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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/20 in all areas

  1. I think a simple name change of unranked to ubers and an official ladder for ubers would be good for the community and it would open a new world of legends that could possibly come to pro because they would actually have a purpose. The reason I say change unranked instead of making a whole new game mode is because nobody ever uses unranked, I sit in queue almost 40 minutes at a time waiting for a match and when it comes its usually people using ubers anyways
    3 points
  2. I know what unranked is. But its dead. Do you have any suggestions to help fix the situation besides asking people at battle chat to battle you?
    2 points
  3. MMOs are for hard workers. All those suggestions except Auction House are to make the game easy, which is not the direction we ever followed. Hidden power is related to IVs you can't randomly change it. About macro, it won't happen.
    2 points
  4. New Leaf's a guild that was founded on the 25th of December. Active Discord chats, unique reward systems, a monthly event / community events, and a chill environment. Dex Service - We provide a complete dex service for all regions, free for members! Monthly events - Trivia, Hide & Seek, unique tournaments, Build-a-mon, etc. Guild Daycare - A guild daycare service provided by a few of our members. Discord giveaways - As the name implies, giveaways! Who doesn't enjoy giveaways? PvP tournaments Must be an active user of Discord! Be friendly and easy going. Show interest in PRO. No toxicity! No alts. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? 2. Number of hours played? 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, Dungeons, PvP, trading, etc) 5. How long have you been playing Pokemon? (Optional) 6. Favorite ice cream flavor. (Optional) New Leaf art gallery Art by @Citronita, @kyuuta001, @rubyboy002 Emotes by @penny. By submitting an application, you agree to read and enjoy Raika's puns on a daily basis.
    1 point
  5. NOTICE: I'm gonna take another break now after finally getting my 1st OT shiny rare, so shop won't have any updates in a while ^^ Everything here is still up for sell, so feel free to pm me in Discord at Sin#6417 for any inquiry. Have a great time in the game! o/ WELCOME ABOARD TO SIN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA POKESHOP! CROSS-SERVER DELIVERY HOW TO CONTACT HOW TO PAY LAST UPDATE ********************************************************************* THE POKEMON ********************************************************************* Wish you a happy journey in PRO. Until next time, Sin
    1 point
  6. I want to suggest the removal of the 2k fee of sending mail in game to promote its usage more widely among advanced players and beginners. I also want to suggest a notification showing when you've received new mail popping up as a number somewhere on your screen such as the top corner where membership shows up. Edit: Can you also add a feature where hovering over the items sent through mail shows their name? For example I received a tm in the mail but I was unable to see which tm it was and I already have too many tms in my bag to tell which one it could have been!
    1 point
  7. S.o. 8m Insta 12m i accept and coin capsule(350k) auction will take 2days and will start when i'll take the first offer. (This poke is currently on gold server but when the auction ends i will trasnfer my acc to silver server.)
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Good luck to you guys from Empire :D
    1 point
  10. buy these 2 the shroomish and riolu
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. i ll buy 4 x 20+ Clefable 350k ING Name Njoyesh
    1 point
  13. Hello @lauda ! I am sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused you. I have had a player use a similar strategy, using Baton Pass to buff another Pokemon. They had used status moves until their Pokemon was not confused anymore, then Baton Passed. The Pokemon that came in was not confused, and was freely able to attack. As the status of Confusion WILL BE passed through Baton Pass, which is how Confusion and Baton Pass work in the original games, are you certain that the Dynamic Punch did not land on Furret at most 3 turns before Baton Passing, or your Haxorus was hit the turn it had switched in through Baton Pass? Please do not hesitate to reply, or ask any questions. As such, I'll be waiting for your reply. ~Straubs
    1 point
  14. Hello @liamssy I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately the Akatsuki Robe is not tradeable at the moment. There will always be a set of PVE coin shop items in rotation that are tradeable though. As an example, for the month of January, Dark Diva Dress (Female-only), Pyroar Mount, S Pyroar Mount and TZ Clothes (Male-only) can be traded. The Akatsuki Robe is untradeable right now, but will be tradeable sometime in the future. You can keep up-to-date with the rotation of items by checking the News Board or joining our Official PRO Discord Server and keeping an eye on the announcements channel. I hope this answers your questions. Have a lovely day!
