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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/24 in all areas

  1. I used mysterious ticket to catch pokemon legend. When I got to the island, I encountered the trio cobalion, terrakion, and virizion. I caught all 3 with masterball. then I suddenly remembered that I had caught terrakion before. I want to report this error and want to resolve it by deleting one of the two terrarakions.
    4 points
  2. Hello sir. I wanna share something with you. I have experienced it 3-4 times. When we ask a person for help some does and thats good. But some players just dont help and ignore us. They move us to ignore section. This is totally rude. This shouldnt happen as this is a friendly game and action should be taken against these type of players. As we dont know who will be doing like this, I'd like to give a suggestion for a new rule that this type of behaviour can be reported. Sir i hope who is handeling this case will understand well what i'm trying to say. I hope justice will be taken soon. Thank You.
    4 points
  3. MAKE SURE TO READ CAREFULLY!! Samegaki's EV-Training service Hello! Greetings from the Lost City of Atlantis! Are you too busy to train your Pokémon's and make them battle-ready? That's where I come in! I offer a specialized service where I do the EV (Effort Value) training for your Pokémon's so you can focus on enjoying the game. My service: Bulk Training: If you have multiple Pokémon that need EV training, I offer bulk services to train them efficiently and effectively. Time-Saving: Save your time and effort by letting me handle the tedious training process. Focus on other aspects of your game while I train your Pokémon’s stats. Price for EV-Training a Pokémon Note: Payment will be traded after the service. | 25k for Guildmates from Slytherins. REQUIREMENTS: Note: I do not accept Pokémon that are hard to ev-train, such as Happiny, Chansey, Clamperl, etc., unless they have an attack move with a lot of PP that can help me train them faster. SHOP RULES EV: How should I submit the EV stats I want ? I want to send 3 or more Pokémon, what would I do ? Samegaki's Leveling Service Hello! Greetings from the Lost City of Atlantis~ Currently offering an Leveling Service for Pokémon's. Price for level Pokémon Pokémon's will be at level 95-97 at the end of service. Note: Payment will be traded after the service (preferred) or can be paid in advance. SHOP RULES LEVELING: Samegaki's Boss Lending Service Hello! Greetings from the Lost City of Atlantis~ Currently offering an Boss Lending Service for Pokémon's. Price for lending boss Pokémon setup in 24hrs is 50k Note: Servicer will send the Lender a notepad.txt on how to use it and which bosses it will be effective against. The items are not included when lending. TEAM 1 STATUS: TEAM 2 STATUS: Why Use My Service ? Quick and Easy: I handle the hard work, you reap the benefits. Trustworthy: I’m dedicated to making sure your Pokémon get the best training possible and the best service shop except story service in gold. Accepted Payment: Cash Coin Capsule (400k) If you like my service, don't forget to react or leave a comment below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for using my service!
    2 points
  4. Not going to play devil's advocate here (no idea about the expression), sometimes players just want to play the game and it's completely fine, not everyone comes to play the game to be helping newbies during their gameplay. Some spend a few minutes of their day helping and the remainder hours they just play the game, some stay for hours helping, some will ignore you when they are too tired to answer or don't know how to provide a response and as long as they are not rude towards you or don't break rules that is completely fine. You have to keep in mind many people play this game for fun, to distract themselves from work or studies and to disconnect from life a bit and they don't want to be disturbed during their gameplay. Nobody has an obligation to help you but I understand it is appreciated from a newbie's perspective. What I recommend you to try next time is to ask a different person for help on that same topic or to research forums, the wiki or pro discord for a response on your doubt. There's always going to be people who are not interested in helping, people who are but can't due to different reasons and people who will help you. Falling into the toxicity cycle when you have a single incident with a user and asking for them to be banned when they did not break any of the game's rules is excessive. Other members of the community will always be willing to help newbies out don't give up and use Help Chat and the aforementioned places for it!
