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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/23 in all areas

  1. We would like to ask your opinion about a potential new feature. The feature would send a system messages (e.g. Fishing Contest), each time that a player encounters a shiny or very rare form. What would be announced? Shiny →→ [ALL Rarities/Tiers] Shadow Pokemon →→ [ALL Rarities/Tiers] Event Pokemon →→ [Only Rare Tier) The reasoning behind implementing such a feature would be to provide players with the impression that catching rare forms is not an insurmountable task, while also motivating them to actively hunt for these forms. It could offer an extra boost of instant gratification. We are worried that players might be approached by profit sharks or feel pressured to sell their newly acquired Pokemon, and the amount of message could be perceived as excessive especially during events. You could configure whether the system message displays your username or posts anonymously (hiding your username, default). Additionally, you would have the option to turn off the system messages for yourself. If you have any other concerns, we would be grateful if you could share them with us in the thread below. Your feedback is important to us.
    16 points
  2. Start offer: 7m Min raise: 200k Insta: 15m Duration: 24hrs after first bid Accept: Coin Capsule: 350k Reroll Ticket: 550k
    5 points
  3. Hi I am selling this shiny gallade Start - 12m Min bid - 100k Insta 20m Time - 48 hrs after 1st bid Accept pokedollars , cc - 380k each
    2 points
  4. Can be closed
    2 points
  5. it would be very fun if we dont see only the encounter sentence but if the pokemon is caught / killed / run xxxx killed a shiny charmander
    2 points
  6. -1 -- scammers would have a field day if they knew some newbie got a high tier shiny.. definitely should NOT be implemented. if it is implemented it should be turned "off" by default and only announce it if you activate the option manually, like "preview catch, stop repel prompt, etc". otherwise, naa..
    2 points
  7. I see it being a really nice feature, and I would definitely want it in the game, but I'd say there would be problems regarding the player who found the Shiny / Rare form, they may get blasted with PMs if they found a High Tier shiny / form.
    2 points
  8. hi would you accept payement with ev berries like bhimoso does?? TY
    2 points
  9. Duration: 72h after 1st bid C.o:15m M.bid:100k Insta: None
    1 point
  10. Welcome to the auction Start: 1 Oran Berry Min bid: 1 Oran Berry Payment: Oran Berries Duration: 1 Day (24 hours, after the first oran berry) UPDATES - Highest bidder @Clouty 60 Oran Berries - Auction closed
    1 point
  11. 1m Start, 100k Raise 48 Hrs Reroll = 550k
    1 point
  12. Start price 500k min bid 100k No insta CC =370k 24 hrs end since start Gl and have fun !
    1 point
  13. I like the idea, but I would suggest to limit the annoucement to the Guild chat, or have a setting to choose who gets notified (all, guild, friends, none) When I post some forms or shinies I almost instantly get dms with terrible offers, new players without experience might get scammed really hard and miss out on millions. For me its very important that the setting is either turned "off" for everyone, or turned to "friends" or "guild" before "all". I dont want new players who didnt activate this to run into this trap. I am voting no for now, but with necessary improvement and privacy settings its a yes from me aswell.
    1 point
  14. I also agree with you. It would be a great idea that its added to the game. But it should ONLY be implemented if its turned off by default settings same as the repel prompt. Otherwise it would be bad for people that dont want others to know they caught it but they didnt know it could be turned off. New players might find rare shiny and it would always be shown cause they might not know that they could turn the message off. +1 ONLY if its turned off by default settings but can be atictavted for those who want it to show. Same as repel prompt. Otherwise big -1 Otherwise it would also create a big mess if every caught shiny is shown as a message. + it would be a "play" ground for scammers. Since as explained some players would mabye find a shiny rare in story and its show in all. They would be harrassed or scammed Cause they didnt know they could turn it off in settings.
    1 point
  15. Holy moly, that would be amazing! If this gets implemented, I would really hope to see a failed High tier shiny encounter. Very evil, and I love it.
    1 point
  16. I like this feature implemented. I enjoy it in any MMO I play +1 on keeping it
    1 point
  17. Again, that was my bad, I clearly need to read more before commenting. Thank you.
    1 point
  18. Yeah, I was wondering if there would be an option to where you can disable/enable the announcements being shown? If there is such option, I would 100% go for it.
    1 point
  19. imagine everyone can see that notice when u get that encounter :3 ofc i love it, im vote it
    1 point
  20. If you have the option to disable it for your special encounters, I would like that feature. Otherwise the amount of spam and scammers messages would be huge. So you can have the option if you want everyone to know you encountered something special or not.
    1 point
  21. Oh yeah I didn't read that, my bad.
    1 point
  22. Hello there and thanks a lot for your feedback, we appreciate it. In regards of your concern about possible harassment, we considered that and that's exactly why we would include an option/setting that would allow the user to hide their user name from announcements. In this way, no one would know who caught it and the user would have their privacy protected. Wish you a wonderful day. - Keita/Shinohara
    1 point
  23. Positive review from my side
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I need draginite
    1 point
  27. i have one, pm me in discord Mourad#7942
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. who is electrode OT ? Pm me private if you want
    1 point
  30. No thanks - we won't allow such services.
    1 point
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