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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/21 in all areas
Heyho, I currently work on the client to add ladders (OU/UU Ranked Ladder, Random Ranked Ladder, Friendly Battle Ladder). I am a bit stuck with how to add it but I was thinking about a new PvP window where I move all PvP data from the trainer card, ladders and potentially a few more things. For this, I want your opinions! What would you like to see there?8 points
5 points
First of all, I think it would be better to do this in the corresponding servers (don't have silver info in gold server imo). I don't know if it will be seperate from the current PvP section (I prefer not) but a toggle for /avoid_last_opponent command would be nice. Info about your position in ladder would be nice too. You might also wanna have a list of ladder winners (top1's in the corresponding server), like you can put the number of winners uptil now or a year or something like that. Same goes for the ladder tournament winners (or top3's). This can be cumulative and you can think of a pointing system that shows the ranking of that tournament. (1st place in a season gets 3, 2nd place 2, 3rd place 1 and sum them for all the seasons to get a list). The latter two might be complicated because people have two accounts, but give it a thought. You can show a win-streak stat but I dont think its that necessary.4 points
What I would like to see is the different metas on different tabs, like how the current ranked and unranked are on different tabs in the pvp window. Where it's easy to pick which one you want to and commands aren't needed. I would also like to see: - current rating - wins/losses - current position in ladder - ratings slider to limit who you can encounter but for it to be for ratings higher than you as well as lower. So if your rating is 150 is you set the slider to 100 then you'll only encounter people with ratings in the 50-250 range. - when the opponent found window comes up and you select your first pokemon I'd like a way for us to be able to cancel our choice and select another.4 points
this would be a great change. we should also be able to see banned pokemon, moves in this new window.4 points
Greetings! I'm a relatively new player to PRO, but I am a successful business man in life. I find enjoyment in researching, sourcing, and distributing products and thus I decided I was going to dabble in PRO's economy. I sold some Coin Capsules for the starting capital, got some false swipe memento gallades, made a few successful trading buddies, bought 700 super repels, 800 great balls, and began my journey about a week ago to dabble in tier 8 and 9 rare pokemon. And then today, after the 7th day of nothing viable, with thousands of repels and great balls gone, I decided to re-evaluate my business venture decisions to find a new path to mega-millions success. Thus I took to my favorite weapon of business.... the spreadsheet. What I discovered is that PRO does not have an actual healthy economy. It's a gambling ring. As a long time player of multiple MMO's one thing i've found that always draws a larger crowd and keeps the game running, is a healthy competitive economy. But PRO has pokemon hunters too right? Those folks you're running into out there grinding, farming, and hunting? They don't actually know their ROI, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. For those that don't really like math, i'll try to break some of this down as common place as possible so the spreadsheet attached below does make sense, and then get into the ideas I have for potential remedies, their pluses, and their downsides. At-least from a player base perspective. Okay, you've made it this far. Math time! The probability of any multiple things occurring, that do not have a correlation and causation effect on each other, are simply calculated by Probability of item A * probability of Item B, and so on and so on. The neat thing about pokemon, is everything is random rolled, so nothing about a pokemon you see in the wild is correlated. It's all random, so the math is made easy! So with that in mind, I averaged out my encounters over a few thousand repels, with a tier 8 rare pokemon. This gave me the "average" step count, which could very well have a higher deviation than i'm comfortable with, but alas, I don't have a few hundred friends to assist with this. So bare with me please. With the average steps required and the probability formula in hand, all I had to do was yoink someone else's beautiful IV probability forumula right off our forums. (I lost the post, but whoever you are, I thank you.) Which we got as (32-Desired IV)/31 Super simple! Thus I put all the numbers together into a spreadsheet... and viola! That 20/20 Atk/Spe adamant Tier 8 Drag with normal ability you just bought for 200k and felt like you got robbed? That pokemon takes on average $67,438 pokedollars in ultra balls, and 1,873 hours of walking in place to get. If they had to repel trick, it's cost average is $769,923.98 pokedollars to get. If time is money, we apparently, are not worth much in this economy! Also to note, this does not include the time, effort, or resources it took to EV train, level, and teach that sucker moves. That 31/31 Ada HA with correct nature you just got for 10+mil? Yea that suckers cost average resources and labor value is 18.5mil with no repels, and 210mil with. (Just remember, repel trick = faster find, no repel trick = longer) The better the stats get, and the more rare the pokemon, the larger