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Everything posted by Blitzkriegz

  1. Trust me mate, no one would try to hunt a pink pancham for the quest. I mean, more than half the people dont even know that such a quest exists. The idea that you proposed is implemented in other forms already. Like during events, there are weekly hunts announced from staff where players submit high iv good nature mons and get rewards as well.
  2. People aren't spamming -1 without reason lol. There's just nothing more to add to the reason. If someone gets an OT T8 pink, that's super lucky in itself and you want to be rewarded with a so called 'Pink stone' on top of that?? Following this logic people who find a T8 shiny should be rewarded a 'Shiny converting stone'(That sounds awful Lmao) to turn any mon of their choice shiny which is absolutely irrational and absurd. Market situations aside this concept definitely interferes with the balance of the pink forms.
  3. It's specifically the summer points obtained after defeating the 2nd boss (doens't matter whom you beat 2nd) that doesn't get added. If you defeat Rin first and then Lime, you get the summer points from Rin ,the bonus 100 points and not the points from Lime and vice versa.
  4. Privacy settings in the dashboard doesn't seem to load.
  5. Abomasite is randomly hidden in any of the trees of route 216. Interacting with the trees will give clues as to whether you're close or far away.
  6. Kindly add your GMT to the start time. Ty.
  7. Username: Blitzkreig707 Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Bangladesh / GMT +6
  8. The same happened for me too, so it seems the spawns are divided there. Similar to fennekin/chespin spawn in forest pit. Good luck on your hunt. Regards.
  9. Did you repel at the lower grassy area or the left side grassy area of amity square?
  10. Will miss you buddy. Take care.
  11. As soon as the NPC for the game coins are added the chance for rr goes back to 1/4. For the time being its just 33% instead of 25% and it became 'abusing'.
  12. The cooldown for the mushrooms is 14 days fixed. Dowsing with Paras/ect just increases the harvest.
  13. For starters solaceon quest requires some hard to obtain mons and all ot of course e.g. the starter lines, burmy line, snover line, pachirisu, croagunk line, stunky line. People dont have em on 2 ids let alone 8 as you claim.
  14. Garchomp mount, with the visuals of the ground being dug (Similar to the water splashing while on Jetski)
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