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  1. Please read the explanation in the post, no comments possible! The vote is only for me to see what the community would like to get implemented the most. The vote most likely doesn't affect the actual order but I am very interested! Part 2 of WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO PRIORITIZE FOR THE NEXT BIG UPDATE? Box rework //A general box rework to add more filters, split the boxes, add mass delete and so on. Auction House //If - and only if - we implement an Auction then most likely only for Pokemon, not for items. Visual for environment moves //Probably just a new background as long as the rooms are active, Artists where are you?! Visual for active stat changes //Not sure how to do that yet, might be a space-related problem. Show the Pokemon instead of a Pokeball in PvP battles //Replace the Pokeball icons with the Pokemon icons. I already looked into it and found a few problems with Android. It's really hard to identify the Pokemon. PvP elo system //Easy to say, hard to do. Team Builder //Create teams with your Pokemon and replace your whole team with a single click instead of looking for every Pokemon in your box. Player/Social window rework //Similar rework as PvP window but for the social tab. We could possibly add following features: Weekly Boss Limit Counter, Boss Cooldowns Page: NPC sprite, Name, Location, Current Win-Streak, Cooldown timer, Friendlist: Status Message, Friendlist: Last Online, Guild: Last Online, Guild: User Rating, Guild: Input field and invite button, so you can invite cross map without having to use the command, Guild Creating in Social/Player Window, /foreveralone Check Box, Time Ladder, PMs Enabled/Disabled Option instead of using the online status as indicator. Slider to change how many users you can see on the same map //To unburden old hardware without the need to use foreveralone. Options to see friends- and/or guildies-only as well. Z-Moves //Guess pretty much everyone knows how Z-Moves work. Pulverizing Pancake opop. Reconnect //That's not only for PvP but in general so users that disconnect unplanned reconnect without even realizing it in the background. Lending Trade //You know, implementing the feature we failed to implemented without bugs twice another time.
    7 points
  2. We love chansey blissey skarmory clefable toxapex mega sableye alomomola mega venusaur tangrowth slowbro gliscor suicune latias zapdos quagsire hippowdon amoonguss ditto meta
    5 points
  3. It doesnt bring joy to bump a unanswered topic, and see how the whole staff team is not able to answer it in a whole year - even when its laughable. But cant anyone at least write that you forwarded this issue or similar? Ppl here have no clue if you ignore them, dont know what to do, if the issue is beeing worked on or whatever. Like wtf. Common.
    3 points
  4. It's not about the fact that facing the same teams. You can obviously build something funny and not totally off meta. Adding those "rewards" will just make everyone spam low tiers and farm low skilled people. They won't even try to ladder at the end since it wouldn't be really worth, or they will play their main team at the end of the season to ladder, it will just break the PvP Economy (Prestige mounts/Reroll prices will drop), there is already enough abuse in PVE, don't make the pvp like that. The meta changed during those last years with the introduction of new mons, abilities and moves coded but also the mega evolutions (Should we had Z moves yet?). Obviously it will change again with some Gen7 pokemon (Hello Toxabest if not banned > Gren unban ? + Tapus). There is some cool pokemons in Gen7 which haven't been released yet. Also, regarding the same teams in ladder, it's mostly because PvPers don't like to farm, they usually have 2/3 teams that they know to play and don't want to hunt/get out of their comfort area. The only thing that could be done is another ladder with another tier but for that, we need more players. (Just watch Random ladders which is low, not a lot of players actually play in random). I don't think this will happen soon or later unless we get 3k players online everytime. Guess, nothing else has to be added, good luck in PvP ! Cya :).
