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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/22 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone i want an auction for this cute Pinsir s.o: 8m min bid :300k Insta:12m Payment methods: Pokedollar CC:400K ~ rr ticket:700k~ rr nature 350k~ rc:7k Time left: https://countingdownto.com/?c=4195945 The auction ends 3 days after first bid
    2 points
  2. Sold to phantompirate Ign = kitretsu05 Discord = Gizem/kitretsu05#1652
    2 points
  3. And I hate that fact. In the past I even discussed that statement and gave my idea to change it into like what other forums have done, where they had a "wait x number of posts before posting again" limit or just removed the post count from said forums altogether. But, they did not listen to it, so I cba to try again. But, I have never once thought or used it as a way to farm my forum rank. I have genuinly had fun there and I think of it as a chill place to escape from all the serious discussions or toxic energy I find elsewhere on the forums and it also served as a project to revive it from the verge of completely dying. And that is sadly because PRO has pushed the subforum down to the very bottom and even made it a sub of a subforum and it is sadly invisible for all the new players, unless someone comments on it and it is visible on the front page feed. And as of lately, I've seen more and more people who have started playing it again and even some new faces due to its visbility. Sadly, the playground subforum is not given enough love and visibility, thereafter I decided to dedicate a lot of my time trying to revive it. My main method was to advertise it once in awhile on the front page, often 3 or 4 games a time in feed, sometimes I even commented on 5 and filled the entire feed, this I will apologize for, as it looked more like I spammed, when in reality all I wanted was to revive it as it was on the verge of dying completely out with months between replies on some.
    2 points
  4. Bump.. Looking for members and have many spots left.. Join us to have a good friendly environment in guild and we will help you improve ty .. Stay defiant!
    2 points
  5. Welcome to kaishin's service shop LEVEL SERVICE:- ranges from 40-150k (NOTE:- all pokes will be leveled to 95) EV SERVICE:- 30k for atk or spatk pokes 40k for def or spdef or hp pokes (NOTE:- pokes like ferroseed,wynaut are not acceptable for ev service) DAYCARE SERVICE:- 16k per moves (NOTE:- the shop is closed on Saturday and Sunday) Discord:- kaishin#9204 ign:-mitthun24 {If you are looking for story service for all the regions contact @derwinsHere <- this leads to you his story service page Raiders<-this leads you his discord server his name is derwin in the server } Have a good day mate
    1 point
  6. Halloween Charizard S.O. - 2.5m Insta - 6m Min bid - 200k Time - 3 day from start Accept Rare Candy - 6k each, Coin Capsule - 400k, Reroll Ticket - 660k Halloween Venusaur S.O. - 1.8m Insta - 5m Min bid - 200k Time - 3 day from start Accept Rare Candy - 6k each, Coin Capsule - 400k, Reroll Ticket - 660k GOOD LUCK!!
    1 point
  7. Shiny Muk-Alolan Start Point: The auction start at 22.05.2022 - 18:30 Bulgarian time and will last 24h Price: Start offer is 4 m no insta End Point: The auction end at 23.05.2022 at 18:30 Bulgarian time. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. Min. Raise: 500k Accepted Payment(s): cash only Edit : Bids only Here .When the auction finish i will send to the winer a pm to finish the auction and i will update picture here. Last 1 h the time will be update by me , for every one that wish to join but dont know when auction off. In game will be update the time left. Thank you for your time .
