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  1. Auction for a BOLD Rotom Easter Form Current offer 5.555.555M MIN BID: 250K NO INSTA Only accepting Cash Auction will end 2d (48h) after first bid. (I will add Timer after first bid.) https://countingdownto.com/?c=4761961 Good luck!
    2 points
  2. Starting bid: 1.5m Insta: 3.5m Duration: 48h after 1st bid.
    2 points
  3. Ive seen the forum topics about it saying devs wanted to smooth out single battle first but theyre all dated like 2015-2018. The latest one I could find was in 2021 but it only mentioned that Doubles werent implented at that point either. Just curious cuz of some moves working different with multiple targets. Not sure if this should be in PvP or not but nothing else really fit
    1 point
  4. KELDEO QUEST Hello guys I was doing legendary keldeo quest and so thought to share the quest guide with you . I know there is older post available on forums but that was of only Christmas event but later the quest became permanent and few changes were made. SO HERE IS NEW 2021 LATEST KELDEO GUIDE . So let’s begin MATSUKI ISLAND 1. Our first step is to go to the event island “MATSUKI”. TO get to the event island, you need to talk to the npc named "Aero Airlines" which is located south of verm gym, near the staircase in olivine, under the pokemart in lilycove and left of the pokemon center in canalave . First of all go to resort area ( in sinoh region) → then go right → there interact with NPC name “Aero Airlines” and he will take you to Matsuki island for a fee of $5000 game money (5k) ( KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY 5K EVEN YOU ARE HOLDING THE TRANSIT PASS) ★QUEST BEGINS★ 1.)To start the quest,interact with the lady npc in the middle of the town named Paya. After that,go straight up from paya towards the narrow pathway. keep heading forward to get to the NPC Advisor Khota. After you finish interacting with him , talk to the Npc Maz Koshia and choose option 3. Then you will be told to go to the Wasteland. WASTELANDS  To enter the wastelands,head towards the path bottom right of where you talked to the lady npc.  After that , you will have to find KELDEO. He can found at the bottom of map running around squares. Once you get to keldeo , you will have to calm down the following pokes in wastelands through battle. Last one will not battle. :- a) TYRANITAR ( you will see him starting at wasteland) b) GARCHOMP ( you can easily find it no need of images for this) c) ABSOL d) TYPHLOSION ( go north) e) METAGROSS f) FLYGON g) ZANGOOS h) NOCTOWL *For some of the pokes you will need to surf through water both left and right direction. Screenshot of some difficult spawns.  After combatting the pokemons , go to the sailor below – he will ask you to find the hidden pokemons behind icy rocks. For me they were located as follows you can find them easily like this they will be easily visible behind rocks and glaciars. For example this :-  Then go back to sailor and he will give you free GRENINJA CLOTHES and then go towards north . Wear those clothes and use dive.  Then find all the wishiwashi hidden behind black rocks.  Interect with all the rocks and then you will be teleported to a new cave and will battle with a high speed LVL 100 giant wishiwashi . Rocks look like this  Once assembled all of them you can enter the cave.( Now prepare a strong Pokemon team to defeat LVL 100mons without any headache)  There you will have to defeat extremely high speed LVL 100 wishiwashi.  Afte defeating him , go to the cave at back and collect gem by clicking on the rock situated at the centre of cave.  When back from ship, go to the right of the map untill you get to the Mountain Area Dungeon.  There you will have to defeat many LVL 100 pokemons.  You also have to place pokemons on white buttons.  For that you will have to place accurate weight pokemons.  First one :- 100-199kg (Venasaur / Hexauraus / Goodra etc..), Second one :- 200-299kg(Tyranitar / Gyarados etc..) , Third one :- 300+kg. (Golem / Snorlax etc..) → better check pokedex of pro to find which owned poke is convenient for you – pro dex also shows height & weight  Once done , follow the map around untill you get to the ladder. THE MAZE ITS A BIT CONFUSING PART OF QUEST BECAUSE ITS A MAZE.  You will get Arcanine clothes to wear and then continue the quest wearing them.  Once you go down the ladder you will need a Pokemon with Flash or item Flashlight.  When in the cave , there is a maze where you will need to find 4 graveler before continuing.  Then be ready to battle 6 strong LVL 100 Pokemon – CHARIZARD X , GRENINJA , GARCHOMP , TOGEKISS , BISHARP & CONKELDURR. FOREST DUNGEON  Now go back to wastelands and go north till Forest Dungeon Entrance. FOREST DUNGEON  Speak to old lady and she will ask you for your help.  She will need – 1) 15 leaf stones which you can buy from celedon city (cost 52.5k all). 2) 10 Revival Herb can be found in celedon city store ( cost : 28k all).  Now go back and give both of them one by one to her.  Then she becomes more greedy and will ask you for MOSS , COTTON & THE PIGMENT.  