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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/22 in all areas

  1. Hi @Shadowpirate Your bid has been removed as a False Bid and you have been issued the according punishment for this. As per my previous post:
    4 points
  2. i have very nice idea that can add more variety and fun in pvp xD and without forcing anybody to OU or UU NU or anything many ppl (me too) are very tired of the pvp in pro and i saw even some guys quit game because of it, always they have the same overpowered pokemons. and even if u dont play pvp u have to admit that its sad that only 20-30 pokemons are used in the main battle part of this game while theres so many more pokes out there.. (and those 20-30 make most of the others unplayable) last year they announced to change queue from OU to UU queue but even as one of the ppl who voted for it i doubt adding an UU queue instead of OU would fix the problem and even 30-40% of people iirc voted for keep it OU only and didnt want other queues. why punish these people if there is a solution to make both parties happy? since all of this problem goes down to the fact that ppl play as filthy as they can to get pvp coins/rating you need a system that works like this: -staff or this council makes a tier list with all pokes rated by how strong they are -for example there are 5 tiers: -1 win with 6 poke from tier 1 (weakest/ like 1st evos) = 5 PvP coins -if u add 1 or more poke from tier 2 ur team will be considered tier 2 = 4 PvP Coins per win -3 Coins = win with tier 3 or lower pokes -2 coins = tier 4 team -Normal 1 Coin as always if u win with 1 or more overused pokemon in team. so nobody is forced to change his playstyle -And a little multiplicator in gained rating per win based on the tier of ur team. (like 18 rating instead of 16 for example :D) i think this would be refreshing for everyone and its the perfect way to encourage even the filthiest people to have a little fun. Like this its all optional if u keep using OU pokes nothing changes for you except that u might encounter more fun teams. so nobody lose anything with this solution xD lets go bro
    2 points
  3. the only way to make this idea convenient for everyone without making it too OP and without affecting too much on the negative aspects indicated so far, is to make sure that this GMS does not tell you the nature of the pokemon but only tells you if your synch has worked or not. Let's assume for example Scyther: it can be played in many ways. If GMS tells you the nature, you could abuse all synch fail as well. If, on the other hand, you are looking for adamant and your synch fails you can decide not to take it, even if maybe it could be one of the other useful natures.
    2 points
  4. Welcome to Chizune's Little Shop!! Trade Rules Must Be Followed And Any Fake Bidder Will Be Reported Some Pokes Are Fixed Price And Some Are Negotiable Please Feel Free To Offer. Form of Payments: Pokedollar Coin Capsule = 400k Masterball = 50k Nature Reroll = 350k IV Reroll = 700k Trained Poke's Untrained Poke's Sold
    1 point
  5. Yo, just some ideas i can suggest 1. Outbreak skin ; like we know many people only playing when there is an event (skin mount = easy cash), maybe this idea can boost player to online. Almost same like normal out break but take longer, maybe 2-3 day. example xmas, can be all poke with xmas skin going outbreak or just 2/3 (but at least 1 must be rare or cool) 2. Trade History ; is it already? idk. since we have dashboard and we can access dashboard per id, this feature can be really helping, especially when u kind guy who like to lending mons to newb and sometime u forget to who u lend it. 3. Controlled Rmt ; yes i know this very sensitive, but this idea maybe can boost people to do more grinding/ hunting? my first thought is recash cc, well of course its not at full price, maybe half? i have said this in other post. if i have crazy rare shiny and usable, i probably wont sell it for pokedollars, i mean what can i do with that much pokedollar, even if i buy all godly poke i still wont make it to ladder lol. but if player can make some real money, maybe i would (and of course people who like it but dnt have pokedollar will bought cc. maybe lol). 4. Event skin at random 5. More unique mounts ; can we got more unique mounts like goku's cloud? my suggestion is aokiji bike, its not land mount but surf mount, and its not like normal bike mount but it gives some icy effect (this not my idea actually, but sounds pretty cool), another ideas is bijuu mounts. 6. collection book; its like pokedex but instead regular mons we can see all event/skin mons we have catch/OT, it can attract player to complete it. maybe can add some reward if u complete at certain point or not lol (i mean if we can complete all event skin, its something worth to show off). maybe work with shinies too 7. Beggar's trade banned ; last but not least. can we make make this one realized? i mean those beggars at cerulean or vermilion really annoying, especially when u doing pvp and they keep spam. Begging this begging that, dang, how n**b are u to beg 5k or 10k. Its not 1 or 2 i lose pvp because someone chat me in the middle of game, i tried close it but they keep pm with 'i know u wont give me, but i really need it, i will be thnkfull if i can get 5k'. If u tell me to ignore them, i already did, but this beggar is infinite, they multiply faster then rabbit and its annoying if i have to ignore every single of them. My suggestion is, when we click player name, there will new option 'report' then beggar, and when someone got this report several times from different user, he got muted and cant do any trade for 1 week or month or year. i mean if u asking help like 'bro can you help me beat this gio mewtwo? its very weird and i cant beat him, i cant pay you much, i only have 5k'. For me its pleasure to help this kind of newb, i will help him freely.
    1 point
  6. Hello. I would like to know if there is any requirement to use the extreme speed tutor on route 48. I couldn't teach it to any of my pikachus, but a friend managed to teach his. Thanks in advance. In-Game: Jinnmz
    1 point
  7. What's your Player name (IGN)? JTclap Number of hours played? 130+ What's your favorite Pokemon? Excadrill What country are you from? US How old are you? 24
    1 point
  8. 1.4m rash dragonite
    1 point
  9. -1 from me & -1 from my poor eyes that had to read all of it
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. +1 Storage system is in dire need of an update. I don't even know where to begin with what's wrong with it. The only positive thing I can say is that it's functional and I never lost a pokemon.
    1 point
  12. Damn sorry, my discord is El Captain #3771
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. What's your Player name (IGN)? Vyrone Number of hours played? 10 hours What's your favourite Pokemon? mew What country are you from? usa How old are you? 17 Which server do you play on? gold
    1 point
  16. Heracross Sold to Refferencer Thank You, And Sorry Can't chat you back on game coz i am mute ban. lol
    1 point
  17. Wtb untrained rotom 31 def bold
    1 point
  18. accidentally released my blissey lv 100 my main acc
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. yo are u serious guys?? this cant take so long its been litterally almost 1month and i cant imagine it would take more than 3 mins to give back my stolen item...
    1 point
  21. i need this item for pvp guys why do yu steal it
    1 point
  22. 0 points
  23. 600k each for Adamant and Naive. S.o. Jolly
    0 points
  24. i accidentally deleted my Bronzor, i wish you could restore it
    0 points
  25. Hi, I Love Your Shop And I Intend To Buy Whenever Possible... Today I Want To Buy This HERACROSS! My Discord ~ Refferencer#9144 In Game ID ~ Refferencer
    0 points
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