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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/22 in all areas

  1. Changelog 18.02.2022: Fixed: Air Balloon gets consumed even when the holder died now. Fixed a Bug with High Jump Kick/Jump Kick. Newly added: Coded Aroma Veil. Coded Attract. Coded Cacophony. Coded Cheek Pouch. Coded Color Change: Coded Comatose. Coded Cute Charm (In battle effect and outside of battle effect). Coded Full Metal Body. Coded Magician. Coded Magma Armor Coded Moody. Coded Neuroforce. Coded Pickpocket. Coded Pickup (In Battle Effect). Coded Prism Armor. Coded Shadow Shield. Coded Slow Start. Coded Stall. Coded Suction Cups (In Battle Effect) . Coded Sweet Veil. Coded Triage. Coded Wonder Skin.
    3 points
  2. s.o: 7m min bid : 500k duration : 48 hours after start no insta other payment method : cc : 400k iv rr :700k nature rr :350k
    2 points
  3. Welcome, everyone! This will be an extremely quick guide on how to get a Rattata to level up quickly to 80 to travel to Hoenn. Let's begin! This is going to be a really mini guide so as to get your Rattata ready for Hoenn, to be able to fight Youngster Joey. If you want to go to Hoenn, you need to capture any Rattata (it has to be yours) and you have to train it to 80 (or ask a friend to do it). However, I'll assume you have no friends you want to train it yourself without having to pay anyone else. If you want to level up Rattata safely, I will leave you a few steps that will be very useful for you. 1.- Capture a Rattata with the ability Run Away. This isn't obligatory but it will ensure 100% success rate when you want to flee a wild pokemon battle. You can hunt one in Route 1 as in a single fight it will ALWAYS level up to level 38 or so. 2.- Visit the Bug Catching Contest in Johto and participate in it. Try to finish in the first 3 spots. You will obtain some PvE Coins. 3.- Visit the PvE Coin Exchanger in Saffron or Goldenrod City. Purchase an Air Balloon. 4.- Visit Fuchsia Gym. Purchase a TM Toxic. 5.- Travel to Mt Silver 1F, 2F or 3F. Equip Air Balloon to Rattata and teach it TM Toxic. Mt Silver 2F requires fighting some trainers but it's the easiest place to train it. Mt Silver 1F is also fine. 6.- Flee from all wild pokemon using Run Away and when you find a Quagsire which is level 52 or below, use Toxic on them. Then, keep attacking until they die. If you have Air Balloon equipped, you will be immune to Earthquake, which is their only attacking move. Free and easy experience! Before the method. After only two fights. We will repeat this process until our little Rat is at level 80 and we can fight Youngster Joey! All his Rattata are level 120. Job is done! (keep in mind I used a different Rattata for this screenshot) If you need a Video Guide on this method, please use this link. We can easily destroy him by using a low level Geodude with Sturdy and Stealth Rocks (to ensure we can use it once), and then a Machamp with No Guard can oneshot his entire team with a single Dynamicpunch per Rattata. Unleash your STAND Dynamic Punches to defeat Joey! He will be waiting there, between the two Elite Four buildings. After you defeat Joey, you can now talk to the Hoenn Traveler and travel to Hoenn! Big warning: Once you go inside, THERE'S NO GOING BACK UNTIL YOU BEAT HOENN'S ELITE FOUR. Good luck! Pack up your things , get ready, purchase anything you may need and go there! I hope you enjoyed the guide and I hope you newbies are successful in your Hoenn Adventure!
    1 point
  4. Welcome to Silvernabs Guild Shop!! This is the shop for Silvernabs. Don't expect much, because we're a bunch of nabs. Discord is the fastest and easiest way to contact us for buying or price negotiations. gio#0879 Forms of payment: Cash Coin capsules (375k) IV Rerolls (750k) Nature Rerolls (375k) Rules: 1. Be respectful. 2. No reservations. 3. No fake offers. 4. Keep in mind that this shop only for SILVER server. 5. Use format "pokemon#number" for buying. (e.g. Snorlax#1) 6. Silvernabs members got up to 15% discount, u can pm us about it. 7. Feel free to leave us any suggestions, we'll appreciate it. 8. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: HAPPY SHOPPING! TRAINED POKEMON UNTRAINED POKEMON THANKS FOR YOUR TIME, HAVE A GOOD DAY!
