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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/22 in all areas

  1. +1 to OP and +1 as well to this.
    4 points
  2. Hi everyone Today I just wanted to get rid of a few thoughts about the game and especially about the events. Briefly about me and my role in PRO: I am a player from the Gold Server and above all a collector, I now have over 7000 hours of play and I am the guild leader of what is probably the largest German-speaking guild on the Gold Server. The thoughts and views I express are mine (although many in our guild have similar views). The number of players has decreased a bit in recent times, which can hardly be denied. I hope that the whole thing will change again and that it is only a transitional phase. However, I'm pretty pessimistic for the next few months, last year the game suffered extremely between Easter and the summer event, many players quit and some never came back. It's understandable that when there's nothing to do but dailies, you don't see a reason to join the game (this is what the game looks like for non-PVP players ). But I can also understand the developers that you can't bring new content all the time because it has to be produced at some point. However, I find it a pity that suggestions from the community are often read, but then seem to be forgotten immediately. Or just be rejected directly. for example, there were suggestions to bring hunt events in the period between Easter and Summer, where you can catch old event forms for a certain period of time. You wouldn't have had to write a quest, just activate the forms for the normal map, declined. I understand the view that the event forms might become less valuable as a result, but this is totally at odds with other dev actions. Proposals like the one just mentioned are rejected with the devaluation of the event forms, but at the same time Halloween forms are activated for the Valentine Event. Devaluation is then not talked about and questions with 'why they were activated' are only answered snotty. From a collector's point of view, I worked my [butt] off to get my Halloween collection together, and I also have many Event Pokemon twice, which usually sell better at other events, but if there is a "second" Halloween event, it's hopeless. However, I also see another point, new players who have not yet collected that much but would like to collect the beautiful event forms are happy about it. In my opinion, even a slight devaluation is not a problem at all, I even think that the compulsive attempt to make the event forms more valuable is a much bigger problem. The event forms are becoming rarer and rarer, and the effect is increasing as the number of players decreases. When I look at how the Easter event is going at the moment, I'm a bit concerned. The new Easter pokémon of the Sinnoh starters are so rare that you hardly ever see any in the trade, it seems as if only 4-5 of the starters exist on the server, although that can only be the appearance, because not every Player posts their Event Pokemon in one of the public chats. Personally, I was extremely happy about the spots at the beginning of the Easter event, especially Suzuka Cave B2F, 3 Rare Pokémon with event form, turned on PRO Betterfarm and started farming. 30,000 encounters and thus a farm time of 100 hours later, I threw in the towel, not a single event form. You don't need to be Einstein to experience such experiences to understand why many players then quit. And the arguments that keep coming up that it should be easier for new players to catch up clearly cannot relate to collecting. It's not even possible to buy event forms, because there simply aren't any more, if you look in the trade chat, there are often no event forms to be seen for hours, and then usually only Wooper or Bellsprout. It just slowly breaks the game, in the past you had a sense of achievement even after days of farming, but now it's normal to invest endless time and end up with nothing, but if you notice that, it's usually (of other players) on it pointed out that grinding is part of an MMO. Little by little you just don't feel picked up by the game anymore, because what's the point of playing as a collector, you hunt endlessly, find nothing and it's also not possible to get the things. I hope that at some point maybe there will be a little rethinking. PRO has such great event forms and so much potential, but who are you doing it for if there's no one to see it?! Maybe that's just my point of view, but I just wanted to get rid of the thoughts. Many thanks to everyone who read all of this, I hope it was all understandable enough
    4 points
  3. I agree and would like to see form chances changed again. Uncommon and Rare pokemon should have a higher chance of having an event form, its more enjoyable to not only hunt for the form but also to hunt for a "usable" pokemon with a form.
    4 points
  4. +1 If you run from every encounter that isn't a form you can get around 300 encounter per hour. I am currently at 49k encounter in suzuka cave which equals 163 hours of hunting... my total outcome is 1 trash chimchar form. Really understand why people think about quitting this game. Event forms are the only thing that keeps me playing but the chances are ridiculous and make me wanna jump out of my window.
