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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/22 in all areas

  1. 13 points
  2. insta venusaur Im on gold
    5 points
  3. clef 1 S.O 400k min bid 50k ends 5h after start accepted payment : cash clef 2 S.O 200k min bid 50k ends 5h after start accepted payment : cash LAST 15 MINS BIDS WILL ADD 15 MINS TO THE AUCION
    4 points
  4. Starting offer : 1m Min bid : 200k No insta Auction ends 3days after first bid Accepted payments: -pokedollars -cc = 400k
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. ~~VESPER SHOP~~ Welcome to my shiny shop. Contact Lyn1311/ Lyn1311#6556 ~ Not Accepting trades ~ Accepting offer if buying on bundle of 2 or more SOLD 2.5m 2m 800k 5m 1m 1m 10m ----------------------------------------------- Rare shiny goomy 10m shiny tynamo 11m ----------------------------------------------- Starter shiny treecko 10m shiny oshawott 12m shiny samurott 13m shiny fennekin 27m ```````````````` Thnx For Dropping By! ````````````````
    1 point
  7. start 5m insta 12m 250k steps last 72h accept cash and iv rr=700k start 800k insta 2m 100k steps last 72h accept cash and iv rr=700k
    1 point
  8. Auction S.o : 800k Insta : 3m min rise 200k time : 24 hours
    1 point
  9. The timer should be higher if it was up to moderation staff. ^this
    1 point
  10. Well, gg i guess xD
    1 point
  11. start venusaur
    1 point
  12. Ok bro got it and btw nice shop goodluck
    1 point
  13. Wtb this exca bro and do you have a hp ground larvesta or evo? Keep this on reserved I will transfer to silver on 17th
    1 point
  14. Hallöchen, habt ihr noch ein Platz frei für jemanden die gerne mal ab und an Pokemon spielt? Habe erst vor kurzem angefangen, bin also nicht weit. Suche aber ein Ort wo ich mich mit anderen austauschen kann mit Infos/Tipps und zusammen Spaß haben :3
    1 point
  15. last min agian +15 ''_) co 705k
    1 point
  16. Hello, I have found the issue and resolved it. Please check your PC to ensure the Togekiss is there now. After i get your confirmation I will lock this thread. Best Regards, MBK
    1 point
  17. Hello, @Beruss You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. The togekiss was sold before the proper end time, and the final bid came in 3min before the correct end time which would have meant the +15min rule would have taken affect. I adivise you read the AUCTION RULES and TRADE RULES to prevent this from occuring again. Following this I have reversed the original Trade. @Eetaachee You will see 2.2m deducted from your account with the togekiss in the last slot of your pc. @Wreckship you will see the Togekiss removed from your pc with a full refund. @BerussYou will see the full 2.2m in your account. I'll lock this thread as sold, if there are any issues please flag the thread using the Report button. Best Regards, MBK
    1 point
  18. Bro I already won the auction it's more then 48 tho
    1 point
  19. Hello Players and Staff! Pro has a good base of pvp players, but oftentimes que times can be long and a lot of players just play 5 games weekly to get their pvp coin reward. To encourage more players to pvp more often and diversify opponents and the meta, i would like to suggest the following idea and change to pvp coin quest (safferon psychic) *** Change the quest to a DAILY quest - 5 pvp wins, and the reward also changed from 10 extra pvp coins, down to 3 or 5 pvp coins (at 5 wins) I believe this will encourage a large base of players to join in on the pvp fun more often. Thank you for considering this change! Best, Simbasaur
    1 point
  20. Hello there and sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced. The item was refunded as requested and in addition to that we are considering to implement a female pirate hat as well. The reason why that one is male only is due to the beard but nothing block is from making a new one without it for females characters a as well, so.keep your eyes out on our discord for future updates. As for now I wish you a wonderful day and will proceed in locking the thread.
