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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/22 in all areas

  1. Evocation was a new guild started in 2019 by Cydippe and Tursany. We are A funloving, dysfunctional, but easygoing family of random people. But you're probably sceptical. You're probably going, "Why would I join a guild in which the only pull-factor is the fact that the Guild Leader owns Pikachu slippers?" Well, allow me to not answer your question, and give you these commonly asked questions instead. Who do we recruit? Anyone and literally everyone. I don't care who it is, your Uncle Steve, your dog, your bottle of soda, you are absolutely welcome. Progress, interests in game, power (or lack of it irl), none of it matters in terms of joining the guild. We make the journey together worthwhile. We operate equally on both Gold and Silver servers - Yes, I said BOTH Guild benefits: 1. As all guilds, we have the Standard guild XP benefits from PRO for guild capacity 2. We have an in guild shop (on discord) which caters for both servers 3. We have our own in guild currency on the discord. This currency can be used to purchase item in the guild shop 4. We post all our guild events on Discord 5. Our guild is not solely focussed on PRO and we have a guild on various other games. This includes, but is not limited to, games on Steam, EpicGames, Multiplayers on other platforms. 6. We currently have 4 dedicated Java Minecraft servers with CurseForge Mods that you are welcome to play on How do I join? Easier than square dancing with a card board box. All you have to do is answer the below items and we get back to you. What's your Player name (IGN)? Number of hours played? What's your favourite Pokemon? What country are you from? How old are you? Which server do you play on?
    1 point
  2. Throughout my time on PRO I've seen my fair share of people asking in chat for people to message them back again because they accidentally closed the chat window. This has led to a lot of spamming in different in-game chats and sometimes they might never find each other again and then they resort to the forums in hopes of finding them. If they trade, the other party might feel like they bailed the trade and in some rare cases even perhaps false reporting it. All for a simple misunderstanding that could've been resolved by something as small as a system message displaying the name of the participant(s) when you close the chat window. Suggestion: I suggest that PRO should implement a new option for when you close a chat window. Which goes as follows: Should a System message appear in chat with the name of the participant(s) when you close a chat window. Example drafts for visual look of how it could function: In-game Chat: In-game Options Menu - General: Reasoning: I firmly believe that this small feature/option would help a lot of individuals and strangers alike that may have accidentally closed the chat window during their trade or conversation and who have to resort to spamming other in-game chat rooms to hopefully get the attention of the other party. There are also the potential that they might never find each other again. So that is why I firmly believe this small feature is what could make or break a lost conversation. And also hopefully reduce a few cases of spamming in-game or false reporting of someone bailing a trade, when in reality they accidentally closed the chat window and forgot the name of the user they traded/had a conversation with and then couldn't get in contact with them again. So to further strengthen my suggestion, here is a PROs (get it "PRO"s... sorry) and Cons list: PROs: Easier for strangers to track down previous conversation(s) in chat for a short period of time. And allow them to pm them again if they need too More visible and stands out in chat It's tailored for trading between strangers Allows the one who accidentally closed the chat window to quickly get back into the conversation May prevent spamming in chat and potentially a few rare cases of false reporting Cons: If the other user sends a message after they left, the chat window will open again Will be annoying if its not a togglable setting for the majority of veteran players Might only be used by a small portion of players This cons and pros list is way too short
    1 point
  3. hey guys, i price checked it with solid shiny collectors. they told me around 5-7m, so i thank you for your offers but i will have to pass.
    1 point
  4. Hey, You can transfer Server for free every Month once on ur Dashboard: https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ After that its 100 coins to transfer again or wait 30 days.
    1 point
  5. Hello, I have removed the offtopic comments in the thread. @Zangw next time report instead of adding a comment with your bid Regards, Polteageist
    1 point
  6. buy forrteress 320k pm if u on im at solaceon town pc
    1 point
  7. Are you some sort of Pokemon inspector? If you don't want to bid, don't be ridiculous. I'll start
    1 point
  8. Hey, I thought about this as well but when I tried to add these balls they looked insanely ugly. That's why I dropped the idea for now. I might add Rocket Balls, Magma Balls etc. in the future but guild balls are denied for now.
    1 point
  9. -1 if you actually pvped alot you would know that seeing a chansey and a blissey on the same team is just a free win for yourself because of the wasted slots they are using. And a carvanna thats just a cherry on top of the win cake
    0 points
  10. congrats, ty so much on your fight, ill reach you asap
    0 points
  11. Content Changelog January 2022 Event [Added] New Quest Area north of Evergreen Island Valley Path. [Added] Xmas Form Changer for Kyurem and Manaphy. You can retrieve the Xmas Form if you have removed it at this NPC before. [Changed] You can no longer leave the dungeon from the Reward Room before you picked up the items. [Added] New Quest on Evergreen Island Village. NPCs [Removed] Xmas Form Remover for Manaphy on Eumi Island Theme Park 1. [Removed] Xmas Form Remover for Kyurem on Eumi Island Town. [Added] Collector Joro to every Department Store and Pokecenter Evergreen Island Village who buys your event-formed (not pink) or shiny Pokemon for PvE Coins. Bosses [Added] Spore Clause: You can no longer bring a Pokemon to a boss battle that knows the move "Spore".
    0 points
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