    3 points
  5. Sold can be closed
    2 points
  6. 1m or wtt accelgor or escavalier
    2 points
  7. C.o: 600k Min raise: 20k Insta : no insta Duration: 18 hours after first bid Accept payments: - Coin Capsule (400k) - IV Reroll (700k) - NRR (340k) End: 14/05/2022 16:32 (GMT+7)
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. ALL AUCTION WILL END AFTER 2 DAYS OR 48HOURS AFTER START NO INSTA Meditite (Jolly 30/27) S.O: 700k (ended) traded Min raise: 200k Current Offer: 700k (sold to pandarkenciel for 700k- trade done) End: May 16 - 07:20am gmt+8 (ended) ---------------------------------------------- Beldum (31 spd , 28 atk) S.O: 1m (ended) traded Min raise: 200k Current Offer: 2m (sold to vermilionz for 2m- trade done) End: May 15 - 05:16am gmt+8 (ended) ---------------------------------------------- Togepi (31x31 hp ice) S.O: 1m (ended) traded Min raise: 200k Current Offer: 3.6m (sold to mozambi for 3.6m- trade done) End: May 15 - 05:16am gmt+8 (ended) ---------------------------------------------- Drilbur (H.A 30/28) S.O: 700k (ended) traded Min raise: 200k Current Offer: 900k (sold to metinix for 900k- trade done) End: May 16 - 07:31am gmt+8 (ended) ---------------------------------------------- Corphish (H.A ADA) S.O: 300k (ended) traded Min raise: 100k Current Offer: 400k (sold to karsh123 for 400k- trade done) End: May 15 - 07:28am gmt+8 (ended) ---------------------------------------------- Happiny (epic 20+ bold) S.O: 300k (ended) traded Min raise: 100k Current Offer: 300k (sold to KATowiczanin for 300k- trade done) End: May 15 - 01:00pm gmt+8 (ended) Edited: May 13 - 06:29am gmt+8 (lowered s.o of happiny and corphish) Edited: May 14 - 04:48am gmt+8 (lowered s.o of meditite and drilbur) ========================= PS: Thanks for everyone til next time
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. It happened. I found the Cream Soda!!
    1 point
  15. Winner: AkaaczTrener 310k Min raise: 5k Insta : no insta Duration: 8 hours after first bid Accept payments: - Coin Capsule (400k) - IV Reroll (700k) - NRR (340k) End: 13/05/2022 20:35 (GMT+7)
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 400k corphish Will be paying with my main acc karsh123
    1 point
  21. How much time left?*
    1 point
  22. @VezzoLayer No, if you looking for a boss team https://pokepast.es/2f6386a8bb0bb983 this one works.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. A Medicham Star Wars is missing in this Collection. xD
    1 point
  25. Hello Staff, I come to you with a suggestion. As this is my second time being mute banned, I have run across a problem. When people PM me I can't respond. Now I know this is the purpose of a mute ban, but I'm not here to ask for reduction. I simply ask that there be a notification to the player trying to message a mute banned player that the player they are trying to reach has been mute banned. I also think it should tell how long they are banned(if that isn't too much to ask). I really don't enjoy people trying to talk to me and then I seem like a jerk because I cannot reply to that person. Please consider my suggestion and thank you for your time.
    1 point
  26. Recently, I noticed that a cool alphabetical Pokemon like Unown is pretty much useless in this game, given it’s mediocre stats and move pool, I do still find it attractive in a way like for shiny collections, having completed all of it is definitely achievement and a must have for all shiny collectors and yet til this day, no one’s even collected all of its alphabetical shiny form, the reason? its pretty simple..no one’s interested hunting it, and with no given boss/quest/event reward for shiny Unown. The idea A secret passage inside of dungeon ruins, where you can find a rewards there. To activate the entrance path, you need to decipher it first by talking to archaeologist to read hieroglyphic inscriptions and requires many Unown composed as words to unlock it. ex. S, U, F, F, E, R, I, N, G as stated, you will need to caught them, 9 Unown that corresponds to the alphabetical word this is just example and not necessarily needed for 9 letters long Daily? like daily word of the day? or Daily but there are 7 part, the mechanism is there’s a cd like 1 day to unlock each part and rewards will be given when it’s opened after finishing the last part. Every 3 days? Weekly? once in every week - Rewards are debatable but items like PP UP would be awesome
    1 point
  27. Hello everyone, I'm opening lending service shop for pvpable shiny and event pokèmon. There are some rules you have to follow:- 1. 50k a day, for a maximum of 1 week, 2. As lending is disabled, a verbal contract will be made in game, 3. It is YOUR responsibility to return the pokèmon on time. To contact me, find me on discord Hinata#0083 or contact Virgo#3646 Please Note :- Pokemon moveset are hidden as you will be using them in pvp , you can change moveset if want. Enjoy! On lend - Shiny section - - Event poke section - More pokes will be added soon! If you have any suggestion or questions related to this shop feel free to message me in discord Hinata#0083
    1 point
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