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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/22 in all areas

  1. Auction starts: 16m By Zangad0 min bid: 500k Insta: 20m accpet CC and others hallows or Shinies pokes ends in 19 hours
    3 points
  2. Hello, @MrHeaven1 Since @Samartharya do not have the means to honor his bid, his offer is invalid, and as such he will be handled in accordance to our Policy. This means, the currect best offer is from @Badhacker with a bid amount of 11M. Apologies for the inconvenience. Zoruami
    3 points
  3. Point de départ : 300k Point final : 2 jours après la première enchère Insta : 2,5m Min. Relance : 50 000 Paiement(s) accepté(s) : Reroll Iv (650k) Reroll Nature (325k) Capsule Coin (350k)
    2 points
  4. Tyranitar Hallowen Form: Accept: Cash, CC, Rare Candy Coin Capsule = 350k Rare Candy = 7k Start Auction from: 10M Min Raise: 75k No Instant Duration: 48h from this post Goodluck to all !!! IGN: Rympex
    2 points
  5. Hello, Apologies for the intervention, but will clarify the situation. @Lxterminator @Eetaachee bid of 350k is valid. Since the min bid is set to be 50k, to outbid the latter it's required a bid of 400k or higher. Since the player Vatevuoktliek bidded 369k, this was an invalid bid! And as such, @Lxterminator please avoid posting invalid bids to avoid confusion. Nevertheless, 6ixty bidded 400k, therefore, the auction continues valid and correct (didn't use the invalid bid). Currently the best offer is from Poit20 with a bid of 500k! Best of luck, Zoruami
    2 points
  6. Its been 2 years since we got the mega evolution mounts. We currently Have normal/shiny charizard, Normal/Shiny Gyarados, Normal/Shiny/Xmas Houndoom only. No new additions have been added ever since and there are a ton of new mega forms. Xmas Swampert, Hallo Absol, Hallo Charizard, Hallo Gyarados, Normal/Shiny Tyranitar, Normal/Shiny Venusaur etc. When are we getting those? I've been holding back on buying those mounts because I doubted how long they would take to give them the mega form.I personally want to see more new mega evolvable mounts since there was nothing new in the coin shop ever since the summer event.
    1 point
  7. Hi everybody 72h auction from 1st offer (https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3609316/hlw-tyranitar) c.o 6m by GoldenP1kachu min bid 1m no insta (Accepted payments : iv rr 650k , coin capsule 350k , nat rr 325k , pokedollars ) wish everyone best luck
    1 point
  8. Hello, I would like to suggest a new tool to improve the trade system. Myself i never had the opportunity to make any trade in +130 hour of playing. The reason is simple, i'm a casual and don't have any idea of the actual price of whatever pokemon. Also i don't have the time to create and actively follow posts on the forum nor spend hours to buy or sell pokemon without being scammed. A cool system would be a sale hotel like many others games. Players can deposit their poke and fix a price. Buyers can filter the list choosing basic criterions : level, nature, and can order the table that will appear with others criterions (IV att, IV speed...). Preview : <poke name> <list menu with nature> <min level> <max level> <<< Table >>> poke1 (clickable link) - Price // lvl / att / def / spd / spatt / spdef / hp // IV att / def / spd / spatt / spdef // EV att / def / spd / spatt / spdef poke2 (clickable link) - Price // lvl / att / def / spd / spatt / spdef / hp // IV att / def / spd / spatt / spdef // EV att / def / spd / spatt / spdef poke3 (clickable link) - Price // lvl / att / def / spd / spatt / spdef / hp // IV att / def / spd / spatt / spdef // EV att / def / spd / spatt / spdef how to code this ? - each poke will have his own text file. - when a player deposit a pokemon and define a price, it add a line in the text file containing all necessary data related to the table above. In addition, the ID of the owner is saved to accurately send the money or return the poke if not sold. - the text file will translate into the table when a dresser view the listing for a certain poke. In fact at this step, you can choose : either implement a way to buy directly from the tool either only giving the name of the selling player so people can contact him and meet. While retrieving his poke from the deposit, the sell offer disappear. Common gamedesign related to this tool in order to shrink databases : - % fee when creating and editing a sell order - max time for a sell order - max number of sell order note : it's a bit different from the auction house listed in the "to do" list, though it may implement a auction alternative system.
    1 point
  9. .start offer : 50k each ( sneasel canceled since nobody offered ) .insta : no one .curent offer sneasel = no one atm .curent offer gible = 110k by lello96 .min raise : 10k .end of auction : 48h after the first bid accept cc = 350k
    1 point
  10. Shiny Larvesta S.o 10m Min Bid 100k No Insta Time Duration 48 Hours
    1 point
  11. can we get a change in the disconnect ranked battle prison? every game if u miss a queue or dodge a game, you get a penality for 3-5min, i feel like 10min is kinda too much for no reason, maybe fix that a bit, make it if you did it first time 3min, if you do it in same 24hours again you get 10min or even 15min, but waiting 10min for a connection lost is just too much i feel like. specially after we've draw option now and surrender, i feel like we need to update the 10min prison, ppl just can surrender or offer a draw now, no need to be so strict with the people who get dc's..
    1 point
  12. Hello, @Drake Thank you for providing the evidence required. Sadly the player Z4ngad0 doesn't have the means to honour his bid, and as such, he will be handled in accordance with our Policy. Please restart the auction, as his bid is invalid. Also, you have to follow the rules! Please check our Auction Rules and make sure to follow them strictly! Best Regards, Zoruami
    1 point
  13. Hello, @Drake Please provide evidence of the bid, otherwise, this auction is invalid. Until you post evidence of the bid, this auction is invalid. In case you don't have the evidence of the bid, please, re start the auction, and don't forget to always show any kind of evidence, if the bid is made In Game. Best Regards, Zoruami
    1 point
  14. Sry sold a long time ago
    1 point
  15. @Rympex Avoid commenting on auctions! Especially if it is to spread false information. We no longer say the final ability a pokemon will have. Every player bids on their own risk! If the seller decides not to evolve, he is in his rights to refuse evolving it. All you can do, is not bid, but avoid spreading false information and unfounded accusations! Best Regards, Zoruami
    1 point
  16. Hello, I have forced the outcome, since @Lzntko is currently Trade banned. Please confirm if everything is ok, and if not let me know. Best Regards, Zoruami
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. If I win then message in forum or discord - Jessmartinez#3013
    1 point
  19. Minimally changed but added to the client. +50 PvE Coins. Added to the client. +250 Pve Coins. Added to the client. +50 PvE Coins.
    1 point
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