    1 point
  8. Start : 50k min bid : 200k Insta : N/A Duration : 2days after start Accepted payment Cash CC - 400k IV RR - 700k Good luck everyone
    1 point
  9. Halloween Charizard start
    1 point
  10. Extremely beautiful collection bro hope u add more event forms in future gl
    1 point
  11. +1 for OT medi
    1 point
  12. Hi @Kyten75 There are a few things to be aware of here: You announced this auction ingame at 16:05 GMT+0, at the time of the announcement, you did not specify a minimum raise or alternate Accepted Payments, and later added this. For this reason, I have removed the minimum raise and accepted payments from your post and Kyriakos1995's bid is invalid. The first valid bid received in this auction was xChase's bid of 1.8M at 4:18PM GMT+0 on Wednesday 18th. This will affect your end time, meaning that with the additional 24hour extension due to forum downtime, this auction ends at 4:18PM GMT+0 today (in just under an hour). This auction runs from first bid, as it is unclear the exact time you received the following bid from Kyriakos1995, we must use the time that you publicly acknowledged their bid. This was 16:11 GMT+0. This means that your starting point of 16:05 GMT+0 is also incorrect. Please ensure that when you are running an auction in-game that you enable Time Stamps. You can enable these by navigating to Options > General > and ticking "Chat Time Stamps". You must make sure that bid are properly acknowledged. Please reupload this image: Regarding the question about Cross-Server bidding. You can choose to make your auction a Cross-Server auction, here are the rules regarding this. Due to the poor handling of this auction and the issues it has caused, I have applied an in-game trade ban to your account. Ensure that you read the Trade & Auction rules carefully before trading again. If you feel that the action taken against you is unjust for any reason, you are welcome to appeal - you can do so here. As you will not be able to trade, I will check back on this auction once it is complete and force the trade to the rightful winner. @Mingrenpro To answer your question, please read the following rule and the point mentioned above to Kyten75.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Hello @Imperfecton, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue and sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused. After running some tests, we discovered a bug with moves that have recoil. If any of those moves activates a berry that restores the HP of an opposing Pokemon, like Sitrus Berry or Oran Berry, the move user will take no recoil damage even though it should. This bug has been reported to our developers and will hopefully be fixed soon. If you wish to report a different issue, you may create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. Thanks again and have a good day! Regards, Unowned
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Sinnoh Story, Mega Bracelet, Scizorite and more completed, thnxs bud
    1 point
  19. That's just what I mean. It's literally 5-10 people that are actively posting on the playground posts. Compare that to the couple thousand players on pro....it doesn't seem like many people are interested in forum games. I use forum to track trade posts and suggestions mostly. I hope you understand alot of trade posts rarely stay on main feed long enough for many people to see it due to playground posts (not always). I personally have missed out on trades because of main feed being cluttered with other things. Honestly I can't even comprehend how typing consecutive numbers amongst eachother is a game, or the other ones. But none the less, this is not a post against you or anyone that enjoys forum games. Just asking for a way to disable/remove it, for those who prefer it
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. In reality those posts are just farms to farm up forum rank
    1 point
  22. Please read the explanation in the post, no comments possible! The vote is only for me to see what the community would like to get implemented the most. The vote most likely doesn't affect the actual order but I am very interested! Part 2 of WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO PRIORITIZE FOR THE NEXT BIG UPDATE? Box rework //A general box rework to add more filters, split the boxes, add mass delete and so on. Auction House //If - and only if - we implement an Auction then most likely only for Pokemon, not for items. Visual for environment moves //Probably just a new background as long as the rooms are active, Artists where are you?! Visual for active stat changes //Not sure how to do that yet, might be a space-related problem. Show the Pokemon instead of a Pokeball in PvP battles //Replace the Pokeball icons with the Pokemon icons. I already looked into it and found a few problems with Android. It's really hard to identify the Pokemon. PvP elo system //Easy to say, hard to do. Team Builder //Create teams with your Pokemon and replace your whole team with a single click instead of looking for every Pokemon in your box. Player/Social window rework //Similar rework as PvP window but for the social tab. We could possibly add following features: Weekly Boss Limit Counter, Boss Cooldowns Page: NPC sprite, Name, Location, Current Win-Streak, Cooldown timer, Friendlist: Status Message, Friendlist: Last Online, Guild: Last Online, Guild: User Rating, Guild: Input field and invite button, so you can invite cross map without having to use the command, Guild Creating in Social/Player Window, /foreveralone Check Box, Time Ladder, PMs Enabled/Disabled Option instead of using the online status as indicator. Slider to change how many users you can see on the same map //To unburden old hardware without the need to use foreveralone. Options to see friends- and/or guildies-only as well. Z-Moves //Guess pretty much everyone knows how Z-Moves work. Pulverizing Pancake opop. Reconnect //That's not only for PvP but in general so users that disconnect unplanned reconnect without even realizing it in the background. Lending Trade //You know, implementing the feature we failed to implemented without bugs twice another time.
    1 point
  23. really fast service! recommended!
    0 points
  24. 0 points
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