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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/23 in all areas

  1. Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Thunder-Bolt Nidoking Graphic : Nidoking Event form Season: Summer Event Form Name: Sumo Machamp Graphic : Machamp Normal Back Event form Season: Christmas Event Form Name: Brother M Conkeldurr Graphic : Conkeldurr Event form Season: Easter Event Form Name: Bunny Police Graphic : Buneary Lopunny Mega-Lopunny Normal Back Icon Walk Event form Season: Christmas Event Form Name: Christmas Mamoswine Graphic : Swinub Piloswine Mamoswine Event form Season: Labour Day / or Summer Event Form Name: Tractor Graphic : Rhyhorn Rhydon Rhyperior Event form Season: Christmas Event Form Name: The Brick Graphic : Color / Green Solosis Duosion Reuniclus Normal Back Icon Walk Event form Season: April fool day Event Form Fake-Galarian Trio Birds Graphic : Galarian-Articuno (Delibird) Galarian-Zapdos (Dodrio) Galarian-Moltres (Honchkrow) Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Anubis Graphic : Riolu Lucario Mega-Lucario Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Demon Samurai Graphic : Pawniard Bisharp - Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Frankenstein Graphic : Elekid Electabuzz Electivire Normal Back Event form Season: Any Event Form Name: Go Go Power Rangers!!! Graphic : Golett - Alpha 5 Golurk - Megazord Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Wolverine Zangoose (edit and resubmit) Graphic : Zangoose
    21 points
  2. Art you glad to see another competition? Hello everyone! Seeing so many people show a great interest in creating their own Pokémon forms lately has sparked some fun ideas amongst the art team in PRO! As before we have seen such great submissions from many across the community from all walks ,and skill levels on art. We would like to see it once again with a brand new event form competition! I for one cannot wait to see what new ,and creative things you decide to create! Just as we had it before there is no need for your form ideas to be only pixel art related. We want to open up the competition to a wide variety of styles to encourage a fair competition amongst everyone! You can always just draw forms and post them here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How this Works: It's fairly simple all in all! Draw ,Pixel ,Paint, Any creative way you can create a Pokémon event form of your choosing ,and submit it using the submission list below! Any method you want to create in is alright as long as it's your work! Please try to keep your submissions to one Post only ,and hold comments off the post to not clutter up the submission process! If you like some ones design feel free to give them a like on there post! If you participated in the previous event form competition it may be better to submit new creations as well for a better chance to win! The contest submissions Officially end on 6/20/2023 11:59 GMT Time!! The winner will be selected by the art staff team within the week of the contests end ,and the rewards sent shortly thereafter! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules ,and Regulations: One Rule ,and one rule only! 1) It has to be your own work and idea. Don't post pictures that you googled or is not your idea originally. (This also means no AI Art as well I'd rather you hand draw it with stick figures if it came down between the choices) If we find that your using outside pictures or other various cheating methods we may bar your entry for future art competitions if we decide to hold them in the future! Please submit with integrity! Finally ,and if possible! If you create a form for a Pokemon with a pre- or evolution, please create forms for the whole family. (It helps us visualize the entire piece as a whole!) It is not required to do forms with multiples evos however! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Submission Format (IMPORTANT) Submission Format: Event Form Season: (Summer/Christmas/April fools/ Any holidays) Event Form Name: Graphic: Example: Event form season: Summer Event Form Name: Banana Mawile Graphic It's a banana. Another Example: Event form season: Halloween Event Form Name: Pirate Mareep Graphic: I'd rather see this then AI Art by the way! ^^ Let's hear it for pirate mareep! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rewards: Winners Will receive the elusive ,and officially exclusive Shiny Smeargle Set! A set only for winners for official art competitions! A few lucky artists will receive this reward for there amazing submission! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What does this mean for the future for community event form submissions? Time to time we have received many community made submissions made with love ,and there have been a few select cases where community made forms made it into PRO outside of the official art contests. With this being said we would like to take in more community suggestions ,and add some more community made forms in general! For the art minded community members among us feel free to bring forward some amazing ,and cool things! Not only would we love to see them I'm sure the community would love to see many of the fun ,and cool ideas you always have wanted to share ,and potentially having a bigger chance seeing your creations in game! With this being said for those who submit something for PRO ,and if your submission is approved ,and shows up in game you will receive a normal smeargle hat ,and tail! Initially we will only give out one set per account holder for those that submit something that is approved ,and created. However there may be some potential things in the future to reward those who have made multiple submissions that come into the game! Potential rewards might be different colored paints for the tails (That aren't shiny as the shiny versions are exclusive to the competitions only)! Nonetheless! After the event form competition comes to a close you are always free to bring submissions into the PRO's official discord! We have an art channel we check quite often looking through many amazing ,and fun made community submissions! Potentially if the form or design is well liked enough it could be brought into the game as well! Also be on the lookout for a potential future forum posts that might make it an easier ,and more official area for people to submit there submissions as well that the community can input on! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With that being said let's not get off to a bad ART! I cant wait to see your new creations! -Poochyena