the disparity on the cost average to average market sell price gets. Aka, there are some poor souls out there in the wilderness scraping away just to pay others to take their pokemon, or fiending for an addiction hoping to hit the jackpot. Neither are very healthy. Spreadsheet sample, I will happily provide the full spreadsheet with all tiers of rarity at anyone's request. (PLEASE remember, there's no way I can guarantee the step counts. I do my best, but deviation will always exist. The cost is right, but time and step counts? Could very well be wrong.) So... if your brain hurts from that, mine does too. That's a whole lot of probabilities less likely than catching lighting with both hands, winning the lottery with my right foot, and catching a legit shiny Mew with my left foot, at the same time. So how do we offset these disparities? We don't like breeding. We want interaction, MMO environment, longevity, and sustainability. 1- In-game Auction House. Auction houses bring with them some of the most competitive pricing you can find in any game. If you don't have the tricks of the trade, you won't have the price to sell. I have no idea how to code, and whether it's feasible or not. But I do know that public forums that present information, like an auction house in game, or raw material index in real life, bring stability to pricing modules. There's no way you're selling that 15/15 Dragonite for 800k when there's 45x20/20's on the AH for 400k. However, it does mean a stable price point will be visible and set accurately reflecting supply, demand, and labor+cost average for your farmers to make their money and feed their poke-families with. (I know this is on the way, i just couldn't help but re-add it, and hope we get one more thing with it!) 2- Sweet Scent. (With a twist?) The worry about sweet scent, is it can be abused by many, which will bring down and devalue the markets pricing on pokemon. Soooo... how do we get around it? You limit the supply of sweet scents available to the market. One of two ways, A) Make it a shop purchasable item (not a move) with a weekly cap, or B) Make it a weekly reward for bosses/events with a cap on how many that can be earned. (again, not a move). Will we see some fluctuation in pricing with sweet scent? Yes. Product versus demand is always real. Could it be rolled out with an Auction House "Commerce" update to balance it out? Absolutely! 3-Resell limits. Simple. Pokemon may be sold by their OT to one other trainer. That trainer may sell that pokemon one time. That pokemon may NOT be sold/traded ever again, and is either used or released back into the wild to begin the cycle of life anew. Pros? By limiting resell, we increase market demand for hunters/grinders to get out there and do their job. This increases the average amount of tries to obtain the desired pokemon, and stabilizes pricing and flow. Cons? This could upset a few "flippers" who like the scam newbies out of their pokes and re-sell them for profit, but honestly I don't like those kind of businessmen anyways. Also, how the heck would you code this? Beats me. Last con I can think of. if we implement healthy commerce, the prices of some pokemon will drop drastically, while others will sky rocket. (Looking at that 31/31 HA Jolly Metagross). So all of a sudden, nobody can afford these pokemon right!?! Wrong! A slight increase to certain PvE/PvP content payout after some metrics have been recorded, and the influx of hunters selling to distributors for resell will stabilize cash flow all around. Will you be able to get that super cool god roll poke when you've put no time or effort into getting cashflow or hunting it without crazy luck? Nope. But who gets rich or beats end game content in MMO's without time, effort, and community anyways? If you read this far, thank you for reading my rant and viewing the numbers. If you hated it all, let me know. (Politely please, i'm really trying to be helpful here.) If you loved it, please let me know. I would be ecstatic to look at this and consult anyone player/admin/or anything else to the best of my abilities. Lastly, Now that this has been posted. I'll be returning to my obligatory 3 meter deep worn 2x4 walking path on the moon with a full bag of repels and ultra balls to hurt my self more, because sadly, there's no other way and doggone it I like gambling too.2 points
Hallo Ihr Lieben, wir, die deutschsprachige Gilde „MewtusRache“, suchen immer nach aktiven Spielern, die eine Gemeinschaft und Mitspieler suchen, um den Spaß am Spiel mit anderen zu teilen. Bei uns steht der Spielspaß immer an erster Stelle und wir setzen keine Voraussetzungen im Storyfortschritt oder PvP-Ranking. Wenn wir weiterhin motiviert und zielgerichtet voranschreiten werden, wird sich das Gildenranking irgendwann von allein aufbauen. Aus diesem Grund nehmen wir gerne auch Neulinge im Spiel auf. Egal ob bei Problemen in der Story, Fragen zu PvP-Knowledge oder allgemeinen Fragen zum Spiel, wird man bei uns immer jemanden finden der mit fachkundigem Expertenwissen auf seinem Gebiet Lösungen kennt und diese auch gerne mit dir teilt. Wir bieten einen Exp-Bonus von 7.5%. Weiterhin bieten wir unseren eigenen Discord-Server, der neben dem Reborn-Helferbot und einem gildeninternen Marktplatz unter anderem auch genug Platz bietet, um seine Ideen und Vorschläge kundzugeben und zu diskutieren. Gildeninterne relevante Veränderungen von Terminen oder sonstigem werden hier selbstverständlich auch angekündigt. Um das Gemeinschaftsgefühl zu stärken veranstalten wir regelmäßig Gildenevents. Unser wöchentliches Hide&Seek Event mit lohnenden Preisen hat schon vielen glücklichen Gewinnern den Sonntag verschönert. Wenn ihr Lust bekommen habt mal das Zusammenspielen in einer Gilde kennenzulernen, allgemein Gesellschaft beim Spielen sucht, eure alte Gilde in Inaktivität versinkt oder ihr neu im Spiel seid und noch mit einem großen „?“ durchs Spiel lauft, schreibt mir einfach unter diesem Beitrag, meldet euch bei Brickx, Marksman1303, alucaardx, Limette515, Ikurashy, Cardiolo, Quantendynamik oder einem anderen Spieler mit unserem Gildenlogo. Wir sehen uns Online1 point
