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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. Shiny chance won't be changed, as mentioned above. That change wouldn't matter anyway, 1 in 8k to 1 in 7k would still be around the same.
  2. There's no ETA, but I hope I can swim in Vulcan soon! (in the Island I mean, not in the volcano itself lol)
  3. And you can also buy it from another player for around 120k in trade chat :)
  4. Rotom 1 100k Tangrowth 250k Goodra 400k Pelipper 400k Gliscor 300k Umbreon 300k Crawdaunt 150k Togekiss 350k Altaria 300k Azumarill 400k Edited the list, would appreciate a discount. I'll buy them all :) 2950k in total.
  5. Nice froakie! (A bit sad that a guildmate couldn't bid on this on time :( )
  6. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/871-url You can post your issues there :)
  7. I'll start mamoswine, but what's the auction duration?
  8. +1 because i'm lazy. Maybe botters would exploit it (and they would last 5 minutes before being banned)
  9. Really nice pokes dude :) will bid later if I can!
  10. If you want to evolve your Slowpoke to Slowbro, you only need to level it to 37. The Shellder thing is an anime only scene lol. To evolve a Mantyke, you just need a Remoraid in your party and level up the Mantyke. It will trigger the prompt to evolve. To get to the Unknown Place, just check the map below:
  11. He should be able to oneshot it :)
  12. If you've been a long time without playing, you might've played just before the merge of servers happened. In that case, you can read the instructions below to try and merge your account so as to keep your progress intact. You'll be able to recover your account's progress :) If you simply forgot your original account, you can provide the emails and a Staff member can track down your accounts with that. I can't help you at all aside from this, so I hope they can help you out better! I'm leaving you the instructions below. Welcome back! If you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue accounts. You can merge them in the dashboard, make sure to select the right server as your main server. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ If you're still unable to log into Silver after merging your account, you'll have to reset your password on the dashboard. For more info about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, take a look at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/PROMerge
  13. This can happen sometimes. You can relog, use a repel to prevent this from happening (as you won't find any encounters while going up) or using an escape rope to go back to the pokecenter. I hope this helps! :)
  14. I kinda understand what you're saying, but if you traveled two regions and had agreed to a place and a deal, you can simply trade report the user. While it may sound time consuming, the trade will normally be enforced by a Trade Moderator and you will get the deal done anyway, even if the other person backed out. This also will probably make the other person think twice if he does it again. I kinda suggest that in the future auction house there's a popup to doublecheck if you really want to bid or buy something before you put the money in it. It's similar to what you said, but instead of paying a fine and backing out (which will only damage the seller, mainly), it will make sure the buyer actually is invested into the sale.
  15. I thought I had replied before lol. 1.- Does the first bug not fix itself after you relog? Don't the pokeballs under the pokemon update? 2.- I understand the complaint, but it does not affect you negatively in any way. In 99% of the situations you know if you'll win anyway in PvE. Since you don't win or lose money in PvP, it's not an issue to know beforehand if you will win. 3.- The pokedex bug is known. Restarting your client fixes it (or your computer if needed). It would be nice to have it fixed someway though. 4.- The fourth one seems to be only visual. Did not manage to duplicate anything no matter how. I hope a Staff member can answer better :)
  16. Deevo tools don't exist, and it could be exploited (Eeveeolutions, Chansey, other Eviolite abusers, etc). It would have to limited to once per pokemon, permanently, etc. I think lend trade had exploits like obtaining infinite Shedinjas, if I'm not mistaken.
  17. +1 and was suggested by Supertrainers.
  18. I love the two suggestions below. +1. Even if I can use discord to check MS, it's a super nice shortcut. (For the first idea, I guess you'd have to talk with a developer?)
  19. Mainly because Staff don't dig up three or four month old suggestions as they are buried in the forums (but not forgotten, as you saw it's being worked on :) ) You can always bump your post if you want people to see it again!
  20. +1, I think this is coming :)
  21. -1.
  22. I'd be fine if Bulbasaur was simply moved out of the safari. +1
  23. I STARTED LMAO I said it already lol. 1 MILLION BIIIID
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