    16 points
  3. Event Form Season: Summer Event Form Name: Jungle Chatot Graphic: Front: Back: Walk: Icon: Chatot is based off parrots, which live in jungles/rainforests. I wanted to give homage to that fact. I can see it right at home in vulcan island. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Spectral Audino Graphic: Front: Mega Front: Back: Mega Back: Walk: Mega Walk: TBA Icon: Mega Icon: Haunted by the loss of many patients throughout the years as a pokemon nurse, Audino embraces the paranormal in an attempt to heal the spirits of those she failed to heal while they were alive. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Form Season: April Fools / Xmas / Any Event Form Name: "Slugma Balls" / Bubblegum Magcargo Graphic: Slugma Front: Magcargo Front: Slugma Back: Magcargo Back: Slugma Walk: Magcargo Walk: Slugma Icon: Magcargo Icon: I'm not gonna lie, I just made this line so that we could have the "slugma balls" meme added to the game. I think the slugma line looks a lot like a chewed wad of bubblegum. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Form Season: Any Event Form Name: RGB Kecleon Graphic: Front: Back: Walk: Icon: Kecleons two abilities are color change and protean, so a rainbow-y RGB form sounded cool. Truly a form for the gamers ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Form Season: Any / Summer Event Form Name: Shuckleberry Graphic: Front: Back: Walk: Icon: wts shuckleberry- s.o 1 oran min bid 1 oran auction ends 24hr after first bid winner meets astrella PC ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Form Season: Any Event Form Name: Robo Minun / Robo Plusle Graphic: Minun Front: Plusle Front: Minun Back: Plusle Back: Minun Walk: Plusle Walk: Minun Icon: Plusle Icon: BEEP DEEP DOOP BEEP DEDEDEDEDEWOOOOP BEEP BOOP BOP BAAAA thanks for coming to my ted talk ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Form Season: Valentines Event Form Name: Love Letter Chingling/Chimecho Graphic: Chingling Front: Chimecho Front: Chingling Back: Chimecho Back: Chingling Walk: Chimecho Walk: Chingling Icon: Chimecho Icon: I love Chimecho and so I wanted to send it a love letter. Chimecho deserves more love for all it does helping us level mons.
    16 points
  4. Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Deadly Landorus- Incarnate Graphic : Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Fireball Tornadus- Incarnate Graphic : Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Lightning Thundurus- Incarnate Graphic : Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Bai Hu Landorus- Therian Graphic : Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Zhu Que Tornadus- Therian Graphic : Event form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Qing Long Thundurs- Therian Graphic : Event form Season: Summer Event Form Name: King Heatran Graphic : Event form Season: Valentine Event Form Name: Suicune Valentine Gift Graphic : Event form Season: April's Fool Event Form Name: It's Raikou form Persian Graphic : Since legendary (therian forme) is the idea from four symbols of the Chinese constellations.
    12 points
  5. Event form season: Halloween Event form name : Toy Story Baltoy/Claydol Event form season: April Fools Event form name : SSJ Shuckle Event form season: Halloween Event form name : Thanos Grimer/Muk Event form season: Summer Event form name : Assassin's Creed Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Mage Zorua/Zoroark Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Ghoul Audino (+mega) Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Spiderman Spinarak/Ariados Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Undead Skarmory Event form season: Halloween Event form name: Dracula Sewaddle/Swadloon/Leavanny Event form season: Summer Event form name: Steampunk Clauncher/Clawitzer Event form season: Easter Event form name: Breakfast Gastly/Haunter/Gengar Event form season: Christmas Event form name: Frozen Misdreavus/Mismagius
    9 points
  6. Similar like the Phoenix in our logo Fireborn rose when times got hard. A new name and a shift in the player base have not shaken our presence at the first spot of the guild ladder. We're an active PvP guild, and as such, we always strive for the #1 position. Of course, PvP is not the only thing that counts; there is PvE as well. But at the end of the day, fun is what really matters. We have an active and experienced community through our Discord server, a social place to connect with all your fellow guildmates. From general chat to team building, showdown events, and in-house tournaments, we've got it all. We warmly welcome you to join us too! To join us we ask you to get at least 200 rating for the guild. To have a lively experience in our discord we invite our members to be active in discord You should be 16+ You must have finished the full story & have over 200 in game hours. If you are a cracked showdown player show us your showdown rating instead - 25% EXP Boost - Access to Guild Island - Regular Events and Tournaments - Exclusive Giveaways for our members. - PvP Support in teambuilding, team-archive and individual PvP-Training - Regular Dungeon runs - Guild Bank Guild Lead: Shekhar786 (Discord: royalngr) Paprikaflow (Discord: paprikaflow) Officers: - Serkaninc - Blaggy - Rajkkapadia - Tejkkapadia123 - Finlandguy - gh0st2602 For you application please answer the following questions: What is your IGN? What is your discord? Tell us a little about yourself (age, where are you from, interests) How many hours do you currently have? (please link a picture of your trainer card) Do you know any existing members? What is the highest rating you have reached? Why would you like to join us at Fireborn?