    3 points
  5. i have very nice idea that can add more variety and fun in pvp xD and without forcing anybody to OU or UU NU or anything many ppl (me too) are very tired of the pvp in pro and i saw even some guys quit game because of it, always they have the same overpowered pokemons. and even if u dont play pvp u have to admit that its sad that only 20-30 pokemons are used in the main battle part of this game while theres so many more pokes out there.. (and those 20-30 make most of the others unplayable) last year they announced to change queue from OU to UU queue but even as one of the ppl who voted for it i doubt adding an UU queue instead of OU would fix the problem and even 30-40% of people iirc voted for keep it OU only and didnt want other queues. why punish these people if there is a solution to make both parties happy? since all of this problem goes down to the fact that ppl play as filthy as they can to get pvp coins/rating you need a system that works like this: -staff or this council makes a tier list with all pokes rated by how strong they are -for example there are 5 tiers: -1 win with 6 poke from tier 1 (weakest/ like 1st evos) = 5 PvP coins -if u add 1 or more poke from tier 2 ur team will be considered tier 2 = 4 PvP Coins per win -3 Coins = win with tier 3 or lower pokes -2 coins = tier 4 team -Normal 1 Coin as always if u win with 1 or more overused pokemon in team. so nobody is forced to change his playstyle -And a little multiplicator in gained rating per win based on the tier of ur team. (like 18 rating instead of 16 for example :D) i think this would be refreshing for everyone and its the perfect way to encourage even the filthiest people to have a little fun. Like this its all optional if u keep using OU pokes nothing changes for you except that u might encounter more fun teams. so nobody lose anything with this solution xD lets go bro
    2 points
  6. and why u guys act like this opinion is new or just mine xD much more than 50% of community voted to change from OU.
    2 points
  7. If you have your own opinion and we can have ours too, we can give - 1 if we dont like your idea. But we dont actually need why. I hate why you guys always mention showdown anyway i dont play showdown i play pro, and i enjoy it. And to players who really think they are skillful dont talk about that here just play as you like. I see Frozen play with some undderated mons for months he still win it. If you hate the meta and thought some mond are really too op just mention those pokemon so that may be staff can adjust for us or banned. In every pvp game there always will be a meta I understand why you want the change but u cant just call us fool if ww dont like it
    2 points
  8. u call it skillful play to hide behind the same boring pokemon for 8 years? really........ if u want to keep fighting the same team over and over again for another 8 years... i dont really mind, all i have to do is just not play xD but how many servers are there left to merge and how many real trainers are there left to disappoint... +1 there should be some changes to make this part of the game enjoyable i dont seee why people cry about too many coins... so many numbers and science just take your fav pokes and have siome fun why no one wants to do that.... this game is lost
    2 points
  9. Yeah add more coins, so the rarity and at the same time price of Prestige Mounts will drop. A good way of nerfing Pvpers ultimate milestone, what is the best feature they can purchase for other players (20m in the Pvper's pocket), what is encouraging them to do PvP again and again. There are ofc rerolls too, but overall, A Prestige Mount is much worth buying : => 2500 Pvp Coins / 150 (price of Rerolls in Pvp Coins) = 16,66... =16 X 700k = 11.2m. TL;DR "1 win with 6 poke from tier 1 (weakest/ like 1st evos) = 5 PvP coins" so you can farm noobs like you previously did in your videos with 6 pre-evo Pokemon. Those kind of team will only work against them, you will waste your time if you're against decent opponents with meta teams who actually know how to put Stealth Rock on your field. Plus, why would you do that ? Hitting the Ladder with a good team will require less time and effort in term of Pvp Coins (regular games + juicy Ladder) + the Ladder Tour potential mighty reward ! Unless, you'll plan to just stay low when every known guy doing ladder will be at like 300 rating mid-season ? Do you see yourself spamming this kind of team on noobs ? Would it be fun like you wanted the Pvp to be ? Haha lol xd I'm rekting noobs and farming Pvp Coins (I'm mimicing you). This is easy to abuse such a system. For all your other tier propositions + this quote, you can't blame people who want to win and therefore bring solid teams full of OU that will win more easily against your Wish team version. Also, will you have fun when encountering good opponents with meta teams facing your troll teams that will obliterate you 5 or more times in a row to finally get a noob in your 6th game ? I don't think so. As for the rating multiplier, you'll lose so much rating compared to what you'll win that it won't change a thing. TL;DR Conclusion : Giving more Pvp Coins depending on Pokemon used isn't the solution for all the reasons mentionned above in my opinion. Format changes are the solution, but most people aren't ready as they mainly farmed OU Pokemon which is natural. You want winners in your teams. You wanted arguments ? You got mine, Hf.