    1 point
  15. +1 imo a simple name change could help but i dont think it will be that popular still. Maybe adding a reward system for when someone wins, like unranked coins(with a low value) or something and have a shop with exclusives bought with those coins could help make it more active. I believe more players without experience could play unranked and get interested in ranked afterwards. A simple jump to unranked can be traumatising to new players.
    1 point
  16. I'm really happy to see that your issue has been solved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, i will now close the thread. Have a wonderful day !
    1 point
  17. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Titania Friendliest: Mjolnir Funniest: Kentro Coolest: Outrage Comeback Player of the Year: Mjolnir Most Talkative: Jhaydenite Most Trustworthy: Jhaydenite Most Helpful: CatCakeSenpai Most Missed: ShinyCelebi Most Influential: iriztha Most Intriguing: Nedaraze Most Experienced Player: Crossfate Best/Funniest Username: 777nico Most Professional Guide Maker: NoelleZor Most Professional Discord Moderator: Ichi STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Urahara Best Content Scripter: MagicGuard Best Community Coordinator: Nezuko Best Moderator: Caged Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Tester: Gouda Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Red Best Developer: Shane Best Staff Username: SuckerPunch Most Professional Staff: Logan Most Dedicated Staff: Tigerous Funniest Staff: Logan Friendliest Staff: Tigerous Most Honorable Former Staff: Enoch Most Missed Former Staff: Shamac
    1 point
  18. This is probably the dumbest suggestion to ever see the light of day. There's no nicer way to put it. Banning Chansey makes more sense. Banning Fearow, as was suggested in jest, makes more sense. With that out of the way: I. Economy Talonflame has been gutted for a long time. Randomly increasing the value of a single Pokemon for no good reason (see later sections) would essentially be giving up on any sort of effective economy where value is persistent. When Talonflame was nerfed, everyone knew it was coming eventually. This is the equivalent of giving Kyurem (if it were tradable) (and likely now Garchomp as well) Dragon Dance from Generation 8, arbitrarily skyrocketing its value. This will be abused, no matter how vigilant moderation staff is. II. Consistency There are so many things that do not work properly on PRO, but most of the differences with Gen 7 standard mechanics are due to the game not being complete (missing Pokemon, moves) or bugs (U-Turn / Volt Switch). The only precedent for this kind of change is Tail Glow Phione, which was questionable in itself but largely ignored due to its uselesness. III. Actual Effects on PvP For reference, Talonflame sets will be listed here: Talonflame @ Choice Band Ability: Gale Wings Adamant Nature 252 Atk / varying HP / varying Spe - Flare Blitz - Brave Bird - U-Turn - Roost / Will-o-Wisp / Steel Wing Talonflame @ Sharp Beak Ability: Gale Wings Adamant Nature 252 Atk / varying HP / varying Spe - Swords Dance - Brave Bird - Flare Blitz - Roost Talonflame @ Leftovers Ability: Gale Wings Careful Nature varying HP / varying Atk / varying SpD / varying Spe - Taunt - Roost - Brave Bird - Bulk Up / Will-o-Wisp This is a fundamentally polarizing Pokemon, and not one that allows for interesting developments in the metagame. Choice Band sets can invalidate current offensive builds on a whim, Swords Dance excels at shattering certain builds of Balance, and Taunt makes for an excellent stallbreaker. Much like Manaphy, which people continue complaining about to this day, Talonflame's list of true answers is short and often can be chipped out by status or hazards. Rotom-Wash and Tyranitar cannot take U-Turn forever, and incorrectly evaluating the set can have devastating effects - Tyranitar hit by Will-o-Wisp, Thunderbolt Clefable nailed by Choice Band Brave Bird. While there is no doubt that Gale Wings Talonflame would not be broken, adding polarizing threats does not make a metagame more fun. We can see this both by looking at what Smogon bans and does not ban, as well as player opinion on PRO as a whole. Recently, Smogon banned Galar Darmanitan and the Dynamax mechanic at large. Galar Darmanitan has never had the presence of Landorus -T in previous generations of OU, so why was it so quickly sent off? While answers to Landorus-T generally come naturally in teambuilding Gen 7 OU, Galar Darmanitan is polarizing. It forces players to run soft checks such as Rotom formes, or subpar Pokemon in hopes to wall it. Talonflame is much the same - while sets like Defensive Garchomp and Defensive Rotom-Wash are strong and popular, they cannot reliably answer Talonflame alone, as it can defeat them over time. Now, let's take a look at the archetypes PRO players love to complain about. 1. Rain It's quite self-evident what rain teams do. You pack a Kingdra answer and a Manaphy answer or you lose. People hate this archetype. 2. Stall Stall is hated because of its ability to drag out games which feel hopeless for the losing side. It's also more complicated to answer than Rain, but just as polarizing nonetheless. Why combat this by bringing back a similarly polarizing and uninteractive Pokemon? There are plenty of more interesting options if bulky Balance truly needs a boost - Victini? Tornadus and Thundurus? Even Volcanion can make Balance's somewhat difficult Rain match-up much, much stronger. Lastly, we've seen this all already. We know what Talonflame does. It would be better to bring in truly new Pokemon rather than unleash an old tyrant once again. tl;dr: don't change Talonflame's value again; be consistent with Gen 7 as much as technical limitations allow, who the heck thinks Talonflame would be a positive influence on the metagame
    1 point
  19. I really hope that a staff member will take the time to look into the IP addresses of the people who voted. Someone in this thread commented several times (seemingly on multiple accounts) and may have voted more than once. Polling should be done fairly, especially when the community is quite evenly divided on this matter.
