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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/22 in all areas

  1. PRO already have something similiar planned, or had. Idk, Auction house on Dashboard have been pretty much stuck on "SOON" tag for the past few years. But I think its a neat addition, would help tracking trades a bit easier for both staff and players alike, unlike the current methods PRO uses today.
    2 points
  2. Not well decorated but my brain doesnt feel like investing another 5+ hours.
    1 point
  3. Medicham - Jolly 27/31 S.O. 1.6m Min bid 200k Insta - 3.6m Time - 2 day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 1 S.O. 500k Min bid 100k Insta - 1.6m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 2 S.O. 400k Min bid 100k Insta - 1m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 3 S.O. 600k Min bid 100k Insta - 1.2m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Magnezone(HP - Fire) S.O. 600k Min bid 100k Insta - 2.4m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Torkoal - 1 S.O. 300k Min bid 100k Insta - 1m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k SOLD GOOD LUCK!!
    1 point
  4. Hi, so I have recently tried Pokemon MMO and have found that their trading system is actual pretty dope. Although the gameplay is not as fun/vast as Pokemon revo's game play, still their trading system is quiet superior and much better than PokeRevo's system. Is it possible to implement that here in Poke Revo? I feel this update would be better for the game and would make trading easier(less bargaining, more of the actual trading). Would love if you guys(players & dev's) could share your thoughts/opinions on this too!
    1 point
  5. Hello there, i want to sell some pvpable pokemon already fully trained. I accept reroll ticket (700k), reroll nature (350k) and cc (400k) The auction will last 2 days after first bid c.o. 600k by Naschhh insta 3m min bid 100k https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3174066/my-countdown c.o. 500k by Hohlyeraser insta 1.5m min bid 50k https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3173340/my-countdown c.o. 600k by Lauty insta 2m min bid 100k https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3174982/my-countdown GL Everyone
    1 point
  6. s.o: 1.5m min bid 100k duration:2 days after start insta:4m other payment method: cc:400k nature rr: 350k iv rr :700k
    1 point
  7. 1m Accept CC(400k), RR(700k)
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. None of the bulbas are 27+ as you mention,what do you want to prove? Misleading. Misleading. Misleading.
    1 point
  10. After further discussion, the person doesn't want it anymore, I don't mind, please Tmods don't chase after him .
    1 point
  11. I buy this larvesta for 100k if still available
    1 point
  12. Hello everyone, I'm Machao753. Since the Official PRO Ladder Tournament is moving onto PRO, many players feel like this is a premature process. Therefore, we have come together and created the PRO Ladder Invitational which will be held on showdown over the month of April. To enter this tournament you would have to be top 25 during the season. The rewards are as follows: For players who forgo their participation in the main PRO Ladder Tournament held next month: $20 USD + 1 cc for 1st place, $10 USD + 1cc for 2nd place For players who participate in this tournament AND the main PRO Ladder Tournament: $10 USD +1 cc for 1st place, $5 USD + 1 cc for 2nd place In additional, for the best played match in the tournament (which will be voted by the players/spectators), the two players who play the match will receive 1 cc each. Feel free to join if you want to participate or if you simply want to spectate. The tournament will only start with a minimum of 16 people and will not have a max participant. Additional rules in the server. Tournament Server: https://discord.gg/PCVmVbNB87 Thank you for reading, hope to see you in the tournament and have a nice day.
    1 point
  13. 0 points
  14. 0 points
  15. 0 points
  16. Will be online in 3 hours Discord: daftgenius#3502
    0 points
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