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  1. First of all the most important question of them all - is the new exp system better than the old system? Yes it is. With that being said there are a few really good parts about this new system/patch and a few parts that should be looked at again. Let's start with the positive parts first: - the new system is really good for new players that are just starting the game and wanna enjoy pokemon like they know it from the OG pkmn games - by evolving their pkmn during the story without getting punished for it. I for myself haven't played the new story (exp wise) yet but read from a few new players that the new system does feel really good and doesn't feel punishing throughout the story - the trainer tower is a really good addition to the game and makes leveling high lvl pkmn very easy for a small but fair fee - the exp you are gaining from the trainer tower is perfect and makes leveling pkmn up to high levels very fast - tanky pkmn are very easy to train with the new system and especially the trainer tower - the exp share is a good addition and is especially good for story and ev training - even tho i am not a big fan of the exp from catching pkmn mechanic i do think it's healthy for the game in it's current state - the overall exp gain feels more like an actual pkmn game than it used to with the old system Now let's talk about a few not directly negative parts but parts that definitely need a few small buffs/adjustments: - the exp from wild battles does feel a bit too less after ~lvl60 and upwards - some trainer tower teams need to be looked at/some pkmn & abilities/moves should be removed - the trainer tower should be AN option to level high level pkmn but shouldn't be THE option for high level pkmn (which kinda goes hand in hand with the first "negative" point) since PRO is a MMO it makes sense that we train way more pkmn than we would ever train in an original pkmn game Time to talk about the trainers tower and bring up some suggestions. The trainer tower is a really nice idea as a whole. It helps leveling high level pkmn really well and fast. The fee is also very fair and now we even got a nurse joy added which makes the entire tower even better than it already was. However the tower still has a few flaws. In my opinion one of the biggest issues of the tower are some absurdly annoying abilities/moves like Sturdy, Cursed Body, Destiny Bond. Cursed body I could see staying but Sturdy and Destiny Bond really have to be removed. Another big point is that pkmn in some teams shouldn't be in there (as seen in the following screenshots) Yes my pkmn were mostly overleved and I won every fight vs them, however I personally don't think that this is a good system of choosing the trainers pkmn. The trainers should have only mono type pkmn and no dual type pkmn. And now for the end here are some suggestions: - Buff/adjust the exp gain/level of wild pkmn in some area so that leveling without trainer tower becomes an option again - remove Sturdy, Cursed Body and Destiny Bond from the pkmn in the trainers tower. Those abilities/moves are simply frustrating to play against, especially in an area where u have to pay again in case u faint - remove dual types from the trainers teams - add nurse joy to each floor/inbetween the floors to heal your pkmn for a small fee I might edit/add some ideas later on to this list but for now those are all my thoughts about the reworked exp system/the patch in general. Thanks for reading up until this point.
    2 points
  2. Stick to your original thread. You've created multiple posts regarding the same issue. Please be patient and your turn will come. Do note that there are dozens of players with the same issue that are being handled simultaneously, so don't think you are being ignored. Your thread will be handled as soon as we are able to. Creating further posts about the same thing will lead to forum punishment.
    2 points
  3. I fully agree, there is simply nothing that comes even close to the amount of exp and speed the tower provides for leveling high lvl mons. The tower should definitely stay and should remain the fastest way to train, since you pay a fee for it - however the game does also need a free and viable option to train pkmn up to high/max levels which doesn't need 4+ hours to train for a single pkmn.
    2 points
  4. Hello PRO, I have already suggested this on discord during the easter event, but didnt make a post here due to it not being super necessary (would only find use for ev'ing the little cup team in breezy falls). However, with the implementation of the trainer tower, this is now a lot more useable. I would like the refer to this great Strategie: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/219619-trainer-tower-quick-upgrade-method/ by @Leeluckya . A held item that would prevent a Pokémon from gaining exp or leveling (whatever is easier to do) would help this strategie a lot, if you dont need to mega. So my suggestion is to add an item to the game that stops a Pokémon from gaining exp. It can be used for leveling in the tower, little cup, and other content with a level restriction (ev training before Heatran quest for example). Let me know what you all think, and what the Items name could be! If we give the staff a cool creative name and design they might be more likely to implement it. Cheers Capri
    1 point
  5. WELCOME Lvl up service 100k per poke. 120k for some pokes like(grocahmp,.....) Pokes will be trained from any lvl to 97 lvl.(price will be same from any lvl) Special cases can be discussed. For fast service plus 50k per poke Payment: pokedoller CC-380k Iv rr-525k Nat rr-250k Rc-7k Contact: IGN- Hrxander Discord- Hrxander#6645
    1 point
  6. Mimikyu - Jolly godly 31/31 24h Auction S.O.: 3M MiN BID: 200k INSTA: 15M
    1 point
  7. Start: 1 Min bid: 1 Duration: 24 hours (after the first bid) Payment: Pokedollars Insta: N/A Note: Silver Server. HP Bug Closed: @Raseri 400,071
    1 point
  8. haha nice! just to be clear in writing then. Do you offer 1m?
