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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/22 in all areas

  1. Hey, I have to admit someone had this genious idea before me: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/190258-different-color-pokeballs/ But his presentation skills werent the best so let me try to give a more detailed explaination than "Yes". There is people like me who love to torture themselfs and catch rare pokemon (forms) in a pokeball that suits their colour sheme. (and also pray for the server not to crash while doing so and holding 12 Masterballs that i should definetly use instead). Therefore pokeballs and especially rare balls have a great value for me. Most events have their own currency (Winter, Summer, Helloween for example) and it would be nice to add event themed pokeballs to the event shops. They dont need to have an exceptional catch rate (but I would appreciate them being avaible as super expensive Masterballs, pls), but rather be just normal pokeballs u can buy for 1 event token each. They would have event based colour shemes (green+red for xmas for example) or an event themed icon (like a christmas tree, or snowflakes) on them. And maybe, if the artists feels fancy, even a cool animation when u send a pokemon out that was caught in these balls. I would appreciate them. cheers Capri
    2 points
  2. Hello. I would like to introduce you my idea for Battle UI rework. I think I've met all requirements from the first post, so let's begin: First of all I've decided to move the main menu to the bottom bar. We have more space now on the right side so we can add Mega Evolution and Z-Move buttons. Each button is active only if the right item is detected on Pokemon. On the left side I've added Battle Log and Battle Info tabs. [spoiler=1 vs 1] Moving main menu to the bottom gives also advantage for more items visible when backpack is opened. It can save time during scrolling through item list. [spoiler=Items] Now, when we have hazards info on the left tab, we can change current mouse hover option. It could show stats changes and other effects active on each Pokemon, when you hover mouse on Pokemon's name. [spoiler=Stats] Let's move to the 2v2 and 3v3 battles. It would be much easier if the game could show which Pokemon is currently attacking and which opponent's Pokemon should be hit by the move. The base plate of active Pokemon could be green and after choosing right move the opponent's plate is red. [spoiler=2 vs 2] [spoiler=3 vs 3] And about Z-Moves. After choosing Z-Move button instead of regular moves list it should show all Z-Moves available for Pokemon. [spoiler=Z-Move] [spoiler=Z-Move List] Hope you like my idea :)
    2 points
  3. Hello, I've been thinking this for a while now. What do you guys think about customized Pokeballs such as Rocket, Magma, Aqua and so on Pokeballs? I thought about adding Boxes similar to the current Mystery Boxes where you could get 10-15 custom Pokeballs (of the same Pokeball). They wouldn't have a higher catch rate or something like this. If you have better ideas how to add them I all ear, nothing is set in stone yet! I am absolute not sure if that's something players actually want so please us your opinion. They could look like this or similar to it:
    1 point
  4. no longer looking
    1 point
  5. It wasn't specified when the auction started, so no, he can't accept trading it for other pokémon now.
    1 point
  6. Hello Since both parties couldn't meet, I forced the trade myself. ~Haruyukio
    1 point
  7. +1 First, I believe this suggestion sort of falls within this topic created by Eaty back in 2021: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/171340-customized-pokeballs-boxes/ Furthermore, it has been a widely discussed topic in the past, but have yet to see the lights. As for the unique suggestion brough fourth by you, seasonal pokeball skins are a great addition. I believe that something of this caliber could be a great addition to the game. But it all depends on how they are introduced and the obtainablility of them. But, with many other good suggestions, it may fall short depending on what the staff on PRO can handle and afford to put their efforts into.
