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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/21 in all areas

  1. Greetings everyone from players to Staff of PRO’s Community, I would like to bring up a suggestion about posibble improvements which are a rerol ticket for nature on normal pokemon that are OT or to improve synchronize ability. As you may know, recently with the new change to balance tiers I don’t know if it is just my personal point of view since RNG varies to everyone, but lately it has been more difficult to search and search to hunt a pokemon and that at the end the synchronization fails, I know it is not something new, it has been long like that, and it is not something that can be changed just because. Currently, as the game is in a stage that works aiming on Gen7 and as it of knowledge of most players the ability synchronize in Gen7 is 100% accurate, I am not suggesting to give it 100%, but to give other options/solutions, like a possible nature reroll of any pokémon with the clause of it being trade locked after its use, so it can not be traded. That way there will not be an imbalance in PRO market and as the community of PRO is divided in collectors and competitors like me who can have an event/shiny pokémon that would never sell and that will be in favor to lock it to make it of better use. Speaking personally like someone who have been playing for about 5 years and more then 6000 hours it gets discouraging to spent hours and hours hunting until finding an epic pokémon that fails the synchronization. I mean, it is already hard to find and epic one and even more if it gets the right nature. So, why not improve it? Since there is already the merit of grinding and getting the pokémon. Moreover, this is not something that will reflect too much in the market because it is only giving more chances to pokemon that failed nature and neither the metagame of PvP due to many players will inclined to improve their pokemon and block them from trading, they will be only kept on the owner’s account or staff. If this is a good and beneficial idea, and if it were the case my recommendation will be that this feature will be only applied to OT pokemon and that only the player can do it once a month as maximum. It could be that this ticket can be obtained approximately from 800-1000 pve coins and for PvP with 500 PvP coins. One way or another staff is the one who decides a better price and where to include it. Me particularly will be willing to lock many of my pokemon to aim for better ones, as said before the game is divided among competitors and collectors, and searching to a better way to invest the time the idea is to improve the way of grinding and training pokemon. Another option related to this ticket is to make it more difficult to use by doing it not tradeable. For the viewers of this thread: If you like the idea leave in comments which pokemon would you like to be nature modified or leave a 1+ in the comments.In addition to something you would like to contribute in relation to this. Without anything else to add, thanks for your attention, Español Buenas a todos los presente jugadores y staff de la comunidad de PRO, quisiera traer una sugerencia sobre unas posibles mejoras las cuales son un rerol de naturaleza de pokémon normales que sean OT o mejorar en la sincronización Verán, recientemente con el nuevo rebalanceo de las tiers no sé si es personalmente ya que el RNG de cualquiera es diferente, pero últimamente se ha hecho tedioso buscar y buscar horas un pokémon y que al final de encontrarlo falle la sincronía, sé que esto ya tiene mucho tiempo y que no es algo que se pueda cambiar a si a la ligera nada más. Pero actualmente, como el juego se encuentra casi trabajando en base a generación 7 y como muchos ya sabrán en generación 7 la sincronización es 100% efectiva, no sugiero que se le de todo este aumento si no otras posibles soluciones, como un posible rerol de naturaleza de cualquier pokémon con una cláusula que te permita al momento de mejorarle la naturaleza que este pokémon se bloque, es decir, que no sea tradeable. Así no sería un desequilibrio en el mercado y como la comunidad de PRO se divide en coleccionista y competidores estoy seguro que hay muchos coleccionistas como yo, que tenga un pokémon de evento o shiny que no venderían por nada y estarían dispuestos a bloquearlo para que sea simplemente de mejor uso, hablando personalmente como alguien que ha jugado este juego por 5 años y más de 6000 horas a veces es desolador pasar horas y horas buscando hasta encontrar un pokémon épico y que te falle la sincronización, es decir, es difícil encontrar el épico y aún más uno con naturaleza correcta. Entonces ¿por qué no mejorarlo? Ya que se tuvo el mérito de sacarlo. Además, esto no sería algo que afecte mucho al mercado porque solo le daría más entrada a pokémon que fallaron en su naturaleza y tampoco al metagame del pvp