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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/24 in all areas

  1. Auction Details: Start Price: 10m End Point: 72 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: 25m Minimum Raise: 500k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 400k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 500k) Important Reminders: This is a Cross Server auction. You may bid from any server, and I will transfer to your preferred server upon winning. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!
    4 points
  2. Hi there, Welcome to my shop! Thank you for dropping by. I’ll be updating the shop as much as I can at the end of the week so expect more mons to be added in the future. Contacts IGN : Profsmoove Discord : professorsmoove#9867 Shop Rules Fake offers will be reported Some Prices can be negotiable I have the right to refuse/decline offers if necessary This is a Silver Server Pokemon Shop so if you are on Gold server, you’re welcome to shop here but do note that you will need to transfer over to Silver server to make your purchases Once an offer has been set, it cannot be retracted Please do note that I might take a little long to conduct these sales / negotiations since I’m on android at the moment so please be mindful Payment Methods Pokedollars Coin Capsule (CCs) - 400k IV Reroll Tickets - 500k Nature Reroll Tickets - 250k Rare Candies - 6k SOLD 500k 600k SOLD 500k 300k 500k 400k 400k 350k 300k SOLD 500k
    3 points
  3. Game Testers. What are Game Testers? Game Testers are expert users who work alongside Developers, Content Scripters and Mappers and provide useful feedback as well as report any errors and bugs. We use a separate testing server where users are given a new character with access to anything that may aid in testing. Why do we need them? Our staff team is in need of Game Testers to test new and upcoming implementations to PRO. For a while now, we have been rewarding users who help us test various important updates before they're released. In order to bring better content to PRO, we are making the Game Tester an official rank in the staff team. This will streamline communication between content staff and testers to allow better and faster testing. How are they chosen? Game Testers have to go through an apprenticeship where they will be watched to see how efficiently they work as well as how well their communication and activity is. Game Testers will be given a new account that has access to various staff commands to aid their testing. Game Testers will be officially recognised as PRO Staff members once their apprenticeship is passed. Requirements & Application process. Requirements: All requirements are mandatory. You wont be considered if you do not meet the base requirements At least 500 hours of playtime. Be able to clearly communicate in English. Sinnoh champion. 18+ years old. Able to dedicate your time and deliver efficiently. What we're looking for: Strong communication. High patience levels. Reliability. Able to persistently repeat the same work. Can commit a fair amount of time to testing duties. Application form: If you are interested in the position, please fill in the application form below. Your application and results must remain confidential. We ask all applicants to keep the fact they have applied secret. Sharing your application status will result in the rejection of your application. Please be aware that all staff work is voluntary! This is not a career. Once complete, send your application form to me via a private message! (Click "Start Conversation" on my profile).
    1 point
  4. Greetings. I've been a Pokemon fan since I was kindergarten I think. Pokemon Blue was my first 2d Top down RPG, second would be Pokemon Yellow. I adore this franchise, still remember I'd stay back after school to play Pokemon trading cards with my good friends. The first Pokemon online game that I played was...Iirc, was something called Pokemon Battle Arena where you walked on static map by clicking the arrows. Whilst Battle Realms was the first trigger for me to learn and like English language, and whilst Ragnarok Online 1 and Final Fantasy 1 and FInal Fantasy 2 were the video games that first stimulate my lust for game design and development, Pokemon was the sole reason for me to start learning how to draw. I drew a comic book about talking magical animals, within 80-pages exercise book, when I was ten years old. But video games took me away from my comic drawing dreams. But! Buuuuuut! Who'd knew that the thing I exactly lost, is the thing which would exactly lead me to another passionate avenue - VIDEO GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT! My main interests are music composition and Songwriting, Game Design and Development, studying Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics-related knowledge and skills, Bible studies and sermons, working out, hiking, horticulture, cooking, drawing, guitar, and chess. So since I talked about game dev, it's only obligatory for me to speak my favourite video games. Final Fantasy franchise, Pokemon franchise, Suikoden 1 and 2, Ragnarok online 1, Wakfu mmorpg, Breath of Fire series, Arc the Lad series, Golden Sun 1 and 2, Streetfighter series, King of Fighters series, Counter Strike, Mission against Terror, Zodiac Online MMORPG(by enjoyMMO and Ingel Games),...and that's all I can think of for now. My favourite bands and musicians are Johnny Lee, Jason Mraz, Green Day, Maroon 5, Click Five, All-American Reject, My Chemical Romance, Sum 41, Bunkface, 3rd