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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/24 in all areas

  1. 17,5m but not sure if the auction is still valid since the seller is suspended
    2 points
  2. Hello there! As @Lacomus mentioned, we are short on Staff resources which can create longer wait times for things like name change requests. Regardless, I can assure you that your request has not been forgotten and will be handled as soon as possible. Until then, thank you for your continued patience. As there are no more actions to take here, I will go ahead and lock this thread, but if you have any more additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! - Codexed
    2 points
  3. Welcome to Some prices are negotiable *Please be courteous when negotiating and offer prices within reasonable range* CURRENT DISCOUNTS https://youtu.be/O0pjbzinX0g Alternate Payment Methods Coin capsule = 400k IV Reroll Ticket = 500k Nature Reroll Ticket = 250k Rare candy = 5k Master ball = 70k TRADE (WANTED) LIST: Shiny & Pink Pokémon Event Pokemon Want to sell your Pokémon in our shop? Contact me: Discord: Jadeash_ IGN: JadeAsh Thank you for shopping with the Pawke Shop!
    1 point
  4. Welcome to MAD'S shop This is CrazyMaD, welcome to Epic pokes' shop . Before wandering in the poke list make sure you go through the shop rules, payment methods and contact info. And more pokes will be available soon xD. Shop Rules - 1. Once you offer to buy a poke it can't be withdrawn. 2. Fakes offers will be reported without mercy. 3. All prices negotiable, except those tagged "Fixed". Payment methods - 1. Poke Dollars/cash 2. Coin capsules = 480k 3. Reroll = 550k 4. Nature reroll = 260k Contact info - Ign - Crazymad discord - Crazymad786 Notice - No Reservation Allowed !! PvP trained pokemons- Untrained PvP pokemons- Epic PvP pokemons - Cosmetics and items- AUCTION HOUSE - Thank you for passing by and have a good day XD And don't forget to drop a like
    1 point
  5. Hi there, Welcome to my shop! Thank you for dropping by. I’ll be updating the shop as much as I can so expect more mons to be added in the future. Contacts IGN : Profsmoove Discord : professorsmoove Shop Rules Fake offers will be reported Some Prices can be negotiable I have the right to refuse/decline offers if necessary This is a Silver Server Pokemon Shop so if you are on Gold server, you’re welcome to shop here but do note that you will need to transfer over to Silver server to make your purchases Once an offer has been set, it cannot be retracted Please do note that I might take a little long to conduct these sales / negotiations since I’m on android at the moment so please be mindful Payment Methods Pokedollars Coin Capsule (CCs) - 450k IV Reroll Tickets - 500k Nature Reroll Tickets - 250k Rare Candies - 6k 250k(SOLD$)(SOLD$)300k200k200k(SOLD$)175k275k200k(SOLD$)(SOLD$)(SOLD$)(SOLD$)(SOLD$)75k400k (SOLD$)(SOLD$)
    1 point
  6. Kaito's Shiny & Form Shop Shiny Forms Pink __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <Accept 500k 250k> <Accept 400k>
    1 point
  7. Maizer's Shop 1 pokémon = 25k Will add others later Contact : IGN : Maizer Discord : lapoutrasse A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    1 point
  8. s.o = 500k min bid = 100k No insta End in 48hrs after first bid Also accept cc = 380k
    1 point
  9. START for all (bundle!!) 1k MiN BID : 1k LEFT 24 HR after first bid START auction 5:44 pm Argentina
    1 point
  10. 800k ( Lucifer5500 < gold account )
    1 point
  11. start magic guard clefable
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. im here can dm me discord?? _Doah
    1 point
  14. yes.but u have to do quest for that
    1 point
  15. BID:151k Discord:TheBloodFire IGN:Thebloodfire Server:Silver
    1 point
  16. Continue waiting. There are many requests just like yours. If the username is acceptable, it’ll be accepted soon (just a little patience)
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I heard you're poor and need the money so I'll start your auction
    1 point
  20. I've beaten Neroli several times with this team with not even the slightest hint of a chance at failure. You're doing something wrong. I'll provide a step by step walkthrough on what I do when I fight Neroli: P.S in a couple weeks I will compile some videos to make guides for how this team is used. (Slowly recording multiple runs of every boss in the game til I find ones that show the peak of everything we need to adapt to!) There are a few things in the authors document file that are incorrect and/or missing. Mostly common sense things but apparently even the noted things aren't "common sense" to people who don't read.
    1 point
  21. Maybe a better solution is creating "two coins", keep the PVP coin like it is now and a "battle coin" that is given for each poke you defeat. Then an alternate shop with non-tradeable itens geared towards helping begginer PVP players, like TMs, Rare Candys, Tutors (looking at you Draco Meteor), Ev Berries/Boosts, maybe some synchable pokes...
    1 point
  22. Will ping u tomorrow as I am going to bed rn. 4am rn
    0 points
  23. Current bid is 1.1 mill
    0 points
  24. Start 100k Will transfer if I win
    0 points
  25. Sir, I need the story service for all regions - kanto 4 badges done @Darkmaster269
    0 points
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