Insta - 1.2m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Magnezone(HP - Fire) S.O. 600k Min bid 100k Insta - 2.4m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Torkoal - 1 S.O. 300k Min bid 100k Insta - 1m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k SOLD GOOD LUCK!!
    1 point
  9. S.O. 2M Min Bid: 100k Insta: 4M Time: 24hrs Silver Server can move to Gold Server Payment Methods: Cash | RR IV 700k ea
    1 point
  10. ID SS: Server: Silver Pretty Please It was an ''accident''
    1 point
  11. Our end of month PvP stats for you all! Clan Rating: 3066 (+1013) Normal Ranked: 1st Place - @Decaptiator - PRO - 211 Rating (+62) 2nd Place - @Amylimna - PRO - 126 Rating (+16) 3rd Place - @Claude9 - PRO - 102 Rating (-3) 4th Place - @Gynn - PRO - 98 Rating (-5) 5th Place - @Rover - PRO - 93 Rating (+6) Random Ranked: 1st Place - @BiteTheBulliet - PRO - 253 Rating (-27) 2nd Place - @Mops - PRO - 200 Rating (-54) 3rd Place - @RtgRobin - PPO & PRO - 198 Rating (-15) 4th Place - @Amylimna - PRO - 197 Rating (+32) 5th Place - @Raewastaken - PRO - 190 Rating (+38) Combined Rating: 1st Place - @Decaptiator - PRO - 324 Rating (-105) 2nd Place - @Amylimna - PRO - 323 Rating (+55) 3rd Place - @Mops - PRO - 256 Rating (-5) 4th Place - @BiteTheBulliet - PRO - 254 Rating (-1) 5th Place - @Ketan - PRO - 247 Rating (+82) Congratulations to everyone here making the top 5. Top 5 Combined Rating Prizes: 1st Place = 40 Coins + Choice of Pokemon from @Amylimna - PRO 2nd = 25 Coins + Choice of Pokemon from @Amylimna - PRO 3rd = 20 Coins + Pokemon from @Amylimna - PRO 4th = 10 Coins 5th = 5 Coins +Wildcard Prize Winners: @Gynn - PRO - [5x Rare Candy, 30 Ultra Balls, 1x Energy Ball TM, 1x Volt Switch TM] @Annou - PRO - [5x Rare Candy, 30 Ultra Balls, 1x Energy Ball TM, 1x Volt Switch TM] [Honorary Mentions] @RtgRobin - PPO & PRO - 241 Rating @Claude9 - PRO - 213 Rating @Gynn - PRO - 200 Rating
    1 point
  12. Hello everyone! This topic serves as a way for users to apply to the Community Coordinator Team What is the role of a Moderation Staff member and of a Community Coordinator? PRO's Moderation Team is a group of staff who provide support for players and ensure that PRO is kept in order. The Moderation Team make sure that users follow PRO's Rules and support players on the forum and in-game. Community Coordinators in specific make sure that PRO's playerbase is pointed in the right direction both in-game and on the forum. CCs mostly work as a support role however they are also given the responsibility of moderating the forums and in-game chats. A CC would mostly focus on the Resolution Center subforum and the in-game Help Chat. Community Coordinators also help to support our Discord Server and are the main responsible to maintain the guides and the information available to players updated. Good candidates for Community Coordinators are player with excellent knowledge of the game and Pokemon. Requirements Even if you don't meet the requirements, small exceptions may be made if the rest of your application is promising. (Mandatory) requirements must be met in order to apply. At least 200 hours in-game playtime. At least 20 forum posts. Able to dedicate yourself to staff work and deliver efficiently. 18 or older. Can understand English at an advanced level. (Mandatory) What we look for in applicants Strong communication. Open-mindedness. A positive attitude. Good organisation skills. Able to work in a team. Can work under pressure. Can commit around 1 hour per day to staff duties. Application The application form is below. Please fill it in and submit it as a new topic HERE (Click Here) Your application and results must remain confidential. We ask all applicants to keep the fact they have applied secret. Sharing your application status will result in the rejection of your application. Please be aware that all staff work is voluntary! This is not a career. When applications are open, there will be an announcement on our Discord Server and this post will be featured on the front page of the forum.
    1 point
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