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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/22 in all areas

  1. s.o 400k minbid 200k Inst 5m 48hours after first bid s.o 400k minbid 100k inst 4m 24h after firstbid Accepted cc 400k, iv rr 700k, nat rr 350k for both auctions
    2 points
  2. i have very nice idea that can add more variety and fun in pvp xD and without forcing anybody to OU or UU NU or anything many ppl (me too) are very tired of the pvp in pro and i saw even some guys quit game because of it, always they have the same overpowered pokemons. and even if u dont play pvp u have to admit that its sad that only 20-30 pokemons are used in the main battle part of this game while theres so many more pokes out there.. (and those 20-30 make most of the others unplayable) last year they announced to change queue from OU to UU queue but even as one of the ppl who voted for it i doubt adding an UU queue instead of OU would fix the problem and even 30-40% of people iirc voted for keep it OU only and didnt want other queues. why punish these people if there is a solution to make both parties happy? since all of this problem goes down to the fact that ppl play as filthy as they can to get pvp coins/rating you need a system that works like this: -staff or this council makes a tier list with all pokes rated by how strong they are -for example there are 5 tiers: -1 win with 6 poke from tier 1 (weakest/ like 1st evos) = 5 PvP coins -if u add 1 or more poke from tier 2 ur team will be considered tier 2 = 4 PvP Coins per win -3 Coins = win with tier 3 or lower pokes -2 coins = tier 4 team -Normal 1 Coin as always if u win with 1 or more overused pokemon in team. so nobody is forced to change his playstyle -And a little multiplicator in gained rating per win based on the tier of ur team. (like 18 rating instead of 16 for example :D) i think this would be refreshing for everyone and its the perfect way to encourage even the filthiest people to have a little fun. Like this its all optional if u keep using OU pokes nothing changes for you except that u might encounter more fun teams. so nobody lose anything with this solution xD lets go bro
    2 points
  3. Again your english needs some sharpening, youll have to find me a quote where i say ppl use "creative" mons ONLY to flex, i brought it up as a point, however this doesnt mean it is the only thing i take into account when someone uses something "creative". You however are calling out ppl who dont use creative things (by your standards) "filthy" which paints a pretty clear picture to me, so yeah while i dont doubt there is more than just bragging rights when you use "creative" mons, there is this clear condescending tone you hold towards everybody else who isnt "creative". More interesting is the fact you thought i straightup mentioned you ONLY do this to flex, often is the case for ppl who are insecure to get overly defensive towards things they are trying to hide. Sometimes insecure ppl overcompensate to make them look more than what they are, more commonly by bringing other ppl to a lower level than them: "you dont even understand the idea behind UU NU PU etc in general xD" "it was 1 year ago maybe you didnt play yet back then xD". But hey, who knows maybe it is a language barrier after all. nice of you to completely edit your past post, anyways again you think i assume ppl are just gonna use "5 coin teams" everytime when they might just abuse a consistent team that can follow on your 2-3 coin reqs. But again what the heck is a 2-3 coin team? what mons lie on tier 2 or 3? who knows, you dont either and if you somehow do have a list on you ready to go, a good part of the community is gonna disagree on what should or shouldnt belong there. Ironically enough youd be creating more issues than solving them. Ty for not engaging with any of the hypotheticals, now i know what kind of person im engaging with here
    2 points
  4. your "coin farming" argument is senseless bcuz you assumed everybody would win those 5coins dropping matches, i doubt most people in pro can do that. and even if pvp coins would lose value u could just make mounts/ reroll more expensive then all ur weird coins problems are fixed.
    2 points
  5. Hello to both of you, my apologies for the late response. Can you try the tutor once more but without any egg moves on your Pikachu?