    8 points
  7. Event Form Season: Summer/Halloween Event Form Name: Kurama Ninetails Graphic: Kurama is the 9 tails in naruto and we have a Ninetails pokemon, it just makes sense to make a kurama version of ninetails
    8 points
  8. Event Form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Medusa Tanglea Graphic: Event Form Season: Valentine Event Form Name: Maid Minccino Graphic: Event Form Season: Xmas/Armor Event Form Name: Plasmoid Venipede Graphic: Event Form Season: Xmas Event Form Name: Snow Fox Graphic: Event Form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Shadow The Luxray (only luxray no evo line) Graphic:
    7 points
  9. Event form season: Halloween Event Form Name: Ancient Mew Graphic : Tribute from year 1999 pokemon card
    6 points
  10. Event form season: Summer Event Form Name: Fanta Cresselia Graphic : Event form season: Halloween Event Form Name: Forbidden Dud - Uxie Graphic : Event form season: Halloween Event Form Name: Jargigus - Cofragigus Graphic : Event form season: Summer Event Form Name: Glitchy Duck -Porygon Graphic : Event form season: Summer Event Form Name: Midoriwak Graphic : Event form season: Summer Event Form Name: GEMGD-Cross Graphic : Event form season: Summer Event Form Name: Candice Bronzor Graphic : Event form season: Hallo Event Form Name: Bronphim Graphic : Event form season: Hallo Event Form Name: Biblizong Graphic : Event form season: Summer Event Form Name: DoCham and MinggoRo Graphic :
    5 points
  11. Name: Shimeo Category: Slime Sheep Pokedex Entry: Shimeo absorbs energy from the soil and stores it into its slimey fur. Its ability to change properties according to the energy gathered has made it difficult for mankind to find a use for its fur. Type: Water (+Terrain type) HP: 90 Attack: 30 Defense: 90 (130 in Grassy Terrain) Special Attack: 90 (130 in Psychic Terrain) Special Defense: 90 (130 in Fairy Terrain) Speed: 90 (130 in Electric Terrain) Ability: Elemental Wool Shimeo transforms with the terrain. When it does, it heals 50% HP, gains a secondary type, and gains 40 base points in one stat. Signature Move: Geyser Burst 70 BP, 100% Accuracy, Water, Special. Deals damage to the opponent. If a Terrain is up, doubles in damage, hits both opponents and destroys the terrain. Level-up learnset: Sample movesets:
    5 points
  12. Event form season : Halloween Event form name : UFO Tentacruel & Tentacool Graphic : Event form season : Any Event form name : Warrior Bisharp Graphic : Event form season : Halloween / Summer Event form name : Lava hippowdon Graphic : Event form season : Easter Event form name : mushroom Diglett Family Graphic : Event form season : Xmas Event form name : Snow Hippowdon Graphic : Event form season : Halloween Event form name : Smiling Chandelure family Graphic : Event form season : Shadow/Any Event form name : Warrior Bisharp Graphic :
    4 points
  13. Event Form Season: Valentines Event Form Name: Maitre Amoongus / foongus Event form season: Summer Event form name: Oasis Hippos Event form season: Valentines Event form name: Love Doves Event form season: summer Event form name: SubShuckle
    3 points
  14. Event Form Season : Summer Event Form Name : Little Princess Alolan Vulpix Graphic : Event Form Season : Halloween Event Form Name : Demon Honedge Graphic :
    3 points
  15. Event form Season: Summer Event Form Name: Pirate Joltik Graphic : Here's the tale of Captain Joltik, the greatest pirate of the seven seas and feared among every beach >:D (I'd love it as an huntable form :3)
    3 points
  16. Valentine Day Cotton Candy Ponyta & Zorrodash Ponyta "As innocent as cotton candy, this candid ponyta only pops out of her mother's skirt in mating season." Rapidash "As brave as a vigilante, this Rapidash will watch over his better half until the end." Valentine Day Heracross In Love Heracross "He is looking for his sweetheart to offer her very precious flowers." Heracross Mega "He is ready to do anything to be able to bring flowers to his sweetheart." Halloween Event (+ back) Perverted Noibat & Perverted Noivern Noibat "This little bat may look cute, but the anger in his eyes is not to be taken lightly." Noivern "Completely obsessed with his hatred for men, this Noivern is now