Hello, in this thread, I'll sell many items. The price should be lower than the classic NPC Shops (unity price). I don't mind selling in little quantity. I'll try to update this thread very often. - Contact - IG : Fafouney Discord : Fafouney#3238 Little tip : CTRL+F to browse effectively, each item name is next to its price. My Regular Pokemon Shop My Event Pokemon Shop My Full Gen 5 Dex Lending Service NPC Shops Miscellaneous items Choice Scarf - 50k ea (10 left) Choice Band - 50k ea (5 left) Choice Specs - 50k ea (8 left) Life Orb - 40k ea (10 left) Toxic Orb - 30k ea (5 left) Flame Orb - 30k ea (0 left) Ice Stone - 40k ea (0 left) Eviolite - 20k ea (0 left) Rare Candy - 7k ea (+999 left) Focus Sash - 1.5k ea (+999 left) Weakness Policy - 1k ea (+999 left) Air Balloon - 3k ea (190 left) Hollow Mask - 300k ea (3 left) Lapras Mount - 100k ea (0 left) Manectric Mount - 100k ea (1 left) Balls Little comment here : an update about pokeballs came up a while ago for those who didn't know it yet. Fast Ball - 2k ea (0 left) Friend Ball - 2k ea (300 left) Level Ball - 2k ea (0 left) Lure Ball - 2k ea (260 left) Moon Ball - 2k ea (0 left) Nest Ball - 2k ea (282 left) Net Ball - 2k ea (380 left) Master Ball - 50k ea (200 left) Demonstration Medicine Calcium - 4k ea (159 left) Carbos - 4k ea (23 left) HP Up - 4k ea (0 left) Iron - 4k ea (213 left) Protein - 4k ea (207 left) Zinc - 4k ea (147 left) Revival Herb - 2k ea (999+ left) Energy Root - 1k ea ( 154 left) Max Ether - 1k ea (213+ left) PvE Berries Grepa Berry - 1k ea (999+ left) Hondew Berry - 1k ea (999+ left) Kelpsy Berry - 1k ea (999+ left) Pomeg Berry - 1k ea (999+ left) Qualot Berry - 1k ea (999+ left) Tamato Berry - 1k ea (999+ left) Leppa Berry - 0.4k ea (999+ left) PvP Berries Lum Berry - 0.4k ea (999+ left) Sitrus Berry - 0.4k ea (71 left) Sold1 point
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@LabesiWhy Fixed my whole guide, thanks for pointing it out1 point
@Cleoeoyou won altaria contact me ingame /discord to find moment for trading1 point
@Frefa You cant withdraw an offer once made, you are responsible for the offer you post before doing so. You will remain the current offer as of now until someone outbids you. Please read the rules to prevent any confusion in the future. Sincerely Hawluchaa1 point
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It would be nice if pvpers could show off our highest rating achieved on our trainer card. Maybe even a badge for tournament wins or top 3 ladder placements. The friendly battles won/lost/disconnects stats are meaningless on the other hand and can be removed. The ideal pvp match window for me would first let you select a ladder (ou, uu, random, etc), then from there you can search for a match, view current ladder placements, maybe even some other data like the top 25 usage. To expand it even more, if there were some extra features like a teambuilder to build and store teams, integrated damage calculator/team weakness chart, etc could take what we usually have to do outside of pro right into the game. It would definitely be a lot of extra work, but if I had to imagine the perfect game would have all of these little features. Even putting in a "notes" section would be a good start, we could write out our own speed tier charts, a team list, ev spreads, etc1 point
Hi there @Pedrawr. Apologies for the delay. You have been given the ownership of the guild shop following the original author's request. Is there anything else I can help you with ? Have a splendid day!1 point
i was thinking that you would add in trainer cards of high scored history pvp streak that how many pvp rate streak wins i did in my career. Like in March 2021 when i scored highest rate of 326 pvp ratings. and it would help me remember correctly how lucky i made it ever since.1 point
perhaps something that shows your pvp ranking once you hit above 50 or 100 rating and tabs to switch between modes to allow easier access to random battles and others.1 point
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1. What's your Player name (IGN)? 2. Number of hours played? 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? 4. Do you use discord? Basically answer these thanks1 point
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No I mean that any player can select their friends colour like that in chat1 point
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I want to join! Are there some questions I need to answer first? My Discord name: Marstonz0 points
Hello @Takenwasblank, According to the Trade Rules when you have more than 5 pokemons you should post in Pokemon Shops subforum I already moved it, please take care next time and good luck with your sells ! Regards, Haruyukio.0 points
Want to buy 450k BULBASAUR "id:55297359" Pm me discord "Sephiroth#8904" or in game "Thiallyon1"0 points
To staff: I want to transfer this thread to Pedrawr. my discord : kozigeorge#3511 his discord : pedrawr#5666 Kind regards0 points