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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/22 in all areas

  1. Map name: Dark Edge "The stench of death is all that remains. Legends spoke of a witch that used to live in the shack at the edge of the Dark Forest. Not one of those old days went by without the screams of agony reverberating around these trees. Even in our present day it seems the curses haven't subsided. The caretaker's house, or what remains of it, is standing proof. Poor guy had to take this job to feed his 4 children and send them away from this cursed land. Only his and his wife's remains were buried here. A general suggestion would have said they died from the well's poisoned waters that went bad ages ago. But no one would believe me if I told them it was the lingering spirits' wrath and agony. I have been camping this site for a few weeks now. If a spirit doesn't kill me in my sleep it will be cutting down those dreadful trees. My hands are getting worse by the day. Those trees make me feel weird.. like they suck the soul out of you. I could swear I saw something red shining between those vines last night. It feels like eyes that are dead set on me. I am being watched."
    4 points
  2. Auction won by winner is Jinkslit for 75m thanks Bidding
    2 points
  3. S.o : 200k Minimum Bid : 50k 48hours Auction after first offer I accept only cash No insta
    2 points
  4. Auction s.o. 750k, min.bid 100k, ends in 24h - offer me pm or forum
    2 points
  5. S.o 12,5m Min bid: 200k No insta Duration: 72 hours after first bid Payment: Cash only Good luck!
    2 points
  6. Price : 15M (negotiable) Accept trade for Other Shiny , GodlyPvP Discord : Subhammaster#8527 Accept : cc-350k , iv rr-650k
    2 points
  7. S.o 7m Min bid 100k Insta 12m End 3day after start Accepted Payment : Pd, CC 370k, Iv rr 660k
    2 points
  8. Hey! Trouble getting evolutions? Or filling your Dex? This is your one stop solution! Here in this guide I am about to list down all the possible evolutions obtainable in Game. [spoiler=Region : Kanto] [spoiler=Region : Kanto] [spoiler=Evolution By Level Up] Bulbasaur -(lvl 16)->Ivysaur-(lvl 32)->Venusaur Charmander-(lvl 16)->Charmeleon-(lvl 36)->Charizard Squirtle-(lvl 16)->Wartortle-(lvl 36)->Blastoise Caterpie-(lv l7)->Metapod-(lvl 10)->Butterfree Weedle-(lv l7)->Kakuna-(lvl 10)->Beedrill Pidgey-(lvl 18)->Pidgeotto-(lvl 36)->Pidgeot Rattata-(lvl 20)->Raticate Spearow-(lvl 20)->Fearow Ekans-(lvl 22)->Arbok Sandshrew-(lvl 22)->Sandslash Nidoran F-(lvl 16)->Nidorina Nidoran M-(lvl 16)->Nidorino Zubat-(lvl 22)->Golbat Oddish-(lvl 21)->Gloom Paras-(lvl 24)->Parasect Venonat-(lvl 31)->Venomoth Diglett-(lvl 26)->Dugtrio Meowth-(lvl 28)->Persian Psyduck-(lvl 33)->Golduck Mankey-(lvl 28)->Primeape Poliwag-(lvl 25)->Poliwhirl Abra-(lvl 16)->Kadabra Machop-(lvl 28)->Machoke Bellsprout-(lvl 21)->Weepinbell Tentacool-(lvl 30)->Tentacrule Geodude-(lvl 25)->Graveler Ponyta-(lvl 40)->Rapidash Slowpoke-(lvl 37)->Slowbro Magnemite-(lvl 30)->Magnezone Doduo-(lvl 31)->Dodrio Seel-(lvl 34)->Dewgong Grimer-(lvl 38)->Muk Gatly-(lvl 25)->Haunter Drowzee-(lvl 26)->Hypno Krabby-(lvl 28)->Kingler Voltorb-(lvl 30)->Electrode Cubone-(lvl 28)->Marowak Koffing-(lvl 35)->Weezing Rhyhorn-(lvl 42)->Rhydon Horsea-(lvl 32)->Seadra Goldeen-(lvl 33)->Seaking Magikarp-(lvl 20)->Gyarados Omanyte-(lvl 40)->Omastar Kabuto-(lvl 40)->Kabtops Dratini-(lvl 30)->Dragonair-(lvl 55)->Dragonite [spoiler=Evolution By Evolution Stones] Pikachu-(Thunder Stone)->Raichu Nidorina-(Moon stone)->Nidoqueen Nidorino-(Moon Stone)->Nidoking