under her control." Halloween Event Chucky Jr & Mr Saw Mime Jr "For Halloween, Mime Jr wears his new costume: Chucky !" Mr Mime "For Halloween, Mr Mime presents his greatest classics. Meet Mr. Saw, Jigsaw!" Easter Event (+ back) Apprentice Pancham & Black Belt Pangoro Pancham "He dreams of becoming as strong as the best karatekas." Pangoro "After years of training, Pangoro has finally mastered the essence of Karate." Easter Event Peace Bringer Doduo & Wisdom Dodrio Doduo "Full of sprituality, this pokemon will learn about others and himself in order to become a monk." Dodrio "This dodrio is now a wisdom monk. It is said that it watch over the eggs that will save the world." Star Wars /April Fools X-Wing Skarmory Skarmory "Only a lucky few can claim to have seen this hypersonic pokemon when stationary. It leaves a beautiful azure trail behind it." April Fools Clown Blitzle & Giraffe Zebstrika Blitzle "A little clown in the town !" Zebstrika "Its long neck allows it to reach the berries of the trees more easily."
    2 points
  17. s.o 1k min raise 10k insta 350k auction will begin when the s.o is met and will last 1 hour. (hp ground)
    2 points
  18. Event Form Season: Halloween Event Form Name: Zombie Cubone/ Marowak Explanation on why im choosing this: Cubone and Marowak have been known for its skull on its head for forever, they wear its dead mother's skull as a fashion, and that fact itself is already creepy. A halloween zombie cubone/marowak is the perfect opportunity to show what happens when the dead pokemon comes back to life. Also cubone and marowak is a perfect fit for a halloween counterpart by its creepy lore. The sprite might look basic to you but the lore supports on why this pokemon deserve a spot for a halloween counterpart. Im still armateur so im sorry if its not as good as it should be but hopefully everyone likes what i made <3. If anyone likes it i am very happy to be appreciated. Have a nice day to everyone reading this. Graphics: Cubone Sprite. Marowak Sprite.
    2 points
  19. Thanks for the video. I’ve forwarded it to the Developers to see if they can find something. Once there’s an update on the issue, either a Dev or myself will let you know. Thank you for reporting this and for your patience as we try to solve it.
    2 points
  20. Ah sorry we already have one Profy That is all we can handle
    1 point
  21. hi im 14 and i love pokeman, can I join? I necrver pvp befre but i can lrearn
    1 point
  22. 200k steelix
    1 point
  23. Greetings, @Medu5a and @Zlittlegrape Such bids aren't valid, and as such, the previous valid bid was of 220k by @Oakprofessor We will not accept ''+10k'' or ''raise mimi'' or ''raise min bid'' as valid bids. If you wish to make an offer, you have to type down the amount you are offering. @Zlittlegrape you have been punished for selling the pokemon to the wrong bidder. I will be using GMT+0 onwards: Auction Time: 48hrs after start Start Point: Ashvanth007 started at 16/5 3:07 AM End Point: 18/5 3:07 AM Last Valid Bid: 250k by @Natbotbob at 18/5 1:00 AM The bid from @Taelfan of 260k was made at 18/5 3:46 AM INVALID Therefore, the winner of this auction is Natbotbob with a 250k offer. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Final 6 hours to post your submissions.
    1 point
  26. 150k golduck
    1 point
  27. 120k Golduck
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 100k klefki 100k abra
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 260kclefable
    1 point
  32. 200K for clefable
    1 point
  33. @Grabx you win pm me in-game
    1 point
  34. My bad missed it, 2.5m
    1 point
  35. You won, let me know when available for trade. Contact me on Discord : subhammaster#8527
    1 point
  36. S.O : 100k Min bid : 100k Instant : N/A End time : 24hrs after start Accept : cc-350k , rr-520k Gl and ty everyone
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. S.o - 1m min.bid increase - 100k no insta ends 24 hrs after first bid
    1 point
  39. Top business man in pro
    1 point
  40. +1, always skipping him for low rewards. Make Pumpkin King great again!
    1 point
  41. Nice team but we dont have Tsareena and Togedemaru
    1 point
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