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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. Welcome, everyone! This will be an extremely quick guide on how to get a Rattata to level up quickly to 80 to travel to Hoenn. Let's begin! This is going to be a really mini guide so as to get your Rattata ready for Hoenn, to be able to fight Youngster Joey. If you want to go to Hoenn, you need to capture any Rattata (it has to be yours) and you have to train it to 80 (or ask a friend to do it). However, I'll assume you have no friends you want to train it yourself without having to pay anyone else. If you want to level up Rattata safely, I will leave you a few steps that will be very useful for you. 1.- Capture a Rattata with the ability Run Away. This isn't obligatory but it will ensure 100% success rate when you want to flee a wild pokemon battle. You can hunt one in Route 1 as in a single fight it will ALWAYS level up to level 38 or so. 2.- Visit the Bug Catching Contest in Johto and participate in it. Try to finish in the first 3 spots. You will obtain some PvE Coins. 3.- Visit the PvE Coin Exchanger in Saffron or Goldenrod City. Purchase an Air Balloon. 4.- Visit Fuchsia Gym. Purchase a TM Toxic. 5.- Travel to Mt Silver 1F, 2F or 3F. Equip Air Balloon to Rattata and teach it TM Toxic. Mt Silver 2F requires fighting some trainers but it's the easiest place to train it. Mt Silver 1F is also fine. 6.- Flee from all wild pokemon using Run Away and when you find a Quagsire which is level 52 or below, use Toxic on them. Then, keep attacking until they die. If you have Air Balloon equipped, you will be immune to Earthquake, which is their only attacking move. Free and easy experience! Before the method. After only two fights. We will repeat this process until our little Rat is at level 80 and we can fight Youngster Joey! All his Rattata are level 120. Job is done! (keep in mind I used a different Rattata for this screenshot) If you need a Video Guide on this method, please use this link. We can easily destroy him by using a low level Geodude with Sturdy and Stealth Rocks (to ensure we can use it once), and then a Machamp with No Guard can oneshot his entire team with a single Dynamicpunch per Rattata. Unleash your STAND Dynamic Punches to defeat Joey! He will be waiting there, between the two Elite Four buildings. After you defeat Joey, you can now talk to the Hoenn Traveler and travel to Hoenn! Big warning: Once you go inside, THERE'S NO GOING BACK UNTIL YOU BEAT HOENN'S ELITE FOUR. Good luck! Pack up your things , get ready, purchase anything you may need and go there! I hope you enjoyed the guide and I hope you newbies are successful in your Hoenn Adventure!
  2. Updated the guide with the free EV zones added in. Thanks to @lancerr11 for reminding me about it.
  3. Noted, current best offer!
  4. Es un error bastante gordo actualmente, creo que el Staff está trabajando en arreglarlo. Últimamente parece que ocurre muchísimo, aunque yo en persona no lo he tenido nunca. Espero que el Staff de PRO te pueda ayudar un poco :)
  5. Auction has started, will end at 1st of July 20:01 Spanish time :)
  6. I openly thank Flain for reporting this, he brought it up and I found out a way to exploit this and I've messaged Staff regarding it. It might've been abused recently, I hope Staff can solve it! :)
  7. Reduced start and insta, now it's BOTH SERVERS OPEN. :)
  8. 620+ members, bump!
  9. Le bumpé.
  10. I thought they gave exp already. +1 to this.
  11. I think the issue here is a bit ambiguous. If an auctioneer wants to sell something but has no bids and finds a good offer ingame, he can cancel the auction (if there are no bids) and sell it ingame as he wishes. He would just say: cancelled, found a better offer ingame and since there were no bids, I went and just sold it instead of auctioning it. If the auctioner instead says "sold insta" but does it the same exact way as explained above, it falls under a grey area. We're taking the conclusion that the seller agreed on a secret insta (not mentioned in the original post, so it might break auction rules and this has to be specified by a Trade Mod) and thus he sold it without even announcing the insta publicly. But we can't know this. However, since there were no bids, he can say sold insta in the same way he could say "sold it ingame". He could've cancelled the auction and just without giving any explanation rather than saying that. This could theoretically be allowed. I think the issue is the term "sold insta". I hope a Trade Mod can clarify this, I'm curious.
  12. It probably is a visual bug. His hidden ability is anticipation, you just happened to capture one :)
  13. Hello! I'd like to help out @M3TAL to sell this awesome shiny Accelgor. I'll be doing the auction and then giving all the money to him. (Btw, this was a pain to train lol). Start: 8 million. Minimum bid: 500k. Lasts for 72 hours after the first bid. ONLY FORUM BIDS. Insta: 20 million. CC = 350k. Good luck bidding it! I will switch servers if needed. I kinda need to sell this xd
  14. Where are you stuck? Could you try any of these solutions? ▪︎ Try Alt+Tab ▪︎ Use an Escape Rope ▪︎ Try battling another player and losing, this should bring you back to your last visited Pokecenter ▪︎ Try typing /ref into the chat bar, or clicking the refresh arrow on the bottom toolbar ▪︎ Log out, and then back in ▪︎ Close the whole client and start PRO again
  15. I'd like to comment since I have no idea if my forum report was sent through and I cannot check it in any way. Auction for Gengar started at 1:42 PM Spanish time (13:42). It would go on for 5 hours and 15 minutes more (18:57). I bid at 13:56. Even if the auction somehow started at 17:00 Indian time (13:30 in Spain) and ended in 22:15 Indian time (18:45) my bid is still the winning bid. Bhasi4u's bid is at 19:18 (from the time of its respective post in forums) and it has NO timestamps to check if the bid was done before. Bhasi's bid is 21 minutes later than the end time of the auction, and I was the only bidder before. It's not a "last minute bid", it's a completely out of time bid.
  16. If you used to play in the old servers, you now have to merge your account since Red and Blue became Silver and Yellow became Gold. You will have to merge in the dashboard! You can select and choose which progress you want to keep. If you're unsure, wait for a Staff response :) I will copy the information from the discord server for you: If you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue accounts. You can merge them in the dashboard, make sure to select the right server as your main server. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ If you're still unable to log into Silver after merging your account, you'll have to reset your password on the dashboard. For more info about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, take a look at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/PROMerge
  17. +1 again :v
  18. This move used to be called ViceGrip in past generations, so it might have been a choice from the developers. I'm interested to see a Staff answer regarding move name changes :)
  19. Welcome to the game, Momo! Wilkommen :)
  20. Updated this guide a bit to add extra info :)
  21. What did I just read lmao
  22. It depends on the trainers, some of them do not give any rewards and some actually gift out pokedollars. What trainers are you fighting? Most script or story related trainers do not give out anything. More like you literally beat them up and steal their money lmao
  23. I'm currently making a boss guide for forums, I'll upload it soon :)
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