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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/22 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to propose to unlock shiny pokemon encounters from trees, from excavations and dig spots. This is because among the countless and different reasons, there are players who, like me, no longer hunt pokemon but only do excavations, headbutt trees or dig spots. So we will never find shiny according to the logic of pro, but in the end why block the possibility of shiny these places? As far as I'm concerned it's always hunting, the % of appearance is always high so why keep this limit? Share your suggestions and opinions, thanks
    6 points
  2. Hi I would suggest to remove the experience limit of 150k, I do not know valid reasons to have an experience limit, if this were removed there would be several benefits for example: - the trade chat would benefit as many people would offer to do level training and even for the most difficult pokemon it would not be so painful to level up; - always the trade chat would benefit as there would be more pokemon trained and therefore more market and money in circulation; - pokemon like magkarp and others would reach the highest level in few minutes. There are many other beneficial results from the removal of this limit, I have mentioned few, if you have advice and you like the idea quoted. Ty ❤
    5 points
  3. Selling List -Sabito Mask @400k -Purple Bubblegum @100k -Psyduck Hat @100k -Shiny Mount Empeleon/Garvantula/Haunter @300k Sold
    1 point
  4. Gold server / Silver server It depends on the server I am on, you will have to put the server transfer. I accept only the following in case you do not have the money: you can contact me on Discord - Limit#8291 Nig - Limit
    1 point
  5. Bienvenue chez Renaissance ! Issue de la fusion entre french connexion ( gold ) et french squad ( silver ) le but de cette guilde est de réunir les francophones les plus actifs sur PRO, et de rester compétitifs face aux guildes internationales, tout en privilégiant la bonne entente. Chez nous, toutes les informations passent par le Discord de guilde, nous nous retrouvons quotidiennement pour parler de Pokémon mais aussi de beaucoup d'autres sujets. Notre guilde regorge de chasseurs, collectionneurs, traders ainsi que des joueurs expérimentés en PvP et PvE qui pourront vous aider à bien comprendre le jeu ! Chaque mois nous organisons des événements de farm et des tournois que ce soit sur pro ou showdown avec des récompenses saisonnières financées intégralement par la banque de guilde. Nous recrutons tout joueur parlant français peu importe son objectif dans le jeu : PVP, commerce, farm. Il y a tout de même quelques règles à respecter : - Être sur Discord (obligatoire) - Avoir fini les 4 régions ( Kanto, Johto, Hoenn et Sinnoh) - Respecter les règles du jeu PRO. (Nous ne voulons pas de tricheurs dans la guilde) - Jouer régulièrement. Nous voulons des joueurs qui restent à long terme. Notre renouvellement est important, lorsqu’un joueur n’est plus actif sur une longue période, ce dernier est exclu de la guilde pour être remplacé par un nouveau membre. Tout joueur exclu pour inactivité peut revenir s’il compte continuer à jouer au jeu. - Avoir 16 ans minimum et être mature. La maturité est un critère important pouvant conduire à l’exclusion de la personne. - Le respect des autres membres. Nous n’hésitons pas à exclure un membre irrespectueux envers les autres membres de la guilde. Vous pouvez vous disputer avec d’autres membres de la communauté PRO si cela ne vient pas ternir l’image de la Guilde. - Être autonome. La guilde n’est pas là pour donner des PKM, elle est là pour donner les outils vous permettant de réfléchir. La nature vous a doté d’un cerveau, à vous de vous en servir, beaucoup de joueurs posent des questions où il suffit de taper le mot sur google et la réponse s’y trouve directement, on vous donne les outils et c’est à vous de vous en servir. - Être sympa et vouloir participer activement au développement de la guilde. Nouveau : Les places dans la guilde se font rares, nous en sommes arrivés a un point ou nous ne pouvons plus virer les gens sur seul critère d'inactivité pour continuer a recruter des gens qui participent a l'effort commun ! ( être actif ingame, discord, faire du pvp, participer au événement ) Si vous désirez nous rejoindre, vous pouvez remplir ce questionnaire et envoyer votre carte de dresseur : Nous vous communiquerions la réponse par message privé via le forum ou Discord !