They can be found here :-  After giving her those items she will give you BRELOOM CLOTHES and then continue to next area… FOREST MAZE NOTE :- This part can be different for everyone.  In the area you will need to interact with different items untill any item makes sound (items can be like pile of leaves , Mushrooms on tree stump , Old tree , Pumpkin,skull and graval stone. For me it was graval stone but as said above *stuffs are random* .)  After interecting to a correct item you will be teleported to the BOSS ROOM.  Now ready to face his strong team :- MEGA VENASAUR – SUICUNE – CHANSEY – CLEFABLE - AGISHLASH & TOGEKISS. If you lost from the boss then the next time you go for him - the item you needed to interact will be different now so better try winning in 1st chance.  After defeating him go back to Matsuki town and then follow the steps :-  Go to the top left of the map where two guards are stood. They should now move out of your way  Now go into the building - avoid the guards as they will want to battle you.  Keep going up until you find Noctowl. He will tell you to continue further.  You will now see people gathered. You will have to battle Lord. (he has 5 pokemon.)  Once you beat him, you go to another area where you will then have to beat his mega tyranitar .(prefer using greninja or water pokemons , erthquake also works fine but water types 4x effective )  Once he is beaten, you go back to main city and speak to Maz Koshia (the first guy) who will say thanks to you. • And finally the time has come to catch your legendary Pokemon KELDEO Now go to pc and get your Timid (or whatever you prefer) sync pokemon ready to catch Keldeo.  Go back into the Guard building and make your way north again but, this time you need to take the stairs at the right.  You will now be back in the same area you defeated Lord.  Now go up to the cave.  Follow the cave around, you will see Keldeo at the end and you can now catch it after speaking with NPC.  GOOD LUCK FROM MY SIDE HOPE ITS EPIC IVS ALL USEFUL 25+ AND ITS SYNCED WELL OF YOUR CHOICE , MY WELL WISHES ARE WITH YOU !!GOOD LUCK!! THE END NOTE :- IF you still have any query left or you are stuck somewhere in quest you can direct message me or I will prefer → replying here in this post . And if you want me to create any other guide for that also you can DM(direct message) me. BY @Risingking34
    1 point
  5. ACCEPTED PAYMENTS Pokedollars IV Reroll: 500K Nature Reroll: 250K Coin Capsule: 350K CONTACTS In-game: Amaske Discord: amaske TRAINED All Prices (below the image) are negotiable to a reasonable degree. UNTRAINED All Prices (below the image) are negotiable to a reasonable degree. MISCELLANEOUS All Pokemon in this section have a fixed price of 90K. (It's a fair amount considering all of them are at Level 100 and EV Trained.) SYNCS All Syncs have a fixed price written in front of them. Thanks for Visiting! Have a great day
    1 point
  6. Duration: 48h after first bid Start offer: 10m Min Bid: 500k Insta: None Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 350k Reroll Ticket = 550k Contact Ingame: Norex Discord: norex1234
    1 point
  7. wtb shiny AXEW no evo trash iv nature abi is fine budget 20m++
    1 point
  8. S.o 300k Min bid 50k Ends 72 hours after start Accepted payments: CC 350k, IV RR 550k No insta
    1 point
  9. s.o 200k min raise 100k no insta auction will begin when the s.o is met and will last 24 hours.
    1 point
  10. My suggestion is to limit legendary pokemon in pvp to one per team. Facing teams stacked with legendary just doesnt feel right and takes alot of fun away in my opinion. what are your thoughts on that?
    1 point
  11. Shiny Parasect auction finished, Osean03 won (210k).
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 3 Rare Candy + 3k each
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 100k second one
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. +5k on each
    1 point
  22. 50k 2nd pawniard
    1 point
  23. +1 (but it would be better if there is a purple star sign above them)
    1 point
  24. 45k pawniard 2
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. bid 30k both
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. s.o 1k min bid 1k lasts 48 hours after first bid accept cc- 360k and pokedollars only
    1 point
  31. ok cool 21k for all
    1 point
  32. There is no legal risk when playing this game. Do you have any other questions?
    1 point
  33. Starting offer 15m Min bid 500k Insta 30m Accept : Pokedollar only Duration 24 hours from 1st bid In game name : Fatter72 It's my frist auction =D for anything you can contact me here or in game
    1 point
  34. Hey @Leeluckya , I've tried to private message you at midnight but no response , also I invite you to make the exchange around 5 p.m. on 05/11
    1 point
  35. Shiny Lileep auction ended, Pandarkenciel won (1.6m)
    1 point
  36. So it seems bug catching has been garnering a lot of attention with the new competition, might need some bug catching area specific event forms.
