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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/23 in all areas

  1. Hey, I will answer this thread as the leader of the mapper team because I wont accept accusations in that form based on uninformed assumptions. First of all I would like to clarify that its not the devs who are working on content, instead there are different staff roles like Scripters, Artists, Mappers, Testers that are required for content projects like Astrella and any other content addition. Many resources, work and time is required from these different teams. We are not a company with a set employee count and worktime, instead we are regular people who have their own real jobs, school, studies etc., with families, children, hobbys and other interests., we are working for free and in our own free time, next to all IRL-responsibilities to provide PRO more content. Anyone out of the different content-teams could have less time for any reason at any moment or anyone could also leave the staff team completly for more important matters in their real life. That is why it is really hard or rather impossible to predict how long a project like that may take and to give updates about the project in general without either leaking more than we want to or to give the community false hope. We have to take so many different factors in mind, so in the end giving updates about the project would just make the situation worse. I understand the players frustration on this but you also have to keep in mind that Astrella was passed through so many different staff members already, many left and many joined. It is not easy at all to keep track of a project like that unfortunately, we are trying our best though. The fact that it was announced this early was obviously a mistake back then and the content-team suffers from it a lot as the playerbase was expecting it soon, leading to many comments that can de-motivate anyone working on it. The people who are currently working on Astrella are the ones you are blaming but we werent the ones to announce it or built hype around it, instead we are the ones trying to save the project and bring it to the players regardless of anything else. We were short-staffed, presented with low free-time or other unforseen events a lot over the last few years and it was and is still hard to meet the expectations of the playerbase. It is hard to release new content for events and content in general (new forms, mounts, cosmetics etc. from artists, new maps from mappers, new quests from scripters etc.) every year while still working on a big project like Astrella which requires full focus usually. As you probably noticed in the past, we skipped some event-content releases to focus more on Astrella but there was still other stuff we released, however I can assure you that the progress on Astrella didnt suffer from that, we only worked on other things if we couldnt work on Astrella for some time for different reasons (resources needed from another team first for example). Many things had to be reworked as well because it was simply outdated or wasnt correct (story- and map-wise for example). Personally speaking I am looking forward to still put my time, love and effort into this project, together with the others from the content-team. Astrella is the main focus for the coming time but please try to understand the current content-team for all the things I explained in this message.
    10 points
  2. Start: 1m Min bid: 100k Duration: 48 hours (after the first bid) Payment: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (360k), IV Rerolls (500k) Insta: N/A Note: Silver Server Closed: @Boomsmoke 1.4m
    5 points
  3. 1m 80k 250k 300k 350k 200k 200k 250k 500k 150k
    3 points
  4. Start 7m Min raise 200 k Insta 15m Accept cc 370 k Rr 500 k 48 hours after first bid..
    3 points
  5. Start 400k min raise 50 k Accept cc 370 k Rr 500 k 8 hours auction after first bid...
    3 points
  6. Start : After first bid S.O. : 38 m Min Bid: 500k Duration: 72 hours Accept Payments: Rare Candy = 6k CC = 350k Nature Reroll = 230 k IV Reroll = 500k Pokedollar
    2 points
  7. start offer 10m min raise 1m start with first bid and finish Tuesday 10:00pm (arround 72 hours after post time ) aggelos79 : discord
    2 points
  8. Start: 500k ea Min bid: 50k ea Duration: 48 hours (after the first bid) Payment: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (380k), IV Rerolls (500k) Insta: N/A Note: Gold Server. This is not a bundle. Alt account: Sumocal Closed: Alakazam @Suncity 950k / Kommo-o @Azubike 1.2m
    2 points
  9. Greetings, @Huyofficiall You have been punished for continously overbumping your threads, you have been warned before, and you keep ingoring the warnings. Using GMT+0: Time: 48hrs after first Bid Start: 16/11 4:33AM End: 18/11 4:33AM Winner: @Bagheerav 2.5m made at 18/11 4:37AM [15min rule applied after his bid made at 18/11 4:32AM of 1.9m Bid] The winner of this auction was @Bagheerav with a 2.5m bid and @Shaktimaan 2.9m bid was made when the auction had ended. @Bagheerav 2.5m were remvoed and the pokemon added @Shaktimaan 2.9m were added back and the pokemon remvoed @Huyofficiall 400k were removed @Huyofficiall You have been punished for poorly handling this auction. I have fixed the auction, and enforced the correct outcome. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    2 points
  10. -1 OT or not, no one care. Like I've said it before owning a shiny that u want is much much important than an ot tag. We only can flex it when its our own. Adding this function is really not useful imo. Either u own it or u don't.
    2 points
  11. S/o 1m 100k min raise Auction lasts 48 hrs after first bid Insta 5m Cash only Good luck!
    1 point
  12. Sold whopper time up for wooper congrats contact me discord Muneb#0418 for it I will come trade
    1 point
  13. Closed as per request.
    1 point
  14. start offer 10m min raise 1m start with first bid and finish Monday 10:00pm (72 hours after post time ) aggelos79 : discord
    1 point
  15. We have a winner...you can contact me discord...pasokoss#1206 or ingame pasokoss silver arapas gold
    1 point
  16. Hello @Gip Please remove all Event and Shiny pokemon from this shop, as in this subforum you are allowed to sell only Non Variant Pokemons: If you wish to sell Shinies//Event pokemons, you can create a new thread shop on: If you do not take it down, I will be locking this shop. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  17. Hello @Leeluckya Please remove all Event and Shiny pokemon from this shop, as in this subforum you are allowed to sell only Non Variant Pokemons: If you wish to sell Shinies//Event pokemons, you can create a new thread shop on: If you do not take it down, I will be locking this shop. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Buy tanglela bold, teddi ada = 26rc
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. It's because of you why dev dont want to work, always trashtalking and try to dont unterstand, there is a lot of feature to code for everyone and working in a safe environment. A lot of mapper/scripter left due to irl problem and working in a custom region is way harder than you think but not worth arguing with people who dont try to unterstand situation
    1 point
  22. @Darksoul56 bro it need 100 evo data so 400k for 100 evo data and quest is of 300k 4k/evo data
    1 point
  23. Greetings @Varun9696 You are allowed to bump only after 24 hours of inactivity in the thread. Kind regards
    1 point
  24. I drew 8 pokemon standing in front of a castle and a scene including pumpkins and a cemetery. It took me 4 nights to come up with ideas, sketch, draw, color and complete. I hope everyone will like it.
    1 point
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