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. IGN: Deathslayer9114 Discord: Deathslayer#1832 Favorite pokemon: Pikachu Want to PvP and learn this game.
    1 point
  11. You won ...pm me in game
    1 point
  12. Hello @Xytreh. Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do in these situations. We cannot restore anything that wasn't caught. Also, we cannot refund the item since there's no guarantee it would spawn Raikou again. If we do it for you, then we would have to do it for anyone who claims the same, which can lead to it being abused by players unhappy with what spawned. I'm sure this is disappointing to hear, but please try to understand. Take care.
    1 point
  13. Sorry for the delay. As requested, your accounts Usug4ki and Kiz4ru have been permanently banned. Since there is nothing further to discuss, this thread will be closed. Take care.
    1 point
  14. @Vanghern GG meet me at Fuschia
    1 point
  15. After trying EV training for several hours and the tower for some hours, I have to say: The Tower became THE option, not AN option, and I find it really problematic. It just outadvantages everything accessible for free outside of it, even Gym Leader rematches, which are now heavily outdated already (1 week cooldown to fight 5 pokemon at level 90 to just get exp for one pokemon + exp share pokemon + 3 gems or berries as a reward lmfao). It also outadvantages trainer rematches everywhere. Let's not even get talking about wild battles, they might as well not exist rn :^). The fact that the tower is full party experience even if you didn't participate just by paying a small fee for lategame players but big fee for early game ones is just... idk how to describe it. It's too big of a powercreep. I personally think the EXP share needs to be for the full party, toggleable off/on. Right now the Tower outclasses everything outside of it, no matter how much I tried to make other things work (Ruins of alph trainers, elite 4 leveling, gym leader rematches, copycats). These are just not comparable at all. It has created even more powercreep and need for future reworks for Content Scripters. You "can" (lol) use other methods to level up aside from the Trainer Tower, but it is just too good in comparison. You pay a small fee relative to a hyperinflated economy and just get full party experience. I don't argue for the nerf of the Tower, I argue for the buff of the outside options. Not just wild battles but also other trainer battles. Trainer rematches might as well get their cooldown reduced to 3 days and have their teams eventually grow to level 100 and they'd still be overcrept by the tower. I've really tried to come up with methods that can compete with this thing and bruh. It's just too much. Even abusing 4 accounts to refight 32 gym leaders is just nowhere good enough compared to the tower. Regards the Trainer Tower: I'd only change the variety of some teams. No, facing 3 Aerodactyl or Hydreigon in the same team is not really fun lmfao. The fact that Sturdy and some really annoying abilities are present is infuriating (Flame Body, Effect Spore and more). You basically rn have to rely on Mold Breaker sweepers or Moxie to power through it due to the huge amount of unexpected repeated BS you might have to face.
    1 point
  16. Hello, This is my first time participating in contests of this style. But I always wanted to give it a try So, here it is, this is the Spooky Ball, Intended to capture and contain ghost-type Pokémon, but it's a prototype, so some ectoplasm may leak out I wanted to make another design so here it is, it is called the Millennium Ball, found in some ancient ruins, they are made of a mysterious crystal and emit a very dim light. So... I couldn't get this idea out of my head, so here it is, the "Dragon Ball" supposedly you can find them with a radar. Honestly, I'm going to keep doing desings until I have no more ideas :3 This is the "Droid Ball", I made it a bit inspired by a steampunk theme. This pokeball is actually a small robot that targets pokemon and flies towards them making it easier to catch them. Today i have a couple ideas to pokeballs, this is one of those. The UFO ball, was a little hard to make it look like a pokeball and like a ufo at the same time. The second one today is the Princess Ball, it's a little bit different that a regular ball but i like to keep things fresh and out of the standard. Yet another one, i called this one the Flask Ball. I guess it should really be called potion ball, but I like the word "flask". A few observations, the first is that I think that of all the pokeballs I've made, this is the one I have the least faith that it will be selected, because one of the designs exceeds the size of the original png of a pokeball, But I hope it won't really be a problem. The other thing I wanted to comment, is that recently I realized that most of the pokeballs I make are glassy and shiny xdd that correlation was not intentional So, I'm surprised no one has made a pokeball with this theme, not much more to say, it's an egg, the Egg ball. Slightly inspired by a Yoshi egg, and considering that there are Yoshi mounts in the game, it seems fitting. Today i bring to you the Bomb Ball. With this i was aiming yo make a dark tone base pokeball. I want to try to cover diversity of color palettes with my designs. About the ball, well, probably not the most efficient pokeball, but maybe a worth risk
    1 point
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