    1 point
  20. I am STRONGLY against this. Why would we ever want to GO BACK a gen for just 1 ability. Either everything would need to have gen 6 mechanics or nothing. It makes 0 sense. Galewings was nerfed for a reason. It was dominate even WITH all the legendary pokemon PRO is missing. I literally cant think of a single good reason this would be allowed. Imagine someone new trying out the game. "Oh this is gen 7 mechanics nice... wait why does this talonflame have priority at half hp?" I'm sorry, this is just a terrible idea
    1 point
  21. I am shocked this is even being considered. I seriously hope this doesn't happen. However, if it does, all Gen 7 mechanics/additions should be reverted back to Gen 6. New moves, Alolan forms, status changes, new abilities, and new stats would have to be changed accordingly. Gengar's Levitate would have to be back. Mantine would lose Roost. There's more.
    1 point
  22. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Zeskyr Friendliest: Pikachu85 Funniest: Pikachu85 Coolest: Zeskyr Comeback Player of the Year: Pandattack Most Talkative: SilverAge Most Trustworthy: Zeskyr Most Helpful: Zeskyr Most Missed: GozerPokemon Most Influential: Zeskyr Most Intriguing: GozerPokemon Most Experienced Player: Zeskyr Best/Funniest Username: Pikachu85 Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: Zeskyr STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Urahara Best Content Scripter: Shizeria Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara Best Moderator: Caged Best Tester: Tangrowth Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Red Best Developer: Shaolan Best Staff Username: Urahara Most Professional Staff: Shinohara Most Dedicated Staff: Shinohara Funniest Staff: Epiales Friendliest Staff: Shinohara Most Honorable Former Staff: Neroli Most Missed Former Staff: Letrix
    1 point
  23. Please, do note that while our Developers are actively working on PvP updates and fixes, you may still encounter some bugs during battles. Keep an eye on our PRO Official Discord and our Update Logs to stay updated about any rule change and in general any game announcement/update. As a reminder, PvP reports should be filed in our Report Center. Please make sure to provide enough evidence to support your claim. Failure in doing so will result in the dismissal of your report. PVP Rules Every match should be played out in a timely manner. Time-, PP-, Switch- or any type of stalling beyond reasonable usage is not allowed. Video evidence is required and without it we will not take actions. Video evidence may be deemed insufficient at Moderators discretion. PP-stalling: Using moves to unnecessarily extend a match's duration with no proper reasoning such as using healing moves instead of attacking Switch-stalling: Switching your Pokemon around with no proper reasoning instead of attacking. Time-stalling: Waiting until the last few seconds to make your move on every single turn, prolonging the match more necessary. Boosting in any form in Ranked PvP, random ranked included, is forbidden. Action will be taken if caught or attempted. | Rule explanation Playing against someone under the same network connection is considered boosting as staff is unable to verify if it's actually two different people playing. Intentionally queuing against a user to aid yourself or another user in the form of Rating, PvP Coins, etc will be considered as Ranked Boosting and will be punished accordingly. You can use only 2 of your own accounts to PvP within each season. Using any account you do not rightfully own, or using more than 2 accounts, will result in heavy punishment. You can only have one account in the Top 25 at the end of the season, having more than one will result in heavy punishment. You can only have one account in the Top 25 of one server, having your account in the Top 25 of both servers will result in heavy punishment. Using