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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/22 in all areas

  1. START 2m Min bid: 250k Finished next Saturday
    2 points
  2. looking for shiny trade timid /modest /calm gardevoir, can offer upto 25m if seem fit thanks! Silver server
    1 point
  3. Gligar - 2m5 Shellder - 1m5 Galvantula - 4m5 (All 3 for 8m) All price are not fixed, can be negotiate accept cc-400k rr-700k Sold 2m5 1m5 4m5 Sold
    1 point
  4. Hello @Sotta. My apologies for the late response. The stone can also be hidden on the ground. Please check the floor in the surrounding area of where you receive the text that you’re close.
    1 point
  5. Norex wins!, (his bid was 8:52 am, auction ended 8:57 am) @Norex
    1 point
  6. yess XD ... thats your name ingame?
    1 point
  7. hi can anyone mod help here? i was out from forum many days so the guy won the action ? or should start the action again? any notification didnt come on my alert so i didnt bump it. sorry again what i can do now? and i want to be fair for bangjago too. just tell me what to do and i will make it
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Bump recruitment will be open again as soon as new pvp season start
    1 point
  11. Hello @Zic You need to make it clear when an auction ends, it difficult to determine the exact time the auction ends as you have not stated your time zone. You have also 'noted' bids that have been recieved before the auction has began, these are not valid. You have been issued a warning for a mishandled auction, I advise you to read our Auction Rules before creating another auction. This auction is now void. My apologies to all involved. Manbat.
    1 point
  12. Hello @gianni345 For clarification, the winner of this auction is @gato666 with a bid of 3.3m. Hope this helps. Kind Regards, Manbat.
    1 point
  13. Okay sorry, disregard my above offer, I'm not interested in getting stuck in an auction if it may be run poorly, maybe someone else will start.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. That's such a stupid thing to say. The only reason I am here is to give a suggestion on how to make the game better for everyone. The only thing these systems accomplish is to frustrate players and make them stop playing. I can also say that the fact player numbers have dropped massively shows that your ideas aren't really working very well, are they? Nevermind, why do I try. Just log into a different account and do what I have to do. Feel free to delete any suggestions that try to make the game more fun from now on and remind me in 2 years how many players are still in this game. Cheers.
    1 point
  16. But the system is in place to discourage people from doing it and the fact that you are here right now, shows that it is indeed working to some degree.
    1 point
  17. Developers to-do list:  //This list is ordered alphabetically. It's just what we have on our to-do list. Auction House //An auction house that'll be usable in-game and on the Dashboard. Battle animation adjustments //That mainly affects the catch animation and a few small adjustments. Battle log //Some plans but probably not easy with ngui. Box rework //A general box rework to add more filters, split the boxes, add mass delete and so on. Double battles //Battle together with your friends and against your enemies within and outside the story! Dungeon á la Mystery Dungeons //Player will have to climb maps as a Pokemon. Repetitive content with a chance of different rewards at the top. Dynamic window layering //There are so many window layering problems recently that I rather add dynamic window layering a la Windows. Event icons rework //The current icon code is really, really bad and needs a rework so we can easily add more information/icons. EXP rework //Our EXP formular is wrong and uses the wrong value for the exp group. This might need a complete spawn and trainer level rework for the story. EXP share //EXP share à la gen2 where the Pokemon that held the item always got its EXP share. Fishing Rework //We plan to make it a mini-game similar to how fishing works in Minecraft. Fixing all incorrectly coded moves and abilities //https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/233061-list-of-broken-moves-abilities-items-in-pro/ Forum change //Xenforo is everything but not user-friendly nor easy to work with and we need to get rid of unique emails. Higher PvP rating at season start //Would like to start the season with a higher rating so you can actually lose something. Illusion //Hard to do cause you need to send different pokes to each user which requires a rework of the code at 180 different places. In-game layer rework //The character and map layer client code is a mess but that's a mammoth project. Ladders in client UI //Show all kind of ladders in the client UI. That includes OU Ranked, Random Ranked and Total Playtime. Lending Trade //Probably needs another rework from scratch. Mail adjustments //Check whether an item is mailable or not when putting it in the mail and not after trying to send it and a mail confirmation to avoid sending it to the wrong user. Make flying mounts/followers keep flying while standing still //Upgrade of the animation capability for the character sprites. Possibly new animation options. Mod tools updates //Mainly for GMs, a few fixes and small feature requests. Nuzlocke Server //A just for fun server with Nuzlocke features. Data cannot be transferred to live servers. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Nuzlocke_Challenge PRO Editor updates //Many, many updates for the PRO Editor as well as a map server rework from scratch which is already done. The editor is currently in a not working state. PvP elo system //Easy to say, hard to do. PvP encounter rating limit //An option to not encounter users with more than 100 PvP rating less than you. PvP battle replay //Save, play, review and share your battles. PvP battle spectate //Option to allow others to spectate your battles, possibly with a delay. Random Battles and ladder //Not much to say about. Reconnect //That's not only for PvP but in general so users that disconnect unplanned reconnect without even realizing it in the background. Very complex problems. Rework multi-hits //In handhelds every multi-hit has its own damage calculation, crit chance and so on. Required for Parental Bond. Rework winning order //Right now, moves like Destiny Bond and recoil let the wrong user win if both die the same turn. Server merge //Merge gold and silver together and increase the box limit from 1000 to 2000. Show Pokemon and whether they are dead or alive in PvP battles //Initially planned to replace the Pokeballs with the Pokemon sprite but the Pokemon sprites are too big, and resizing them makes it impossible to identify the Pokemon. Android cannot see anything so they were added elsewhere. Slider to change how many users you can see on the same map //To unburden old hardware without the need to use foreveralone. Options to see friends- and/or guildies-only as well. Terrains //Terrain moves, the needed abilities and Terrain Extender for Tapus. Player/Social window rework //Similar rework as PvP window but for the social tab. We could possibly add following features: Boss Cooldowns Page: NPC sprite, name, location, current win-streak, cooldown timer, weekly boss limit counter, friendlist: status message, last online, guild: last online, user rating, Input field with an invite button, guild creating in social/player window, /foreveralone check box, time ladder, PMs enabled for everyone/friends option instead of using the online status as indicator. Team Builder //Create teams with your Pokemon and replace your whole team with a single click instead of looking for every Pokemon in your box. Transform and Imposter //Ditto needs some love. Two-factor authentication //With 2FA, you need to use two things to prove it's really you before you can log into your account. For example, you might need to enter your password (that's one factor) and then type in a special code that's sent to your phone (that's the second factor). By using 2FA, it's harder for someone else to get into your account because they would need to have both your password and access to your phone. Username borders //Didn't think about it any further. Visual for active stat changes //Not sure how to do that yet, might be a space-related problem. Visual for environment moves //Probably just a new background as long as the rooms are active, Artists where are you? Z-Moves //Boom, baam, damage, yknow..           ▣ High priority                    ▣ Normal priority                    ▣ Low priority                    ▣ Completed Please do not suggest any of the features/planned changes above as they are already on our to-do list!
