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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/23 in all areas

  1. start, money on mrvermillion, jippieeeee
    5 points
  2. start 30m min bid 1m insta 100m duration- 72 hours auction starts after first bid accept payments - cc 350k each( max 10 ) ivs rr tickets 500k ( max 20 )
    4 points
  3. Hey guys, I am willing to sell this amazing skarmory! This auction will be 48 hours after first bid. Message me in game, forums, or on discord if you have any questions. s.o: 2M min bid: 100K insta: 7M COIN CAPSULE: 400K IV RR: 550K NATURE RR: 275K GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
    3 points
  4. Start Offer: 200k min bid: 20k 48h from first bid no insta
    2 points
  5. Hello, i'm selling this Hw Jang Start : 3m No insta Min bid : 100k Auction end 48h after start Accepted payment : Capsule coin : 400K / Reroll ticket : 500k / Pokedollars Gl everyone
    2 points
  6. Action is closed
    2 points
  7. Bro will add S jang jang in his signature if he gets it xD
    2 points
  8. Halloween Form Chimchar Starting Offer: 4m Min Raise: +100k End Date: 72 hours after first bid (19.10.2023 at 19:06 GMT) No Insta Auction starts after first bid was made Payment methods: CC=400k and/or Pokedollars This Auction (obviously) follows the Auction Rules, especially this one: Contact me thorugh here or Ingame (Lorun) or on Discord: lorun (note that you can only bid on this forum or ingame)
    1 point
  9. Start Point: The auction start at 16.10.2023 - 18:30 Bulgarian time and will last 24h Price: Start offer is 600k Min. Raise: 20k Insta price: 5m End Point: The auction end at 17.10.2023 at 18:30 Bulgarian time. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. Accepted Payment(s): cash only In game will be update the time left. Thank you for your time .
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Finish!!!! @Sergioaguero won 600k modest and @Ramiapanot timid for 300k talk to me in pm
    1 point
  12. @Sakiro11won auction for 420k
    1 point
  13. Hello It's me Kitretsu05 I would like to thank my friends for all the fun we had in pro and Being honest I would like to review something which needs to be fixed ....the way the staff handles is the worst ...Banning over simple simple mistakes is just not acceptable at all...y'all think you are running an school or whatt? Lol ...preety stupid staff team ...thanks for all those troubles ...I am leaving pro and won't be back again ...Gl to everyone and bye
    1 point
  14. Greetings, I have force the outcome of this trade. Please confirm the outcomes. I forced the outcomes later liek 9 hours ago, and forgot to post this message, apologies. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  15. You won, congrats! To contact me my IGN is "deita" and discord is "deita."
    1 point
  16. I agree.. Staff system is completely biased..our guild had almost 10 bans lately mostly for simple reasons.. only sht these guys do are banning someone and not replying to their thread.. if they showed this much interest towards the game update it would've grown much..but they trying to remove the small amount of players they have.. STAFF SYSTEM IS DOPE yea
    1 point
  17. Happy you was with us back at time dude! i feel you cause i said the same before couple months! i just come back check what have switch and i will leave again! This game just will die and big members (owners dont speak at all) They left the stuffs do what ever they want so i rly feel you mate! GL hope see you back
    1 point
  18. THE FOLLOWING IS AN UNPAID ADVERTISEMENT FROM THE TOURISM BOARD OF SPECTRE TOWN Welcome to the islands of the dead; Spectre Town. The town was struck down hundreds of years ago by a horrible flood that, to this day as you can see, only the highest parts of the town have remained as a set of islands. Only recently, like in the last ten-fifteen years, have new settlers decided to call this place home; settlers of the hardy of nature and not-so-easy to spook. The settlers have turned Spectre Town into a location where they live side-by-side with some of the spirits of those who perished to the great flood. Remains of some of the residents however can be seen deep below the depths, but don’t let that scare you; the residential spirits promise the remains aren’t theirs, but can you really trust a ghost? What confuses even the spirits however is how some areas remained untouched; the forest in the top right corner and the large trees in the old town center, for example, a fantastic vision of how luscious the lands were, and the grass patches containing wild Pokemon a reminder that residents and Pokemon lived together in perfect harmony, much like the residents and spirits do now. So why don’t you say hello to Nurse Joy and her trusty Chansey in the Pokemon Center, the ghostly shopkeeper in the Pokemart that somehow manages to control a cash register and give you items, and the residents themselves in their houses? And, to make your trip even more worthwhile, the resident Fortune Teller will be able to read your fortunes for you. How nice of them! Spectre Town is open for visits at all hours; for the true experience though come at night where the spirits are at their most active! (Entrant's note: the map was done to a 90x90 size if needed for clarification)
    1 point
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