false information or offering compensation to incite players to disconnect or draw in a Ranked Battle is prohibited and considered Illegitimate Rank Boosting. Please refer to Rule Explanation for more information. Violating any of our specific PvP Clauses will result in sanctions. PVP Clauses Species Clause: The same two Pokemon should not be on the same team. This includes the use of more than one Rotom form or a Pokemon together with its Alolan counterpart. Sleep Clause: If you have already put a Pokemon on your opponent's side to sleep, and it is still sleeping, you cannot put another one to sleep. This rules is not induced by self-sleep inducing moves, such as Rest. Video evidence is required. Natural Cure - Two Pokemon can be put to sleep if, and only if, the first Pokemon has Natural Cure (The reverse order would violate the clause as the Natural Cure Pokemon would be on the field asleep with an additional Pokemon being asleep in the party). Pokemon that use U-turn/Volt Switch on the turn that they wake up will show as asleep until they are back on the field Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset that is capable of intentionally cause an endless battle is banned. More specifically: Recycle + Leppa Berry. Harvest + Leppa Berry. Trace + Leppa Berry. Role Play + Leppa Berry. Banned Moves / Abilities / Pokemon / Items / Combination The following moves are banned from the Ranked PVP Battles. The system is developed in a way where you cannot queue with them. Credits to: Singham & Flik - Established the first PvP Rules thread. Windypuff, Kagawa & Alaris- Updating thread. Letrix - Revamped and updating thread. Qeight - Revamped and keeping thread updated. Shinohara - Revamped and keeping thread updated
    1 point
  24. PRO Game Rules apply to all aspects of the PRO environment, inclusive of Discord, Forums, Ingame, etc. GENERAL FORUM RULES Deplorable behavior such as foul language, profanity, harassment, and excessive toxicity is not allowed. Spam is not tolerated here under any form and circumstance. This includes, but is not limited to, offering services (charged and free), trading of things outside of PRO, recruiting members for your own projects (moderators, designers, professional MOD work, etc.). Do not message members of staff in following cases; Appealing for a ban, Looking for support, Applying for a team, offering various services and so on. Those messages will be trashed and won't be replied to. If you need help with something use the Resolution Center sub-forum. Mini-Modding is prohibited. We encourage to bring any rule violation to the attention of the Staff Team via the report button or through the proper forum. Do not respond to such topics yourself. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media and so on. They have the right to report you for you plagiarizing their own work. Do not link illegal material such as torrent content sites. Advertising in any form and way is against the rules. In case you want to advertise something you deem of a good nature, contact developers or administrators when you have the requirements to do so. In appeals, complaints and trade posts you are allowed a bump every 24 hours. RULES FOR AVATARS AND SIGNATURES Content in signatures and avatars should be PG as per the game/forum rules, not profane and also consistent with normal writing and abide by the general forum rules. You may not include hidden text or links. Those will be deleted instantly. Respect the given size limits. Do not try to bypass it by having more images or links. You can have more links and images but size must not exceed of a signature or avatar. If the account you use is suspended due to breaking any of the rules above you have a right to appeal. During the appeal process we will take into consideration the rule broken, your behaviour during your time as an appealer, and your behaviour before you were suspended.
