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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/22 in all areas

  1. Hi I'm auctioning my shiny sceptile Start offer : 25mi Minimum Raise : 500k Insta : 37mi Auction will end 72h after 1st bid PS : I'm looking for a shiny charmander or evo. I can trade this sceptile and add 10mi for it Thanks!
    6 points
  2. Mr.Mime needs a Halloween form as it doesn’t even have one event form. Mr. Mime makes a perfect candidate for a scary clown, and what better Halloween form than Penny Wise from “IT” the film series. It is a strong Pokemon with great stats in special attack, special defense, and a nice speed stat. I believe that a Halloween form can make this Pokemon more used on the battlefield. Mr. Mime can be represented with white clown makeup holding a balloon with the pennywise attire. I have attached an artwork I’ve worked on for possibly the coolest Mr.Mime Halloween form. Mr. Mime is also my favorite Pokemon! Hopefully it can be implemented in PRO *Fingers crossed*
    5 points
  3. I would like to see more action being taken against misleading advertisement. People saying a certain poke is 23+ when one of the stats is 11 as example or such things as 'epic, godly, best in server'. Update trade terminology to include epic and godly would be quite useful. Salem already mentioned that trades got reversed because the money wasn't on the buyers account that was used to bid, this is a really bad thing imo. One more thing could a link somewhere in-game with quick access to the rules. This is a thing for PVP rules so i don't see why it can't be made for trade rules.
    4 points
  4. Hello @Modonmitrya, Using GMT+0 The rightful owner of this auction is @Olker with the bid of 1.05M made at 10:40AM on the day 12/9. This auction had a 72hrs Time after the first bid was made, which was from Bhimoso on the day 9/9 at 10:59PM. Therefore, Olker bid is valid, and as such the winner. Hope both players can arrange a time to make the deal. Also, whenever you not sure who the winner is, use the Report button to call for a Trade Moderator. Have a good day, Zoruami
    3 points
  5. Wts shiny gyarados 36 hrs auction from first bid. Start price 5k min bid 5k Insta 1.5m Cc= 350k rr = 660k Ty
    2 points
  6. Hello, yesterday i bought the pve Salamence mount because i wanted to trade it to my girlfriend but we soon realized that's not possible, is there a way i can refund the mount?
    2 points
    2 points
  8. I honestly think that machop fits better with the street fighter theme than star wars, because machop is a fighting pokemon and the characters in the game I'm referring to are fighters, so it is more than obvious to give this little guy a theme from his pokemon type
    2 points
  9. Hello, I would really love a Halloween Form for Breloom. This pokemon, even if not played that often, has access to quite rare assets like Spore, boosted Mach Punch and Bullet Seed with Technician doing insane damages and is also known to get most of the time a kill with its Focus Sash set. The skin I found on the internet is based on glowing mushrooms. I really love the mix of Blue and Dark colors ! Edit : I forgot to mention Breloom is the best False Swiper in the game. Smeargle being the 2nd best got its Xmas Form, so why not a Halloween one for Breloom ? And as mushrooms are quite present on Halloween, time for Breloom to shine glow !
