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Everything posted by Qeight

  1. Not going to happen. I will close this suggestion and right of the bat deny this as this is something we will never do.
  2. Open Recruitment with applications or selected invites (like I was invited to staff) They will go through a workshop where we filter out people that don't really fit, we do a few tasks but nothing we can actually disclose to the public. After that and to answer your next question we decide in what roles they fit in, sometimes staff switch role because they are not happy with it or because they simply don't fit in. Let's take me as example, I was supposed to be a CC, Fluffles wanted to be a Tmod and became a CC and Logan switched from Mod to Tmod later on. The applicants might not know where they fit but if they have strong attributes in some categories we will know where to fit them. I don't quite get that question, like if we actually talked to the applicants? Your past will be a huge factor when accepting or declining staff. Your past 100% reflects back on you but I am a perfect example on how many "infractions" you can actually have and still be staff. It's all about other factors as long as you are honest.
  3. That's fine, if you have to go against the same guy every single time for 5 matches then it obviously becomes apparent.
  4. Thanks for creating this guide, stickied it for more visibility. :)
  5. Is allowed
  6. Welcome!
  7. Welcome back :)
  8. Welcome ^^
  9. Welcome back :)
  10. It's literally out of my hands, the reset is not decided by me nor can I actually do it. It is decided by Dev availability and nothing else.
  11. THere will be two tournaments but one discord server
  12. Its on PRO and everyone who meets the requirements ( a full team of level100 )
  13. Please stop swearing, there is no need for that. The date can't be announced because it requires the Dev and their availability is not always guaranteed.
  14. The time was announced on our Discord actually half a day before that. A fixed date is sadly not possible.
  15. Hello everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season, thanks for participating! REWARDS 1st Place will receive 700 PvP coins, 2nd place 695, and so on. Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards! Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) [spoiler=SILVER LADDER] #Rank Name Guild Rating Wins Losses Win% 1. GlogS NoMercy 554 91 17 84 2. ikonos123 NoMercy 537 208 43 82 3. Staller NoMercy 529 79 9 89 4. DrShaw1991 FenixReborn 478 131 52 71 5. HeroOfTheStreet Predators 478 79 21 79 6. EdisonJM NoMercy 463 146 57 71 7. FumeSec Syndicate 461 230 119 65 8. Greencold FenixReborn 458 82 35 70 9. LastHope4 Syndicate 455 65 24 73 10. OneTrickGengar Chaos 455 57 7 89 11. Rey89 BloodNight 452 82 28 74 12. Scream60 Nowalls 452 48 7 87 13. CarlosV7 NewOrder 451 88 36 70 14. ngiannas NoMercy 450 113 46 71 15. 0danobunaga Legacy 449 416 158 72 16. dcp19 FenixReborn 446 156 95 62 17. Coup NoMercy 442 87 30 74 18. Samu94 BloodNight 440 78 18 81 19. buyshinynair Chaos 440 53 10 84 20. Matherfather13 Predators 440 72 26 73 21. Belzebel NoMercy 439 109 45 70 22. finnderboss NoMercy 439 69 22 75 23. Astro NewOrder 438 71 24 74 24. c0mp Syndicate 437 218 103 67 25. KaitoMew DemonZ 436 64 22 74 [*]Top 25 Gold Ranked rating (No Tier Ladder) [spoiler=GOLD LADDER] #Rank Name Guild Rating Wins Losses Win% 1. Deidaraa Konoha 633 141 20 87 2. Sadness04 ChaosRaiders 508 206 41 83 3. Nakofum FrenchConnexion 500 136 33 80 4. Aviciii HeartGold 461 49 12 80 5. Renan2k Konoha 459 115 36 76 6. Droox Konoha 459 81 17 82 7. MrH110887 Ascension 454 239 88 73 8. minato23 AlwaysReturN 451 149 55 73 9. hugo5943 HeartGold 450 52 14 78 10. S4mlerYT GreekGods 445 61 15 80 11. Darkcatcher FrenchConnexion 442 76 19 80 12. 53N7RY AlwaysReturN 442 113 29 79 13. stavd Tranquility 424 155 66 70 14. Aliceftw TeamMagma 418 45 11 80 15. Soriana Konoha 414 52 10 83 16. Chaosknigth AlwaysReturN 414 71 19 78 17. Mylovestory811 VNChampion 411 46 9 83 18. ZetLocrito95 AlwaysReturN 410 199 77 72 19. Fylans ChaosRaiders 410 73 20 78 20. WilliamRamosk Konoha 410 60 14 81 21. wAkKo16 Imperial 408 36 5 87 22. ShinePak HeartGold 406 58 15 79 23. CitronJaune FrenchConnexion 403 114 55 67 24. N1ghtcr4wl3r GreekGods 401 97 43 69 25. idkup TeamMagma 398 39 10 79 RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS Silver Guild Rankings [spoiler=SILVER GUILD LADDER] #Rank Guild Leader Rating 1. FenixReborn Baltoo 11182 2. Predators Irruushi 10736 3. NoMercy Teerav 8335 4. BloodNight Luminetor 6758 5. NewOrder Carlosv7 6716 6. Syndicate Illidann14 6549 7. Chaos Imhanjoo 6263 8. Scarlet Blacck 4038 9. WaleKrowy Kombu 3865 10. Legacy Theminho 3544 [*]Gold Guild Rankings [spoiler=GOLD GUILD LADDER] #Rank Guild Leader Rating 1. AlwaysReturN Xmonts 9495 2. FrenchConnexion Smokincatcher 6911 3. Tranquility Pokechamp007 6790 4. ChaosRaiders Mrkarpkarp 6498 5. HeartGold Kien709780 4065 6. Konoha Starkpr0 4003 7. Ascension Kboww 3672 8. GreekGods S4mleryt 2998 9. TeamMagma Iriztha 2857 10. BLOODBORN Destroyersoul 2837 Disclaimers Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact me via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that. If the results are slightly incorrect, the correct users would have still been rewarded. This is due to the server automatically rewarding the top 25. Special thanks again to everyone that participated this season and those who bring a healthy competitive environment!