debido a que muchos optarían por mejorar su pokémon y bloquearlos solo quedaría en manos de los jugadores o del staff si esta idea es buena y beneficiosa y si fuera el caso mi recomendación seria que si llegaran a incluirlo pero que fuese aplicable solo a Pokémon OT y que solo se permita hacerlo a 1 o 2 pokémon por mes. Podría ser que se logren conseguir tanto con pve a un estimado de 800-1000 pve coins como con pvp a unos 500 pvp coins. De todas formas el staff decidiría cual es el precio más conveniente y donde incluirlo. Yo particularmente estaría dispuesto a bloquear muchos de mis pokémon con el fin de que sean mejores total como dije antes el juego se divide en competidores y coleccionistas y debido a que con la medida de avanzar el tiempo la idea es mejorar las formas de buscar y entrenar Pokémon. Otra opción en cuanto a este ticket para hacerlo más difícil de usar es haciéndolo no tradeable. Para los lectores de este thread: Si les gusta la idea dejen en los comentarios algún pokémon que desearían mejorarle la naturaleza, o un 1+ en los comentarios.Ademas de algo que le gustaría aportar en relación a esto. Sin más que añadir gracias por su atención, Contributes:Kimap-Gorke-Thomaseltren
    22 points
  2. Alright, Alright, Alright..[..], let's see what we've got here. Let's start by prefacing that I wasn't allowed to / was asked to not reply to thread even if messages were directed at me. The thread was solely created for admins to reply to however the thread missed its intended goal by a long shot. It simply turned into a circlejerk with the occasional thoughtful comment in between. I have structured the reply in 4 bits: Who am I? | General | Moderation General | Moderation Player related Who am I? Most of you if not 95% don't know that I started playing this game already in 2016 under the name PreHax and was #1 on the yellow playtime ladder for a long time, long after my ban as well. Yes, I was banned, not once, not twice but 4 times. My first ban was overturned because it was simply a false ban. My second ban (3day quiet-ban after I received a warning) was justified (it was for "harassing" Amca, this was simply petty Guild Drama (RuKittenMe / Tranquility). My third ban was for "Revealing staff identity" which wasn't against any rules & what I said at the time was for an artist to stop harassing me or do it on her artist account. This gave me a 10 day temporary ban. My last ban was a permanent ban for "Excess toxicity and defamation" which simply wasn't the case, some people in the thread would have been banned 5 times over if staff would enforce "rules" like staff did back then. This ban was removed by Shane and reapplied right after with added reason "Excessiv toxicity defamation harassing revaling staff identity blackmailing.". I was obviously frustrated after the initial ban so I leaked a few staff names, so that's true but if we speak about the initial ban, there is no "evidence" for anything. On the other hand there is evidence of the staff members who were responsible for the "blackmail" reason in my ban that they faked and made it up entirely ( Evidence of Arnie admitting it ). This is a very light version of what happened, there is a lot more things from me being harassed by artists while I was one of the first Discord Mods or my Contributor role being removed because apparently I "stalked" staff members besides that entirely being false. My ban was in October 2017, I didn't appeal it for about 8 months, I actually was not allowed to appeal for 3 months (this is still unheard of and was never done again). I didn't appeal for 8 months and obviously tried to move on & only jokingly made an appeal. It was rejected after 3 replies (it took 2+ weeks for those replies). Nikola (Owner/Senior Admin) took the case and unbanned me, end of May. He had plans for my talent. What talents? Me and Nikola worked on spawns together already months before my ban. The whole Summer 2017 rework and the implementation of the Repeltrick are from me. After my unban, Nikola created the "Spawn Editor role", we were 3 initial Spawn Editors however the other 2 did nothing. The role was done by me alone, as player, without any compensation who was just banned for 8 months without valid reasons. I got to work real fast as a player, not as a staff member. I did hundreds of changes ( Old Changelog ). I was asked to join staff end of July, completed my apprenticeship in record time, nobody even comes close to that time (6 1/2 days), some apprenticeship take months but the knowledge was already there. Fluffles/Cie is the only one who can come close with a little bit less than 2 weeks for a more information heavy role (CC) which also is the fastest apprenticeship time in that role. Shinohara is not that far behind either. Just goes to show what kind of staff we 3 are/were. I was made Mod Lead after 6 months and left in January 2020 due to internal issues I had with our Dev