    2 points
  10. how about an evil clown themed Mime Jr and Mr. Mime? I know they're not the most popular for battling, but the Mime Jr could be trying a clown outfit on with no face alternations, evil or not, but then when it evolves its outfit changes to a more evil theme and face paint in keeping with the theme of evil clowns, could be pretty cool
    2 points
  11. hello, I would like to start by congratulating you @Poochyena for this idea which is for me something really important for a community game like pro and I thanks you for that. So I will start by suggesting hawlucha. Why hawlucha ? First of all its one of the emblematic pokemon of ash ketchum in the anime which made him one of the most appreciated pokemon of the 6th generation. Its also a very good pokemon pvp and even more in the future with tapu abilities (terrain), it's a pokemon rather well apreciated by the whole pro community and the pokemon still does not have any event form except the pink one. I participated in the last contest and I wanted to work on this pokemon because it is part of my favorite pokemon at the beginning I was looking for ideas that could correspond to an event on pro I ended up going towards a Halloween skin inspired by batman to keep the theme of the pokemon around his costume and as for the sw skins (dark vader yoda and grivious) I found that batman was really something that fit well with hawlucha and considering the reactions I received on the forum or on discord I'm quite proud to say that I got a lot of very good feedback on him thanks for reading me
    2 points
  12. S.O : 5K Min Bid :5k Insta : 300k Payment methods: Pokedollar RC:7k The auction ends 2 days after first bid
    1 point
  13. .start offer : 200k .insta : no one .curent offer : 600k by supraa .min raise : 10k .end of auction : 48H AFTER FIRST BID accept cc = 350k
    1 point
  14. The most stupid rules is adding time when someone bid last minute of the almost end of the auction.. they say it's against the sniper.. which is true .. but.. it should be optional. .. because really the one who's really affected by this .. is the auctioneer.. he will loss money ... Which is none of your business. .. if I'm lazy enough not to worried about time and just get over with ... Why bother me with this rules.. I'm the one losing money so why bother me with this rule.. again very stupid rule.. just make it optional..
    1 point
  15. I've shared my feedback with Keita on the changes separately - so I won't cover that, but I thought I would pitch in here to address some concerns I've seen some people post about, since I was the one to write the previous rules when Hawluchaa and I reworked them. The reason for inconsistency between the two is that they are two very different environments. Ingame, staff cannot see DMs, it's a very fast paced environment in comparison to forums, and there is a lack of evidence control (players have to make screenshots, and they don't always include timestamps - it also may not be immediately clear which timezone that player is from, especially to other players). In addition to this, the forum clock only shows HH:MM and ingame shows HH:MM:SS. To take your example of the rule about Instas, Min Raises and Accepted Payments - you cannot edit an ingame message like you can with a forum post, so if your auction begins immediately, the auctioneer will have immediately screwed themselves if they missed those details off, since they can't add them after. There's some other reasons too, but hopefully this is enough information to share with you why this would be this way. This rule exists because of the sheer amount of auctions that ended, where the winning bidder wasn't available to make the trade. In those situations a TMOD will attempt to force the trade - that being said a TMOD can't be expected to magically know that you had the money on an alt on another server and to go and remove that from your account without speaking to you. All that is asked is that you make sure the money is available, so if the trade does need to be forced, a TMOD is able to do so without delay (in addition to clearing you of potential false bidding, that's a whole other rabbit hole), and if it's not on that account, which account they need to look at. You stating the name of an alt account is also giving TMODs permission to take that money from another account too. In relation to your suggestion - do you really think it's fair to make an auctioneer wait an extra 24hrs because it was inconvenient to you to make sure you had the means to pay? If this is happening, you need to report it, otherwise staff won't be aware and there's not a lot they can do. In addition to this, staff won't announce each time they force a trade - it happens by default on the forum just because staff need to communicate to both players what's going on, but for ingame stuff it just won't happen, it'll all happen in the report center. This is why keeping evidence is really key, especially for ingame transactions/agreements - again, staff don't have access to PMs so they are hugely reliant on players coming forward with those cases. Actually it does. It's innately unfair to change any aspect of an auction after it has started. As a general rule of thumb, auctions cannot be changed in any form once started unless explicitly stated by a TMOD. Happy to write an entire wall on why this is if you feel you need to know more, but as a whole keeping a flat simple ruling that auctions cannot be changed after they start makes auctions much simpler to handle, both as staff and as a player. This topic was discussed at length and this is how General Trade Rule 1 came about. Realistically, trying to define community terms like "godly" "epic" etc is really difficult, who are staff to say what those things mean, let alone enforce based on them. Those are opinion-based words, and have nothing to do with anything quantifiable. What we put in place instead was a quantifiable system instead, there's no grey areas, no opinions - it either meets the criteria or it doesn't. In regards to advertisements like "best in server", these aren't permitted and those advertisements should be amended. That's straight up false advertising unless you have a recent screenshot from Walross saying it is legitimately the best in the server. In regards to your note on what Salem said, I responded to him above if you want to have a read. Also +1 on the trade rules ingame. I think there's a character limit that might make it difficult but if it's possible, all for this.
