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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/23 in all areas

  1. can you stop filling the whole topic with your auctions pls ? there are rules that forbids you, ty
    2 points
  2. Hello, I have forced this trade due to y'all not being able to meet up in-game. @Duanng7 You will find 1.4m deducted from your account with the Yanma in the last spot of your PC. @Xenox56 You will find 1.4m added to your account and the Yanma removed from your PC. Best Regards, MBK
    2 points
  3. Welcome, Vesper Shop Here ! Hi, welcome to my shop!, iam selling some quest service like Megas, Subway, and Legendaries. All service available on silver, some service is available on gold! Contact for info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dungeon - ~~~~~ ARCHE DUNGEON SERVICE ~~~~~ Available on both server ~Arche quest 200k Requirement to Unlock Hoopa dungeon ~Hoopa Dungeon 750k Single run, 1 ring of desires, 1 hoopa normal, 1 shard ~Hoopa Unbound Run (6 ring needed for prison bottle) 1Ring - 500k 2 Ring - 900k 3 Ring - 1m3 4 Ring - 1m7 5 Ring - 2m ~Hoopa + 6 Ring Unbound form 2m5 ~~~~~PINKAN DUNGEON SERVICE~~~~~ Available on silver server only Meloetta - Complete dungeon run 1.2m Pinkan part 2 service - 200k Carry thru dungeon service 1.5m (No Share Acc) *Notes ~~~~~CRATER DUNGEON SERVICE~~~~~ Available on both server ~ Victini Dungeon 1.5m ~ VIctini Dungeon Carry (No share acc) 2m ~ Baby Lugia Item (Time Flute) 1.2m ~ Victini + Time Flute 1.8m CRATER DUNGEON Requirement ~ Crater quest 200k ~ Unova dex 5k each ~ Zekrom 500k ~ Kyurem 300k *Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Megas!- ~ Mega Bracelet - 250k ~100k Each~ Abomasnow ~200k Each~ Tyranitarite - Slowbronite - Scizorite ~300k Each~ Alakazite - Metagrossite - Manectite ~400k Each~ Mawilite - Sablenite - Latis Twin - Cameruptite Sharpedonite Swampertite - Sceptilite - Blazikenite - Absolite - Glalitite - Gyaradosite Garchompite - Altarianite - Medichamite - Lopunnite - Pidgeotite ~500k Each~ Charizard Y - Charizard X- Venusaurite - Blastoisite - Gardevoirite/Galladite Event Limited Mega (Only available at special event) Gengarite - Khangaskhanite - Salamancite - Lucarionite *Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Z Crystal!- ~ 150k ~ Mew Crystal Mew ~ 300k ~ Kanto Crystal Pika, Pikash, Snorlax, Eeevee ~ 400k ~ Alolan Crystal Kommo-o, Alolan Raichu, Lyncarock, Mimikyu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Legendaries!- Price depend on difficulties ~200k each~ Celebi, Mew ~300k each~ Kyurem, Manaphy, Jirachi ~400k each~ Keldeo, Diancie,Volcanion, Creselia 1st Legendary Titan, all 3 Force of Nature, Lake Guardians, Genesect, Heatran, Trio Justice ~ 500k ~ Zekrom, Legendary Bird (1st Bird) Event Limited Legendaries (Only Available at Special Event) Shaymin, Babyxd, Reshiram Light Stone, Darkrai *Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Additional Quest- Subway Kanto - Johto 300k (including ditto quest, bike quest, fly quest) Teleporter Hoenn - Sinnoh 300k Z Ring - 300k Mega Bracelet 250k Crater Quest 200k Pinkan Part 2 Quest 200k Arche Quest 200k Accepted payment *Pokedollars *CC 450k * IV rr 500k * Nature rr 250k For Information or else, you can contact me in ~ This thread, ~ Forum massage, ~ In game (ign Lyn1311), (N0che) ~ Discord Lyn1311 (Lyn1311#6556) For account information, only in discord, in game or forum private massage My Trainer Card and Collection :3
    1 point
  4. The economic in Pokemon slowly goes down. Many decent PvP Pokemon getting lower and lower cost because the market is full of them and the reason is because everyone who collect epic Pokemon for PvP or just for fun search for better. So this couse out date and make them hard for selling or even useless at some point. My suggestion is to be created NPC that can be called farmer Jack. His pourpusss will be to collect those Pokemons who are out of date in his farm and use them in his Pokemon reserve. In exchange for them he will be able to give you rare Candy's or other usable items which we usually buy. That will allow many players to clean thier PC, and maybe will help also to the new players to recover some cash or at least take back something if they get scammed from bought bad Pokemon. This idea is just a scratch for start and will like to hear more options not only from the players,but also from some moderator's
    1 point
  5. Hey, I have created this guide to help players that may need help completing the Sinnoh region! I will cover the Sinnoh Region from start to finish in this guide and also include how to go to Sinnoh! I hope that you find this guide helpful! If you need help with the previous regions, check out these guides: JollyOlNathan's Kanto Guide Sugarred9's Johto Guide ArielGG's Hoenn Guide That being said, let's begin our adventure! That was it! Congrats on becoming the Sinnoh champion and I hope this walkthrough has guided you well through it.
