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  1. Put previous item auto stuff in game Once you finish a PvP/PvE battle and lose a item like Lum, it put it back into the pokemon without having to go in the bag
  2. Hi,sometimes in battle we are switching and we don't always remember how many health of the opposites pokes are left,so i think adding health bar under each one will be great for these clutch switchs,and of course spacing a bit each icon so it can fit,thanks.
  3. Improvements to the pokedex: * I would like to be able to view the mega evolved forms of Pokémon in the dex. * I would also like to be able to view Pokémon with regional forms in the dex, to be able to view their skins, e.g.: ninetales-alolan vday and so on. * I would also like to be able to view the shadow forms in the pokedex, currently we only see some shadow Pokémon when a player links in the all chat.
  4. World Map Text Adjustment (Android) - Checking the name of the location in World Map is kinda covered by the finger when pressed in Android so its a bit hard to view the location name. Maybe adjust the text a little to the right similar to checking Pokemon Move details and Inventory Item Details? Thank you very much! Additional Reconnect Time I think the current reconnect timer (like 30 seconds) is a bit short. Is it possible to adjust to at least a minute, to give the players enough time to switch internet connection? Thank you very much~! Enjoy the upcoming Halloween Event everyone! PvE Tradeable Drifloon mount please.
  5. Its been 2 years since we got the mega evolution mounts. We currently Have normal/shiny charizard, Normal/Shiny Gyarados, Normal/Shiny/Xmas Houndoom only. No new additions have been added ever since and there are a ton of new mega forms. Xmas Swampert, Hallo Absol, Hallo Charizard, Hallo Gyarados, Normal/Shiny Tyranitar, Normal/Shiny Venusaur etc. When are we getting those? I've been holding back on buying those mounts because I doubted how long they would take to give them the mega form.I personally want to see more new mega evolvable mounts since there was nothing new in the coin shop ever since the summer event.
  6. Hey everyone, my suggestion regarding the ingame links to forum auctions would be to add an additional confirmation window before you are directed to the forums. For me personally it happens a lot that I unintentionally click on forum links in the trade chat which can be a bit annoying and sometimes leads to a crash. This particularly happens when I play on my phone since clicks are less precise there. the suggested confirmation window could look like this: Furthermore it would be nice if there would be a possibility to decrease the size of forum links. This would avoid unintentionally clicking on them and would lessen the spam in trade chat. I don't know if that is technically possible. For example: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/4-suggestions/ -> forums or link I would be interested in what you guys think about it! Let me know! Sincerely, Saruron
  7. As the titles said there is no difference between normal Drifloon mount (500pve) & the shiny one (750 pve) that means shiny character doesn't sparkle as all other shiny mount do & have to be this is why i pray staff gm & scripter to make it sparkle otherwise remove the shiny form from this mount best regards
  8. The Trainer Tower is a new add and it is essential for leveling now. It involves a lot of battles which implies that it will also deplete the hp and pp of our pokemon. It would be great that a Nurse Joy could be added, but with limited healing tries per floor. For example) You could heal your pokemon upto 2 times for free (per floor) but after that it would require a small fee per healing. This would not only make levelling easier and faster, but also prevent the depletion of our healing items. This feature is more essential because this is not some kind of quest (which requires you to battle nonstop without healing like on Mt. Pyre), but is simply a place to help trainers so it would be beneficial to add a Nurse Joy npc. Thanks to Staff for the super-fast implementation of this feature.
