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6 points
Start Price: 3m End Point: 48 hours (after start price is met) Insta: 8m Minimum Raise: 250k Accepted payments - Pokedollars, Reroll Ticket (500k), Coin Capsule (400k) If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes.3 points
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Changelog 02.08.2024: Added a window to view Pokemon you have lent to others. Fixed a few bugs that could lead to visual bugs with the lending trade time. Added a completely revamped filter system, which currently only works in the new lending trade window. The filter system is a prototype in trial and may be used elsewhere later. Quick Guide to Search Filters Removed the sync button from the client. Reworked some parts of the Pokedex code. You can click on the map in the spawn areas, and it will open the map name in the spawn list now You can scroll in the area section of the Pokedex now. The maps in the area section are sorted alphabetically now. Fixed the Valentine Smeargle follower sprite. Added more mounts and forms. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations. Server Merge Status Update - Current development status Database Migration → 100%. This was the bulk of the work. Forum Migration → 100%. We wrote a proper solution instead of the original workaround, allowing to switch characters like accounts in Discord. This gives the option to use individual characters for services, forum shops, and similar purposes. It was a lot more work, but it's a better and more stable solution. Moderation Tools Migration → 100%. Website Migration → 0% →80%. Dashboard Migration → 50% → 80%. Reborn Bot → 0%. Client → 5%. Server → 10%. Ban System Rework → 100%.2 points
Hello i'm Barze97, this is my small shop, i hope you will find something you like! If you want you can add me in game as Barze97 to ask for offers or other info. I'm Barze97#8199 on Discord Latest additions to the shop: 2x Protean Frokie For now i accept: Pokedollars Rare candy 6k Untrained very cheap pokes 10k-30k Untrained cheap pokes 40k-100k Untrained pokes 100k-300k Trained pokes Items Focus sashes 2k each - 150 available1 point
Nandish's Service Shop Shop Status: Open Not selling level services atm Hello everyone! Welcome to my service shop, I offer a variety of services like Level up, story, quests and boss team lending. I hope you enjoy your stay and find something you like. Contact IGN: Nandish Discord: nandish_m Timezone: GMT+2 Accepted payment Pokedollars Coin Capsule: 400k IV Reroll Ticket: 500k Nature Reroll Ticket: 250k 10% discount on any purchase for Damage Inc members! Level Up Service Level 20+ 1+ Pokemon: 90k each 3+ Pokemon: 85k each 5+ Pokemon: 80k each Level 60+ 45k each Conditions: Story Service Kanto Story: 325k Johto Story: 350k Hoenn Story: 400k Sinnoh Story: 350k All Regions Bundle: 1.25M note: for each badge you already have in the region you buy the service for there will be a 20k discount Conditions: Quest Services Transportation & Excavation: Subway quest (Kanto & Johto fast travel): 175k Transmat quest (Hoenn and Sinnoh fast travel): 225k note: the bike quest must be done for me to do the subway quest if the player does not own a bike or a bike voucher the quest will be 60k more expensive Excavation permit quest: 175k note: these prices include the things that must be bought during the quest so there wont be any additional costs Mega Bracelet & Mega Stones: Mega Bracelet quest: 175k note: I will hunt, level up, ev train and increase the happiness of a poke to submit it for the mega bracelet Legendary Pokemon: Kyurem quest: 300k Heatran and Volcanion quest: 350k each Force of Nature quest: 375k Diancie and Keldeo quest: 400k each Conditions: Boss Team Lending The Team: Price: 50k each 24h Conditions:1 point
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Hello, Yes I would like to buy the Goodra for 150k please. Thank you.1 point
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Great service and completed in a timely manner, can't recommend enough1 point
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As a "legacy player", do you remember what the meta was like back in 2016-2017? Sableye, Togekiss, No Guard Machamp? The meta was actually way more stale and centralized (and a lot less fun) than it is now. And more to the point of this post, a pokemon having the "legendary" status does not necessarily make it strong. Meta trends would mostly demonstrate this, just look at pokemon like Clefable, Rotom-W, Ferrothorn, Chansey, Skarmory, Scizor-M, Metagross-M, Tyranitar, and many, many more. Additionally, allowing only one legendary would likely heavily centralize the meta around Landorus, Tornadus, and a few others. This argument has been made by many others in this and other pokemon games for years but has never been found to have a positive impact.1 point