regarding moderation. I joined back after 3 months but not as Mod or Mod Lead but as GM, I joined got trained for a week & the team collapsed. We ( me and my better half, Fluffles/Cie) were pretty much left alone & struggled a lot with the above mentioned internal issues regarding moderation, this did improve a tiny bit but not a whole lot. I called it quits after 6 months again with the same reasons as before but more so the fact that the role I was in wasn't valued or supported to the needs we had at the time. I was gone for 6 months, found an IRL job, moved on with my life but missed the work as GM. I joined back with a different mindset regarding what the staff team is for me and what can be done with this game/its moderation/the staff team. @envymeister @MaitrePoulpe @Rednaks @SainteBaguette @Igordhossegor; you were interested why I joined back. It is actually very simple, I liked the GM work while its most of the time very time consuming, frustrating. It is also very rewarding (see the big RMT case). I obviously care about the game and its community otherwise I wouldn't be here. This is a small version of my position in the game as staff/player, I left out the more "unimportant" parts like me being Discord Leader. My unique perspective due to what I dealt with as a player, from constant staff harassments, to unfair bans, total power abuser and even going as far as faking evidence, gave me an edge over other staff members. I always could and still can objectively judge cases regardless of how I feel about users, no matter my feelings towards them. I know what staff abuse feels like, what cruel bullying of players can do to players that dedicate a lot of their time to improve the game. I would have never allowed and still not allow this to happen in staff under any circumstances, regardless how many heads I have to clash with staff over this type of stuff. My Spawn Editor work and my work as Mod/GM are so different. As GM I deal with the lowest of the low in our community applying that same mindset to spawns would not work at all. Mod/GM work is to keep the game clean, Spawn work is to make players happy with a healthy system. A healthy system makes spawns enjoyable while valuing economy and the game status. They got nothing to do with each other at all, that is the simple reality. Closing, most of you know nothing about me but just repeat what other people tell you. This is just a short version as well, it could be much bigger. General Suggestions: We look at all suggestions, reply to what we actually can reply to however 95% of the suggestions are things only Eaty can reply to, can decide. It doesn't matter how often you ask for this point, if its a Dev issue, NOBODY but a Dev can actually answer the question. I reply to suggestions that I can reply to really or what are part of my duties within staff or stuff that was rejected previously. WQs: The recent outcry is a perfect example how staff can't try something without receiving instant backlash by the same loud people that complain if you do literally anything. Eaty tried something, it didn't work out. He learned out of it and we go again, this is how it sometimes has to go. Moderation General Appeals: The time an appeal takes varies from staff to staff, role to role and infraction to infraction. Sometimes cases take me an hour, sometimes they take me a month. Sometimes we need Dev assistance that might take a bit, sometimes we got busy IRL and can't reply instantly. Your appeal is in 99/100 cases not the only case the staff member has to reply to. Game Masters are the obviously target of such complaints as we deal in great quantity with bans. I take as the already mention RMT case where we caught users' who sold/bought 583.63mil Pokedolar. The resulting bans were in the 70+ for ONE case. This is 70 appeals for one staff member. We are not robots, we can only reply as fast as we can within our limits. The case was resolved in a couple weeks and we removed about 1 billion worth of goods out of the game (money, shinies, Pokémon, forms & items). Appeals are always done by the staff member who issued the ban, it would be a logistical nightmare for other staffs to work on the same cases. I understand my cases, my RMT cases are very easy for me. If I have to take someone elses case, it takes me hours to understand who is who and what was traded and to whom etc. The time we don't have. That is why Former appeals take us ages to complete because of how complex they can get. Sometimes staff members take cases because they dealt with users' before, had private conversations or simply know more about the subject matter, this will appear to users as if the staff members targets them but in reality they are getting a better case handling that way. Appeals are something everyone does a bit differently, I do my appeals very light for example but I won't be the clown you can just make fun of. Some are very strict, some