Dice, Blink 182, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Coldplay, Sheila on 7, Siti Nurhaliza, Maya Karin, Elizabeth Tan, Daiyan Trisha, NSync, Backstreet Boys, Westlife, One OK Rock, Five Seconds of Summer, Hot Chelle Rae, Olly Murs, and many more(I shall update this as I recall more) Wait - wait, I derailed my own topic.. Okay back to Pokemon. Let's talk about what I like and what I don't like. What I don't like? There's only one thing should be modified, if any. I would like to wear some combat gears and fight alongside my Pokemon. I mean, look at the buff Bruno of elite four. His sheer muscle hints that he can manhandle a huge Onix. Also. Sabrina. She has powerful psychic power. So why can't she fight me directly as my Alakazam is defeating her Alakazam. If I were to fight Gyarados head on, I'd understand the need for my Pokemons aidings. But running away or getting scared of a Magikarp? You see I'm gonna fry it up! So what do I like about Pokemon. First, the diversity of Pokemons, their traits, their types, their moves. Second. The story for each game iteration. Third. The maps. Fourth. The music. Fifth. The obligatory need for a rival. Sixth. Having to choose between three good starters. Seventh. The anime series and movies Eighth. The gym battles procceedings Ninth. Pokemon Crystal. Having to battle my way throughout Johto back to Kanto just to face Gary who is now a gym leader, and battle our previous hero, Ash in superboss battle Tenth. The goddamn trading card games Eleventh. All these Pokemon MMOs. Twelveth. To this day, in any of the iteration, I still haven't managed to catch them all. Thirteenth. Pokemon inspired me to pursue comic drawing and game design and development. That's all I can think for now/ I hope I can catch all the Pokemon. Have fun ppl, I hope and look forward to make new friends here Sincerely, Schwaltz
    1 point
  5. Hello everyone. Like the title say,while we are on the ev training area of Safari, it would be nice if there was a PC. Purpose is, when we are done with the training of a Pokemon but we still have paid time left on the area, to use that time to train something else too. We could win some time and money from leaving and entering again.
    1 point
  6. Start Offer: 300k Min Bid: 50k Insta: None. Duration: 7 days after the first bid. Accepted payments: Ø Reroll Ticket: 500k each Ø Nature Reroll: 250k each Ø Coin Capsule: 400k each Ø Pokedollars C.O. : 3m Auction Started: 18:01 GMT+3
    1 point
  7. S.o = 200k Min bid = 100k No insta End in 48hrs after first bid Also accept cc = 400k
    1 point
  8. Scizor-Jolly-Light Metal-lvl100, ev treinado, Aceito formas de pagamento: pokedollar, cápsula de moedas 400k, reroll IV 500k, reroll Nature 250k, doces raros 7k. Valor inicial 100k Insta 2m 48 HORAS APÓS A PRIMEIRA OFERTA Apelido: Gralak21 Nick OT: Goiás Scizor-Jolly-Light Metal-lvl100, trained ev, I accept payment methods: pokedollar, coin capsule 400k, IV reroll 500k, Nature reroll 250k, rare candies 7k. Initial value 100k Insta 2m 48 HOURS AFTER THE FIRST OFFER
    1 point
  9. C.O. 6.2m by Diyoso7 Min Bid 100k Ends in 24hrs from start point End Point - 10:10pm IST GMT +5.30 Accept CC(400k), IV Reroll (500k) and Pokedollars
    1 point
  10. Not Bundle~ S.o 1k each Min Bid 50k each No Insta 2 Day Auction from start Accept cc 400k, rr 500k
    1 point
  11. Hi there. I woild like to say when i played PRO first time I become fan fo this.and i just strt it playing the whole day around except time giving eating and othr works. even i played sometime pro whole day.even i didn't care my study and othr important works. I was full great fan of pro. But now I realize it should be play at a range.So I just now play in a time measurement. hope u will get so much friend. best regards sayan
    1 point
  12. Hi Codexed! Thanks for welcoming me pal. And believe me, there's a whole lots tons of RPG's I can't recall for the life of me atm haha. From the get go of this community forum here. I am pretty ecstatically sure I am going to have fun here as much as you have had Aight pal, cya around, best of lucks to you too Schwaltz
    1 point
  13. Hey there Schwaltz! Man, you got some good taste when it comes to video games. I guess that’s pretty obvious since you’re here playing PRO now . I hope you have as much fun as I have so far with this game. I hope to see you around in-game! Best of luck to you. - Codexed
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Hello there! I have looked through your account and see that you traded this Heracross to the user Battlefactory on February 25th, 2024. I hope this information helps you. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! - Codexed
    1 point
  16. @Wabbap @Notakos7 As you both mentioned, you guys have already made a post in the 2FA section, so no further action is required from either of you at this time. It is important to note that you should not create any additional forum threads regarding this matter. Most likely staff is aware of your request and will address it as soon as possible. Regarding receiving a reply, please understand that we have a limited number of staff members available, and only a handful of them are authorized to assist with email changes due to the sensitive nature of this information. The availability of these staff members varies, as they have other commitments and responsibilities outside of their volunteer work. It’s essential to recognize that all staff work is done on a volunteer basis, meaning they dedicate their free time to help maintain and support the community.