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* { font-family: "Inter", sans-serif; } .keita-margin { margin-block-end: -0.8rem; } .keita-codeb { background-color: rgba(27, 28, 30, 1); padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px; color: #ebe7e3c4; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.48); font-family: "Roboto Mono", monospace; font-size: 90% !important; } .keita-colored-code { color: #15f5ba; font-size: 100% !important; } Combining Search Terms Easily find the exact Pokemon you need by combining search terms. Search Example for a Specific Pokemon: lvl=30 shiny Rattata Finds all shiny Rattata's at level 30. Search for High-Level Pokemon: lvl>70 Charizard Finds all Charizards above level 70. Search for Pokemon by Type and Region: type=Water region=Hoenn Finds all Water-type Pokemon caught in the Hoenn region. Search for Specific Stats: ATK>=28 SPD>=28 Garchomp Finds all Garchomp's with both Attack and Speed IV stats at or above 28. Replace the Pokemon Name, edit the level, to suit your search needs. Supported Comparers Equality and Inequality: = or ==: Finds exact matches (e.g., lvl=30 finds Pokemon exactly at level 30). != or <>: Finds all that do not match (e.g., lvl!=30 finds Pokemon not at level 30). Greater and Lesser: >: Greater than (e.g., lvl>30 finds Pokemon above level 30). <: Lesser than (e.g., lvl<30 finds Pokemon below level 30). >=: Greater than or equal to (e.g., lvl>=30 finds Pokemon at level 30 and above). <=: Lesser than or equal to ,(e.g., lvl<=30 finds Pokemon at level 30 and below). Detailed Filter Options Below are the filter options you can use to narrow your search results, along with their aliases and how to use them: Filters Usable Without a Comparer shiny (shiny, s) - Filter for shiny Pokemon. form (form, f) - Filter for themed Pokemon. Pokemon Name (name, pokemon, poke) - Filter by the name of the Pokemon. Pokedex ID (dex, d)- Filter by the Pokedex identification number. Borrower Name (borrower, b) - Filter by the name of the Borrower. Basic Filters UID (uid, u) - Unique identifier of a Pokemon. Example: uid=53256 OT - Name of the person who caught the Pokemon. Example: OT=Username Level (level, lvl, lv) - The level of the Pokemon. Example: lvl=100 Ability (ability, a) - The ability of the Pokemon. Example: a=Protean Nature (nature, n) - The nature of the Pokemon. Example: n=Timid Gender (gender, g, sex) - The gender of the Pokemon. Examples: g=m, g=f, g=none Type (type, t) - Type of the Pokemon, such as Fire or Water. Example: t=Fire Region (region, r) - The region where the Pokemon was caught. Example: r=Kanto Hidden Power (hiddenpower, hi) - The hidden power type the Pokemon has. Example: hi=Ground move (move, m, skill) - The move of the Pokemon. Example: m=Tackle Stats Filters ATK (atk, attack) - ATK IV of the Pokemon. Example: ATK>=28 DEF (def, defense, defence) - DEF IV of the Pokemon. Example: DEF>19 SPD (spd, speed) - SPD IV of the Pokemon. Example SPD=31 SPATK (spatk, specialattack) - SPATK IV of the Pokemon. Example: SPATK>=28 SPDEF (spdef, specialdefense, specialdefence) - SPDEF IV of the Pokemon. Example: SPDEF>=20 HP (hp, hitpoints) - HP IV of the Pokemon. Example: HP=31 ATKEV (atkev, attackev) - ATK EV of the Pokemon. Example: ATKEV=252 DEFEV (defev, defenseev, defenceev) - DEF EV of the Pokemon. Example: DEFEV=0 SPDEV (spdev, speedev) - SPD EV of the Pokemon. Example SPDEV=252 SPATKEV (spatkev, specialattackev) - SPATK EV of the Pokemon. Example: SPATKEV>=140 SPDEFEV (spdefev, specialdefenseev, specialdefenceev) - SPDEF EV of the Pokemon. Example: SPDEFEV>=100 HPEV (hpev, hitpointsev) - HP EV of the Pokemon. Example: HPEV=6 Expiration Time for Borrowed Pokemon Expiration (expiration, expires, expire, e) - Remaining time before a borrowed Pokemon will automatically return. Units: days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), and seconds (s). Examples: e<1d1h1m1s, e<1d3h, e>40s1 point
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I hope that you will find something that you were looking for, even in my humble collection! READ THIS If your interested in anything write me the ID, name and level of the Pokemon ingame or at discord when im offline. ---- You can pay with ---- Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 500k Nature Reroll - 250k Coin Capsule - 440k Master Ball - 60k Rare Candy - 6k -- Personal Info -- Discord: Neptunepisse Ingame: Neptunev2 -- Items for sale -- Currently selling 34 rare candy 7k each Gems 2k each Left overs: 5k each Hard stone: 5k each All Berrys except Ev Berrys 1k each -- Services -- EV service 70k per Pokemon I am also selling all sync types for Pokemon for Kanto and Johto mostly if I have any spare! 10k each (available) For Sale! (!!!All evolutions sorted by there first stage Pokemon!!!) To Lend (10k each/max time 2 Days) Shiny/Event Pokemon for Sale If your interested in anything write me ingame or at discord when im offline my name is at the top. Ignore them, they are just my favorit Pokemon1 point
Hello @Berkay06 You have been punished for mishandling your auction. You need to post proof of each bid you receive in-game and in case you want to use it as Start Offer you need both proof of the bid and bidder's approval to use their offer. Also, please be more careful while choosing an End Point. Either stick to a fixed time or use terminology such as "auction ends in X days after Starting Bid is met". Do not use both of them, otherwise you will end up with 2 End points like in this auction. I highly advise you to carefully read Auction Rules. Mishandling your auction again will lead to harsher consequences. Kind regards1 point
