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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/22 in all areas

  1. Please react to this suggestion with the laughing emoji to make it more ironic :^) Note that I only suggest that the emoji gets removed IN THE TRADE SECTIONS. You can keep it anywhere else. I'm not personally really affected by this but seeing certain players spam reactions to artificially troll an auction (specially towards newbies) is deplorable. It is honestly getting obnoxious that players are spamming auctions and sale threads with laughing emojis to negatively comment on an auction because they believe it's "overpriced" or "incorrect", to the point where some players do it hundreds of times over weeks onto literally any person they don't like to personally target them. If you check the profile of most of the people that spam the emoji you will realise they do it indiscriminately against most auctioneers. But what is the problem with an emoji? Well, there's not really an issue with one or two emojis, it's 2022 let's not be snowflakes about a laughing emoji either. The problem comes where, as stated in the Chat Rules, you cannot comment on someone else's auction or sales, no matter if positively or negatively. Players are bypassing the rule by spamming emojis on auctions to avoid being banned because they dislike the auction (and they don't dare comment on it to get forum banned). The current issue is that there's no real rule against reacting with emojis on auctions (and I don't think there should be). In my opinion, the reaction should just be removed from the entire Trade Zone. I don't think we need to punish players for reacting with emojis, these simply should be removed from the Trade Zone. Players simply are not allowed to comment on an auction, whether you like it or not. If you have a problem with the auction, click the report button below the thread and a Trade Moderator will intervene. There is literally zero reason why any reaction should honestly be allowed there, whether positively or negatively. Imagine newbies trying to start their first auctions and all they get is negative reactions. Yes, a newbie is a newbie and they have to learn the game and prices are completely up to each individual's opinions, nobody can dictate them. It's as simple as that. Reactions should not be in the Trade Zone when there's literally a rule against commenting on other's sales and it is actively enforced.
    7 points
  2. To all parties involved, The correct winner of the Nidoking auction is @Ajthebaddest at 230K Pokedollar. The reason for this is @Araragikun's bid occurred in the same minute that the auction was scheduled to end, hence it's unfortunately a late bid. Referring to our Auction Rules: Using GMT+0: The time I made the post was at 3:57 PM: Hence, with an 1-hour extension, it will end at 4:57:00 PM, which would mean all bids are valid until 4:56:59, and no later. Please refer to the rules I have colored Gold above. This means Araragikun's bid at 4:57 is not valid. Since it could happen at anytime after 4:57:00 up to 4:57:59, it's considered a late bid and won't be accepted: I hope my explanation has been clear enough for everyone to understand the situation. If you have any extra questions you want to ask, please make a thread in General Complaint Area, I would be glad to answer them for you. @G44k @Ajthebaddest Because I see both of you are online at the moment, please trade the remaining 20k to G44k. If you are unable to contact each other, let me know and I will force the Pokedollar payment. This concludes the Nidoking auction. Take care. Kind regards, Irushia
    3 points
  3. To all parties involved, The Nidoking auction incorrectly ended without accounting for @Araragikun's bid 2 minutes before auction's ending point. Without this mistake, auction would have continued for an extra 15 minutes due to the 15 minute extension rule. Thus, to be fair to all parties involved and that everyone has time to submit their bid, the Nidoking auction will continue for an extra 1 hour, from the time this post was made. To see the exact time this post was made, please hover over the post like what I did in the picture below: The auction's Current Offer is now @Araragikun at 220K. @G44k @Araragikun @Ajthebaddest @Kuusetsu @Sm0046 and others, please take note of this change. At the end of this auction, I will correct the previous mistake made by the auctioneer and move the Nidoking to the winner. Good luck bidding. Irushia
    2 points
  4. s.o. 1k min. bid 50k insta 900k auctions end 48 hours after first bid accept pokedollars, cc (360k), iv reroll (660k) (1) s.o. 1k min. bid 50k insta 800k auctions end 48hours after first bid accept pokedollars, cc (360k), iv reroll (660k) (2)
    1 point