    1 point
  21. No one is offering then I am only how many time left
    1 point
  22. Hello everyone, I am auctioning Valentine Salamence Jolly Epic for my friend @Xanthothrix Good luck!! S.O. - 8m Min bid - 500k Time - 5 day Accept CC - 380k, Reroll ticket - 670k, Nature reroll - 330k, Rare candy - 7k each
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. When you EV train a Pokemon, you simply increases the Pokemon's base stats in a way on top of its original base stats. The maximum you can EV train in a single stat is 252, and a total of 510 across all stats. Holding a Macho Brace is prefered while defeating any wild Pokemon, it will half your Pokemon's speed by 50%, but you will gain double the EV points from defeating a Pokemon, this will not double the amount you get from using any Vitamin. You can reduce 10 EV points from a stat by using some dedicated berries, basically the opposite of what Vitamin does, read more about them here. Different ways to gain EV: Vitamins: Through the use of a Vitamin, it raises a stat by 10, up till max a 100 per stat. There are 6 different vitamins, each representing a single 10 boost for a specified stat (i.e Zinc for the Special Defense stat). These can be bought from various different locations, but you can always find them at all Department Stores for a price of 8,000 apiece. Defeating a Pokemon in battle (wild or trainer): By defeating a Pokemon it will either yield 1, 2 or 3 (or double if your pokemon hold the item Macho Brace) points for one or two different stats (i.e Attack, Speed, Special Defense, etc). Here is a full list of all the different EV stats defeating a Pokemon will yield and the amount. Different locations to train: Kanto Safari Effort Wald: You currently have the Kanto Safari Effort Wald, which costs $10,000 for a 20 minute session, but is considered the best place to farm EV points for a specific stat. This place has dedicated Pokemon spawn areas for each stat that will help you gain the maximum amount of EV points for a stat. If you want to maximize the amount of EV points, holding a Macho Brace is prefered. Dedicated EV spawn areas for every region: PRO have some areas that you can train specific ev stats in, depending on the time of the day. You can read more about them in this EV Zone Breakdown guide. Hopefully this covers about everything you wanted to know. Otherwise feel free to point out what you don't understand or want to know more about, and I or others will help you understand it.
    1 point
  25. I would recommend umbreon for a specially defensive eevee. Jolteon, espeon, and glaceon are specially offensive, leafeon and flareon are physically offensive, and vaporeon and sylveon usually run physically defensive sets (sylveon can also go specially offensive).
    1 point
  26. Welcome to my guide This Guide will help you out to find Best place to hunt Pokemon. Also if you are free , then which poke you should hunt? __________________________________ Good Luck for Hunting ;; As this guide may contain minor mistakes , feel free to contact me if you found any. You can contact in forum DMs or in discord ( Superb#3564). __________________________________ NOTE - 1. - Red named poke means it require MS. 2. M/D/N means Morning/Day/Night it's mentioned for all pokes. If not mentioned it means All day. 3.T means tier of the poke. __________________________________ Route - 13 1. Chansey ( T8)- All day + Ditto(T6) Recommended Sync - Bold __________________________________ Route 28 Heracross ( T9) + Sneasel ( T7)(N) Sync - Jolly __________________________________ Route 33 Shinx (T9)+ Heracross(T9) + Aipom(T6) Sync - Ada / Jolly __________________________________ Route 34 Pineco (T8)(N) + Togepi ( T8) Sync - Bold __________________________________ Route 39 Shinx ( T9) + Tauras ( T6) Sync - Ada / jolly __________________________________ Route 42 Aipom(T6) + Heracross ( T9) (M/D) Sync-Ada / jolly __________________________________ Route 45 Skarmory ( T9) + Gligar (T6) Sync - Impish , Careful __________________________________ Caves , Tunnel and Mt. Silver ______________________________ Cerulean cave 1. 1F Wobbuffet + Yamask (T8 both) Sync - Bold , Calm , Sassy , Relaxed 2. 