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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/22 in all areas

  1. Note, the results of this poll will not lead into the final result for our decision. I simply would like to hear your opinions and suggestions on this. There are ideas I would also like to bring in like modifying Guild Island Falls to make it rotational too that are personal. Greetings, everyone! For full transparency, I wanted to make this thread before I begin with any changes on the Guild Island spawns. I have two main ideas for Guild Island to improve its overall spawns. Mainly, the spawns that barely fit there, with pokemon such as Volbeat, Illumise, Hoothoot, Sentret and other pokemon that have no real viability in PvP will be removed for PvP pokemon that range from Common to Rare wherever I can. This does not mean every single PvP pokemon will appear in there, we will still have to follow our spawn schemes to be able to fit as many suitable pokemon as possible. After all, reaching the Guild Island requires your guild to acheive the Top 3 position in one of the two servers. After all this effort, you would expect the Guild Island to award you with great spawns. It mostly does its job indeed, but I cannot deny there's places to improve. Some of the sets that rotate in some areas leave much to be desired (mainly due to spawn restrictions). I will be substituting pokemon that fit less in some places and adding way more PvPable pokemon. For example, if Magikarp spawned in the Surf spawns for Stall, I'd add Wooper instead, or instead of a Zubat in the Hail set, I'd add a Swinub. These changes will also try to follow two things: 1.- thematic purpose and 2.- sync, trying to follow the same natures as other spawns and similar rarities. These were my 2 objectives when I made this last Valentine's event spawns and almost everyone seemed to be satisfied. So, for the Guild Island Spawn Changes I have the following two ideas: 1.- Do as it is right now. Simply change some pokemon one by one, I remove one and add another one that better suits the area and try to follow the same Nature and Ability (hidden ability or not) if possible. This means that the amount of spawns per area will be the same if not very similar. The variety would stay very similar, so nothing crazy to introduce. These changes would only take me a few days to do. 2.- Do something similar to Pinkan Island. Way more spawns per rotation, way more pokemon variety. However, the spawns would be divided by Morning/Night (one nature or two as a maximum) and then Daytime for different spawns (with a different nature). They'd all follow the same pattern. More pokemon would be introduced here, but now you'd have less time to hunt specific pokemon. For example, if a pokemon only spawns in the Morning and Night time, you won't be able to hunt it during Daytime. This can be both great to introduce more pokemon into Guild Island (thus, making you stay longer) or hurting your hunting hours if they don't match your Poketime. I would like your opinions on these two ideas I have. These will apply to all maps available in Guild Island that have rotational spawns. Please, avoid going off-topic on other topics such as EV Wald, Johto/Kanto routes, Event Area Spawn reworks and so on. These are things I'm already tackling in the background! Useful feedback: This spawn (Goldeen) makes no sense because the other pokemon work with a Relaxed nature while this one doesn't. The rarity of Magikarp here is wrong, it should be Common instead of Rare. The level range for this pokemon is wrong, it faints itself. You could change this Scyther into this other zone to change Larvesta, because Adamant fits here better while Bold fits better in the other site. I think Klefki would be a good addition. ^with this, we get good feedback and we can actually make changes accordingly. Not useful feedback: This spawn/idea is trash, this spawn/idea is amazing. ^with this, we don't understand why this complaint/compliment is brought into the thread. All off-topic comments and toxic comments will be moderated and removed.
    2 points
  2. Hey I want to sell this gallade which is one of the best shiny gallade I have seen so far, as I got currently better options for shiny pvp/ false swiper and I didnt use this gallade for 4 months. I am on gold server but can transfer to silver at any time Start price : 1k Min bid : 500k Insta : 35m 72h auction after first bid Accept pokedollar, cc (400k) Good luck and thanks to every bidder!
    2 points
  3. C.o:1m M.bid:150k 36h auction after 1st bid.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. Contact : Bingedrinker#7043 Every auction lasts 48h. Minimum bids : 50k for a s.o below 500k/100k for a s.o between 500k and 1m/200k for a s.o between 1m and 2m CC = 400k ivRR = 700k nRR = 330k RC = 7k Pokemon with S.O : This is an auction you can start at that price. Pokemon with INSTA : They go at that price. No time to negociate about those since they are low prices Have fun browsing the shop ! A B C D E F G H K L M P R S T V div widget
    1 point
  6. some prices are negotiable can do discounts for multiple purchases accept cc:420k reroll:700k rare candy:8k 100k 100k 200k 200k 200k 200k 50k 50k 100k 50k 80k 80k 50k 60k 150k 50k 250k 120k 50k 80k 50k 30k 30k 200k 40k 40k 40k 40k 40k 50k 150k 100k 250k 30k 60k
    1 point
  7. Current Offer: 5.5m Minimum Raise: 500k No insta END TIME: March 23, Wednesday 7:37 PM (PH TIME, GMT+8) Accepted forms of payment are: Cash RR ticket : 700k Nature RR: 350k Coin Capsule: 400k Contact me in-game: Chichaii
    1 point