    1 point
  18. Hello to all competitive PRO PvPers! This year, PRO Staff have decided to launch another Summer PvP Tournament, which is open to everyone who meets the requirements to sign up and wishes to participate. This is our 4th year hosting an annual PvP tournament! Are you ready to face off against the rest of your server to battle for bragging rights, and a unique reward to set you apart from the rest? The Tournament will consist of a double-elimination bracket. The bracket will be randomly seeded during a live-stream. Registration will begin now (17/18th June 2022), and end on July 2nd, 2022, 23:59 GMT Each round will last 5 days (except for Finals that last 7 days). The bracket draw will be streamed on July 4th, 2022, and the first round will begin immediately. All matches prior to the Finals on both brackets will be best of 3 Winner's Bracket Finals, Losers' Bracket Finals, and Grand Finals will be best of 5 Loser Bracket winner has to win 2x Bo5 against the winner bracket winner in order to win the tournament. Should any circumstances necessitate changes to this format, Tournament Staff will give at least a week's notice before the tournament begins. Only one account per player may enter the tournament. Each user can participate only to one tournament, gold one or silver one. Ghosting is forbidden. Players may seek assistance prior to matches, but may not confer with other players during the game or allow another player to play for them. The Pokemon pool of players will not be limited, so there is no need to register teams. All Ranked PvP Rules apply. In the event that any Ranked PvP Rules are changed while the tournament is in progress, the change takes effect immediately in this tournament as well. Should any moves, abilities, Pokemon, or items be coded between the start of the tournament and its end, those moves, abilities, Pokemon, or items may not be used. Players are not required to record matches, but it is recommended, as it may be impossible for staff to validate reports if they choose not to. Should any Ranked PvP Rule be broken, the offending player will forfeit the game. Should either player disconnect, the other player may either claim a game victory or allow a rematch at their discretion. For disconnect, we mean the kind of disconnection that entirely end the battle and not the new reconnecting feature. Should the server crash during the game, a rematch is to be played with the same teams, unless a player demonstrates to Tournament Staff that they were in a position where they could not reasonably lose the game. Should any match fail to be completed, both players must submit evidence of activity to Tournament Staff. If Tournament Staff should decide that either player was not sufficiently active, that player shall be disqualified. If both (or neither) players were sufficiently active, the match will be decided by coin-flip. Any reports of participants breaking rules should be accompanied by as much evidence as possible, preferably video. Screenshots will reinforce your case, but may not be considered concrete proof. PRO Rules will continue to be enforced with no regard for the tournament. If an infraction would render a player unable to participate in a round, that player forfeits the round. Toxicity and despicable behavior will not be tolerated, both during matches as well as before and after. Sustained behavior of this sort may lead to disqualification. Match fixing is not tolerated. Players may not attempt to bribe or coerce other players to forfeit or intentionally play poorly. By entering the tournament, you agree that Tournament Staff have final say over all tournament-related decisions. Staff do not take any responsibility if the user is unable to play the match cause they decided to transfer and are unable to transfer back (e.g due to lack of CC, etc) All Pokemon used have to be Level 100. Fill out the following format and make a post in this thread. You will be invited to our official Summer Tournament Discord after you will have registered yourself by posting the filled template in this thread. Pick one of the available and obtainable legendary Pokemon Pokemon conditions: 4x 31 & 2x 30 IVs at maximum/limit but IVs can be decided as you wish as long as within the limit (e.g can have 1 speed) Can be Shiny Can choose Level Can choose Moveset and EVs 3x Locked Reroll Ticket 1x Gold Crown Nature Change OR Ability Change OR 1x Legendary Shiny Mount (Can Pick 2). 2x Locked Reroll Ticket 1x Silver Crown Nature change OR Ability change (Can Pick 1) If the second place picked Nature change, the third place can not pick it 1x Locked Reroll Ticket 1x Bronze Crown Illustrative Image of the Crowns - 1x Fox Mask OR 1x Pancham Hat OR 1x Black Petal Shaymin mount (Pick 1) Illustrative Image Disclaimer: The rewards will be for each server, this means that both silver and gold will have their top 15% Contributions: Shinohara, Qeight, Idkup, Fluffles, , MagicGuard and Senrosia
    0 points
  19. Hello, i added you on discord. sim#0669 Can pm here as well or on discord I would like to order a kanto story service
    0 points
  20. 0 points
  21. 0 points
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