    1 point
  5. - Welcome to my shop - -Contact- Ingame: Zerriath Discord: Beto#3119 Forum: Pm by forum Note: The best way to contact me is on discord, with a picture of the pokemon you want to buy. -Accepted Payments- -Rules- - Trained Pokémons (Empty) - - Untrained Pokémons - - Specials (Empty) - - Shiny - - Sold - Thank you very much for visiting my shop! Safe travels!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Hello @Yerk, Sorry for the inconvenience, the issue has been checked and forwarded to our Developer. Thanks for reporting. Have a good day! SaltedCoffee
    1 point
  8. if you talking about the rule #7 its clearly saying anything outside or forum in game or discord. so someone bid over a discord chat for something pro related like this auction its 100% legal. from the other side im pretty sure minimoding on forum is something that is prohibited. but thank you for your interesting. i will update the c.o of cloyster and oddish
    1 point
  9. 1m5 for cloyser and 1m for soowodoo ingame: rumbleking discord: rumbleking#8259
    1 point
  10. HI, @Sir I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Can you following these procedures and see if togepi evolved? 1. Kill togepi in a wild pokemon battle 2. Logout and close the game client completely 3. Relog into the game and heal your togepi in PC 4. Make your happiness max If the following procedures won't work, can you try using one mysterious candy on your max happiness togepi? Note that you can buy them from department store in every region for 5k, 2 PvE coins or 2 PvP coins from each respective coin shop. I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  11. yes, sorry, i didnt see that, 7.05 my offer so
    1 point
  12. Hi, I'm CitizenPete. This post is for dex service for pokemon that has no evolution at all. In game, trades will be done from my alt : citizenjoe It's a dex service, and it should be done this way : 1- If you are interested, contact me by pm on discord please : citizenpete#6390 Please introduce yourself by saying your name in game, the list of the pokemon you need and confirm that it's for the dex service. 2- In discord, we will decide when and where to meet in game. 3- I trade you the poke you need in exchange for money 4- You instantly trade me back the pokemon If you don't give me back the pokemon, you will be reported directly. Conditions : you must have beaten the Sinnoh League. Price : 5k per poke (only money is accepted). No negociation. ******************** List of pokemon available : 083 Farfetch'd / 115 Kangaskhan / 127 Pinsir / 128 Tauros / 131 Lapras / 142 Aerodactyl / 201 Unown / 203 Girafarig 206 Dunsparce / 211 Qwilfish / 213 Shuckle / 214 Heracross / 222 Corsola / 225 Delibird / 227 Skarmory / 234 Stantler 235 Smeargle / 241 Miltank / 302 Sableye / 303 Mawile / 311 Plusle / 312 Minun / 313 Volbeat / 314 Illumise / 324 Torkoal 327 Spinda / 335 Zangoose / 336 Seviper / 337 Lunatone / 338 Solrock / 351 Castform / 352 Keckleon / 357 Tropius / 359 Absol 369 Relicanth / 370 Luvdisc / 417 Pachirisu / 441 Chatot / 442 Spiritomb / 455 Carnivine / 479 Rotom / 531 Audino / 538 Throh 539 Sawk / 550 Basculin / 556 Maractus / 561 Sigilyph / 587 Emolga / 594 Alomomola / 615 Cryogonal / 618 Stunfisk / 621 Druddigon 626 Bouffalant / 631 Heatmor / 632 Durant / 676 Furfrou / 701 Hawlucha / 702 Dedenne / 775 Komala / 603 Carbink / 707 Klefki 819 Skwovet / 831 Wooloo / 870 Falinks Ditto is not the list because every one must get one for the bike! ********************
    1 point
  13. Greetings everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating! REWARDS : • Normally, 1st Place will receive 600 PvP coins, 2nd place 595, and so on. • Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! • Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards! • Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS : Silver Guild Rankings Gold Guild Rankings Disclaimers : Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Senrosia/Qeight via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that. If the results are slightly incorrect, the correct users would have still been rewarded. This is due to the server automatically rewarding the top 25. Special thanks again to everyone that participated this season and those who bring a healthy competitive environment!
    1 point
  14. Hello everyone I decided to void all the auctions running in that thread as for sure there is some chaos in the middle which is a normal thing ,here is some examples : Also, discord bids are prohibited,I know its a legit auction but offers needs to be made either here on forums or ingame, to be able to verify the bidders. @GeoMine You can open a new thread but please make try making it a few at a time to avoid such chaos. ~Haruyukio
    0 points
  15. 0 points
  16. ^hey just a heads up if that ones on discord it breaks rule #7 also i will bid the min amount on s cloysyer s oddish (modest)
    0 points
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