    1 point
  37. Welcome, everyone! I was asked a few times on how to exactly train a Pokemon and fix their EVs, how does EV training work and how much do EVs work to improve a pokemon. Everyone always wants to have their pokemon as strong as possible. EV training will max the capabilities of a pokemon: whether it's a tank, a fast pokemon, a sweeper, or just a garbage pokemon you want to train for fun (why, though?), EV training is a requirement for the PRO lategame. However, EV training can be done anywhere, as soon as you start the game, from any point. Even if you're a newbie and you're in the third badge, you can still EV train that Gastly you always wanted to use for the story because that random dude in help chat told you to do so. Why should we EV train? We EV train to improve our pokemon to their full capabilities. Pokemon's stats severely increase when they're EV trained, to points where fights go from being impossible (Giovanni's Mewtwo) to being an easy oneshot from Gastly. For example, imagine we have a Gastly at level 90, with a Modest Nature, that has 200 Speed and 200 Special Attack. It's slower than the Mewtwo and, even if he manages to Shadow Ball it somehow, Mewtwo still survives. However, if we EV train that Gastly, it will gain atleast 50 Speed and 50 Special Attack. Now, it will outspeed Mewtwo and oneshot it before he can react. A legendary pokemon powered by a machine fainted in a single hit by a ghostly poisonous fart. Imagine! What are EVs and how do they work? How do we train them? What can we do with them? How do we modify them? What can I do if I trained EVs wrong? How can I fix this mess of a pokemon? To understand how EVs work, we can read the other forum guide I did covering this topic, or we can copy paste it here. However, I'll do both: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/152671-natures-abilities-ev-iv-and-stats-for-newbies-the-guide/?tab=comments#comment-840375 In this guide, we cover the topic of EVs and how do they work and how do we train them. However, I didn't go in depth into it, since I wanted to make a guide on how to train them as I train one of my pokemon so you can see the progress and the ways we can use it. You can check the theory there, but I will copy the basic definitions we need to understand here. EVs or Effort Values are the blue numbers in any pokemon you see. These values can be modified, increased, reset, reduced, fixed, changed... they're amazing. They work as a modifier for all of your pokemon in order to improve them as much as you want. You gain EVs for defeating wild pokemon, trainer pokemon, using proteins or vitamins in your pokemons. Every 4 EV in one stat, your stat will get increased by 1 at level 100. You can have a max of 510 EV between all stats of your pokemon. In a single stat, the maximum amount of EV you can allocate is 252. Thus, at level 100, if you allocate 252 EV in that stat, it will increase by 63. (252 divided by 4). You can decide how to change these whenever you want. You can modify them as you wish by using EV Reducing berries. These can be found in any route, in Viridian Maze and in the Safari EV Zone. These are: Pomeg Berry, which will reduce your HP EV by 10. Qualot Berry, which will reduce your Defense EV by 10. Kelpsy Berry, which will reduce your Atk EV by 10. Grepa Berry, which will reduce your Spdef EV by 10. Hondew Berry, which will reduce your Spatk EV by 10. Tamato Berry, which will reduce your Speed EV by 10. All wild Pokemon, once defeated, will grant you 1, 2 or 3 EV in one stat. Some grant 1 EV in 1 stat and another one in another. There are really weird combinations. They always give an EV of their highest overall Base Stat. For example, Snorlax gives HP EVs, while Gengar gives Spatk EVs. Evolved forms usually give more EVs than unevolved forms. As I said, these 2 give 3 HP EVs and 3 Spatk EVs, respectively. If you hold a Macho Brace, the EVs you gain will be doubled. If the EV in one stat is 99 or below, you can use a vitamin to increase that stat's EVs by 10. However, if you try to use a vitamin once that stat's EV are atleast 100, or the Pokemon already has the maximum amount of EVs (510), you will not be able to. They can be purchased in department stores. These vitamins are: HP UP, which will increase your HP EV by 10. Protein, which will increase your Atk EV by 10. Iron, which will increase your Def EV by 10. Zinc, which will increase your Spdef EV by 10. Calcium, which will increase your Spatk EV by 10. Carbos, which will increase your Speed EV by 10. First of all, we have to find a suitable pokemon to EV train. My personal recommendation is that you do not EV train anything that cannot be used in Bosses, low rating PVP (friendly pvp with friends, basically), or serious ranked PVP. Do not waste time, resources or money into training something that you will literally never use again, because it will mentally burn you out. For this guide, I'll train a pokemon that I believe is useless unless you equip it with a certain item. Pikachu with the Light Ball. This is one of the Pikachus I hunted for a newbie who lost his, so I decided to use it as an example. As you can see, this Pikachu has some