  16. It's not a sudden process, I have been working towards an open and more transparent staff team since I was made a staff. The current team leaders (Shinohara, Logan and me) have similar opinions and visions for the future which does not include anything that past staff did. We want to see improvements with the moderation aspect, how the community receives it. There is no way we will achieve 100% happiness or approval rate but we want to change what we don't see but players see. If we wanted to publicity stunts we certainly wouldn't do it with such a touchy subject. A bit to my backstory so you might understand it better, my playeraccount is PreHax. I know what it feels like getting hate from staff, being treated unfairly and with bias. I also know that reaching out to players in a meaningful way can improve relationships. I also know that someone who absolutely hated staff can become staff. I am a very critical person, especially of things I don't approve of however with time comes experience. Lashing out, being disrespectful, making snarky and sarcastic comments are just not helpful at all, literally they are doing the opposite regardless of what you want. If you want actual change please propose ideas, give actual feedback on why something is bad and not flat out say its bad. I was very anti-staff, when I was made staff we still had staff members who were against me and didn't think I would last long. If there is one thing I want you to take away from this is that the past can stay in the past, we want to focus on the future. I can't ask you to trust staff blindly, what I can ask you though is to give us another chance, the current team, the current leaders and admins. We didn't have anything to do with past mistakes, we didn't create past rules or did past actions. We are here to improve the game in a way our community can appreciate it. I am confused about this one, are you talking about the ratings in battle chat thing? This has been removed for weeks already as it was obviously not working. There haven't been any "new" all chat rules, what are you referring to?
  17. I will be completely honest with you, speaking from actual experience of receiving staff hate and being banned for 8 months, I can assure you with 100% certainty that if you actually attempted to be constructive with actual feedback instead of calling everything corrupt, we would be very inclined to listen to you. I was a very vocal player, I am a very vocal staff, with players as well as with everyone within staff. I don't shy back to argue even ifs not the most appropriate time or most respectful manner if I believe something is wrong I will call it by name. What I gather a lot from posts here are non concrete feedback from stuff that happened way in the past that could be easily explained. Sadly while this may sound rude, a lot of players are not telling the full truth of what actually happened, they may not know or don't remember but often times, more than I would like to admit they simply lie. They didn't do X when there is literaly proof of them doing it X. Its something I was talking to Samurai about, you might not got the full scope of everything that happened but I received a lot of hate from players for banning their friends when there was nothing wrong about it. I will give you an example, I received tons of hate for banning a known booster who played hundreds of matches against their alternative account, the evidence is there and accessible for everyone in the moderation team. The ban was 100% accurate yet it was said that "Qeight was abusive, abuses his powers" and such, while we will never be able to prevent that we can make sure that everyone gets a fair explanation if possible. I spent lengthy amounts of times reviewing old cases, unbanning players, overruling old staff decisions because I believed in something, I still believe that no player should be abused by staff nor should they fear to speak out in what they believe. This obviously has to be done in a respectful and constructive manner, e.g what you wrote earlier is the perfect example of what we do not need. We want your feedback, that's why we made the thread but what we will not be willing to do is listen to how corrupt we are when we never hear examples. I hear a lot of times that I am abusive, ban without evidence, hold grudges against players and such things, this is obviously not the reality. I understand that "trust" in staff is at a low point, hell I wouldn't trust staff if I were still player given my experience I had with staff. If there is any light at the end of the dark tunnel, then it would be me. As I said, I know what corrupt staff and bias staff look like and how they can hurt you. Nobody in their right mind would think I would support that. Do we make mistakes? Yes. Do I make mistakes? Yes. Do we see every mistake? No. We are all also just humans who do this stuff in our free time, we are not perfect but we are trying and reaching out to you guys.
  18. Your example is contradicting. "One player could have fail, 2 players in less than 5 minutes is probably an infraction.", what if the second player is also a fail and the third and the fourth? At what stage does it classify as an infraction in your eyes? It's out of question that the rule already has been broken but at what point do you want to be warned? Moderation staff are trained to give adequate and time sensitive warnings. If there was a warning 20 minutes ago you won't be muted. If there was a warning 2 minutes ago you will be muted. If the warning was in All Chat (lets say a warning for swearing), and you swear in Help Chat, you will be warned. The warnings don't carry over per chat. You have to go deeper into that please. Users' have to break the rules FOUR times in order to get quiet-banned. This is already in one session. Your mutes don't carry over from yesterday, so in a sense they reset. "Spamming" "swearing" "double posting", are common reasons used when muting. Can you give examples here. Why would you appeal a 60 second mute? The channel was moderated because it was announced in French chat, share it around in private and we won't moderate it. I agree though, a channel with password and the old functions would be really cool. I am not sure if they were removed or why they were removed really. I liked them a lot. In over 3 years a lot has happened, the current staff team is way more lax than it was back then. The language chats sadly are a toxic place, they weren't moderated a whole lot in the past, people ignoring them and such. If there are staff members who can speak the language they should moderate them. What aspect is too harsh? Botting, RMT, Cheaters getting a permanent ban? This is common and standard in every game.
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