2F Marowak + Skorupi (T8 both) Sync - Ada __________________________________ Victory Road 2F Drilbur + Marowak ( T8 both) Sync - Ada __________________________________ Rock Tunnel 1. Rock tunnel 1F Kangaskhan(T8) + Cubone(T6) Sync - Ada __________________________________ Mt. Silver 1. Mt. Silver lower mountainside Larvitar (M)(T8) + Aipom(T6) Sync - Ada / Jolly 2.Mt. Silver expert belt Larvitar + Pupitar ( T8 both) Sync - jolly / ada / Impish / Sassy / Relaxed / Careful 3.Mt. Silver 3F Absol (T9) + Larvitar (T8)(D) Sync - Ada/jolly 4.Mt. Silver exterior Zangoose (T7) + Sneasel (T6) Sync - Jolly 5. Donphan(T5) + Skarmory (M/D)(T9) Sync - Impish/Careful __________________________________ Trainers Valley 1. Unknown Place Zangoose ( T9) + Sneasel ( N)(T7) Sync - Jolly __________________________________ Sinnoh Region _________________________________ __________________________________ Route 207 Gligar(T8)(N) + Phanphy(T6) Recommended Nature - Impish / Careful __________________________________ Route - 209 Gastly(T1) + Ralts(T9) Recommended Nature - Timid __________________________________ Route 211 Swablu(T9)(D) + Meditate(T8) Recommended Nature - Ada / Jolly __________________________________ Route 213 Shellos(T7) + Pelliper(T3) Recommended Nature - Bold / Calm __________________________________ Route 214 Gliagar(T7) + Hippopotas(T8) Recommended Nature - Impish / Careful __________________________________ Route - 215 Helioptile(T9) + Houndour(T6)+Kadabra(T8)+Abra(T5) Recommended Nature - Timid/Modest __________________________________ Route 216 Cubchoo + Sneasel (T8 both) Recommended Nature - Jolly __________________________________ Route 223 Mantyke (T6) + Wingull(T2) Recommended Nature - Bold/Calm __________________________________ Route 224 Buizel(T6) + Hawluchaa (T8) Recommended Nature - Ada / Jolly __________________________________ Route 227 Skarmory(T9) + Gligar (T8) Recommended Nature - Impish/Careful _________________________________ Route - 228 Beldum(T9) + Rhydon(T6) Recommended Nature - Ada __________________________________ Route-229 Scyther(T8) + Pinsir(T8) Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly __________________________________ Route - 230 Togepi(D)(T9) + Shellos(M/N)(T9) Recommended Nature - Bold/Calm __________________________________ Route 210 North Bagon(T8) + Scyther(T8)+Swablu(D)(T9) + Meditate(T8) Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly __________________________________ Acuity lakefront Meditate(T8) + Sneasel(T6)(D) Recommended nature - Jolly __________________________________ Amity square Buneary(T6) + Shroomish(T7) Recommended Nature - Ada/jolly __________________________________ Cave of justice Absol (T8) + Growlithe(T4) Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly __________________________________ Etherna forest Buneary(M/D)(T7) + Whirlipede(T8) Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly __________________________________ Fuego ironworks Luxio(T8) + Shinx(T7) Recommended Nature - Ada / Jolly __________________________________ Victory Road - Sinnoh 1. 1F Medichamp(T8) + gabite (T9) Recommended Nature - jolly / ada 2. B1F Medichamp(T8) + Mienfoo(T8) Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly __________________________________ Pal park Riolu(T8)(M) + Croagunk(T8 Recommended Nature - Ada/Jolly __________________________________ @ Hoenn Region @ __________________________________ Route - 105 Wailmer ( T6 ) + Pelliper (T6) Recommended Sync - Calm/Bold/Modest ___________________________________ Route 106 Clauncher ( T8 ) + Wailmer (T6) Recommended Sync - Modest For Clauncher Timid also works. ___________________________________ Route 109 1. Clauncher (T8) + Wailmer(T6) Recommended Sync - Modest 2. Magikarp/Gyaradose(T5) + Shellder(T6) Recommended Sync - Ada/Jolly ___________________________________ Route 110 Plusle(T8) + Minun(T8) + Electrike(T6) Recommended Sync - Timid/Modest ___________________________________ Route 114 Skorupi (T8) + Swablu(T9) + Zangoose (T9) Recommended Sync - Ada / Jolly ___________________________________ Route 116 Abra(T6) + Joltik(T9) Recommended Sync - Timid/Modest ___________________________________ Route 117 Tympole (T8) + Togepi(T8) Recommended sync - Modest/Bold ___________________________________ Route 118 Absol (T9) + Aipom(T6) Recommended sync - Ada/Jolly ========= Manetric(T8) + Electrike(T6) Recommended Sync - Timid ___________________________________ Route 119 ( A ) Carvanha(T5) + Sharpedo(T8) Recommended Sync - Ada( Jolly