    1 point
  25. Punishment Policy What is the Punishment Policy The Punishment Policy is a system created to help the Staff Members to ensure that every single player is treated fairly and equally when it comes to issuing a punishment for a violation of the Game Rules. It is good, however, to point out that punishments escalate based on the punishment history of the user being punished. For example, two users might receive different punishments (i.e., type of punishment + number of days) for breaking the same exact rule if one of them has already violated said rule while the other has not. Terminology Severity levels : A method that staff use to help categorize the severity of various infractions. Mute : Prevents the user from using Public Chats for a specified period of time. Quiet Ban : Completely prevents the user from talking in PMs, Public Chats and Local Chat for a specified period of time. Trade Ban : Prevents the user from trading or sending Mails for a specified period of time. Temporary Server Ban : Completely prevents the user from logging in to the server for a specified period of time. Perm Ban : Permanently prevents the user from logging in to the server. Special Ban : A cutom ban that can be issued by Management and Administrators. Issued for really, really, bad things. Continued S1/2/3 Infraction: Infraction of that severity repeated to a point it escalated to the next level. Punishments & Severity To reduce the amount of workaround and abuse, the duration of each punishment won't be disclosed to Players. CHAT INFRACTIONS Inappropriate Behaviour. Misuse of Channels & Languages. Distribution of False Information. Advertising of personal channels, other Pokemon games and services not related to PRO without permission. PUNISHMENTS : Mutes, Quite Ban, Kick from server. FORUM INFRACTIONS Inappropriate Behaviour. Minor Spam. Mini-Modding. Plagiarising of other Users, Sites, Media etc. Inappropriate Avatar/Signature. Hidden Links/Messages in Avatar/Signature. Avatar/Signature Containing Graphics Portraying PRO Ranks. Excessive Spam. Harassment. Impersonating Staff. Inappropriate Advertisement. PUNISHMENTS : Forum Warning, Forum Ban, Suspension, Mute Bans. HIGHER CHAT INFRACTION Continued S1 Infractions. Deplorable Behaviour (Hate Speech/Threats/Racism/Harassment). Insulting & Harassing Staff. Discussing Adult Content in Chats. Disrespect and Toxic/Trashtalk behaviour directed to staff and users. Staff Impersonation. PUNISHMENTS : Mute Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban. TRADE INFRACTION False Offers/Selling/Lending. Deceiving/Misleading. Attempted Scam & Accomplice. Successful Scam & Accomplice. PUNISHMENTS : Trade Bans, Perm Ban. RATING PVP INFRACTIONS Abuse of Bugged Moves & Breaking PvP Rules. Illegitimate Rank Boosting. Using more than two alternate Accounts in the Ranked Ladder. Having Alternate Accounts on the End-Of-Season Top 25. PUNISHMENTS : PvP Bans, Mute Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban, Rating reset, PvP Coin resets and Tournament Bans IN-GAME MAIL INFRACTIONS Sending abusive mail. (Chat infraction via mail). Mail spam. PUNISHMENTS : Trade Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban. MODERATION INFRACTIONS Continued S2 Infractions. Inappropriate Usernames. False Screenshots/Evidence. Account Hacking. Inappropriate Use of Guild Logo/Plagiarism. PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban. HIGHEST GAME INFRACTIONS Mass Accounts. Glitch Abuse & Accomplice. Attempted AND/OR Successful RMT (Account/Pokemon/Pokedollar/Items Selling) & Accomplice. Hiding the rule breaking information or culprit itself (both staff or player). Use of Macros, Automated Software, Speedhack or Multiboxing. PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban. ADMIN LEVEL INFRACTIONS Continued S3 Infractions. Client Hacking/Modification. Threats Against Server/Game. Advertising/Links of Malicious Apps & Illicit Programs. Staff violating Staff Rules PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban, Special Bans. STAFF-PLAYER INFRACTIONS Leaking staff information (If Staff leaks it and then Player spread it instead of reporting to an Admin) Excessive harassment towards staff. PUNISHMENTS : Temp Bans, Perm Ban, Special Bans The Punishment Policy is a guideline for staff, harsher or bespoke punishments can be added and issued by staff if the majority of the Moderation Team and Management Team agrees upon it. At any time, new punishment reasons may be added or changed to keep PRO as a healthy environment. Staff are not immune to the rules and are trained to follow the PP whilst apprentices. Abuse of this can lead to demotion. Credits to: Nikola & PRO Moderation Team : Writing the first Punishment Policy and reference. Daeon : Re-writing the Punishment Policy (Dec 2016). Letrix : Revamping the PP and Punishment Policy reference. Shinohara/Keita: Adjusted, Updated and Rewritten the Punishment Policy.
