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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/23 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I'm doing a small 300k giveaway just to celebrate training the 100th Pokemon. If you want to participate, just react to this message with a like. Winners will be chosen once the timer below gets to 0 or February 21st 1pm GMT -5. https://countingdownto.com/countdown-pages/krQUHvGR Thanks!
    38 points
  2. Hello @Medu5a The starting offer is clearly on show for you to see, which is 4m. Not 3m, not 2m and not 1m. Keep off-topic comments out of the thread, if you do not intend on bidding, do not comment. Take care, Manbat.
    2 points
  3. @Xaizen If anything regarding the auction is raising a concern, please stick to reporting and do not post in a sarcastic way. @Jumpkic1 You've been restricted from posting in the next 24 hours for your behaviour in this thread and reports. If something is bothering, stick to reporting and let us handle it. Going off on other players will only bring you trouble. Furthermore, you cannot create rules out of nothing. The current offer is 350k by @000madgestiy. There wasn't a 400k offer. The related posts have been deleted and the opening post has been edited to resolve any confusion. Further misbehaviour will be punished severely. The auction proceeds as normal. Good luck to everyone involved.
    2 points
  4. Changelog 20.02.2023: Battle-related changes: Set up a unit test project for the battle code and already created over 50 tests. This should avoid repeating issues like Unaware or Roar. Coded Chip Away. Coded Lucky Chant. Coded Last Resort. Coded Parabolic Charge. Coded Eject Button. The client now displays the move Struggle when there are no other available moves for the active Pokemon. Modified Switch-in mechanics to immediately update the Pokemon's HP and status effect for Natural Cure and Regenerator. Pickpocket works properly again in player battles. Indirect damages like hazards damage or weather activate berries now. Light Ball, Thick Club and Choice Band no longer affect the confusion damage. Sitrus Berry now restores 25% of the Pokémon's max HP when used from the Bag outside of battles. Fixed a bug where a U-turn would skip the opponent's attack if the user's Pokemon fainted from Life Orb recoil. Damps prevent now also the user not only the opponent from using self-destruct moves. Healing Wish fails now when there is no pokemon to switch in. Choice works properly with consecutively executed moves when they receive the choice midway now. Limber heals the paralyzed status at the battle turn even when there is a Mold Breaker pokemon on the field now. The speed stat of both pokemon is now determined at the battle start: Mega Evolution only updates the speed stat of the mega pokemon now. This fixes some edge cases with abilities that double the speed due to the weather effect on the field. White Herb also activates now when the holder switch-in. Updated crit mechanics to account for lowered defensive stats. Metronome is no longer able to select MegaVolt. Foul Play is respecting now the user's abilities and item ATK modifiers like the choice band. Fixed a rounding issue with the damage calculation. The damage formula is used to make 1-2 more damage with the luckiest random draw. The activation message of abilities no longer comes up before the "pokemon sends out" message. Disable is now interacting correctly with consecutively executed Moves. The Move user won't get stuck into an infinite loop anymore. The Move user also won't get trapped if confusion occurs, as it means the streak ended (Outrage/Petal Dance/Thrash). The Move user won't get trapped for the next turn when the Move is disabled first, as it fails in this case. Confusion works correctly now even when the Move fails as it still counts toward the number of times in a row you used the Move.
    2 points
  5. Ign: 8man96 Discord: Araragikun#6874 3m 1m5 1m5 1m5 300k 600k 500k 700k 1m 600k 900k 800k 700k 1m 400k 1m5 300k 500k 600k 700k 600k
    1 point
  6. Starting Offer: 100k Min. Bid: 50k No Insta Auction ends 30h after first bid Good luck
    1 point
  7. Reliable service, great and timely communication, super fast and at no cost at all (very stubborn and too kind). Mvp right there!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Screw your auction I'll just insta, @Gal1leo meet me ingame lmao
    1 point
  11. I'll start with 600k. -Started 19 of February 8 PM Spain time.
    1 point
  12. What is your IGN? - ursleepkiller What is your discord? - Algerie31#4376 Tell us a little about yourself. - I am a 21 year old jobless. I enjoy playing games, watching sports How many hours do you currently have? - 783 hours Do you know any existing members? - I do not Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? - yes, i forget What are your expectations for this guild? - I hope to join a guild with fun and friendly members who can help me improve at PvP What are you looking for from the guild? - be number one in pvp What other games do you play online? - noone What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? - gyarados i like it bcz it is strong . In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. - i need the guild to have friends & participte in pvp to add something to guild If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use§ deffense
    1 point
  13. issue is resolved and the auction is resumed with 15 hours left , a Trade mod will be enforcing the trade. current offer is 3m400k by zounclash since the mod reply! thank you all and i apologize again!
    1 point
  14. Hi, @Diale0601 When I check your account info, it seems like "diale0601" is not the account you are referring to. Can you tell me the account that you want to check? I'll be waiting for you reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  15. Hi, @Avanox2 I'm glad to hear that you already found out the reason. Note that if you finish the heatran quest, you'll be able to get your rare candies back. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  16. Start Point: The auction start at 19.02.2023 - 12:00 AM Bulgarian time ( time zone - +3GMT ) and will last 24h Price: Start offer is 500k Min. Raise: 50k Insta price: No insta End Point: The auction end at 20.02.2023 at 12:00 AM Bulgarian time. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. Accepted Payment(s): cash only In game will be update the time left. Thank you for your time .
    1 point
  17. I think it’s 1-2 hours left to bid
    1 point
  18. Greninja - 600k Dragonite - 600k Lopunny - 500k
    1 point
  19. 3.4m if the auction is still going on
    1 point
  20. Hey i want u too lvl up this i hve already send it on your server
    1 point
  21. I wtb this one. Pm me when we can trade pls
    1 point
  22. S.O - 850k Min Increase - 100k Insta - 2million Ending 2hrs Accepted methods of payment- cc = 350k iv rr = 600k nat rr = 300k
    1 point
  23. PRO OST - Aphrodia Island.m4a Hi all, not sure if I'm allowed to post this, but after ~4 years of thinking about the soundtrack and being unable to find it anywhere on forums or online, I took it upon myself to rejoin PRO (after a long hiatus), revisit Love Island and record the audio for my own listening purposes. ...only to discover that I was currently in Sinnoh, and region-locked, unable to access Love Island from Kanto. I felt discouraged and was planning to beat Sinnoh just to visit Kanto again, but after a few days of gameplay, I just happened to talk to an NPC who asked if I wanted to visit Aphrodia Island. I'm honestly not sure if this IS the Love Island soundtrack, I haven't heard it in 4 years, but I feel like it is the same song because I got the same feelings after listening to it and it feels familiar But I'll be sure to compare once I reach Love Island again. AND it happens to be Valentine's Day today! Happy Valentine's Day everyone
    1 point
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