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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/22 in all areas
3 points
3 points
is it possible to think about this one ? there is already pink chickorita in game and pink Totodile yes it should be pink but why not it's still unlucky that it's only possible to have 2 starter 2g pink on 3 and im pretty sure is not hard to do a simple recolor for artist cyndaquil deserve its chance2 points
Accepted payment Pokedollar Coin capsule :- 400k ea Iv reroll :- 700k ea Nature reroll :- 350k ea Rare candy :- 7k ea VLT SERPERIOR Auction ended winner is regabi with 900k VLT GARDEVOIR Sold in instant price 800k VLT RALTSRALT (NOTE - MASTER BALL) Auction ended winner is darflamegames with 600k VLT CORSOLA Sold in instant price 400k HLW VENASAUR Auction ended winner is kgf with 400k HLW TORKOAL acution ended winner is jianychta with 200k XMAS DRAGONITE auction ended winner is jianychta with 800k SHINY OMASTAR Auction ended winner is tweaken with 500k SHINY SPINDA Sold in instant price 400k SHINY BRONZOR Sold in instant price 200k THANKS FOR VISITING AND GOOD LUCK2 points
2 points
+1 Cyndaquil deserves it as its the best gen 2 starter no cap. and maybe a pink lilligant as well2 points
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all 3 priced same, each started at 500k and same for bid and insta. only time counts different based when the pokemon started1 point
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+1 absolutely to complete Gen II pink starter. - Possibly next are Gen 1 starters? Pinkan Charmander? we shouldn't have skipped Gen 1 xD1 point
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I thought about this suggestion this morning while passing in front of the boss jessy and james. To follow this suggestion the boss could have a low % to drop the team rocket cosmetic (white version) and why not their hair style (dont forget the medals of meowth) we already have the black version in the shop so the white version would be a good idea for this boss. The white version The black version (wich we already have in game)1 point
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i am not able to log for a while so my friend (Exyl) will pick it for me i don't want you wait so much , i sent my discord to you for fast communication thx. ^^1 point
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I only tell you 3 things. 1-The first thing I'm going to tell you is, I specified that I only trade it for shiny starter. 2-I'm not here to see meaningless offers. 3-and last... visit an ophthalmologist, or a teacher, it's scyther.1 point
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Are you some sort of Pokemon inspector? If you don't want to bid, don't be ridiculous. I'll start1 point
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Pokémon Special Counterparts In Pokémon Revolution Online, some Pokémon from the same species may occur with a different look than you could expect, this Pokémon are meant with having a 'Special Counterpart'. Such Pokémon are, besides their look, not different in any way to their 'normal' looking counterparts. 'Special Counterparts' is a less used term. In players tongue, usually the term 'Form/s' is used, sometiemes with more specifications if needed; 'Want to buy Christmas Form Eevee'. Shiny form Pokémon are also part of the original Pokémon games, spawn very rarely and are noticable by their different colors. Other forms are are mostly Pokémon Revolution Online exclusive Pokémon, created by our artists. They are also rare to find but not as rare as shinies. Usually they can be found randomly like normal Pokémon or can be given by NPC's and some, usually legendaries, are given out by a quest. On the left you see a regular Manaphy. In the middle you see its shiny counterpart and on the right you can see it's PRO exclusive christmas form. Odd's, availability and categories Most forms are only available during special events and/or locations, they are also usually themed to this event's or areas. As this applies to most forms, they can be categorized well and the playerbase does that too. What follows is a small summary of the most basic information. All shown Pokémon sprites are taken from the PRO Wiki page Pokémon Counterparts Shiny Pokémon Shiny Pokemon 'Shinies' The 'usual' shiny Pokémon from the original games Available at any time in the year in the wilderness Their odds to spawn are 1/8192 (0.0122%) Bosses can reward shiny Pokémon, with the option to 'have a higher shiny chance' the chance increases to 1/4096 The karp seller at Route 3 Poké Center has a 1/500 chance to give you a shiny Magikarp Abadoned Pokémon have a 1/500 shiny chance Reviving fossils at labs have a 1/1000 shiny chance They wont be visualized here - they are too many forms as every single Pokémon has a shiny form. If you still want to know how your desired shiny Pokémon looks like, you can for example go to your Poké Dex in-game, search that Pokémon up and then click on the image of the dex data spread sheet. You will not only see the shiny sprite but also all other forms available! In case you don't have the dex entry, you can also search up in the internet as shinies are not PRO exclusive and don't look different than in the original games. Pinkan Pokémon Pinkan Pokémon They are indeed Pink Available at Pinkan Island at any time of the year Their odds to spawn are 1/1500 On Pinkan island only Pinkan and Shiny Pokémon can spawn, no other forms Pinkan island is a special area you first need to have access to: Pinkan island quest Shadow Pokémon Shadow Pokémon They appear dark and gray compared to their normal forms Available at the Forlorn and Ruins of the Vale Nesting Grounds at any time of the year This areas can only be accessed if your guild managed to be in the top 3 of the Dungeon ladder, and then only 1 hour per day untill the ladder is reset Their odds are not revealed Clone Pokémon Clone Pokémon Based on the looks of the clone Pokémon in the first Pokémon movie Only available during the PRO anniversary celebration (Around august/september) at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Easter themed Pokémon Easter themed Pokémon Only available during the Easter event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Valentine themed Pokémon Valentine themed Pokémon Only available during the Valentine Day's event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed May 4th/Star Wars themed Pokémon May 4th/Star Wars Event Based on the Star Wars day; the forms have something to do with this franchise Available around the Star Wars day (May 4th) at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Summer themed Pokémon Summer themed Pokémon Only availabe during the Summer event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Halloween themed Pokémon Halloween themed Pokémon Only available during PRO's Halloween event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are nor revealed Christmas Themed Pokémon Christmas themed Pokémon Only available during the christmas event at any map where a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed Pikachu World Quest Forms Pikachu World Quest Only available during a Pikachu World Quest at any map where a base form spawns This event happened only once yet and there is no information when it will be repeated Their odds are not revealed April Fool's April Fool's They have no specific theme, but they are made to fool us In the past, all generation 1 Pokémon had their generation 1 sprites for a few days Only available during the April fool (around 1st April) at any mapwhere a base form spawns Their odds are not revealed1 point