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Everything posted by Callmerengod

  1. I don't want to go into your topic about the jetskis since its pure nonsense imo. But it's not my job to answer this. The fact that some player kinda starting a witch hunt for a specific staff member is just annoying and without any sense. Wanting someone to be fired because he called a few ppl "stupid/idiot" while he is doing a damn good job on what he is supposed to do is just... Won't go deeper into that.
  2. THANKS. Finally someone understands. Best regards
  3. First of all thanks for agreeing Ye thats true, totally forgot about excavation or maybe digspot rewards. Thats a possible idea too.
  4. Suggestion: Adding Icestone to the PVE/PVP shop. With the current valentines event and the spawn of Alolan Vulpix there are a lot of Icestones needed to evolve the Alopix'. Since the only way to obtain Icestones are Tier 3 rewards from 2 bosses or buying it in the Xmas Shop, I'd think that the addition of Icestones to the PVE or PVP shop would makes sense. Since a Shiny Stone costs 10 PVE coins and a Moon Stone 20 PVE coins I'd say a Ice Stone should cost either 20 PVE coins or 30 PVE coins. I don't really have an idea about the costs for the PVP shop. I am down for any possible idea regarding the prices/addition of Icestones. ~CallMeRengod
  5. +1, I wouldn't mind the Houndour spawn idea but Treecko definitely needs its xmas spawn.
  6. Hello Support :) I accidentally released my Milotic. It's ID is: 15147282. I also got a screenshot of it: http://prntscr.com/kkw95d I'd really like to have it back. :) Edit: Got it back, thanks A LOT!
  7. Nvm. fixed it.. ^^
  8. PRO Username: CallMeReng Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? I was following the storyline.. I had to go to the SS Anne. After i beat everyone I went to the kitchen and talked to the Doctor, after this I went to the second floor and talked to Jenson. Normally I should get the 1st class permission but probally i didnt got it and now I dont know what I should do. ^^ What have you already tried to solve the problem? Re-connect, talked to Live Support, watched videos, followed every step again but still dont working :) Description and Message I was following the storyline.. I had to go to the SS Anne. After i beat everyone I went to the kitchen and talked to the Doctor, after this I went to the second floor and talked to Jenson. Normally I should get the 1st class permission but probally i didnt got it and now I dont know what I should do. ^^ Hope someone can help me, ty :) CallMeRengod
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