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Hi everyone, im looking for info about the Lavander Dungeon but havent find anything, so im creating this hoping we all colaborate to help each other conquer the misteries of this challenge. Location: north lavander. Requeriments: Just 3 pokemon on party (5 later on). Team Members: Up to 5 (can be done solo). The quest has several subquest to be done and you can earn "Reroll shards" (4 of them make an iv Rerol ticket not tradable). For starters i strongly recommend this video from "Tushar Gaming Pro", it helps a lot to get going with the glitters (an item exchangable for perks inside the dungeon), the way you can go from 3 pokemon on team to 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVKEJ0nMCS0&t=501s Once you have a 5 pokemon team, the next step would be defeating the elemental room (once or two at a time), for that, i suggest this video from "Tushar Gaming Pro" also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FI-HAb7Rvc&list=WL&index=17&t=893s If u still havent beating the main quest of the Dungeon (Gengar, then the Gardevoir and Gallade), here is a quick resume of that. **Beat the 5 versions of Rotom located in the 4 corner of the first room, and the one on center. Then you can challenge the Gengar shadow boss on the center of the room. That opens the door right up from him, going to that room closes the subquests of the "Elemental Rooms". Inside the second central room beat the Gardevoir and his ilusions an finally the "Mistress of the Manse (Gardevoir)". Defeating her trigger the spawn of 4 Crobat to be defeated. After defeating them u need to beat the "Master of the Manse (Gallade)". That opens the path up from him, there u need to beat 4 Bisharp to cross the path. To finally challenge the "Mister" and "Mistresses" again. At this point the final barrier opens leading to the prices for the run. Glitters, Big Pearl, Pve Coins, and a random generated Reroll shard (yes sometimes spawn some dont) ////////////////////////////////////Now the fun part //////////////////////////////////////// At this point im assuming you know the dungeon, have 5 pokemon on party and you want the achievement of beating the 4 shadows and the main quest of the Dungeon on Solo mode at once, for that im going to share my team an why this mons can complete that achievement. Kyurem White: One shot the most of the pokemons on the elemental rooms, we are going to use him in the mayority of battles. Chansey: This guy beats anything here, when in doubt send him, the problem is that gets out of moves fast. Weaville: Mostly for the Gardevoir and Bisharps on the final room, the Gengar and team on the main room and takes some of the fire guys on the fire room. Skarmory: Mosty for the Master Gallade, and some guys on the Swamp room. Azumarill: His type and Grass move protect the team from the hazards of 3 rooms, has few battles. The items may vary in each room or even between battles keep that in mind, for example u want choice scarf Kyurem on Dragon room but choice specs Kyurem on Caldera, u want Choice Band Weaville against Gengar and team, but no item Weaville while fighthing the Bisharps. To avoid the hazards in the elemental rooms (damage every battle, 1 speed on team, and so on) i recomend get the "heart" perks with Glitters on Beheeyem outside the Court. This perk allow your pokemon to be consider of certain type (outside battle) if they have certaing attacks, this types: Grass, Fire, Water, Fairy. Meaning that Azumarill counts has Water, Fairy and Grass, and Kyurem for fire covering the hazards of the 4 elemental rooms. You know the typing or perks are working when this kind of messages pop up on the elemental rooms: Other perk you may wanna have is the "Better Berries" that makes the "Dendene" drop a Lum berry after been defeated (yes those guys can be fought, weaville Knock off one shot them). Healing Finally, i recommend buying 1 or 2 revival herb top from the Vaporeon, try using the fountain is cheaper (activating the "Revitalizing Spring" perk). When doing this runs, take the "6 ethers" from this Beheeyem, is mandatory. At some point i may do a video of a run for this achievement, but for now u have the tools to beat the Dungeon, make some runs, try, fail, and try again until u find the way to do it with the limited resources the Dungeon gives. Final tip, Chansey can beat most of the Dungeon, but avoid using him too much, find the way to kill the most of enemies with 1 move, and Chansey when there is no other choice. Use your "Ether" mostly on Kyurem, and Chansey. ///////////////////What is next, what i want to know?//////////////// 1. As far as i know, the "Heroic mode" isnt avaible now. But if anyone had find a way to activate it let us know. 2. How the Heroic Sigils are earn?, i got 3 some how i dont remember =P Thnks to the fellow adventurers, i got to see that the heroic sigil are earnead when u finish 1 elemental room without the help of a pokemon that prevents the hazards of that room, for example the caldera room without using a grass type or grass heart. After beating that room, the shadow and the Gardervoir/Gallade, in the prize room u get a message saying u got an heroic sigil. Smell u later XD1 point