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I heard you're poor and need the money so I'll start your auction
    2 points
  7. Hi there, Welcome to my shop! Thank you for dropping by. I’ll be updating the shop as much as I can so expect more mons to be added in the future. Contacts IGN : Profsmoove Discord : professorsmoove Shop Rules Fake offers will be reported Some Prices can be negotiable I have the right to refuse/decline offers if necessary This is a Silver Server Pokemon Shop so if you are on Gold server, you’re welcome to shop here but do note that you will need to transfer over to Silver server to make your purchases Once an offer has been set, it cannot be retracted Please do note that I might take a little long to conduct these sales / negotiations since I’m on android at the moment so please be mindful Payment Methods Pokedollars Coin Capsule (CCs) - 500k IV Reroll Tickets - 550k Nature Reroll Tickets - 250k Rare Candies - 6k Trained Pokémon 400k (SOLD$) 200k (SOLD$) Untrained Pokémon 400k (SOLD$) 300k (SOLD$) 150k 350k 300k (SOLD$) 250k 150k 75k 300k (SOLD$)
    1 point
    1 point
  9. Auction Details: Start Offer: 150k each End: 48 hours after starting offer is met Insta Price: N/A Minimum Raise: 50k 1 2 3 Accepted Payments: Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Ticket: 500k.
    1 point
  10. Welcome to EMINENCE About Us: "EMINENCE" means The Rising Ground or represents Superiority. Our guild is based on PvP and some PvE too, we are in the search for active PvP players who can make good ratings in Normal Ranked and be loyal with us. Our main focus is on PvP right now cuz our aim is to go on ladders. We provides as many help as we can to our members and always acts friendly towards PRO members. We are building a strong community of active players where everyone can make themself feels joy. Requirements: (i) Must be an active player in PRO. (ii) Playing for one year minimum. (iii) Playtime 500+ hrs. (iv) Can make 100+ ratings in PvP and Play 10+ Normal Ranked matches. (v) An active member on discord (optional, but somewhat necessary) Benefits: (1) We provide advices for how to earn fast and easily. (2) Can help you to do PvE and PvP by lending you pokemons. (3) Free Quest services from experts in quests. (4) PvP and PvE advices with fast response {by experts from both servers} (5) Can take in game Loans from guild members or guild helpers. Rules: (1) Must Follow PRO Rules. (2) Must Respect your Guild mates. (3) Obey you superior. (4) Any behavior which can bring down the image of our guild like begging and annoying unknown players is heavily restricted. (5) Be Friendly with everyone. Join us: If you are interested in joining EMINENCE then pm on discord veldora02 or pm on fourms. We are looking forward to know all of the new rising stars in PvP. Server Link: https://discord.gg/DwV2ZwjS
    1 point
  11. s.o = 500k min bid = 100k No insta End in 48hrs after first bid Also accept cc = 380k
    1 point
  12. Start: 800k Min raise: 50k Insta: n/a Duration: 48h after start
    1 point
  13. Starting Offer 500k Minimum Bid 100k Insta 1.5m Time 48hours after first bid is made Accept: CC 400k / RR 500k
    1 point
  14. reached my end time. thanks for the sales + enjoy the mons.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Oh im so sorry, im at gold. Hopefully its okayy for you that im not able to buy them then.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1. On Gold server cause i don't know about Silver there is usually 350 more or less players online on average, sometimes 200+, sometimes 400+ or even 500+ Bad thing is when you try to play normal pvp you sometimes encounter same players over and over again even tho there is an option to "avoid last opponent". I have thought about that and there should be added option to play 1 player 2 times or max 3 a day (24 hours, can be counted like Bug Catching Contest), cause at the end of the day it's not fair when at the end of the season someone farmed points and pvp coins on weaker players or players with weaker team than them cause some people use only 1 team. And others don't have time to play and can't do things like that. So adding this option would balance PvP more like in real time sports (for example football), when you have to play everyone not someone couple of times. 2. I'm sorry but Unaware Clefable is broken: - they have evs in def and hp making this poke bulky - only steel and poison can hit them suppereffectively - leftovers regeneration usually with protect can recover them to 100% and all players are spamming that with wish - with calm mind they can kill many pokes with Moonblast and effect is Clefable with boosted Defense and Hit Points + Special Attack and Special Defense, cause Speed and Attack on this poke doesn't matter - also Clefable has Flamethrower for Scizor or other steel types so... Problem is many players are exploiting this and in PvP they spam Wish+Protect even 10 or more turns in a row to be safe regenerating hp to 100%. Everyone can do that, even the worst players, and as a result PvP is boring and more rng than skill based. I think Unaware Clefable would be ok but not with Calm Mind come on. It's too much. I know there are banned Pokemons like Aegislash, Greninja, Blaziken, Mega Lucario - but how is Clefable with Unaware not even discussed tbh? I think Meta would be more healthy with some changes. Also full gen 7 introduced would help and i know Terrakion, Virizion, Coballion were added but no one really are using them, Cause people prefer that Unaware Clefable Pokemon. It's really disgusting.