are more light, I am somewhere in the middle. It always depends on how the users responds. The more infractions you commit, the less likely you will be treated with open arms. One offense? Can happen but eight? As GM my appeals are filled with constant lies & they are very exhausting because users' feel the need to lie in their appeals when that's literally the worst thing they can do. @Yue @Eul @MadhavXDark This part will be interesting for you. Moderation Player related @daicamaxis a good example that you can make some mistakes but after 14000 hours there was never a major incident with the user, besides the user being constantly reported for using automation software. If you don't break rules, you won't ever get in trouble with staff members. @DRDoctorEveryone is allowed to have an opinion and voice their opinion as long as its done respectfully. @PrayforStefanIt goes without saying that we will not make anything public regarding how we catch users. @Ging13Current limitations, we requested new ban types a long time ago but other stuff takes priority. @HeroOfTheStreetOnly mass account will get all your accounts banned, other than that only beneficiary or feeder/used alternative accounts will get a ban on top of the main account. Booster cases for example the user who gets the rating and the user who loses get a ban. @GaidevoirI think Keita probably addressed it already in DMs with you however to share it publicly. Keeping/hiding evidence that a staff members leaks is a banable offense and reaching out to you is not necessary. A ban would have been justified here. @xXBlackAshXx& @Saturnalien& @666G0D999is a good example of what we deal with on a daily bases, some of these insults mentioned before by Keita were directed at me. Users' like this will scream power abuse and will be believed however the reality of things is often different. @BelzebelI'll be short with you, you are at the edge of a permanent ban due to your many infractions, you exceed our Punishment Policy already if your warnings weren't just that. I doubt you will ever change so we leave it at that & just ride it out with you till you inevitable break our rules again. The punishment is applied equally to all users even if you think it isn't. I could write a big post about you however I think you are a lost cause, beyond rehabilitation. Answering you more than this will be a waste of my time. We talked a lot already 1. | 2. | 3. , I honestly believe you can't change for the better & I doubt you ever actually tried. I still wish you only good things in life. @Algerie31 You were banned twice for using automation software, the 2nd time you were caught by the entire GM team. You went ahead on commented this on other social media platforms after you were unbanned: "last time i got banned they removed 5.2k hours play time from my 10.2k hours + 1.2m money wtf they said i was using a macro so i was obliged to say yes to be unbanned lol" I DM'd you after this: DMs between Q8 and Algerie31 , the GM team and our Devs decided to give a third chance because of how much you played and gave you a punishment we haven't given out before. We were well within our rights to just not unban you at all & you have the audacity going around telling people that? Telling others we staff abuse? Here a screenshot of the almost 40 minutes of footage of you moving every 150 seconds to farm hours (hence the removal of your hours as fitting punishment) regarding your case: Videos . I find it reckless that, disrespectful and honestly shameful that you treat staff members and the game like that even after your long playtime. Nothing further to add. @FrostyjoeRebornAlmost the same applies for you, just like @Algerie31. You harassed staff, attempted RMT and got caught using macros twice & still go around saying stuff like this: "Its actually disgusting how some staff who I will leave names off the post but we know who they are specifically notorious for being incredibly malicious and using private forums and wait time between their responses to trap players who have a lot of money and time invested into the game into making false admissions of guilt or otherwise just bullying them into a corner till they confess about something that may not directly involved them or they did and the staff feels like they have proof but don't have the full story of." @konan66Ah, really loved how you get everyone involved with your case but left out the more important parts. So let's bring that to light. 