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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. then to get to latias? You pick which one you want, so if you pick Latios you are guaranteed to battle Latios, if you pick Latias then you are guaranteed to battle Latias. Also, remember that you can only pick one of them, you can't have both.
  2. Pretty much everything that has gender-based form difference only has the male form at the moment. Hippopotas line, Frillish line, Unfezant......and Meowstic as well.
  3. Use a Dawn Stone on a Kirlia, you'll have your Gallade :)
  4. And shinies of things that can explode or teleport out of battle, so Shiny Geodude/Graveler/Ralts of certain level range, and Shiny Abra. And if the shiny has a move like Whirlwind or Roar, you better have a higher level Pokemon on the field, otherwise that Master Ball becomes a must. I think i saw a post that said you couldnt use on him You can use Master Ball if you defeated the Level 99 Heatran. You then gets your Master Ball back after talking to Buck, and you can come back into the cave to fight and catch Level 30 Heatran. ........The thing is, when you go for the Level 30 Heatran, you gets to use a full 6 members team. The fact that you gets to use a full team AND the Heatran is weakened, means the Heatran battle becomes a lot more easier, which in turns means there's not much point in using Master Ball, you might as well just spam Ultra Balls instead since it becomes easier to stall Heatran. They made it possible to use Master Ball, but they made it possible to do so, at a time where being able to use Master Ball is nearly meaningless. Only reason to use the Master Ball at that point is if you somehow ran out of all the other balls to catch Heatran.
  5. Yeah, I still haven't got the luck to go to the island too. Let's see if tonight will be different or not XD
  6. Yeah, they definitely changed it. 148 IV doesn't give me trade evolution item.......which is annoying since I need Up-Grade. The best prize I got from my 148 IV Pidgey was 1 Big Nugget. There's a freakin' antidote and stardust as reward choice too, while GermanSpeedster above got 145 IV yet has TMs...... I wonder if how many times you've done the daily quest matter? I've done only 3 so far. If it does matter, that would explain why I still see antidote while GermanSpeedster got TMs, since maybe GermanSpeedster has done like, 10 or more.
  7. Yeah, PC Storage reworking is, I believe, the most requested thing in this game/community, even more than a new region. I hope there will be a way to rework it soon.
  8. Excavation Site for Sinnoh is a good idea. Right now, there's absolutely no incentive to stay in Sinnoh for that 150 hours requirement for Heatran, since there's nothing to do. Catch all the new pokes? Done. Leveling? Dragon Shrine and Cerulean Cave are still better for that. What else to do then? Right now, nothing. An excavation site and places with level 60+ pokes will help us staying in Sinnoh.
  9. I didn't vote, because my answer isn't on the poll XD My answer is Yes for IV reroll, but No for the way it is being done. It should be something that's fair for both PVPers and collectors. We collectors do the same requirement as the PVPers to catch the legend, why we should do a major extra effort to fix our legend, while veteran PVPers don't really have to do anything since they have a lot of coins already by now? My suggestion is a quest with really high requirement (like the Lati quest having 344 evo requirement) for a reroll/recatch. (Also, make it just at most 2 reroll/recatch per legend, because infinite amount of it, is just stupid.) Doing a quest is a level of effort that's the same for everyone, so it's a lot more fair. Making it a quest is healthier for the metagame too, as this means everyone, even newbie PVPers, can use better legendary, not just veteran PVPers who already has lots of coins. It's fair for both newbie PVPers, and veteran PVPers. So [mention]Red[/mention], please think about it. Even if the poll has "yes" as the highest answer.
  10. I agree that PVP coins only is not fair at all to collectors who don't like PVP like us, but I don't think making PVP coins tradable is the way to go. I prefer having a quest to recatch or reroll once, instead of being able to reroll IV multiple times using PVP coins. It's healthier for the metagame too, as this means everyone, even newbie PVPers, can use better legendary, not just veteran PVPers who already has lots of coins.
  11. Thanks :Grin:
  12. I agree, there should be a way that's fair for everyone to "reset" their legend. Especially for legends that are harder to get like Latias, Heatran, Genesect, and Phione. People may say "at least you have one", but I bet even those people also wouldn't be happy when they got their own and it turns out to be just as bad. Fail legend isn't even good as a trophy, it's disappointing and disheartening to see a fail result after all the effort it took to get the legend. It's less about having one, it's more about having a satisfying one that's equal to our effort.