    2 points
  6. Welcome to Deita's Shop! PRO name: Deita Discord: Deita#0246 For Sale
    1 point
  7. Hi everybody! Been some time since i've been playing this game again because of work but, i'm back online for this easter weekend! I hope and wish everyone has a great easter weekend. I just wanted to say hi i guess. I'm playing on the gold server, so PM me if you want help with trades and whatnot.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. s.o 500k min raise 150k accept cc (400k), rr (750k) and pokedollar 24 hours from starting offer
    1 point
  10. Hello, I've been playing PRO for almost 4 years now. Some Pokemon got many event skins, especially Azumarill and Gardevoir/Gallade. As far as starters are concerned, each generation has been given skins in a completely random way, so we could see the Pokemon from generation 5 and 6 getting skins before the Pokemon of generation 4. Serperior was even given a second skin on Valentine's Day. I'm not here to question what determines which Pokemon are given skins, as I doubt it's solely based on the popularity of the Pokemon. However, I have to admit that the gen 4 starters have been carefully avoided for some obscure reason... So year after year, I've been waiting for the artists to deign to offer event skins to the Sinnoh starters. This was finally done for this year Easter event. If we can recognize a certain charm to chimchar and monferno, we should note the ridiculousness of the Infernape skin from which everything that can please Pokemon afficionados has been removed. It's fine to want to bring the Easter spirit to the skins, but I deplore the effect it had on the identity of the Pokemon. Starters from other regions fortunately did not have to suffer the same treatment for their skins! The Torterra and Empoleon family skins speak for themselves. I don't think I've ever seen skins this ugly since I started playing PRO. Obviously these comments are my own, and there are certainly players who will appreciate these skins. For my part, and this is the first time I'm writing a post on the forum to express this, while in the past the Salamence family, the Magnezone family and Latios/Latias skins had already surprised me to keep it polite, these skins are a very very big disappointment! That's why I'm already suggesting to rework these skins in the near future. Best regards.
    1 point
  11. Hi Kboww, I've added the compensation to Old Man Jerry. For any player that received the false result, he will temporarily slightly increase the odds of finding the island until it actually appears. Have a good day! Shizeria
    1 point
  12. Ah, sorry for this! Unfortunately, the first screenshot was the bug. The problem was that Old Man Jerry assumed that you still had time remaining on Mirage Island when you actually did not. This caused him to reactivate Mirage Island with invalid time and result in more bugs. I understand that this got your hopes up over a false result, but the current result is the fair RNG attempt. I will still look into a way to compensate you and other users that received this bug. Shizeria
    1 point
  13. Happy easter to you too and likewise! xD I hope we both find nice iv'd ones.
    1 point
  14. Nice shop design, looks really familiar somehow.
    1 point
  15. I agree with gdarch I talked with 15-20 differents peoples and they dont like these skin to not be rude I feel like there are some things wrong with these skins , there was so much better to do in production (the idea are realy great) I dont said its easy to make a skin but for starter 4G skins that has been expected for years I think there is some huge problem that he should not have because the expectation was higher for these skins the ideas of infernape and empoleon are great but i cant understand this : infernape legs (it cant be like that) it can't be 1 pixel for the legs It does not respect the drawing plan at all pixel missing ?? they both are in three-quarter view so as you can see the legs cant be 1 pixel how I think it should be with real proportion (I know he probably wanted to put the legs on the carrot but the proportion are not accurate here )
    1 point
  16. It seems to me you dont understand what a fact is lol. And its so blatantly obvious that most of the people here disagree with your points how can anything you say be a fact when majority disagree with it. You and that crucifucx person make the point of it saves the game yet show no evidence as to how it does that. You say that pvp rewards dont matter to YOU because you have everything you want. Not everyone is the same as you people value prestige mounts enough to pay 12-20m which is a lot for the average player. Not everyone has the time to no life this game like you for 5 years and have all the pvp rewards.
    1 point
  17. @YanoMii can we meet in verm
    1 point
  18. I think, fundamentally, youre trying to solve a problem thats only bothers you, or at least the way you try to fix it seems to be only appeasing you from the amount of -1s here. If you dont like the metagame youre playing and you dont consider anything unbalanced/broken, then thats a you problem. The community isnt going out of their way to play with what you wanna see (or dont wanna see). Some half assed solution that is extremely exploitable, mentioned before with first weeks of the season being able to spam ludicrous teams to just profit coins and take the last couple of days to ladder isnt gonna make this situation any better, youre just finding a way to profit more coins on a scenario where at the end of the day ppl are still gonna spam the teams they usually use in pvp as it is more profitable to qualify to top 25 then playing hundreds of games just to match the same amount of coins. However if you do find there is a problem with the current metagame that should be discussed, tested or banned maybe mention that before bringing more drastic solutions to the table. Creativity shouldnt be a way to reward you more than others, but to use it as a tool against your opponent. Your reward isnt more coins, its your opponent being unaware of what x pokemon does or not knowing you have y move. Not to mention how terrible making that tier list would probably be, cause unlike viability rankings, there is actually money at stake now.