    1 point
  19. According to ur situation, if u pm someone randomly, and he/she ignores u without answering or anything, thats upto that person what he/she does. If u see that the other party has disrespected u in any means, which now can be stated as "rude" here, u can try to make a report against that party. Another thing u mentioned that the problem u r facing that can only be solved by the other party, I dont find any such situation beside if u have given any mon for service or the other party owes u money or in-game stuff and the other party is not replying to ur pms, then u can clearly report the other party. And if the other party got an item or pokemon that u want but he is ignoring to ur pms, thats upto the other party to ignore u. As far what i can tell these r the only problems u can face which only the other concerned party can look into. I think most ppl can agree with this. At the end of it I can say that its all personal issues depending on the situation.
    1 point
  20. Thank You for Deal again!! It's really nice shop!! Fast to train service
    1 point
  21. All old players r just too proud of themselves and disrespect others as slaves so i cant say anything to them
    1 point
  22. U all arent understanding wt i'm talking about. As my situation i can explain u but not here. Aniket0293 u can msg me here and i can explain my whole situation.
    1 point
  23. Appreciate the transfer @Varun9696 and enjoy @Mvnschaalke
    1 point
  24. s.o 1m min raise 100k Instant : no insta end time- 48 hours after first bid Accept cc 400k and RR 500k SOLD IN GAME.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I would say dont PM people directly for help, ask questions in help chat/all chat or discord.
    1 point
  27. Thanks for getting back with that information. I will reach out to the Content Scripters to investigate the bug, and once it is completed, the Developers to remove the duplicate legends. Kind regards, Magicbounce
    1 point
  28. i have encountered all 3 with just one mysterious ticket. Except for the 3, there was also Lucario but I deleted it. Terrakion is only duplicate in my possession. i want release lvl 50 Terrakion
    1 point
  29. Hello @Sangtvs, Thanks for reporting this, it is a major bug. Any players that have spawned these unintended duplicates will have one of them removed following the bugfix. Just to clarify, did you encounter all three of them after using one Mysterious Ticket? Usually there is only one Pokemon that spawns. Thanks, Magicbounce
    1 point
  30. It's min raise 20k in the auction you can't raise 1k.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Can you lower the start ? To 500k ?
    1 point
  33. This is a new content suggestion that follows the story of Molly and stretches across Kanto and Johto. Description: Inspired by the Pokemon movie “Pokemon 3: The Movie”, this quest begins in Pallet Town in the Kanto region. The player will interact with “Mom” in the Player House Pallet. Mom will be watching the Breaking News on the television and appear upset. After investigation, you learn that a family (Molly [the daughter] and Spencer [the father]) close to the players’ has had unfortunate situations unfold. You will then consult with Professor Oak in his lab and inform him of the situation, where you learn that Spencer was a researcher who went missing while researching the Pokemon “Unown” and Molly is being held up in a crystalized castle. The professor mentions that he must go quickly to Greenfield (located in between Goldenrod and Azalea in the Johto region). As he goes to leave, the player's mom interjects that she will also be going with them as she was super close. The player must assist Professor Oak and his mom by saving Molly and Spencer and sorting out this mysterious situation, but not without twists along the way. Requirements: Johto Champion + 6 level 100 pokemon Steps: Interact with Mom in Player House Pallet, Pallet Town, Kanto. Queues dialogue of mom upset Interact with television in Player House Pallet. Dialogue of the news story behind Spencer's disappearance and the castle coming to life. Interact with mom again Dialogue with mom instructing the player to go see Professor Oak Go to Professor Oak’s lab and interact with him. Dialogue explaining the situation with Spencer being a researcher who was investigating the Unown and Molly being alone in the newly constructed crystallized castle. Professor Oak then states he is heading to Greenfield, in between Goldenrod City and Azalea Town, in the Johto region to investigate. Mom interjects and demands that she also goes due to her close relation with the family. The player is then told to meet Professor Oak and Mom in Greenfield. The player goes to Greenfield