    2 points
  10. WELCOME TO BHIMOSO'S SERVICE SHOP! DEX SERVICE For ALL POKEMON FROM GEN 1 TO 4. (Except legendaries which are obviously not tradable). ^currently working on buying Gen 5 and 6 Pokemon for 10 to 20k each, hit me up to sell them to me if you don't want them anymore. The price for each Pokemon's Caught Data is 5k. No matter how common or rare or how many Pokemon you order. You will be traded the Pokemon on a 10 minute Lend Trade and the Pokemon will be sent back to me automatically. You cannot keep the Pokemon. (As if it wasn't obvious by now). LENDING SERVICE The Lending Service is a Lending service where you will pay per days (not hours). I have over 700 PvP level 100 Pokemon + HM slaves + leveling up Chimechos. Whatever you need, basically. Even 3 Boss Teams. They can also be used to rush Story. You can order the lending of up to 5 Pokemon at the same time. The time limit is 7 days. You will get a free 24 hours on every lend. This is in case you have something IRL that interrupts you on the same day you ask for the lending. The price per 24 hours per pokemon is 10k. If you're a good client/newbie, I will give you extra free days. Newbies get better treatment PAYMENTS ARE ALWAYS IN EVERY TRADE. No "delayed payments" or "I'll pay you later". Pokemon will never be traded with an item. Request pictures of the pokemon you might be interested in and I'll tell you if I have it or not. Pokemon list: (in progress) Boss Team Lending Service 3 Fully trained Baton Pass Boss teams (moveset ready and stuff) available for lending anytime. These are: Gorebyss - Pangoro - Magnezone - Skarmory - Golduck - Whimsicott. Prices mentioned above apply. Leveling Team Lending Service Five Chimecho moveset ready available for lending anytime. You can use them to level up your pokemon. Prices mentioned above apply. DAYCARE SERVICE Prices for each EXP group: 100K: 600k EXP group 100K: 800k EXP group 100K: 1 million 100K: 1.059 million EXP group 100K: 1.2 million EXP group CURRENTLY NOT DOING - 1.640 million EXP group 50k full EV service 252 252 4 ^leveling is ALWAYS done up to 97 ^I normally finish everything in less than 24 hours but I take it chill lmao ^the maximum pokemon I accept at once is 5 pokemon. STORY SERVICE Kanto: 4 to 8 Badges + Elite 4: 250k Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh: Every 4 badges it's 250k. The entire region is 500k. The last 4 badges also include the Elite 4. I will also train the Rattata, beat Youngster Joey and do your Sinnoh Access Quest. I bring my own pokemon and a normal mount and a surf mount to do the rush quickly. You do not need to give me anything. PAYMENT METHODS AND ACCEPTED ITEMS AS PAYMENT: 1 RC = 7k, 1 PP UP = 2k 1 PP MAX = 6k 1 EV Berry = 1k (currently not accepted because I have my bag full) Contact me here, ingame or Discord, derp9032
    1 point
  11. hey guys my lugia from test was removed but it still helded my choice specs and its gone :((( pls can i get it back
    1 point
  12. it won't let me in and it's the most recent download
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1,5m Rash dragonite
    1 point
  15. Starting offer:1m Min bid : 200k No Insta Auction ends 48hrs after first bid https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=38:00:00&date=2022-04-16T22:34:28&title=Timer&sound=xylophone&loop=1 Accepted payments: -pokedollars -cc = 400k -iv reroll = 700k / nat. rr 350k
    1 point
  16. But there was an offer in the last extension
    1 point
  17. why cant? In PvE u also have the chance to choose between easy middle or hard and get different rewards. this would exactly be the same.