  13. we need more details, please :Grin: 1. What happened to our Master Ball during the quest to fight the level 99 one? Will it be taken and returned afterwards, or does it stay in our bag but simply becomes unusable in the level 99 battle? 2. After defeating Heatran, when we go back inside, can we take more than 1 Pokemon or will Buck still restrict us with 1 level 60 or lower restriction?
  14. Did you know that this Zapdos has the shiny image of Zapdos actually? https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/145.shtml It's not shiny.
  15. Explorer Kit will most likely never be in-game unless they can implement the minigame. Currently we can get Sinnoh fossils via Brock Boss, and Hoenn Excavation Sites.
  16. it's 140 minutes (2 hours 20 minutes).......I don't know how can you get a week from that? :confused:
  17. Yep Not sure if this will work or not, but try the pre-evo move tutor? You need access to the daycare though
  18. Historical Site, but I think you already knew by now XD Thanks for adding them, Thor
  19. So how exactly we can catch Heatran with Master Ball?
  20. For sinnoh, according to Red's spawn revision thread: Sendoff Spring water is now an Attack + Speed EV spot - goldeen, seaking, magikarp, gyarados, poliwhirl Iron Island 1F is now a Defense EV spot (and as a bonus, NO Sturdy stuff!) - cubone, marowak, rhyhorn, torkoal, sandshrew, sandslash Lake Acuity water is now a SpAttack + Speed EV spot (this is the only one I have tried, and I can confirm this place is a really good one.) - magikarp, wingull, poliwhirl, psyduck, golduck Route 204 water is SpDefense EV spot - tentacool, tentacruel, lotad, lombre, politoed, frillish Oreburgh Gate 1F is HP EV spot - hoothoot, noctowl, makuhita, hariyama, ducklett Anyway Lake of Rage doesn't have tall grass, or at least not anymore, so I don't know why there's still land spawn listed there. But Route 43 just before it, also has Mareep-Flaafy-Girafarig spawn.
  21. Agree with this. Having more evolutions working means we can replace the harder ones (Porygon line, Lillipup line, and Sinnoh fossils for example) with the easier ones (like Mantyke -> Mantine and Burmy -> Mothim/Wormadam), allowing us to reach 344 evo without having to get the stars on harder ones, at least for now. Burmy -> Mothim/Wormadam shouldn't even be that hard to program considering we have female Combee -> Vespiqueen working properly. Also, Karrablast & Shelmet both evolve via normal trading, instead of having to be specifically with each other, so it's not like we never have changed requirement either. Swirlix and Spritzee being the same (evolve via regular trading instead of trading while hold item) would be great, since it doesn't seem like we're getting Sachet & Whipped Dream anytime soon XD
  22. Yeah, I also agree that the requirement should be high, but 344 is a bit too high. At least make it somewhere between 300-320. Still hard, but not too hard since it isn't that close to the current maximum possible number of evolve data. There are a few Pokemon that requires a lot of luck (read: not effort+luck, but just luck) to obtain. Like for example, getting Porygon2. Porygon itself is not hard, but getting the Up-Grade? Good luck with that. You should make it easier to get Up-Grade, like put it as an item from a dig spot. Or the ones that are random reward. Looking at the most updated boss guide, apparently Lillipup is a random reward from George, but was not a third time prize.....and then there's also Karrablast, which is a random reward from BCA. And now we also have Zorua. 1/20 or 1/25 (dunno which one is correct) chance to even get the island to spawn. Things like that shouldn't be included as requirement, if your aim is to provide reward to those making actual effort. And what about Honedge? Ravine boss is removed, but iirc Honedge doesn't spawn anywhere yet, isn't it? Also, NOT making it the Maximum Hard difficulty helps balancing it with the fact that we might get a trash legend that's not even good as a trophy.......
  23. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [NEW spawns ~ 8/16/2017] ◄ <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="428148" time="1502893371" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE> Cyndaquil also spawns at night, at least now it does. And I can confirm that the repel trick still works.<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/rOGGLoY.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  24. 1/25 thanks :D
  25. so.....what's the approximate chance that we can go to the island? XD
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