  5. I would like to start in the first place clarifying that it's impossible to actualaly limit the use of a reaction in a specific subforum. The whole 'takes one minute to fix' argument is honestly disrespectful and ignorant, cause it's literally speaking without not even having the understanding of how the system works. It's basically like if I (irl job 3d designer / animation designer) would be trying to explain someone who's a mechanic since dozen years how to repair a car despite I have never touched a car before. Honestly speaking I'm not planning to remove said reaction from the whole forum just cause some person take reactions as something personal and have meltdown and go mad when those are added. Reactions do not create any problem to the auction it self (like someone above stated) which proceed smooth, contrary to how words would do since words have the power to actually move away possible buyers (e.g mentioning price is too high, pokemon is bad, etc). Needless to say, there's actually a line between using a reaction and actually harassing someone. Using reactions in general won't cause any problem to the auction itself (like stated before), however when the same laughing reaction is applied from the same user to the same person (see spoiler below), then it becomes harassing and staff generally takes action. See for example this user, Patino, who used laughing emoji to spam toward who he dislikes (pretty much): Staff in these cases obviously take action, it's something natural to do since this is harassing. Following your example, should I remove the heart emoji cause if used someone could misinterpret it like someone is trying to stalk you? Not important, but laughing reaction actually works like 'likes', therefore increasing reputation of the account it's applied on.
    1 point
  6. Sure why not, takes approx a minute to fix and some people having a nuclear meltdown when it happens to them.
    1 point
  7. It's a little annoying but it doesn't seem to affect auctions where it hinders the pokemon reaching a reasonable and desired price imo. You're right though, it is a way of bypassing the rules and commenting on an auction so it would be great if that was restricted and enforced when it comes to the emojis
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. .start offer : 200k .insta : no one .curent offer : no one atm .min raise : 10k .end of auction : 48H AFTER FIRST BID accept cc = 350k
    1 point
  10. +1 Imo, I'd say, that If the Rope can be used everywhere, I'd probably bump um the price to 3k to make it a more expensive but more convinient alternative to Subway/Teleport. Same with an choise-Rope, I'd say could be 6k especialy since it can potentially replace Subway and Ferry combined, which wold have cost 7,5 together.
    1 point
  11. charmander 650k
    1 point
  12. No2 it's minor mistake it's cool btw already make the report so all we can do now is wait for their response,ty
    1 point
  13. U cannot trade until the final time is reached... Yeah it's going to be on trade mod part now
    1 point
  14. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/202875-godly-impish-gyarados-18h-auctionsold/#comment-1167822 he created 2 threads dont know why
    1 point
  15. Screenshots of Kanto Gyms + Elite 4 Feedback: For me, the EXP system has advantages but also disadvantages. In the beginning it was very good and you progressed quickly, especially because you could develop the Pokemon and still get the same EXP. But later it became extremely difficult because you simply got very little EXP for the defeated Pokemon. Before elite four I had to gain quite a bit since I got there with 2 level 50 Pokemon. With tactical knowledge and mechanics, I was able to do the gyms from the fifth badge, after that it was too difficult. I have the feeling that it motivates people a lot at first, but then demotivates them too quickly. It will be too difficult for the endgame and leveling up from level 70 and people will not be motivated to do so, so probably only rare candies will be used. The EXP share is good for tanks so that they can also defeat Pokemon and get EXP, but since it's only half that won't pay off for two Pokemon either, as they continue to use leveling methods like Mismagius to get full EXP. All in all, it's good that you can also see the second stages of evolutions, but the EXP that is needed and the EXP that you get are in a bad ratio. The feeling is that you are always be underleveled. After every NPC go to the Pokecenter and heal. I played without EXP Boost like the most here cause the casual gamer, who starts the game don't know how to get it and can't used it. The system makes no fun for me.
    1 point
  16. Hello, that's something to consider for the future.
    1 point
  17. Silver server win for these! Pawniard was caught by my alt account which is JhayJhay. OT epic pokes flex
    1 point
  18. any start price for each?
    0 points
  19. 0 points
  20. It probably won’t happen unless apple allowes 3rd party apps in the app store
    0 points
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