    1 point
  6. Content Warning: Rated Mature for Violence, Gore and Language, May contain mention of abuse Said pages with such content will not be displayed on this forum. Gameplay Completed Comic: Ongoing Rules - If a Pokémon Faints it must be placed in the last box and cannot be withdrawn. - You only have one chance per trainer battle to capture the Shadow Pokémon. If it faints, you cannot try to capture it again from the same Trainer. - All Pokémon must be nicknamed after purification, Umbreon, Espeon and Plusle must be nicknamed as soon as the Name Rater can be reached. Other Places to Read Deviantart Comic Fury Tumblr Prologue Chapter 1
    1 point
  7. Hey everyone, my suggestion regarding the ingame links to forum auctions would be to add an additional confirmation window before you are directed to the forums. For me personally it happens a lot that I unintentionally click on forum links in the trade chat which can be a bit annoying and sometimes leads to a crash. This particularly happens when I play on my phone since clicks are less precise there. the suggested confirmation window could look like this: Furthermore it would be nice if there would be a possibility to decrease the size of forum links. This would avoid unintentionally clicking on them and would lessen the spam in trade chat. I don't know if that is technically possible. For example: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/4-suggestions/ -> forums or link I would be interested in what you guys think about it! Let me know! Sincerely, Saruron
    1 point
  8. auction rotom timid 25+ s.o. 500k min bid 50k no insta time limit- 24h from start cc 350k gl to all
    1 point
  9. c.o: 16.1m by @Norex min bid: 100k iv rr:600k cc:380k no insta 48h after first bid Discord: yuiichi#3299 END IN 23:46 (BRT) day 03/10/23
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Seadra 75k I don't really understand when does the auction end. EDIT. Forget it, I just saw the time, lol, sorry.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. s.o 1k min offer 25k insta 1m accepted payment: cc 350 nat rr 300k iv rr 600k Auction ends 11:22pm gmt-5 March 10th
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Hello @Outlaw609, Thanks for making a report. As you have noted, since Generation 7, Dark types are immune to moves affected by Prankster. Keep in mind this only applies to moves that target the Dark type. Destiny Bond is not a move that targets a Pokemon, so in this scenario Destiny Bond will not fail and the interaction is correct. Once again thanks for reaching out, and don't hesitate to make another report in the future. Regards, MagicBounce
    1 point
  21. @Megadialga Be wary that withdrawing bids is prohibited. Since it had no impact in this auction, will let it slide. Repeated in the future may warrant punishment in-game. Please be more careful moving forward. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
    1 point
  22. Damn I slept too hard and lost LMFAO. Gz to the winner
    1 point
  23. Silver Shop - SHOP RULES - Any fake offer will be reported. Be careful ! You can't cancel your offer. Buyers from the Silver server are welcome but they must transfer themselves to the Gold server. No auctions here, only insta prices. Items displayed are not included. - ACCEPTED CURRENCIES - Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 550k Nature Reroll - 275k Coin Capsule - 400k Master Ball - 60k - Contact - IG : Fafouney Discord : fafouney GMT : +2 Little tip : CTRL+F to browse effectively, each Pokémon name is next to its price. My Items Shop My Event Pokemon Shop (empty) My Full Dex Lending Service <100K (empty) 101K - 999K (empty) ≥1M (empty) Sold (not available anymore !) Ty for exploring my shop, come ag... BRB
    1 point
  24. Number of total trades Times healed in a Pokecenter Use of Subway or teleporter Steps taken with only mounts and/or water mounts Total number of items bought from Pokemarts
    1 point
  25. 0 points
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