Clefairy-(Moon stone)->Clefable Vulpix-(Thunder Stone)->Ninetails Jigglypuff-(Moon stone)->Wigglytuff Gloom->(Leaf stone)->Vileplume Growlithe-(Fire stone)->Arcanine Poliwhirl-(Water Stone)->Poliwarth Weepinbell-(Leaf Stone)->Victreebel Shellder-(Water Stone)->Cloyster Exeggcute-(Leaf Stone)->Exeggcutor Staryu-(Water Stone)->Starmie Eevee-(Water Stone)->Vaporeon Eevee-(Thunder Stone)->Jolteon Eevee-(Fire Stone)->Flareon [spoiler=Evolution By Trade] Kadabra-(Trade)->Alakazam Machoke-(Trade)->Machamp Graveler-(Trade)->Golem Haunter-(Trade)->Gengar [spoiler=Region : Johto] [spoiler=Evolution By Level Up] Chiorita-(lvl 16)->Bayleaf-(lvl 32)->Magenium Cyndaquil-(lvl 14)->Quilava-(lvl 36)->Typhlosion Totodile-(lvl 18)->Croconaw-(lvl 30)->Feraligatr Sentret-(lvl 15)->Furret Hoothoot(lvl 20)->Noctowl Ledyba-(lvl 18)->Ledian Spinarak-(lvl 22)->Ariados Chincou-(lvl 27)->Lanturn Natu-(lvl 25)->Xatu Mareep-(lvl 15)->Flaffy-(lvl 30)->Ampharos Marill-(lvl 18)->Azumarill Hoppip-(lvl 18)->Skiploom-(lvl 27)->Jumpluff Wooper-(lvl 20)->Quagshire Pineco-(lvl 31)->Forretress Snubull-(lvl 23)-.Granbull Teaddiursa-(lvl 30)->Ursaring Slugma-(lvl 38)->Magcargo Swinub-(lvl 33)->Piloswine Remoraid-(lvl 25)->Octillary Houndour-(lvl 24)->Houndoom Phanphy-(lvl 25)->Donphan Smoochum-(lvl 30)->Jynx Elekid-(lvl 30)->Electabuzz Magby-(lvl 30)->Magmar Larvitar-(lvl 30)->Pupitar-(lvl 55)->Tyranitar [spoiler=Evolution By Stone ] Gloom-(Sun Stone)->Bellosome Sunkern-(Sun Stone)->Sunflora [spoiler=Evolution By Trade] Poliwhirl-(Trade+King's rock)-Politoed Slowpoke-(Trade+King's rock)->Slowking Onix-(Trade+Metal Coat)->Steelix Scyther-(Trade+Metal Coat)->Scizor Seadra-(Trade+Dragon Scale)->Kingdra Porygon-(Trade+upgrade)->Porygon2 [spoiler=Evolution By Happiness] Golbat-(Max Happiness)->Crobat Pichu-(Max Happiness)->Pikachu Cleffa-(Max Happiness)->Clefairy Igglybuff-(Max Happiness)->Jigglybuff Togepi-(Max Happiness)->Togetic Eevee-(Max Happiness @ DayTime + lvl Up)->Espeon Eevee-(Max Happiness @ NightTime + lvl Up)->Umbreon Chansey-(Max Happiness)->Blissey [spoiler=Evotlution By Other Methods] Tyrogue-(lvl 20 , if Atk>Def)->Hitmonlee Tyrogue-(lvl 20 , if Atk<Def)->Hitmonchan Tyrogue-(lvl 20 , if Atk=Def)->Hitmontop [spoiler=Region : Hoenn] [spoiler=Evolution By Level Up] Treeko-(lvl 16)->Grovyle-(lvl 36)->Sceptile Torchic-(lvl 16)->Combusken-(lvl 36)->Blaziken Mudkip-(lvl 16)->Marshtomp-(lvl 36)->Swampert Poocheyena-(lvl 18)->Mightyena Zigzagoon-(lvl 18)->Linoone Wurmple-(lvl 7)->Silcoon-(lvl 10)->Beautifly Wurmple-(lvl 7)->Cascoon-(lvl 10)->Dustox Lotad-(lvl 14)->Lombre Seedot-(lvl 14)->Nuzleaf Taillow-(lvl 22)->Swellow Wingull-(lvl 25)->Pelipper Ralts-(lvl 20)->Kirlia-(lvl 30)->Gardevoir Surskit-(lvl 20)-Masquerain Shroomish-(lvl 23)->Breloom Slakoth-(lvl 18)->Vigoroth-(lvl 36)->Slaking Nincada-(lvl 20)->Ninjask Whismur-(lvl 22)->Louderd-(lvl 40)->Exploud Makuhita-(lvl 24)->Hariyama Aron-(lvl 32)->Larion-(lvl 42)->Aggron Meditite-(lvl 37)->Medicham Electrike-(lvl 26)->Manetric Gulpin-(lvl 26)->Swalot Carvanha-(lvl 30)->Sharpedo Wailmer-(lvl 40)->Wailord Numel-(lvl 33)->Camelrupt Spoink-(lvl 32)->Grumpig Trapinch-(lvl 35)->Vibrava-(lvl 45)->Flygon Cacnea-(lvl 32)->Cacturne Swablu-(lvl 35)->Altaria Barbroach-(lvl 30)->Wishcash Corphish-(lvl 30)->Crawdaunt Baltoy-(lvl 36)->Claydol Lileep-(lvl 40)->Cradily Anorith-(lvl 40)->Armaldo Shuppet-(lvl 37)->Banette Duskull-(lvl 37)->Dusclops Snorunt -(lvl 42)->Glalie Spheal-(lvl 32)->Sealeo-(lvl 42)->Walrein Bagon-(lvl 30)->Shelgon-(lvl 50)->Salamance Beldum-(lvl 20)->Metang-(lvl 45)->Metagross [spoiler=Evolution