    1 point
  8. Hello @Drkshdw, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. There is currently a misleading visual bug with Quick Claw. In this case, the message should not show at all because Quick Claw was not actually triggered. This problem should be fixed with the next update, which will be on January 3rd. We kindly ask for your patience for the time being. If you wish to report a different bug, please feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Going forward, this is meant to be contructive feedback. Please keep that in mind. TLDR section can be found at the bottom of this reply. To be fair, granting only those who reach 3% completion regardless of World Quest failure is just the same as neglecting all of the efforts put into it for those who spent countless hours just getting to the 0,5% milestone or barely made it but in the end and was not rewarded because it failed. I had the same opinion as you after my first WQ, which also failed. But, I have since changed my opinion, because it felt selfish of me to be thinking that way. I assume that this suggestion came to blossom after the failed Bidoof World Quest which seem to have failed on both servers alike. Let me tell you, making 3% on the Bidoof quest is significantly easier and less time consuming then getting it in any other normal tier 8 or tier 9 World Quests. Still, if you believe that they/you should be given a reward regardless, I'm not entirely against it or I wasn't in the past. But, I am against this suggestion if things like special World Quest events like the Bidoof World Quest isn't excluded from this reward. Why is that? Because effort should never be neglected and it is way too easy to get 3% on it, making it practically useless and unfair for the rest that also helped participate and got over the 0,5% milestone. And I did say it is "way too easy", but this differs for everyone. I know that getting roughly 48 068 IVs (bare minimum IVs for Gold server) isn't a easy task for the Bidoof WQ. And I'm not neglecting your efforts when I say this, but you would have an even rougher and harder time in a normal tier 8 and tier 9 World Quests, which also seems to fail more often then not. Practically rendering this suggestion pointless, as it will only benefit people in most cases on special WQs and that I am heavily against for said reasons above and below. Honestly, make it fair for everyone who participated and not neglect all the awesome people that helped bring it closer to 0. I'm not saying that a individual should not be rewarded accordingly for their efforts, but never neglect the rest of the participants for your own selfish reasons. Doing such will not amount to anything and it pains me to see this. Hmm, idk if this is meant to be a reassurance for this suggestion or you just straight up ranting about your loss. So... Here, let me enlight you with a short story about my first World Quest on PRO. It was around 1-2 years ago that I found myself intrigued with the World Quest and decided to finally try it out for the reward it yieled for the first time. However, this was unfortunately posted right before, what would later be known IMO as PRO's worst timing for a Special Outbreak. Earlier that day, the World Quest was announced, it was irrc a tier 8 or 9 Pokemon. The worst nightmare for any hunter, people were mad in chat, everyone was on edge but they still continued to push forward. People were saying that the WQ might actually be successful despite the odds. However, little did the community know that a super Rare Outbreak with irrc Star Wars sprites with a high spawning chance was about to unfold. I was at that point already on my 11th hour online still hunting for a Skitty and was barely passing 1,6% mark. There were only a few hours left and irrc about 40,000+ IVs remaining. I was at 2,4% when it ended. But I still hunted for 4 hours straight, and there were only 1 other dedicated person hunting with me on that location for the entirely of the hours remaining, and I believe the other spot were also pretty much emptied right after the special Outbreak was announced. It was sad to see how my first ever WQ failed and on top of that, I were that close to my first ever 3% on a 100,000+ IVs World Quest ... I dedicated my entire day for an event that yielded me nothing in return, that had taken 15 hours of my life and amounted to nothing, because I kept on submitting the captured Pokemon after I hit 0,5% the first time because PC storage and to be sure that I lowered the number so others would submit too. Honestly, it was a real punch to the throat. So I understand the frustration of wasting hours for nothing, and furthermore going into 2022 with no rewards for your efforts. For the record, Waleed1301 have already suggested this back in 2020 and or potentially others that I've missed on the way. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/146408-small-change-in-how-the-world-quest-works/ TLDR; Make it fair for everyone who got 0,5% or more. Do not neglect the effort of everyone participating. Perhaps give rewards to everyone who participated in some way to compensate for the loss to at least yield something back for all the effort one have put fourth. Its easier to get 3% during a special World Quest then it is in normal World Quests (tier 8 and 9), which renders this suggestion pointless.
    1 point
  11. Hello @rhev and @Itsjimbean93, Our game mechanics currently follow Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, not Let's Go. Moreover, Roost seems to be working properly. Our team just tested it. If you believe that you found a bug, please create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center with enough evidence or information to allow us to replicate it and forward it. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I could care less about the people who did not participate in this whole Bidoof wq thing. I'm just sad for the people who wasted their money and time getting the Bidoofs. However I think the main reason, (even if we don't want to say it is), we aren't mad at staff, we are mad at other players. This whole Bidoof thing was all about teamwork. If everybody pitched in, the quest would have been done in no time, but seeing as most people were discouraged from doing the quest, we got this. Accept it it wasn't staffs fault it was ours, in a way.