for boss) ___________________________________ Route 119 ( B ) Feebas(T7) + Pelliper(T5) Recommended Sync - Calm / Bold/Modest ___________________________________ Route - 126 Shellder(T5) + Magikarp(T2) + Clamperl(T6) Recommended Sync - Ada/Jolly ___________________________________ Route - 134 Alomomola (T6) + Wailmer (T6) Recommended Sync - Bold / Calm __________________________________ Victory Road ( Hoenn ) 1) 1F Aron(T8) + Lairon(T9) Recommended Sync - Ada , Brave , Impish , careful , relaxed , sassy 2. B1F Aron (N)(T9) + Mauwile (T8) Recommended Sync - Ada ___________________________________ Granite cave 1. B1F Aron(D) + Axew (M/N) (T8 Both) Recommended Sync - Ada ___________________________________ Moon Clefairy(T3) + Clefable(T8) + Togepi(T9) Recommended Sync - Calm/Bold _________________________________________ Thanks for visiting _________________________________________ Special THANKS of this guide to BHIMOSO
    1 point
  27. Welcome to my guide;; This guide is basically for those who doesn't have discord OR those who have discord but doesn't have access. for some time. ____________________________________ REQUIREMENTS 1. Have completed at-least 3 regions ( Kanto Johto & Hoenn) ___________________________ I am also adding Alternative Place for those whose best location is not in kanto and johto. These alternative locations will have GREEN colour. __________________________________ For those pokes who can be caught by repel I will add one more section but pokes who can't be repeled I will only add best spawn area. ________________________________________ NOTE - This Guide doesn't Contain any event map / Area. ____________________________________ For Repelable Pokes the details will be written with yellow colour whereas for non repels details will be written in orange colour. ____________________________________ As this guide may contain minor mistakes , feel free to contact me if you found any. You can contact in forum DMs or in discord ( Superb#3564). _________________________ GEN - 3 ________________________ TREECKO Best Area - Petalburg Woods _______________________ TORCHIC Best Area - Hoenn Safari Zone Area 6 ________________________ MUDKIP Best Area - Hoenn Safari Zone Area 5 ________________________ POOCHYENA / MIGHTYENA Best Area - Eumi Island Town / Route 121 ________________________ ZIGZAGOON / LINOONE Best Area - Route 101 / Route 119A ________________________ WURMPLE / SILCOON / BEAUTIFLY Best Area - Petalburg Woods / Petalburg Woods / Route 229 ________________________ CASCOON / DUSTOX Best Area - Petalburg Woods / Eterna Forest ________________________ LOTAD / LOMBRE Best Area - Route 204 ( For both ) Alt. Area - Route 102 / Route 31 ________________________ SEEDOT / NUZLEAF Best Area - Route 101 / Route 114 ________________________ TAILOW / SWELLOW Best Area - Route 101 ( Heatbutt ) / Route 115 ________________________ WINGULL / PELIPPER Best Area - Route 104. ( Both ) ________________________ RALTS / KIRLIA Best Area - Route 102 / Route 212 North Repel Area - Route 102 (5-7) ________________________ SURSKIT Best Area - Route 102 ________________________ SHROOMISH Best Area - Petalburg Woods Repel Area - Amity Square ( 21-24 ) ________________________ SLAKOTH Best Area - Pal Park Alt. Area - Petalburg Woods ________________________ NINCADA Best Area - Route 116 ________________________ WHISMUR / LOUDRED Best Area - Rusturf Tunnel / Victory Road Hoenn B2F ________________________ MAKUHITA / HARIYAMA Best Area - Oreburg Gate 1F Alt. Area - Granite Cave 1F / Victory Road Hoenn B2F ________________________ AZURILL Best Area - Jura Cave ________________________ NOSEPASS Best Area - Granite Cave B2F ________________________ SKITTY Best Area - Eumi Island Theme Park 1 ________________________ SABLEYE Best Area - Sky Piller 1F Repel Area - Jura Cave (M/D) (25-29) ________________________ MAWILE Best Area - Iron Island B2F L Alt. Area / Repel Area - Hoenn Victory Road B1F (49-54) ________________________ ARON / LAIRON Best Area - Victory Road Hoenn 1F ( Før Both ) Repel Area - Victory Road Hoenn 1F (49-55) ________________________ MEDITITE / MEDICHAMP Best Area - Mt. pyre exterior / Iron Island B1F L Alt. Area - Victory Road Hoenn B1F ( Only medichamp ) ________________________ ELECTRIKE / MANECTRIC Best Area - Route 110 / Route 118 Repel Area - Route 110 (16-19) ________________________ PLUSLE / MINUN Best Area - Route 15 (Both) Repel Area - Route 29 (5-7) Note - For Minun Repel trick is only works on Morning and for plusle it works only on Day and Night. ________________________ VOLBEAT / ILLUMISE Best Area - Route 229 (Both) Alt. Area - Route 117 (Both) ________________________ ROSELIA Best Area - Route 221 Alt. Area - Route 117 ________________________ GULPIN Best Area - Route 3 ________________________ CARVANHA / SHARPEDO Best Area - Jura Cave / Mossdeep City Repel Area - Love Island (D) (18-22) ________________________ WAILMER / WAILORD Best Area - Route 123 / Route 223 Alt. Area - Route 129 ( For Wailord Only ) ________________________ NUMEL / CAMERUPT Best Area - Fiery Path / Eumi island burner tower ________________________ TORKOAL Best Area - Fiery Path ________________________ SPOINK Best Area - Jagged Pass ________________________ SPINDA Best Area - Route 113 ________________________ TRAPINCH / VIBRAVA Best Area - Route 111 Desert / Route 228 Repel Area - Route 111 Desert (25-29) / Route 228 (57-65) (M/N) ________________________ CACNEA / CACTURNE Best Area - Route 111 Desert / Route 228 ________________________ SWABLU Best Area - Nap Shore Repel Area - Route 115 (27-42) _________________________ ZANGOOSE Best Area - Mt. Silver Exterior _________________________ SEVIPER Best Area - Route 114 _________________________ LUNATONE Best Area - Moon _________________________ SOLROCK Best Area - Moon _________________________ BARBOACH / WHISCASH Best Area - Mt. Coronet South / Etherna City Alt. Area - Route 114 / Victory Road Hoenn B2F _________________________ CORPISH / CRAWDANT Best Area - Dragons Den / Route 123 Repel Trick - Route 40 (22-24) / Route 123 (34-39) ___________________________ BALTOY / CLAYDOL Best Area - Route 111 Desert / Sky Piller 3F ___________________________ FEEBAS Best Area - Route 119B Repel Area - Jura Cave (25-29) ___________________________ CASTFORM Repel Area - Route 111 Desert ___________________________ KECLEON Best Area - Route 123 Repel Area - Route 119B (23-28) ___________________________ SHUPPET / BANETTE Best Area - Mt. Pyre Summit / Route 226 Alt. Area - (for banette) Sky Piller 1F ___________________________ DUSKULL / DUSCLOPS Best Area - Mt. Pyre Summit / Sky Piller 5F Repel Area - Trainers Valley (N)(51-56) ___________________________ TROPIUS Best Area - Route 119A Repel Area - Route 119A (23-28) ___________________________ CHIMECHO Best Area - Mt. Pyre Summit ___________________________ ABSOL Best Area - Cave Of Justice Repel Area - Route 213 (N)(29-33) Alt. Area - Route 118 ___________________________ WYNAUT Best Area - Love Island Repel Area - Lake Verity (6-9) ___________________________ SNORUNT Best Area - Low Tide Enterence Room Repel Area - Acuity Lakefront (M)(36-39) ___________________________ SPHEAL / SEALEO Repel Area - Route 125 / Route 226 Alt. Area ( for sealeo ) - High Tide Enterence Room ___________________________ CLAMPERL Best Area - Amity Square ___________________________ RELICANT Best Area - Route 126 ___________________________ LUVDISC Best Area - Ever Grande City ___________________________ BAGON / METANG Best Area - Route 228 / Hoenn Safari Zone Area 2 Repel Area ( Only For Metang ) - Hoenn Safari Zone Area 2 (33-36) ___________________________ If you want to hunt in pair of two pokes with Same sync and can be used in PvP You may check This guide. Hope this Guide will help you; Thanks for taking a look here;
    1 point
  28. I'll buy the untrained beldum for 190k. discord: omi#4891 if you want to
    0 points
  29. 0 points
  30. 0 points
  31. 0 points
  32. 269k for beldum
    0 points
  33. 0 points
  34. 234k slopoke
    0 points
  35. @OneTrickPony I have removed your messages since you have been overbumping your thread, when you can only do it once within 24 hours. This is your offical warning for the infraction. Make sure to read the Auction Rules and Forum Rules to prevent further infractions. Best Regards, MBK
    0 points
  36. 230k slowpoke
    0 points
  37. Accidentally released my false swiper instead of a trash mon sorry for the inconvenience Pokemon: Smeargle Pokemon ID: 29188754 Username: wanai03 Server: Silver
    0 points
  38. Restore : Absol ID : 66953923 IGN : Syarif12 Server : Silver I hope it can be restored
    0 points
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