    1 point
  26. Regarding some of the rules listed, you will first be warned for the behavior in question, rather than punished immediately. However, disregarding warnings and repeating the offense will lead to harsher actions being taken. Not following our rules can and will be punished accordingly, based on our Punishment Policy. If you are constantly breaking the rules, you may be punished further. _____________________________________________ 1. Deplorable behavior such as foul language, profanity, harassment, and excessive toxicity is not allowed. Behavior such as this will not be tolerated, whether filtered or not. Similarly, avoiding the profanity filter will also lead to punishment. Chat toxicity and excessively posting complaints with the purpose of disturbing the general community will not be tolerated and lead to punishment. 2. English Only in All Official Chats, excluding Other Chat In all official In-Game Chats, besides the Other Chat, you are only permitted to speak in English. However, feel free to make your own chat channel for speaking a non-English language. Custom chats won't be moderated, but the Rules still apply in those channels. Any violation reported to us will be punished. 3. No Discussion of Infractions, Reports, or Applications Do not discuss sanctions in any of the official chat channels, do so in the proper section of the forums: Discipline Appeals. Do not discuss report-related topics in the chat. If you see someone violating the rules, make sure to report that player. Do not discuss staff applications in the chat. This will reflect negatively on your application. 4. Links and Advertisement You can only post in-game links of the official PRO website and forum (example: dashboard, guides, support threads, etc). Live streams links are allowed in 'All' every 30 minutes. Advertising your personal channels, other Pokemon games* and services not related to PRO is strictly prohibited. This does not include Game Freak and Nintendo games Do not advertise private chat channels in any of our official chats*, with the exception of language channels. If you are advertising a private chat channel to avoid moderation we may join the channel and moderate it 5. Avoid sensitive topics (Religion, Politics, Diseases & similar subjects) Be careful when talking about delicate subjects such as religion, politics, or diseases. Remember, you are not alone in the chat. 6. No Spamming Spam in all forms is prohibited. Spam includes but is not limited to: Excessive Letters, Symbols, Emojis, and Numbers Sending multiple of the same message right after one another Cutting up sentences into multiple messages when they can be placed in one sentence Any unnecessary advertisement/spam to draw attention to your trade post 7. No Mini-Modding. Do not Mini-Mod in any of our chats, we encourage you to report any violations in our Report Center. You are allowed to tell a user kindly to stop rule-breaking behavior. 8. Rating and Pokemon builds. Pokemon rates and/or build questions can be asked All Chat, Help Chat & Battle Chat. 9. Price checks. Price checks can be asked in All Chat, Help Chat & Battle Chat. Alternatively, you may use our Gold and Silver Price Checking and Rates Sub-forums. _____________________________________________ All Chat 1. All Chat This chat is meant to be the off-topic channel. You can discuss multiple topics, as long as they are within the rules. 2. Trade Evolution Requests Trade Evolution requests may be asked in All Chat or in the Help Chat. Alternatively, you may request for a Trade Evolution in our Evolution and Deleveling Megathread. 3. Streams Streamers can post their stream link every 30 minutes. Trade Chat 1. Trade Rules Before you start using Trade Chat, make sure you have read the Trade Rules. 2. Sales You must not use any other chat for buying or selling. Double and Rapid posting is prohibited. You must leave at least 5 posts in between. Auctions being handled in-game must be posted once every minute, regardless if having 5 posts between Auction messages. Keep your trades in one post at all times. Off-topic is strictly prohibited, you may only post trade messages. 3. Commenting Trade Chat is used only for trade messages. Do not comment on other users' trades in Trade Chat or harass them in private messages. If you have concerns with a sale, you may privately message the seller, however, please do so respectfully. Help Chat 1. General Questions Help Chat is the place to get all your questions answered. Random and/or off-topic conversations are not allowed. You must use All Chat for those. 2. Trolling Trolling, i.e. purposely giving wrong information, is strictly prohibited and will be sanctioned harshly. Battle Chat 1. PvP Rules You must adhere to the PvP Rules. 2. Taunting Do not use this chat to taunt your opponents, this is strictly prohibited. Do not contact your opponent during or after a PvP battle just to taunt them, this is strictly prohibited. Other Chat 1. Other Languages In Other Chat, you may speak in non-English languages. However, you may use English as well. The Overall Chat Rules all continue to apply here. ________________________________________________________ Use the command /cgjoin [language] to join one of them. French chat: french German chat: deutsch or german Indonesian chat: indonesia Portuguese chat: portuguese Brasil chat: brasil Spanish chat: spanish Polish chat: polish (only on certain servers though, not all) Italian chat : italian, not all servers Vietnamese chat: vietnam Hungarian chat : Hungarian If you are aware of more chats, please feel free to contact one of the Moderators to put them into this topic. These chats may not be moderated, but this doesn't mean that you can go against our Punishment Policy. For example, harassing other players in these channels is still against the rules. Evidence from those chats will still apply to reports. If you have trouble understanding any of those rules please check out "How to use our in-game chats according to our chat rules" as well. Credits to Anduin, Qeight, Mutantnair, Fluffles.
    1 point
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