    1 point
  14. Hello all. Regardless of whether we agree or not, I do not wish to ignore your concerns. I want to be clear that it was not our intention to troll anyone. The World Quest was done as a form of compensation for the recent server crashes that plagued the previous World Quest. We truly did expect it to be finished, but unfortunately that was not the case. You may be thinking “how could we possibly finish that giant amount of IVs in 24 hours”. That is a completely fair question, but we have our reasons for believing it would be finished. The main reason is how common Bidoof is. Bidoof is quite possibly the most common Pokémon in Sinnoh, as such, we wanted the IV count to be very high so it would not be too easy to get a ticket. As many players have calculated, it took between 180 and 200 Bidoof to reach the required amount of IVs for a singular ticket. While that is indeed a large number, Bidoof is extremely common in early Sinnoh routes and easy to catch. Taking into consideration it’s low rarity and low catch-rate, it could range from 3-4 hours to reach 0.5%, as noted by other players. That is not very different from normal World Quests where everyone hunts until they have enough IVs and then submit them all at once, resulting in the quest ending in 6-8 hours. Participation was the biggest factor in not completing the quest. Seeing the seemingly insurmountable number of 3,500,000 IVs needed is enough to demotivate a lot of players. So from the get-go, there was a disadvantage for those wanting to complete it. Only 200 players needed to reach 0.5% to finish the quest, and many did. Not to mention the players who went above and beyond to contribute 3%, or even more. Unfortunately, this was not enough and it did not get completed. Furthermore, World Quests always have the risk of either not being completed or of any particular player not reaching the IVs needed for a ticket. I personally have reached 0.49 when the quest ended and I did not receive a ticket. But that’s just the nature of the quest. Remember that they are completely optional. Many players realized this and did not participate, further lowering the chances of competing it. We understand your frustrations because we are players too, who also participated and also did not get a ticket. Although this was a challenging one, it was certainly doable. There will be future World Quests where you can earn a ticket. Hopefully there will be more participation and it will be completed.
    1 point
  15. Hello sir, i am a user named LegendRed55 i want to ask you something, can we use 2 accounts in the same device and if we do will we get Banned?? Coz i heard in a pokemon mmo game that if we do that, we get ban !! Plz reply me
    1 point
  16. 0 points
  17. In my honest opinion, the world quest should just be reworked so that the person who contributed 0,5 or more always gets a mysterious ticket, regardless of the entire server succeeding or failing in gathering the total amount of required ivs. Work and effort should always be rewarded. It's the only logical thing for me
    0 points
  18. Blaming the devs depite the Bidoof WQs literally being free tickets encapsulates how bad and lazy this community is. First off, I hope you don't really complain about 200 pokeballs that you have to use in order to get this quest done. It's literally one boss fight worth of pokeballs, so if you complain about that you might as well complain about having to buy a bike to access bike road in Kanto to have a shortcut to Fuchsia during the story playthrough. Secondly, the Bidoof WQ was super easy. You just went farming some Croagunk (212 South) or Riolu (203) while catching all the Bidoof you encounter. Took maybe 3 hours for the 3.5m and 2 hours for the 2.5m one. If you were literally only looking for Bidoof, there is not much anyone can do to help you, sorry. The quest was as free as it can get. Thirdly, the low-tier WQs are way better looking at the consistency of time invested vs reward. Hunting an unrepellable T8 like Charmander is just based on luck, it can take 2 hours to complete or it can take 2 hours to just get a single encounter that then happens to have 40IVs total in which case, even tho the user put in the effort to participate in the WQ, RNG simply said "nope". Funnily enough, I don't hear any complaints about that happening. But damned be the world and the WQ is a repellable high tier. People literally repel-trick to get a ticket and lemme get this clear as day: the cost of repelling a single high-tier is higher than the cost of catching 180 Bidoof. The WQ failed because of the abysmal and sodden crying and bitching of the community. "Don't waste your time, WQ gonna fail anyway", "Boohoo my pokeyballz", "It's useless to hunt Bidoof, so I am not doing it.", "LOL as a compensation we have to do this [heck] and it will fail lmao". Great job, self-fulfilling prophets, sorry that Walross expected a baseline of effort and not just magically teleported a ticket into your bags. Must be really rough being you if you have to complain about that. The Bidoof extermination was a fun break from the usual monotony in the game and I enjoyed it a lot. Did both quests on 2 accounts and haven't felt my time was wasted at all. Got a kick-[butt] Croagunk in the process, so thanks for nudging me into farming one. I probably wouldn't have done it without the WQ. The only issue with the WQs were that it was such a hassle to run between the cultist and the PC a million times to sacrifice a shipment of Bidoof. There should be made some work in that department since this is pretty much the only valid complaint. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
    0 points
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