where they will find Professor Oak and Mom and will need to interact with Professor Oak. Dialogue explaining that entrance to the city is blocked due to the expanding crystal and to have a look. The player is teleported to the new map, Greenfield Dream World. The player will interact with Professor Oak. Dialogue will come up explaining Molly is inside the castle but he tries to convince you not to go. Dreamworld Entei will appear and initiate a battle with the player. This battle is unwinnable Upon losing, Entei will take the player’s mom and take her into the castle. The player will then head to the castle. In order to get into the castle, the player will need to have 2 Pokemon with the move vine whip, 1 Pokemon with any fire type move, a Pokemon with any water move, and a flying type Pokemon in order to break through enough crystal to sneak in. Once you break into the castle the entrance is open and can be revisited (will need to get a team for battle) The player will then proceed through the first floor of the castle. A dialogue box will appear “It feels like I am being watched” Young Molly and Entei will appear and the player will interact with Molly. Dialogue asking what you are doing there, that your mom is actually her mom, and you are lying. A story based battle with Molly will commence. Upon victory, Molly tells you that Pokemon battles are fun and she wants more. She disappears and tells you to find her on the upper floors. The player will go up stairs where they will find, in the center of the room, a large group of unown. Upon interaction they chant their name in a ritual manner. The player will go up another level of stairs where they will encounter teen Molly. Upon interaction with Teen Molly, the player will be in another battle with slightly more difficult pokemon. Difficulty here scales due to the ‘years that have passed’ as Molly’s age increased, assuming an increase in knowledge and experience as a trainer. Upon defeating Teen Molly she will begin talking to Entei and give you the opportunity to slip up the next stairs, where the player will find Mom. The player will interact with mom who will, at first, be in a trance. Once she comes to she will remember she is your mom and not Molly’s. Molly and Entei will appear. The player will interact with Entei who will refuse that Mom goes anywhere and that she is Molly’s mother. After dialogue the player will enter the final ‘boss’ battle with Entei. This time Entei is beatable, with strategy (Similar to in-game boss battle). Upon defeating Entei, Molly will yell for the fighting to stop and that she just misses her real papa and momma and that she wants to be a real trainer. The player will talk to Molly to calm her down, which will trigger the undoing of the Greenfield Dream World. The player, Professor Oak, Mom, and Molly will be teleported to Greenfield in front of her mansion. Upon interaction with Mom she will tell the player thank you for saving her and her and Professor Oak will now head back to Pallet Town. She will also mention that Molly’s father, Spencer’s disappearance is still strange. Quest Completed Rewards: Access to Greenfield (Crystallized and Regular) Greenfield regular could open up new hunting areas. Spawns would be up to who ever handles the logistics there. Greenfield Crystallized could have the Molly fights as repeatable bosses (maybe a single boss with a rotating team and multiple bosses varying with her age). This could also open up the possibility of 'crystal' forms (based on the teams that molly uses and following with the appearance of Molly's Pokemon as they are taking shape) The crystal forms could also be extended to other mons as well (looking at you, crystal Onix) Development Team Effort: In my opinion it is difficult to estimate the effort required by the various teams for implementation as this would need artists for crystal mons (if accepted), npc design / altering, mapping for crystallized and regular greenfield, possible spawn inclusion, etc. I do believe that a good portion of what would be required for this already exist within PRO and could be 'plug-in-play'. Cheers --Shishagames
    1 point
  34. 3 account complete story service done succesfully with a 200k discount Thanks for taking our service @Prohunter10
    1 point
  35. S.O: 10k Min bid: 10k Insta: 1M Payment methods: cc(400k), iv rr(530k), Nature rr(250k) AUCTION ENDS IN 45 MINUTES AFTER FIRST FIRD 15 Minutes Rule applied If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy bidding
    1 point
  36. GUILD DISBANDED, PLS VISIT THE DAMAGE INC POST https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/237053-damage-inc-home-of-the-metagods/
    1 point
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