decent Spatk, Speed and a good nature. Its ability might not be the best, but I wanted to train this little guy for fun and he has good enough stats to be trained. We want to level our pokemon first from a low level to atleast 40-50 to do the EV training properly. So, since we see he has EVs under 100, we will try and using some leftover vitamins we have in our bag. It does not increase its base Speed stat, but its Speed EVs. Pokemon's base stats cannot be changed, ever. Just to clear misunderstandings We want to train this Pikachu with 252 Spatk EVs, and 252 Speed EVs. I will first check for vitamins in my bag. I see I have some, and the Speed EV of this pokemon is 0 (check the blue number next to Speed). Thus, I can use all of the 10 Carbos to increase it to 102. We can train it however we want: we could train 102 EV into each stat, but that's stupid. Pikachu does not need defenses, only offensive stats. Pokemon like Bronzong can be trained by splitting EVs into each defensive stat. Now that we increased its Speed, we will use some Calcium to increase its Spatk stat. Since I have a lot of them, I'll use 10 of them to increase his Spatk EVs to 100. Voilá! Now our pokemon has 100 EV in Spatk and Speed. However, we can't increase it with vitamins anymore, so we have to manually train them both. Now, we have to fight wild pokemon to gain EVs. Each pokemon gives a specific EV. We can check each pokemon in a website like bulbapedia to know what EV it gives once we defeat them. For example, I will train this Pikachu in Cerulean Cave. I will only fight Golbat because it gives 2 Speed EV and I will fight Golduck because it gives 2 Spatk EV. I will avoid everything else because Gravelers give Defense EVs, which I do not want (Because Pikachu is a sweeper that does not care about being tanky). As you can see here, each Golduck will give us 2 Spatk EV once we defeat them. Let's get some! We found a Golbat. Let's get some nice Speed EVs! As expected, we got 2 EVs into Speed. Nice! We can keep fainting pokemon until we get some more levels. We will now fix the Def and HP EVs, since we do not want them. We can obtain these berries in the EV Wald in Fuchsia Safari or inside the gigantic Viridian Maze. These respawn from every 24 to every 96 hours. Pick them up every single time you find them! We will now use a Pomeg Berry and a Qualot Berry to remove the Defense and HP EVs Pikachu has. Berries in Viridian Maze. Now it is cleared of all unwanted EVs. Since we want to train it 252 in Speed, 252 in Spatk and 6 in Atk, we are ready to now fully train it. We will avoid fighting any wild pokemon that gives undesired EVs so as to avoid training him in the wrong way. We can look up in the website mentioned above which pokemon gives each EV. If you do not have money to use the Safari EV Wald, you can use the EV Zones spread around the regions. These are placed in specific routes and are amazing zones to EV train your pokemon for free. You'd only have to pay 5k to travel to each region or just use your legs and walk there! Since I want to make the process faster and I can afford it, I will go and train him in the EV Wald in Fuchsia. Remember you can train EV anywhere, doesn't matter when, how or where. All pokemon you fight (including trainers) will give you EVs. Just remember to avoid fighting unneeded or unwanted pokemon or you'll have to fix the wrong EVs later using berries. Safari EV Wald inside. You can obtain a Macho Brace by trading a Drowzee for a Machop holding this item in Goldenrod. The NPC is in front of the Pokecenter. It's the Motorbiker dude. This Macho Brace will double all EV gains, but will make you slower in battle. However, this will make us gain EVs incredibly fast. This dude will give us Macho Brace. I will now choose EV Training Area. I will use the next 20 minutes before I'm forced to leave wisely and I will EV train it to its fullest potential. You can pick up a Kelpsy Berry which reduces ATK EVs by 10 each time you use it. They're all in the Wald, in both zones. Here we'll find fully evolved forms at very low levels. In this exact part, I fight wild Pidgeots which give me 3 Speed EVs per pokemon. Since I've equipped Macho Brace, I will gain 6 Speed EVs per pokemon. Speed is now done. Now we're going for Spatk! Here we find the Spatk berries in the Spatk training zone. Vileplumes give each 3 Spatk EV, so we get 6 Spatk EV with Macho Brace equipped. Our Pikachu is now fully trained and ready to be leveled up to 100. We've successfully EV trained our pokemon and now we only have to level it to 100. Yey! If you want to make your training process faster, you should disable battle animations and increase Text Speed to the fastest so that you gain a few seconds each fight, which will add up quickly and allow you to fully train a pokemon in exactly 18 to 19 minutes, just shy of the 20 limit from Safari. As you can see, I have animations toggled off and Dialogue Speed at the max. I hope you have all enjoyed this quick guide on how to train any pokemon. I hope all doubts are cleared and you can check my other guide linked above to understand the theory better!
    1 point
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