  8. Much has been said about how annoying and expensive it is to reroll your legendary Pokemon. With the amount of powerful legendary Pokemon being released, this is a bigger problem than ever before. It is currently difficult to imagine a properly constructed PvP team without at least one legendary - the likes of Landorus-T, Tornadus-T, Thundurus, Manaphy, and Mega Diancie simply have no comparable huntable replacement. Because of this, I would like to present a mathematical analysis on how difficult it is to obtain a legendary that is able to function in its role - having sufficient speed to maintain its speed tier, and the correct hidden power if necessary. I will only look for average secondary stats (HP, offenses, defenses >= 15). These statistics were computed using a script that simulates rerolling a legendary over and over until it meets certain parameters. This was posted in the PvP forum as it is most relevant to PvP players. First, let's consider this (admittedly subjective) list of essential legendaries: Essential: Niche: Let's consider only the 10 legendaries listed as essential. Here are the speed IVs they must meet to remain in their speed tier: Let's take a look at how many rerolls it would take to obtain bare minimum speed, reasonable secondary stats, and Hidden Power if necessary (Mean | Median # rerolls necessary in 10,000 simulations rounded to nearest integer): Sum total: 1877 mean / 1305 median reroll tickets needed for simply playable stats. Source code can be provided if anyone is interested in double-checking my work, but arithmetic will show that these numbers are reasonable. I think no one will disagree when I say this is unrealistic for the vast majority of the playerbase. Of course, the primary offender is Hidden Power, but I would consider these numbers unacceptable even without the [Ice] electrics. As frustrating as it is for players, I can't imagine it's profitable for the game, either - with these numbers most players simply won't bother rerolling, weakening the economy. My best suggestion for mitigating this issue is allowing players to grind to increase their legendaries' IVs up to a maximum of 15. I'd love to hear any alternative ideas. As an aside, this forum needs actual moderation. The Greninja thread was a cesspool of low-effort posts and blatant misinformation - Keita eventually closed it, but ideally we would be able to engage in productive discussion without these sorts of distractions.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. ty new here ill change that
    1 point
  11. Username: Ictyfe Server: Gold Pokemon: Registeel Pokemon ID: i dont remember but i have this picture below Reason: Accidentally Released
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. As you already mentioned there are some spawns that is pretty much useless. I have been in Guild Island for the majority since it got released and feel that something extra was needed aswell. Personally i love the Idea of making it more like you did with the valentine event since it gave a huge boost in farming. For example now you can go inside Guild Island Forest just to get legit crazy with the difference between the Pokemons nature needed. I am not sure if Gligar became Rare in Guild Island but it should be uncommon. + Guild Island Falls should only be for the top 3 Guilds. Getting top 3 is harder than gathering 20 Mysterious Tickets! Other than this there is not more from me. A great Idea and I am happily lookin forward towards new spawns and a new excited Guild Island! GP
    1 point
  14. Here u can see the distance of the bid
    1 point
  15. My bid was 26 minutes ago and u took a bid 9 minutes after my bid thatw 16 minutes after my bid and timer was already ended
    1 point
  16. Just see your bid is 15 minutes and a few seconds away from my bid and timer was already ended
    1 point
  17. Bro i think i won cuz 15 minutes was over right with my 6m bid
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I´ve been using guild island to farm since this month started, i have loved some spawns and not so much others, i guess making a decision here migh lead to having half of the potential thing that i like and half of what i dont like. I do feel atracted to the idea of having different spawns at different times of the day, but only if its in a specific area, lets say "guild island falls", because as many know, grinding is the main point of getting good mons, even tho luck is a factor, there is a component of putting in effort, and reducing the effort and favoring randomnes even more dosent feel right, or at least for me. So, my answer cant go into this poll. As i feel it might be missunderstood. TLDR: Im in favor of having different spawns, but ONLY if its in a specific location of the island. Check my shop: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/193557-doc´s-shop/#comment-1098714
    1 point
  20. Hello @devillover I am afraid that you added the other bid after the time was over, please give the Auction Rules a read. Unfortunately, the auction cannot be fixed as the money is already used, auctioneer is punished for breaking the rules. @kishanb1112002 @Bermie25 please next time instead of replying to the auction stick to the reports. ~Haruyukio
    1 point
  21. Ahh, Thank you for moving it and helping me. I have gotten 5 badges now and my 2 main pokemon Growlithe and Bulbasaur are both level 80 I have saved my money and I am doing the Jenny Bounties. I will start doing the Dig spots. Thank you so much. I have enjoyed the experience so much that I have donated to receive 200 credits (Edit: make that 350). I love this community and game. -Thanks Tomalle.
    1 point
  22. Pretty sure they would need to revamp their Overall game rules, because NFT resolves around World Trading/Real Money. Refering to the Overall Game rules paragraph 4. This is not to say that the suggestion is hindered by this, but it means that NFT can be used as a condition to buy in-game assets, which again is currently against PRO's rules. NFT is pretty much a debated topic nowadays, whether or not it will be the next thing to "take over" world currency. I for myself think its a one-time thing, wheras it will die out in a few years and everything related to it will fail miserably. Because its non-fungible its pretty much already a issue from the get-go, but that debate is something I rather sway away from, because people seem to have no end in getting flamable regarding it. Hencefourth I will give this a suggestion a -1. Because as of right now, there is no garantee that this won't backfire on PRO for the coming years and the fact that you also state in your CONS that Nintendo might/will eventually hear about PRO, especially if they make money in public, its game over for them. And honestly, not a big fan of NFT. But this reply is not biased based on my personal opinion of NFT.
    1 point
  23. Selling my shiny toxicroak. 14M Not willing to negotiate considering this is a solid price. It's currently on silver but i could transfer it to gold.
    1 point
  24. +1 Don't see any reasons not too. Could be conflicting with the current version of PRO that they follow irrc, but that's the more technical stuff I'll leave for the tryhard experts to resolve.
    0 points
  25. IGN : Konservatif Server : Silver Reason : accidently release my excadril ID : 68955756
    0 points
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