    1 point
  18. why nobody has love left for wailord ledian tauros camerupt cacturne noctowl jigglypuff tirtuoga crustle klinklang garbodor vanilluxe rapidash durant heatmor snorlax jumpluff magcargo bastiodon piloswine miltank sceptile flygon lunatone solrock regirock relicanth glalie drifblim mr. mime carnivine lumineon probopass walrein archeops and all the other poke
    1 point
  19. Why u guys act like PvP could grant u any kind of income in pokedollars?!?! 1 win = 1coin = 10minutes = 25hours of straight winning for 1 reroll cmon even if you 20x that its not even worth mentioning, ladder will still be the main income of pvp coins for sure.. most people play maximum 150 pvp games per year. with PvE you can make more than those 600-700k in 1 hour even after the recent patches. That means that right now pvp is like 1/300 as effective as PvE income-wise if u finish top 25 a couple of times. and your other point was that people could spam many games with 1st evos?! xD dude exactly that was the point of this whole idea lol if that would be any terrible im sure you can tell me who exactly would be upset about a situation like that. the tryhards who will even have an easier time stalling you down? or the people who write suggestions like this? exactly, nobody would be.
    1 point
  20. Hello, i need lending service for a sassy ferrothorn pm me in game / Siiorspro
    1 point
  21. What's your Player name (IGN)? Vesi Number of hours played? 110 or something What's your favourite Pokemon? Dedenne What country are you from? USA How old are you? 23 Which server do you play on? Silver
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. i laddered enough times that i have nothing left to buy from pvp coins since 2017 dude what blasphemous things do i have to read here...you obviously have no idea who youre talking to. I wasnt even online for 2 or 3 weeks why would i log on to proof some newschool randoms that i could #1 any time i wanted to. i write the coins part as incentive to push people like you in the direction of having fun while battling in PRO cuz the filthy tryhard people wouldnt change their playstyle without rating / ladder / coins reward. and if "we" like pro like it is right now why playerbase keeps decreasing rapidly and everyone voted for UU and not OU back then?
    1 point
  24. Apologies for the inconvenience. Servers are currently down due to a Maintenance and there's no estimated time for when they will be back up. Please check our Official PRO Discord to stay updated on the Servers Status. Kind regards, Kvar
    1 point
  25. Würde gerne beitreten ^^ Ich und mein Bruder spielen seit dem 15.4. Also seit gestern und wäre nicht schlecht am Anfang bisschen Unterstützung zu haben ^^ Discord; BestOfFabian#4102
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. "we dont like your idea. But we dont actually need why. I hate why you guys always mention showdown anywa i dont play showdown i play pro" if u had read and understand my post u wouldve realized that this is 1 step away not 1 step closer to the weird smogon/ showdown fake system we are having right now.
    1 point
  28. "Do you see yourself spamming this kind of team on noobs?" wth u think finnderboss needs pvp coins??!!??!! xD even in 2017 i had everything already bro. just care for the community and the game
    1 point
  29. u can bring 100 ou pokes and dont win vs my easiest "wish team" trust me ... 5 is the number of games i max. play in a week because thats exactly what it takes to get my weekly coin. 5 games 5 wins always the same 100% winrate on people like u who think cool pokes are ez to beat just because somerandom guy put them in some random tier list on some website really ......... ? these videos were just random shadowplay moments for my friends.... i never said they were anything special i mastered my own style since 2015 if u wanna check my replays i beat u all clowns with my little left finger i am the god of pokemonshowdown before pro existed the only one who ever laddered in pro with full nu pokes like kecleon and never tanks ask all of your weird "known people" who beat their 3 letters in pvp anytime with any team... why u change the topic now from this epic suggestion to your weird jealousy... i dont even know you and you spend so much time and effort making up lies about me below my brothers post xD what the freak have i done to u ?
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. plssss cmon wtffff
    1 point
  33. would be amazhing bro i miss my item
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. pls my choice specs man xD
    1 point
  36. 1 point
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