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | Those are just the few things I DMd you about because I could have banned you at any time for this but you have the audacity to go around call me a power abuser, insult staff, insult Keita because you aren't getting unbanned? Yes you were part of the reason why we changed our Punishment Policy to adapt to cases like yours, where it was always "light offenses" and taunting but almost never anything heavy. I was very light with you, we gave you a lot of warnings. I reached out personally to you twice & you go around & call me a power abuser? Spread false things to people like @envymeister? Disappointing to say the least for the amount of effort I spent to keep you in the game but you kicked that with your feet. @envymeisterYou hold a grudge against me because I banned you in 2018, you evidentially still care since you go around spreading the appeal from back then around. So let's clear that up a little bit. I was staff for a few months at the time and I brought the case up in our channels because of previous harassments I received from your former guild due to some quiet bans I had given out. Your case in particular and the ban was greenlit by 2 admins at the time. You keep blaming me, that I made a mistake but 2 admins with much more experience at the time told me to ban. Admin 1 Admin 2, there were others that agreed as well. You keep holding that grudge from almost 3 years ago. Let it go. I don't think I ever told but was really never necessary. Remember the sanction you received from Eaty? I was heavily against it from the very start, we argued in management chat and I mentioned this when I left the first time because I didn't believe it was the right course of action. It didn't matter that it was you but in return I got constantly harassment, trashtalk from you for years. Lovely ain't it. Here: 1. | 2. I wish you all the best and simply wish you would actually see staffs for what they actually are not for what you perceive them to be. @Bash@teerav@Orihara I will cut this very short with all three of you, as part of the staff team from different generations you all should know better. Some of the stuff you said in this very own thread are so far from reality that makes me doubt you ever were in staff to begin with. My "attitude": I called teerav stupid for a comment he made that I genuinely think is stupid to make for someone who was a content staff and a moderation staff. Does my attitude need "fixing"? Sure a little bit, I don't deny that but you don't walk in my shoes, you don't spent hours on a case just for the user to go around spread lies, call you a power abuser and get all people riled up against you. I am thankful that I am a GM and no longer a Moderator, dealing with some of the stupidity users have is just unbearable. I am an honest person but my work and how I deal with cases was never effected by how I feel about a user or what the user thinks of me. I take @Belzebelas example here, she constantly complains that "nothing" gets done against people that harass her but I can even name cases where I banned users' because they attacked/harassed/insulted her. Walk in my shoes for a bit, let's see how long you will take all the insults, lies before you make one disrespectful comment to someone who should have known better already from the start. This post made it seem like I was insulting people left and right however this was not the case. My attitude shifted a little bit, I am a bit more rough when I say things, this might come off as insulting but often isn't meant that way. Staff got way more off it, they believe I am incapable of making forum posts like this. lol Anyway peace o/
    13 points
  3. some people tell me to use auto bot , i don't care , i am simply myself , i play PRO when i have free time and i also have work to do , i just follow the rules and do what i like , not tied let it go, tks Q8
    2 points
  4. Well this thread was in the middle of the praising ehkoe arch... I guess we now jump right into the final arch, the truth, finally. Its sad to see that those who should be the most thankfull for staffs work are the ones with the loudest voice against them, they keep calling the staff bias and banning for personal reasons, but I get more and more the vibe that its those players who are biased because they got banned and cant understand that its not the staffs fault, but only their own fault the ban happened. Think again before posting; was my ban really unjustified? Or am I just mad that it happened in general? Are staff the ones I should be mad at? Or maybe myself for cheating. Use your head before you all embarress yourself more.. for your own good.
    2 points
  5. I 100% support the idea to -being able to reroll the nature of a shiny pokémon or an event form pokémon- with the condition of getting trade locked. However, making a reroll for non-shiny, non-event pokemon would have to be a no from me. Some of the reasons being: -It'd definitely affect PvP for sure, making it unfair to new players. Note that most PRO players right now are sitting doing end-game stuff, with the accesibility of obtaining anything. Other than that.. Having the posibility to treat shiny pokemon / event form pokemon like legendaries and making it possible to reroll anything on them and getting trade locked, that'd be super awesome.