    1 point
  19. Locked as resolved. If you have any other question or concern, don't hesitate in making a new thread. Have a great day.
    1 point
  20. Hello @Saber1234. My apologies for the inconvenience you experienced. Could you tell me on which map you were training in and against which Pokémon?
    1 point
  21. Pokemon sprites are always a matter of taste in the end. I am making this post to let the artists know that I like the new sprites, same goes for the majority of the people I talked to about them. Of course some people liked a sprite more than another and some were disliked but its impossible to please everyone. I just felt like making this post to give another opinion to it because in the end it is not the opinion of everyone and negative feedback tends to leave a bigger impression than positive feedback, especially when the people who like it keep quiet.
    1 point
  22. -1 just use whatever mons you want, i went 400 with a swellow its all upto you to make these mons viable, like baganha laddered with slaking and dragalgae too
    1 point
  23. Happy Easter and welcome back. I hope you enjoy your time back and the Easter festivities.
    1 point
  24. Hello @davidxdplayers. My apologies for the late response. It looks like you have not merged your account. Below is a quick guide on how to properly merge. Make sure you select the server you used to play on. In your case that would be the Red server. If you have more questions about merging, consider reading the Merge FAQ thread. If you require further assistance, please let me know.
    1 point
  25. Your thread has been moved to Pokémon Shops - Gold. If you have any further questions or require further assistance, please let me know.
    1 point
  26. Hello @FlangoBR. My apologies for the late response. Your Alakazam has been successfully restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. In the future, please use the Restore Pokémon megathread for these types of issues. Since your issue has been resolved, this thread will be closed. Have a great day.
    1 point
  27. Hello everyone, I'm opening lending service shop for pvpable shiny and event pokèmon. There are some rules you have to follow:- 1. 50k a day, for a maximum of 1 week, 2. As lending is disabled, a verbal contract will be made in game, 3. It is YOUR responsibility to return the pokèmon on time. To contact me, find me on discord Hinata#0083 or contact Virgo#3646 Please Note :- Pokemon moveset are hidden as you will be using them in pvp , you can change moveset if want. Enjoy! On lend - Shiny section - - Event poke section - More pokes will be added soon! If you have any suggestion or questions related to this shop feel free to message me in discord Hinata#0083
    1 point
  28. Do you have basic programming knowledge and a willingness to apply this knowledge to help further the development of PRO? Read thoroughly below, and then apply if you satisfy the requirements. Requirements Tangibles: You must have been around the project for at least 3 months (mention your earliest-registered account name in the application for us to verify). 100-plus hours clocked on an account in-game. You already completed a variety of quests in PRO. A clean track record on your account (note: it does not need to be completely pristine; even if you have had milder offenses, they may be overlooked depending on how long ago they were, how your behavior has changed since, and the its severity relative to the nature of the position). Have a Discord Account as it will be the main way for staff to communicate. Be 18 years of age or older. Intangibles: At least basic knowledge of the programming language Python. Fluency in the English language. In addition to writing the logic-coding of NPC scripts, you will also be responsible for the dialogues of NPCs by virtue of your access to and control over the scripts - proper grammar, spelling, and syntax is expected in that regard. Characteristical integrity. Due to our content-sensitive access to NPC scripts and control thereof, this is one of the most trust-sensitive positions in the game; as such, there will be no shortage of scrutiny with our candidates. Willingness to learn new things. To submit your application, please PM AlCedo, preferably on Discord (AlCedo#2920). Please specify your experience in computational languages with as much detail as possible (Github would be good). Applicants who do not meet the tangible requirements or specify their experience will automatically be denied for the near future. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our recruitment criteria, feel free to ask before applying. Note that all staff work is voluntary! This is not a career, but a hobby instead. When applications are open, there will be an announcement on our Discord Server as well as a bump to this post.
    1 point
  29. 0 points
  30. Lets wait for moderators dessision on this matter.
    0 points
  31. Buneary 600k
    0 points
  32. Buneary 500k
    0 points
  33. 0 points
  34. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Vyrone 2. Number of hours played? 14 hrs 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? mew 4. Do you use discord? Yes Tyron
    0 points
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