By Stone] Lombre-(Water stone)->Ludicolo Nuzleaf-(Leaf stone)->Shiftry [spoiler=Evolution By Trade] Feebas-(Trade+Prism scale)->Milotic Clamperl-(Deeps sea tooth)->Huntail Clamperl-(Deeps sea scale)->Gorebyss [spoiler=Evolution By Happiness] Azuill-(Max Happiness + levelup)->Marill Wynaut-(Max Happiness)->Wobbuffet [spoiler=Evolution By Other Methods ] Nincada-(Have an extra pokeball in bad and a free slot in part + evolve a nincada @ lvl 20)->Shedinja [spoiler=Region : Sinnoh] [spoiler=Evolution By Level Up] Turtwig-(lvl 18)->Grotle-(lvl 32)->Torterra Chimchar-(lvl 14)->Monferno-(lvl 36)->Infernape Piplup-(lvl 16)->Prinplup-(lvl 36)->Empoleon Starly-(lvl 14)->Starvia-(lvl 34)->Staraptor Bidoof-(lvl 15)->Bibarel Kricketot-(lvl 10)->Kricktune Shinix-(lvl 15)->Luxio-(lvl 30)->Luxray Cranidos-(lvl 30)->Rampardos Shieldon-(lvl 30)->Bastiodon Burmy-(if male, lvl 20)->Mothim Burmy-(if female, lvl 20)->Wormadam Combee-(if female, lvl 21)->Vespiquen Buizel-(lvl 26)->Floatzel Cherubi-(lvl 25)->Cherrim Shellos-(lvl 30)->Gastrodon Drifloon-(lvl 28)->Driflim Stunky-(lvl 34)->Stuntank Bronzer-(lvl 33)->Bronzong Gible-(lvl 24)->Gabite-(lvl 48)->Garchomp Hippopotas-(lvl 34)->Hippowdon Skorupi-(lvl 40)->Drapion Crogunk-(lvl 37)->Toxicroak Finneon-(lvl 31)->Lumineon Snover-(lvl 40)->Abomasnow [spoiler=Evolution By Stone/Item ] Roselia-(Shiny stone)->Roserade Misdreavus-(Dusk Stone)->Mismagius Murkrow-(Dusk stone)-Honchkrow Glameow-(Moon stone)->Purugly Happiny-(level up at day while hoding Oval stone)->Chansey Sneasel-(Level up at night while holding Razor Claw)->Weavile Togetic-(Shiny stone)->Togekiss Gligar-(Level up at night while holding Razor Claw)->Gliscor Kirlia-(if male. Dawn stone)->Gallade Snorunt-(if female, Dawn stone)->Froslass [spoiler=Evolution By Trade] Rhydon-(Trade while holding Protector)->Rhyperior Electabuzz-(Trade while holding Electrizer)->Electivire Magmar-(Trade while holding Magmarizer)->Magmortar Porygon2-(Trade while holding Dubious disc)->PorygonZ Dusclops-(Trade while hlding Reaper cloth)->Dusknoir [spoiler=Evolution By Happiness] Budew-(Max Happiness)->Roselia Buneary-(Max Happiness)->Lopunny Chingling-(Max Happiness)->Chimecho Munchlax-(Max Happiness + level up)->Snorlax Riolu-(Max happiness + levl up in day)->Lucario [spoiler=Evolution By Other Methods] Aipom-(level up while knowning move "Double Hit")->Ambipom Bonsly-(level up while knowning move "Mimic")->Sudowoodo Mime Jr.-(level up while knowning move "Mimic")->Mr Mime Mantyke-(Level up while having remoraid in party)->Mantine Magneton-(level up at Power Plant(Kanto) , New Mauvile(Hoenn))->Magnezone Lickitung-(level up while knowing move "Rollout")->Lickilicky Tangela-(level up while knowing move "Ancient power")->Tangrowth Yanma-(level up while knowing move "Ancient power")->Yanmega Eevee-(Exp gain in Eterna Forest)->Leafeon Eevee-(Exp gain in Route 217)->Glaceon Piloswine-(level up while knowing move "Ancient power")->Mamoswine Nosepass-(level up at Power Plant(Kanto) , New Mauvile(Hoenn))->Probopass Thanks to @rubyboy002 for the art Thanks to @Kimap for giving me the idea of making this guide Special thanks to @XanthinaRose for helping me through ideas and points I am working on completion of this guide , stay tuned for more regions. :RowletHeart:
    1 point
  9. Start 3m Minimum bid 100k No insta 24 hours after the first bid Accept cc 360k/reroll ticket 650k Gl all
    1 point
    1 point
  11. Hey everyone, Im selling this epic halloween Gengar 31 spd & spatk, start offer is 6m, min bid 500k, insta 15m 48 hour auction, starts from the first bid Current server is Silver but i can transfer to Gold server np Accepted payment; cc=350k, iv rr = 660k GL Bidding!