    2 points
  6. What are honey trees? Honey trees are special golden trees that can give us rare spawn by spreading HONEY on them. How can I obtain honey? Honey can be obtained by following ways : ✓ You can get it through heatbutt ( All Regions ). ✓ You can get 1 honey by giving specific berries to AROMA LADY LILY in floaroma meadow. ( Cooldown = 24 Hours ) NOTE = Floaroma meadow is located west of Floaroma town. ✓ Can be brought from PvE Coin Apprentice for 8 PvE coins. ✓ Can be brought from Trade Chat for 3-5k. How can I get a rare poke? Honey trees basically works on chain. There are 4 honey trees ( And chains ). These chains include ghost , bug , grass and normal type pokes. First tree gives you a T1 spawn. And second one gives you T2-3 spawns. Whereas 3rd and 4th trees may give rare spawns. Chains Grass Type Chain Tree 1 = Celedon City Tree 2 = Route 43 Tree 3 = Route 117 Tree = Route 205 Bug Type Chain Tree 1= Viridian City Tree 2 = Route 37 Tree 3 = Route 116 Tree 4 = Route 229 Normal Type Chain Tree 1 = Route 15 Tree 2 = Route 35 Tree 3 = Route 104 Tree 4 = Route 218 Ghost Type Chain Tree 1 = Route 12 Tree 2 = Route 45 Tree 3 = Route 121 Tree 4 = Route 212 North Points to remember 1. Always do it in right order ( As it is written ). 2. Remember Dark Type Chain only works in night ( 20:00PM - 4:00AM ). What are spawns? All spawns are still to be known. Rotom is part of ghost chain. So I created this guide to let you all know. It's not 100% that you will get only rotom. There are 2 more spawns which also has some chances to encounter. Easy Way , Cross fingers and trust on luck. How to farm rotoms? ✓ Be sure , It's night. ✓ Be sure , to take your sync. 1. Make your way to Route 12 ( South of Lavender ) . Spread some honey in first tree. 2. After slathering first honey tree , make your way to Route 45 ( South of Blackthorn ). Now slather our second honey tree with honey. After slathering second honey tree , make your way to Route 121 ( West of Lilycove ). Now slather our third honey tree with honey. After completing three trees , make you way to our last tree in Route 212 North ( South of hearthrome city ). Now spread some honey in our last tree. And enjoy your spawn. It can be any of these : Vullaby ; Sableye and Rotom. If you found any mistake in the guide feel free to message me in forums or discord ( JustIce#6079).
    1 point
  7. HELLO THERE I WILL KEEP IT SHORT I AM SELLS EPIC PVP POKES CC=380K RR=700K POKEDOLLAR Contact me on: Araragikun#6874 for booking/reserved/fast reply! Or You can pm me in-game '8man96' which is where all the poke in this shop is located in,therefore all transactions will be done with this Acc^^ 200K-500K 501K-1M 1M+++ Arara's Friend Section BUY MANY MANY PRETTY PLEASE :V
    1 point
  8. please allow us to mark many at ones one giving to cultust in wq i want to say when you submit the pokemon to be caught in world quest to mysterious cultist you do it at ones you have not to choose each poké from party to give to him (max5 poke each turn)
    1 point
  9. Ok so might many of u already ,I love my shiny/event PvP n so I collected some n now it's time for me to let go of this blink² poke cuz I have already have better of them XD so yeah here is my collection For prices it's fix prices method of payment ATM is this only Pokedollar Cc=360k N yeah this list is PvP shiny/event so do expect that they have good stats XD Hope u like my blink² baes XD Impish 18+ stats bulk Def,spdef n hp stats, CurseMuk set = 700k Timid Sun Team Hp ice max spatk n hp = 800k Epic bold Poison Point Stealth Rock lead 30 Def n 31 spdef 20+ stats=1m2 That's all for now enjoy ur stay ^^
    1 point
  10. Starting Point: 2M Insta: 3.5M Ending point: 24 Hours After The First Bid Available Payments: Coins capsule = 380K, IV reroll = 730K and Nature reroll = 350K Minimum Raise: 100K Discord: Gray#1265 Good luck, have fun
    1 point
  11. @Vmanh1507 Your thread has been editted to be clear what the duration of your auction is, do not change this out with the remaining time because this will create confusion in your auction. Also do not overbump your thread, you can bump your thread once every 24 hours. Please read the trade rules before you create an auction. Have a nice day and good luck on your auction, Sincerely Hawluchaa