    1 point
  17. Hello @Ikurashy I have moved your thread to the proper sub-forum. In case someone from Silver server wins, you are the one responsible to transfer (unless buyer agrees to transfer instead of you). Have a great day!
    1 point
  18. I'll recommend to add time limit for disconnected person nearly 30sec-1min so that he/she has chance for reconnection and will be saved from losing points
    1 point
  19. NEED IMPROVEMENT BACKGROUND, graphic WHY A POKEMON GAME RUNNING A WINDOW XP SYSTEM/template OH Cmon why the noone notice this! I mean are u serious we playing window xp system for 3 years(first time i played is 3 years ago) THIS TEMPLATE mAKE my friend quit game at 1 minute first time he saw this outdate template at least upgrade some gif image so this game can potentially gain and inspire more players
    1 point
  20. Hey, I will answer this thread as the leader of the mapper team because I wont accept accusations in that form based on uninformed assumptions. First of all I would like to clarify that its not the devs who are working on content, instead there are different staff roles like Scripters, Artists, Mappers, Testers that are required for content projects like Astrella and any other content addition. Many resources, work and time is required from these different teams. We are not a company with a set employee count and worktime, instead we are regular people who have their own real jobs, school, studies etc., with families, children, hobbys and other interests., we are working for free and in our own free time, next to all IRL-responsibilities to provide PRO more content. Anyone out of the different content-teams could have less time for any reason at any moment or anyone could also leave the staff team completly for more important matters in their real life. That is why it is really hard or rather impossible to predict how long a project like that may take and to give updates about the project in general without either leaking more than we want to or to give the community false hope. We have to take so many different factors in mind, so in the end giving updates about the project would just make the situation worse. I understand the players frustration on this but you also have to keep in mind that Astrella was passed through so many different staff members already, many left and many joined. It is not easy at all to keep track of a project like that unfortunately, we are trying our best though. The fact that it was announced this early was obviously a mistake back then and the content-team suffers from it a lot as the playerbase was expecting it soon, leading to many comments that can de-motivate anyone working on it. The people who are currently working on Astrella are the ones you are blaming but we werent the ones to announce it or built hype around it, instead we are the ones trying to save the project and bring it to the players regardless of anything else. We were short-staffed, presented with low free-time or other unforseen events a lot over the last few years and it was and is still hard to meet the expectations of the playerbase. It is hard to release new content for events and content in general (new forms, mounts, cosmetics etc. from artists, new maps from mappers, new quests from scripters etc.) every year while still working on a big project like Astrella which requires full focus usually. As you probably noticed in the past, we skipped some event-content releases to focus more on Astrella but there was still other stuff we released, however I can assure you that the progress on Astrella didnt suffer from that, we only worked on other things if we couldnt work on Astrella for some time for different reasons (resources needed from another team first for example). Many things had to be reworked as well because it was simply outdated or wasnt correct (story- and map-wise for example). Personally speaking I am looking forward to still put my time, love and effort into this project, together with the others from the content-team. Astrella is the main focus for the coming time but please try to understand the current content-team for all the things I explained in this message.
    1 point
  21. hi, i'd like to buy your 300k ada heracross
    0 points
  22. i star this baby girl
    0 points
  23. @Fubuofu wonlet me know when u are online
    0 points
  24. Hello @Dankhill69420 , someone else is having the same issue as you, you can follow their thread here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/237168-unable-to-get-passed-terms-of-use-screen/ Basically it's your mouse not being identified. The system you are trying to play, along with the OS and some other crucial information I guess could help for them to find a solution and for possible temporary suggestions.
    0 points
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