  9. hello all, i am a player of gold server , today i was doing heatran quest in my account. as per the rule i took a lvl 60 gyarados to go inside , now im facing an issue related to npc pokemon lvl they are all high level Pokémons and due to new exp update i get only 2k exp in one battle due to which my gayra do not lvl up and im loosing to those npc which fails my quest . so my suggestion is please reduce the level of the npc grunt's Pokémon accordingly or increase the exp that we gain per battle so our Pokémon can level up fast and we can do the quest. thankyou
  10. We all know how hard it is to sell in this game since we dont have a global market/Auction House and when selling/buying we encounter a Pokemon we want to buy or a customer that wants to buy we meet at a location... and the unexpected happens... Yup You Guess it.... the buyer have not yet finish that Region... so there you see your customer leave you, or you see the Pokemon you wanted and be unable to buy this hurts everyone! we already have a difficult Economy in PRO! why leave it more harder than what its already is! PRO's Rules dont allow us to buy Pokes cought on other regions we have not unlocked yet. I personally Disagree to that rule, But Can there be a solution? YES IT CAN! and In a way that can Benefit Us the Players and at the same time obey PRO's Rules and Interests SOLUTION>>> allow us to sell our pokes to customers that have not completed that region the Pokemon been cought from, and LOCK their pokes in their PC until they reach that region.. that will allow PRO rules to be followed regarding buying pokes from regions a player have not completed, and make it less harder for us the sellers and buyers, once the buyer reach the region it bought the locked Pokemon from, it can now use it (since the lock icon will now be gone from the Pokemon), in that way the buyer wont lose the chance to get the desired pokemon, preventing the risk of having other buyer taking the pokemon it wanted, and also very possibly preventing us the sellers sell for a lower price since no one is buying our stuff for the desired price we wanted at first, because by them not buying will equal to loosing a Potential Customer.. and later on when that custumer can now buy, it can very possibly chance its mind or no longer have the cash anymore since it bought something else we the sellers already have too much difficulty selling pokes, please allow us to make it less harder by giving us this benefit If it gets approved, the buyers can get a small pop up screen warning to let them know that the pokemon will be locked into your until you have reach that region the current pokemon have been cought from, in that way it can know that it will still be theirs but it will just be locked until it reach the requierd Region Is a WIn-Win for both PRO and us the players Happy Buyers! Happy Sellers! Happy PRO Staff! will equal to a more happier PRO Community leave you comment below if you agree or disagree to this request to PRO staff welcome to leave their opinion thanks for reading IMPORTANT UPDATE! >Please Staff or Player, make sure to read all comments here, as there are some Important Comments with Additional Information Its also good to read the feedback posted by fellow players STAFF! We welcome your reply :)
  11. Hellouu! o/ I hope nobody suggested it already, at least i didn't saw anybody starting a topic cuz of it (if im wrong, sorry o/) So yeah, it's simple: for example, everytime i want to buy 999 max repels, i have to click that arrow button until my finger dies. xd Why not intending an 'enter amount' button with a 3 number limit? So you can't type in anything over 999 :P
  12. could we have an item in shop, lantern or something like that acts like flash move, cause there is a lot of dark places that needs flash but having a pokemon with flash is not always possible specially when have a team to fight a boss. thanks
  13. pls add an item to make the first mone fint & die directly without going on the wild to make it faint in case we want to repel trick or hunt for a mone (especialy if the pokemon is on high level its a pain to make him faint ) for example this pic
  14. This is something i have been very vocal about for a while, but have never made a thread about it. So here it is I find this "mechanic" to be very unhealthy for the game, not only by how it makes pvp less fun, but it also encourages pvpers to not play multiple games in a row, or change their teams after every match to avoid getting either counter teamed/getting the same (bad) matchup again. The latter is especially annoying, its not a matter of just playing it better, some matchups are just polarizing to the point of *forcing you* to change teams. Changing teams after a match is NOT something thats very plausible in an MMO setting, this is especially true for newer players who have just finished their only team and are trying to get their foot in the door of the pvp scene. In some cases, this could be a "good thing" allowing you to "farm" a new player over and over for free rating and coins, this may be a "good" thing for one person, but the person on the receiving end is almost certainly not having fun. I would suspect some new players have given up on pvp solely because they queue up into the same ladder player over and over For someone like me, this mechanic is just HORRIBLE for content creation. I was trying to record a 45 minute video the other day and got the same person 4 times in a row. Obviously fighting the same person 4x in a row isnt something a lot of people would like to watch, so I always only include 1 battle. This 45 minute recording session turned into a 3 hour session of boring hell, and completely ruined my mood for the rest of the video. Now, since i bring this up a lot i hear these 2 arguments against changing this mechanic. First is usually "this is a thing in many other games too" I dont find this to be a good argument at all, mostly for the reasons i stated above. It encourages you to play a different team every game, which is not a viable way to get around this in an MMO setting like ours, hunting/buying/preparing full teams takes a long time, its not something you can do overnight. And "it would make queue times too long" I do not think this would have an impact on the ladder queue at all, again for the reason i stated above. The current system encourages you to only play few games per day, at peak hours to ensure you get the most diversity possible. And even if this does impact the pvp queue times, theres a very simple solution. Make finding the same person 2x in a row an optional setting. Also something i didnt even think of, this would help stop boosters. Thanks for reading, have a nice day, let me know your thoughts on this.
  15. hey guys is it possible to add a cancel button to pvp like when u misclicked or forgot to mega u can go back until the enemy made his move ?
