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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/22 in all areas

  1. Hi, im going to sell my hlw togekiss. Please offer via pm in forum or discord: Fck Off I´m SALTY#3063 I´m also accepting trade offers for other pvpable rare-tier event forms. Plese keep in mind that this is NOT an auction. Ty
    3 points
  2. Hi!I want to sell any prestige mount that you'd like(you can choose for yourself).I will buy it,fresh from the pvp coin shop for u! PRICE : 19m
    2 points
  3. S O 500k Insta 2m Min bid 100k 48hours auction CC:350k RR:650k RC:6k (max 100 cap)
    1 point
  4. Start : 2k min bid : 2k Insta : 4m end time : 2days after start accept : cc-370k / iv rr- 670k
    1 point
  5. start: 1k no insta 48 hours after first bid Payment Methods: Pokedollars IV Reroll Ticket = 700K Contact: INGAME: Alexii Discord: Alexi#2203
    1 point
  6. S.O. = 50K Min. Raise = 50K No insta Starts after first bid 36-hour auction Accept pokedollars and cc = 350K Timer: Basketball Countdown – Countdown to 19 Sep 2022 04:38 in Manila (timeanddate.com)
    1 point
  7. Start 5k Min bid 5k 24 hours from first bid Accept poke dollars, cc@350k Accept cc for up to 50% of end price
    1 point
  8. Hello, that's something to consider for the future.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
    1 point
  11. 25m +5 cc im gold i will transfer if i win
    1 point
  12. Mr.Mime needs a Halloween form as it doesn’t even have one event form. Mr. Mime makes a perfect candidate for a scary clown, and what better Halloween form than Penny Wise from “IT” the film series. It is a strong Pokemon with great stats in special attack, special defense, and a nice speed stat. I believe that a Halloween form can make this Pokemon more used on the battlefield. Mr. Mime can be represented with white clown makeup holding a balloon with the pennywise attire. I have attached an artwork I’ve worked on for possibly the coolest Mr.Mime Halloween form. Mr. Mime is also my favorite Pokemon! Hopefully it can be implemented in PRO *Fingers crossed*
    1 point
  13. In my opinion, pangoro desserve an HW form. First of all, it's a dark, large panda who literally break the mold when he comes, and by that is totally in the mood of Halloween. Secondly, it's a pretty rare poke with no other form than pink, and as it's very used in pve (for bpass bosses) and used in PvP (I have seen some). The form could looks like anything, maybe just a cape and a pumpkin, or scratches/blood, or even a hooded dark punk with an electric bass This form could also being the occasion for an outbreak, for people who don't have access to pinkan (but this is not the subject here) Thanks for reading, Bri-koli
    1 point
  14. Hello, I would really love a Halloween Form for Breloom. This pokemon, even if not played that often, has access to quite rare assets like Spore, boosted Mach Punch and Bullet Seed with Technician doing insane damages and is also known to get most of the time a kill with its Focus Sash set. The skin I found on the internet is based on glowing mushrooms. I really love the mix of Blue and Dark colors ! Edit : I forgot to mention Breloom is the best False Swiper in the game. Smeargle being the 2nd best got its Xmas Form, so why not a Halloween one for Breloom ? And as mushrooms are quite present on Halloween, time for Breloom to shine glow !
    1 point
  15. I Think Alakazam should receive a custom evil looking form to counter gengar and it's form
    1 point
  16. I'd love to see the carvanah line up getting a Halloween form, it is dark type which match the Halloween's spooky vibe. It's one of the underrated but very strong poke and a new form will definitely give the love it deserves.
    1 point
  17. how about an evil clown themed Mime Jr and Mr. Mime? I know they're not the most popular for battling, but the Mime Jr could be trying a clown outfit on with no face alternations, evil or not, but then when it evolves its outfit changes to a more evil theme and face paint in keeping with the theme of evil clowns, could be pretty cool
    1 point
  18. I would like to see a tauro skin like Minotaur, it would be interesting with a darker color, bigger horns and using accessories like nose rings, and a possible emblem on the forehead, maybe a skull.
    1 point
  19. I really hope to see some of the rare high tier Pokémon that are otherwise unhuntable get event forms. Pokemon such as Rotom, Rockruff, and Beldum can really fit the criteria for Halloween forms. Even so, that doesn't mean common Pokémon shouldn't deserve some love. I believe common forms are what drive people to hunt consistently. There are many favorite common Pokémon but so far none of them have ANY forms so far which begs the questions: why and when? Pokemon such as Pidgey, Zubat, Ekans, Onix, Sunkern, Girafarig, Zigzagoon and many many more. Heck it took us until THIS summer event to get a rattata form Gen 5 and 6 Pokemon are rare and not seen a lot in the wild so giving them event forms will make them more widespread in the community and increase the shiny caught count. I personally would love to see Roggenrola, Drillbur, Venipede, Golett and Solosis forms get released soon. As to my personal preference and my most favorite Pokémon of all time that I WISH I can see get an event form: Zorua I know that talking about Zorua itself is almost taboo in PRO since its one of the, if not THE, rarest shinies in the game and giving it an event form could reduce its value drastically. But I feel that there are many elements that can be removed/added to prevent that such as shiny locking Zorua in any other area except Mirage Island which would retain its value.
    1 point
  20. Ig gyarados deserves an event form for sure! Sure is Exciting to see it in a new form
    1 point
  21. Halloween Alakazam - I'm quite surprised that Kazam doesn't have a single event form yet knowing that it has a Mega Evolution, often used in PVP OU format, and our usual Sync Pokemon. I'm not saying that we prioritize only those relevant in the game but I'm pretty sure that most of us here are excited and love to see its new form, therefore my idea of mine is, instead of floating spoon that Kazam used to telekinesis, a floating dark orb would be way cooler to add in Halloween Theme. It's like Kazam turned or crossed the boundaries of into the "Dark Side".
    1 point
  22. Hello @Asuracrying00, Please remember that bids from Discord are not valid or accepted, like what you did here: Referring to Auction Rule no.2 for sellers can be found here: Considering that the auction has ended, I will be locking this thread now. Please be careful next time. Kind regards, Irushia
    0 points
  23. 1.3m on gold will transfer if i win
    0 points
  24. 0 points
  25. 0 points
  26. 0 points
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