    1 point
  16. Insta Prices, Minimum Raises and Accepted Payments are optional, however, if set, must be announced in public, and cannot be changed, negotiated or added once: In-game: The auction has been announced. Forum: The auction has started. So far, the only comment I have: for more consistency, I'd say you can change these conditions both ingame AND forums BEFORE the auction starts. It feels weird that you cannot change your mind on the insta, minimum bid and accepted payments BEFORE the auction begins if you do it ingame. What if you simply want to facilitate people being able to bid more easily by increasing the prices of the accepted payment items BEFORE the auction begins? Example: -I'm trying to sell a Gastly 20+ IV Timid in Trade Chat. I announce: Start: 50k, min bid 5k, auction duration 20 minutes from start bid, insta 300k. Accepted payment Rare Candy as 5k, Pokedollars ^I get no bids for the first hour announcing it. Thus, I decide to change: Start: 50k, min bid 5k, auction duration 20 minutes from start bid, insta 150k. Accepted payment Rare Candy as 7k, Pokedollars This should be completely allowed, I do not see an issue with it. If the auctioneer gets a bid that starts the auction just before he is about to edit the conditions, he will have to settled with the conditions he stated on the auction template, just as forum works already.
    1 point
  17. evo. to. sylveon. bug. rip rc. or did. i. do. wrong?
    1 point
  18. have this feel free to pm me offer or we can talk on discord Penguin#1839
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Trying to find a very rare form chance on top of an already very rare spawn chance, under a limited time, is something only bots could do, not players. If people play less and less, then I'm sure this is one of the reasons, they are tired of seeing the game not really rewarding their grind, because the chance for a reward is too tiny to begin with, so instead, there's a very high chance that all the time and effort spent for the grind ends up worthless. I'm still on my belief that if the Pokemon is rarer, then the form chance should also be much higher, to compensate for the rarity of the spawn. I think that's what we truly can call "Balance". (This naturally doesn't and shouldn't apply to Pinks and shinies, which are obtainable anytime, not restricted to an event.) As an example of what kind of good balance I'd like to see: Anything that's Rare should have between 1/100 to 1/50 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate. If it's Repel Trick-able, then it should be between 1/70 to 1/50, basically to also compensate for the amount of money spent on repels. Anything that's Uncommon should have between 1/500 to 1/250 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate. Anything that's Common should have between 1/1000 to 1/800 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate. For the upcoming Halloween event, I think we should at the very least get back that 1/50 Halloween chance for all starter Pokemon, without any change to the starters' spawn rate. That is really balanced, starter spawn is already rare to begin with, but the event form chance is good. Heck, there was one time where the Halloween form chance for all starter Pokemon is 1/20, but okay, even I think that's way too high. I'd be happy with 1/50. Similarly, Christmas event, it's celebrating what very possibly is the biggest holiday in the world, it should be fun. The form chance, again, should be 1/1000 or higher, up to 1/50 for the rarest spawn.
    1 point
  22. From a pvp standpoint I think gliscor + excadrill deserves forms due to them being great for generations in pvp and generally flexible on teams. It would provide more motivation to hunt these for building teams as well as getting the chance of the rare event form. From a personal bias view I think solosis, shellos, deino, pinsir, venipede, shroomish and aron deserve event forms as i believe all of these pokes are not hunted alot due to there being generally better options in pvp but are still good nevertheless. I think giving these pokemon event forms would motivate people to hunt these underrated pokes.
    1 point
  23. Rather than new maps, The maps that we have should be reworked or get rotational spawns. Ceru cave needs newer spawns to change the possibility of getting certain shinies to move the market a little bit. Sturdy ability on some Pokémon is indeed annoying when you think that the sole reason people go to CC is to train their Pokémon. When some Pokémon in Pinkan began spawning at super low levels like 20s or 40s it just ruined it. Rare pinks are already super hard to get so people usually went there to train as well. Now if you want to train efficiently you go to CC.
    1 point
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