  16. Howdy folks! Have you ever been annoyed By Spam in Trade Chat Have you ever done spam yourself by mistake? Well today I bring you an Idea that will Stop Trade chat spam for good! There should be a 1 minute cool down to Comment again in trade chat BOOM! Many issues solved Issues from Novince Players who dont know that is not Ok to spam or got no clue that they are spamming, Veteran players who spam by mistake, Evildoers who spam on Porpuse, and also Limits Cruel Bad players who break the rules by commenting on the prices of other players in trade chat Order now! Call 1-800 End-Spam-Now thats 1-800 End-Spam-Now And Enjoy from this improvement that will leave a more Pleasent Gaming Experiance for Players By having this Suggestion Implented, it will also Save time from Staff who work by Supervising the Trade Chat in search for spam I spam once by mistake and got muted, the Staff told me that to post again i needed to wait 1 minute, so by having this Implented, they no longer need to Supervise us in this aspect Dont delay! Order now! Order it by Support it and in Hopes to have it some day Implented Your Opinion/Comments is Welcomed Thanks
  17. Hey, I noticed the move has been coded into some mons lvl up moves but there is no tutor for the mons that learn it from tutor in ultra sun and moon. Could we get a tutor for the move please? Would like to have it for my Linoone
  18. Hi there, I know this was suggested by @Theminho and credits to him for that,but the suggestion was ignored so i'd thought i'd post it again with more details on how I think it should be. So basically the idea would be to sell back exclusive pvp items to the shop.I really don't think there's any downside to it. For example,you would be able to buy an item exclusive to the PvP Shop (that item has to be only available through the pvp shop and non tradable so you dont farm pvp coins like this) and then be able to sell it back for like,half amount,or even the same amount. Another example,if you decide to buy a PvP Cloak which is only available for a specific gender,and then you decide to use a magic mirror,that cloak will always stay useless in your inventory,since you can't even sell it for good money which kinda sucks to be honest. And what you want to buy in the PvP is most likely exclusive items,you can't abuse the economy either. I really don't think there's any downside to it and i'd love to hear your thoughts about that to be honest. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.
  19. Soul Dew (in its gen 7 incarnation) is a decent Life Orb replacement for Latios on some sets. Would be nice to have it available as an option.
  20. Suggestion for Akatsuki clothing. Hello friends, I believe that you do not have all the Akatsuki movement sprite, since this is the print of my Guild, I decided to make the complement of the costume of Deidara to put in the image and I will leave this one here for you. These Sprites were based on the Boss De Hoenn but modified to incorporate movement in the game, it was made with unique intention and to add new clothes to the wall of our Guild Magikarp the greater Brazilian guild uniting all the Servers with more than 300 members.
  21. Hi all, I want to suggest implementing team preview few seconds before PVP match just like in normal pokemon games. This helps a lot with strategies and you can actually succeed in your plan because you saw the preview and you know what you need to do. Also this way we can make PRO PVP system much more fair than it is currently. Best thing to do would be team preview with players character next to team and below that ready button for starting battle. Pls consider this :Shy:
  22. as you see in the pic below (the picture is only an example there are many stuff without description) when we want to buy some stuff if we scroll the mouse arrow we can't get any information about the item so please add a short description in all items shop to know what we are going to buy
  23. My suggestion, as mostly a solo player now (Friends all stopped playing) is to maybe make a new channel in the discord, or even a category that lets players LFG(look for group) in there for dungeons. In my experience, its taken on average, over an hour to find a group every time, I'm in a guild but there is just not enough people running dungeons. Currently, the only way to look for other players doing dungeons is to ask in all chat, which is constantly being typed in so your message gets lost, or stand by the entrance and wait for quite a while. The other solution is to join a guild, while there is no downside to joining guilds, it pushes a player into a joining a guild for JUST dungeons, which isn't really the point of guilds. So guilds will get filled up with players who aren't really taking advantage of all guilds have to offer. Having a channel in the PRO discord would not be hard to set up, and it would also let players, guild, or no guild, have a good place to focus on finding other players also trying to complete dungeons.
  24. hi, some area & map when we are grinding mones we have some ms pokemon that we don't want to encouter so please add a npc to disable ms (same option as for the npc -psychic tamaro when disabling bms)
  25. Hello, considering there are so many Indian players in the game, I request the staff to make a permanent Hindi Chat Room in the game! We had a temporary Hindi chat room in the game before as well, but it got deleted after the recent client fix. It would enhance the gaming experience for Indian players. Currently, the chat system supports various languages, but I believe the addition of a permanent Hindi Chatbox would be immensely beneficial for the Indian player base. I kindly request you to consider this suggestion. Best regards, Shekhar786
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