    1 point
  6. so many cool balls are in the game but not enough ways to get many xD maybe add daily task or something to azalea town kurt or let him turn berrys into all kinds of amazing pokeballs like in gold xD
    1 point
  7. Hello today i am selling my godly rotom wash i am from silver so if the winner is from gold i could transfer to gold ..... Starting offer = 4m Min bid = 500k Insta = 14m Auction will end in 72 hr after the first bid Payment also accept as cc= 380k rr=680k Goodluck to all and thx
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Time ended for alo marowak mate sry cause started 03:15
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Hello The winner of that auction should be @Bangjago with the 3 Rerolls offer at 26/5/2022 6:41 AM GMT+2 as it was 1 minute before the ending time , which is still valid. That being said, I have forced the trade to the winner. @WarFoxD please be careful next time with the time , and wait for response before taking any actions. ~Haruyukio
    1 point
  12. Hello The rightful winner for this auction is @Nishaa with the 4.2M offer at 11:55PM GMT+2 (which isn't in the last 15 minutes range if that got miscalculated) , @SideEffect's last offer isn't a valid one as it happened at 12:22 AM GMT+2 which is 10 minutes after the end time. That being said, I have forced the pokemon to the winner. As for the auctioneer, he was punished for running the auction poorly. ~Haruyukio
    1 point
  13. Hello The first Beldum has been forced to @Mcl0vin1997 as both parties couldn't meet ingame. I will lock the thread as both auction has finished. ~Haruyukio
    1 point
  14. +1 alot more people would start doing them as well
    1 point
  15. Thank you. Let me know where I can collect. I will be online as c0mp
    1 point
  16. I do agree with Gatso. While grinding is surely a fundamental and enjoyable component of the game, something can be done to mitigate the effort, which at times requires weeks and we do all have a life (hopefully). Then, a solution could be found in the midst of yours positions. An idea could be to remove the xp limit but to decrease exponentially the xp gain from 75 onwards. I consider the 50-75 threshold the most boring and pointless, a minor fix in this phase will give both the market and the game a huge boost. Xoxo
    1 point
  17. Hello, This experience limit is there to not make too easy the grind of Pokemon in general. If you remove it, what will happen is as followed imo : -Daycarer's level services greatly devalued (which Wally doesn't want it to happen). .Why would you ask to a Daycarer to do the job for you if you can gain an unlimited and thus stupid amount of XP Points. This is easily abusable with lvl 70-100 Trainers. .Trainers will make it so you only require some minutes instead of 20 ish min to 1h to lvl up a Pokemon. You have to understand it will be absurdly OP. .Daycarers will only be useful for EV services, hence the depreciation. -Btw, Magikarp is not a good example, as it has the lowest Base XP of the game of 20, making it quite easy to lvl it up in 10 minutes (with Mismagius strat) to 97 if you relog to skip the lvl up animation. .The most interesting example you could have used is Chansey with its gigantic 255 Base XP. People are ready to pay 200k and even more to keep their sanity by asking someone else to lvl it up for them. So, I'm sorry, but I don't see any positive outcome by attempting to remove it. This will make the grind as easy as giving Exp Candies to your Pokemon like in Sword and Shield, but in a more absurd way, as every high leveled Pokemon from Trainers will be a huge bag of XP. -1 for me. Fafouney
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Another success service, ty leafbolt for trusting! done in 1 hour 30 minutes
    1 point
  20. Wts pm offers Discord: Jinkslit#6809
    1 point
  21. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/196584-shiny-muk-alolan/ 5.5m
    1 point
  22. Pseudo et Tag Discord : HairyMonk #3351 Âge : 26 Quelques mots sur vous : Belge fan de jeu vidéo Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : prendre du plaisir entre amis , pvp , farm exca , boss , collection. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? : plus on est , plus on rit , un belge de plus , dix de perdu
    1 point
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