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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/23 in all areas

  1. GLISCOR S.o: $300K Min Bid: 10k No Insta CC: 380k Ends 24 hrs After 1st Bid
    9 points
  2. S.O 1K MINIMUM BID 1K NO INSTA 48 HOURS AFTER START Good luck bidding
    4 points
  3. Event Form Season: Halloween/Christmas Event Form Name: Devil Plusle Graphic: Standard Form Winged Form Front Back Icon Walk (Animation) Walk (Frames) Event Form Season: Halloween/Christmas Event Form Name: Angel Minun Graphic: Standard Form Winged Form Front Back Icon Walk (Animation) Walk (Frames) Devil Plusle & Angel Minun Battle Simulation *Personally I prefer the Winged forms ^^
    4 points
  4. S.O 7M C.O 7M by Kholan min bid 300k TIME 2 DAYS AFTER STARTS rules: only money
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Welcome to my Rental Pokémon Service! Prices here, Pokémon below! Prices: 1. Story Pokémon: 10k / 24h 1 Pokémon or 18k / 24h 2 Pokémon or 24k / 24h 3 Pokémon 2. Any single Pokémon: 10k / 24h 3. Full boss team: 50k / 12h 4. PvP team: 40k / day for 1-3 days, 30k / day for 4+ days 5. Trainer Tower Gyarados Sweepers: 2-4 Gyara 10k / day each, 5-9 Gyara 8,5k / day each 6. Leveling team: 5 Chimecho: 50k 30k / 24h 7. Legendary Birds quest Fire team: 50k / 12h 8. Sinnoh starter quest boss team: 20k / 2h 9. Mega Sharpedo/Camerupt quest team: 30k / 12h 10. Mega Charizard X quest team: 20k / 12h 11. Mega Scizor quest team: 30k / 12h ( + travelling fee: 10k to other region's port city, 15k to other city) Rules: 1. I'm NOT selling my Pokémon! 2. Items cannot be lent! 3. Pokémon can be rented for a maximum of 7 days. 4. If you want a special offer for a different time limit, I will give you an offer. The minimum offer is 10k, even if you need a Pokémon for 5 minutes. 5. When the game server crashes, all Pokémon return. Contact me, and I give it back for the remaining time. 6. Limitless/ Boomburst guildmates get discount. Accepted payments: Pokedollars Rare Candy - 7k CC - 360k Story Pokémon per Region PvP Pokémon Boss teams Pokémon for Quests Gyarados Leveling Team (Trainer Tower) Chimecho Leveling Team Changelog (08.10.2023):
    1 point
  7. just a suggestion. Say i have a tyranitar following me and i want it to turn mega so I just press or interact with the mega stone so instead of the normal tyranitar, a mega tyranitar is following my steps.
    1 point
  8. Start 50 k each pokemon Min raise 50 k each pokemon 24 hours after first bid for each pokemon Accept cc 360 k Rr 500 k
    1 point
  9. Start: 1 Min bid: 1 Duration: 24 hours (after the first bid) Payment: Pokedollars Note: No cancellations, no insta Countdown: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4197225/x100-rare-candy Closed: @Voidwarrior 730k
    1 point
  10. Start : 12m Min Bid : 100k Insta : 18m End auction : 24h after first bid
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Hello @Voidwarrior@Weaponsx The outcome has been forced. @Voidwarrior 420k has been added to your account. @Weaponsx 420k has been removed from your account and you now have the Clefable. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  14. Hello @Legitly Please be more careful in future about the end point of your auction, I'm glad you took it upon yourself to correct the outcome. @Dominicjhonpogi you were not the winner, I can confirm it was @Adiiiiiit as the bid of 1.61m was the last valid bid. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  15. 300k Pancham
    1 point
  16. 150k pancham
    1 point
  17. Hawlucha 250k
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. So: 150k Co:150k by Lacomus Min bid: 10k Insta: 700k Ends 24 hours after first bid
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 200k hawlucha
    1 point
  25. start all 3
    1 point
  26. How much in Rhyhorn?
    1 point
  27. sadly all are sold mb i didnt update the post sorry mate
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Thanks for the great service
    1 point
  30. 250k chimchar
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Welcome to the game. Enjoy it.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 80,105,160,165,170,175,177,180,210,220.
    1 point
  35. Event form season: Valentines Event form season: Halloween Event form Season: Easter
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Event Form Season: Summer Event Form Name: Indian Mankey Graphic : 1 or 2 ?
    1 point
  38. Event form season: Halloween Event form name : Toy Story Baltoy/Claydol Event form season: April Fools Event form name : SSJ Shuckle Event form season: Halloween Event form name : Thanos Grimer/Muk Event form season: Summer Event form name : Assassin's Creed Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Mage Zorua/Zoroark Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Ghoul Audino (+mega) Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Spiderman Spinarak/Ariados Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Undead Skarmory Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Dracula Sewaddle/Swadloon/Leavanny Event form season: Summer Event form name: Steampunk Clauncher/Clawitzer Event form season: Easter Event form name: Breakfast Gastly/Haunter/Gengar Event form season: Christmas Event form name: Frozen Misdreavus/Mismagius
    1 point
  39. Screw your auction I'll just insta, @Gal1leo meet me ingame lmao
    1 point
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