    1 point
  12. as i love this game i can't stop it; we all make mistakes & this is only a game i play +10 hours a day and in my brain i have +10.6k hours play time upto now & i don't care if you change it so reduce btw my age from 16 years old to 10 years old i play pro just for fun not for money or play time i know that i broke very severe rules that made my account won't get unbanned & staffs (The Admin team and the GM team) gave me a lot of chance and they are very clement & iam very thinkfull to all team staff best wishes
    1 point
  13. Do not make comments on trades. 8. Making off-topic comments in Trade Chat, or commenting on other player's trade posts is prohibited. If you continue this could be punished. Please refer to the Trade Rules for more information.
    1 point
  14. Pretty sure there are over 3 hours left. However, 5m.
    1 point
  15. Completely disagree, it won't be fun hunting anymore, happiness of getting a great pokemon after a long hunt won't be the same anymore
    1 point
  16. How about posting small updates here on the forum or on discord about how the new maps/regions are going? It will be very good for anyone who wants to know the progress.
    1 point
  17. what kind of updates do you want, they're not allowed to leak any unreleased information, so the updates would be rather pointless imo. Like yes understandably you'll be told when stuff is done, so you can think more is being accomplished, but i highly doubt they would provide any useful information, rather they would just be more work for the staff to do, needing to update everyone on the work they're doing Day X: Mapping going well, thanks for asking Day Y: Mapped out another map for another unnamed region Day Z: Mapped more, thanks for your concern
    1 point
  18. Big shoutout to @Ehkoe, i love how she treat us players, how cheerful she is and set an example of good relationship between players and staff, many can say this is a "simp", but heck it, is a simp, cause she is adorable and i love her.
    1 point
  19. Locked as denied. On a personal note, the way people are acting about the recent WQs is laughable, how about let us try something new that might not work out. We learn out of it but getting your pitchforks ready with your mob of always angry players will get you nowhere. Not every WQ should be with high tier Pokémon, they should be with low tier and mid tier Pokémon as well but for that we actually need data. You guys are achieving absolutely nothing with it. We look at all suggestions and they constantly get posted in staff chats but ultimately it's often times not up to us but Eaty.
    1 point
  20. After thinking it up a bit, I thought this new type of wq was probably a "test" to make it possible for more people to participate (due to timezones, it was horrible for some of us, I had to wake up at 4AM for one of them, lol). Clearly, people dislike having to hunt tons of pokémon, so I think this method isn't going to work. In Pokémon Go, Community Day is divided into timezones, so I was thinking in doing something similar. How about doing three World Quests in the same day (we can call it World Quest Day), with the same mon? Each one would last eight hours, you wouldn't be able to get a ticket from more than one of the three. Of course, IVs would be something reduced, like 60-80k per WQ. Let me know your thoughts about it.
    0 points
  21. Just want to add this https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/154809-make-it-possible-for-non-legends-to-get-rerolled/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-854887 Been denied in the past already with explanation. (took some time to find.)
    0 points
  22. Hello, I am locking this thread as you sold the mon. Next time provide evidence of your trade on the thread and change your title to closed so we can lock the thread. Regards, Polteageist.
    0 points
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