    1 point
  12. 100k is the min raise ye
    1 point
  13. Start Offer >500k Min Bid >50k Insta >1m5 Accepted Payments Coin Capsule (360k)-Iv Reroll Ticket(670k) 24 Hours Auction from first bid
    1 point
  14. c.o 200k by Matea07. 50kmin bid. Ends on the 11/10/2022 at 20h15 CET. Good luck !
    1 point
  15. Hello @Bhyslayer, Please update Zephyrante's bid with a screenshot of the bid. If you lost the screenshot, please contact Zephyrante to re-confirm the bid as soon as possible. Referring to Auction Rules : Just so it is clear to you and everyone else, the auction was stated to "End in 72 Hours", this means that auction timer started counting down at the time this thread was created. Referring again to Auction Rules: Good luck with the auction. Kind regards, Irushia
    1 point
  16. start : 1m min bid : 100k insta : n/a end time : 24hrs after start accept : cc-350k, iv rr 650k
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Why should it be dissallowed?
    1 point
  23. Hello @Dutchblazey The c.o is 50m by Prehax. If you wish to update your bid, please do so. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  24. You have won are you silver or gold server?
    1 point
  25. Hello @Srkenny, While fighting Alucard, you need a Pokémon with the move Miracle Eye who will help you to reveal Alucard as Darkrai and to continue the quest. To know which Pokemon can learn Miracle Eye, you can view this wiki page and be sure to defeat Umbra in Dark Realm in order to do Gengarite Quest. Hope it will help you. If you still have any more questions, feel free to ask them here. Kind regards, Yverneas.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Sneasel 1M Gabite 800k
    1 point
  28. Content Changelog October 2022 Event [Added] Halloween Event athat can be accessed from every port city. [Added] Beast Ball Seller in Pokecenter Murky Town Items [Added] Beast Balls that can be bought in every shop (after receiving the 3rd upgrade) for $1,500. [Added] Untradable Reroll Ticket. Services that require RTs will now consume untradable RTs first before they consume the regular RTs. Bosses [Changed] increased the drop rate of a Twin Dragon Orb for Lance and Medusa/Eldir. NPCs [Changed] Psychic Mario in Crater Town House 9 will now hand out an untradable RT for 4 Reroll Shards instead of offering the Reroll Service itself. Tutors [Added] Event Tutor - Eruption in Sweetsland Pokemart who teaches your Heatran the move Eruption for $15,000. [Added] Event Tutor - Celebrate in Serenia Village House 2 who teaches Celebrate to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000. [Added] Event Tutor - Happy Hour in Necropolis Museum who teaches Happy Hour to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000. [Added] Event Tutor - Belly Drum in Pokecenter Murky Town who teaches Belly Drum to Pokemon who can learn it as special move for $15,000.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Hello @Drojal. My apologies for the late response. It is disallowed to use more than one Pokémon of the same Dex ID. So no, you cannot use 5 Gengar to beat Nikola. However, since the pre-evolutions have a different ID, so you can use them. I hope this clears up your doubts. If not, or if you have further questions, please let me know.
    1 point
  31. Type of Request: Restore Username: q25 Server: Gold Pokemon: Gastly ID: 59757746 Reason: accidentaly released
    0 points
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