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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/22 in all areas

  1. Hi, i want to auction this event Lucario! Start 2m Min. Bid 500k Auction Time 2day(48h) Auction end: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20220707T1733&p0=206&msg=CHRISTMAS+LUCARIO&font=serif No Insta Accepted Payment cc 400k/ IV RR 700k/ Rc 7k Good luck!
    2 points
  2. 1m Start, 6m Insta 100k Raise, 48 Hrs
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Excuse me sir take this 70m please
    2 points
  5. Greetings! I thought It'd be nice to have a small paragraph in english to introduce this thread. This community is meant to be strictly Italian-Speaking, but feel free to hang around if you're a pizza lover. If you instead are looking for an Italian community, you've come to the right place! Read ahead, and hopefully I'll see you popping up on my Discord! Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Lupo93 e poco tempo fa ho creato un server di discord per riunire tutti gli italiani sotto un’unica community. Gli italiani su PRO sono sempre stati divisi. Tra Blue e Red, tra Silver e Gold, tra Pandemonium, Bloodnight e quant’altro. Lo scopo di questo server è di rimuovere tutti questi divari (anche in vista del merge) e di “Riunirci sotto un’unica bandiera”. Il server - PokeItalia - è una piattaforma in cui potrete parlare o chattare di PRO, o di altri giochi come Showdown, Pixelmon, ROM e League. Un progetto: una community italiana unificata con un Discord dedicato. Con questo progetto vorrei creare un luogo in cui discutere di pro ma anche di pokémon a 360°! All'interno del Discord potrete già trovare: guide sulla main story e post game, sezione eventi organizzati da noi (tornei, giveaway, eventi di farming, ecc ecc...). Il tutto senza nessun obbligo di stare in una delle nostre gilde ciò che intendiamo creare è una comunità Italiana in primis. Per cui se sei un italiano appassionato del mondo pokémon e in particolare pokémon revolution online questo è il posto che fa per te. https://discord.gg/jS3Gr5EapW
    1 point
  6. !!Syndicate!! By setting its torch-like tail ablaze, this Pokémon can heat the atmosphere and change the weather. In fact, legend has it that Reshiram's flames are capable of incinerating the world itself, so perhaps the world's continued safety is a sign of its goodwill. Reshiram is said to help those who seek to build a world of truth. This is Syndicate! The fighters of truth and Reshiram. We want to create the greatest envoirnment for our members here at Syndicate. Most important thing for us is the community. It will always come first! We have an active Discord server where we provide with all kind of help with the likes of PvP-Coaching , Team-Building , Guild Events & much more fun! We have fun in Syndicate. And more important, we have fun together!! Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family - GP on Syndicate Founder & Leader GoldenP1kachu Officers of Syndicate Paprikaflow Aaakkktttoooppp Gdxe Serkaninc Bagadzilla Hiza Nikolo13 Hundjager 1. Must be able to use the english language. 2. Be active in game 3. Be active on Discord 4. Age 18+ 5. Finished Full Story 6. 200+ Hours in game. 7. The Last Requirements is to be filled when you have been accepted to Syndicate. 1-2 Months as Initiate toprove that you are the right suit for Syndicate and vice versa. 1. Screenshot of your trainer card: 2. Favorite Pokemon: 3. Age: 4. Goals in PRO: 5. Country: 6. Reason for joining Syndicate: Send you Discord Tag in the application aswell!! Copy and paste this to answer in order to send your application!!! Come join the future! UP THE SYNDICATE!
    1 point
  7. Welcome, be careful of @Desumiheard they bite tbh
    1 point
  8. Hello @OneTrickPony As stated in the Cross server auction rules; You are responsible for the transfer of servers if it comes to that. I have edited out that part in the description as it is misleading. Take care. Manbat.
    1 point
  9. then use 2 knockout drops
    1 point
  10. Just wanna say its not epic! Good luck with action and pls change it cause many people will lose time for this like i did right now
    1 point
  11. Ty @Donator and @SusantLc for reminding me about the 15min extended time at the correct time
    1 point
  12. It is kinda simple for us players to just add the money in the account we are offering from imo. Take away a lot of unnecessary time that staff would have to take by going thru our multiple accounts.
    1 point
  13. It would be cool if the wings were added to like PVE Coin Shop. This way the new players could access them without getting for free. Win-Win?
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Aution end, winner: Marksman1310, price 8.051.001 pm me ing to trade. thanks
    1 point
  16. I'm aware it'd show in my dashboard in case I'm banned, so I thought "locked account", represents I wanted to express. Sorry, I couldn't come up with a good word for that. Despite the causes is unknown, I'm certainty that is not about the client but is something related with our accounts but at least the dev would have something to track down "easier" the problem. I apologize if in some point I might be rude, is not my intention and English is not my native language I'd appreciate that too much . I'd attentive any news regarding the issue Sorry for the inconvenience and I appreciate your help and patience
    1 point
  17. The only thing I can really do is ask for a developer help to see if he's aware of what could potentially cause this. We cannot check if your account is being "locked", first because locked accounts are not a thing and there is no tools to look if an account is "locked" anyways. Being banned would bring an entirely different message and this is not the case here. It's more plausible Might sound okay-ish if this only happens twice, but it is a sub optimal option that simply wouldn't work. First you'd loose all your progress from any quest, including events or anything you ever did. If the issue would happen to multiple people then it would be an enormous problem and this is an extremely time consuming option. I'll see what can be done with developers if they are aware of the issue.
    1 point
  18. I think in our cases, the problem is not on the client, is in fact in our accounts. I can perfectly play on gold server ( the server, I never create an account before) which in case of Aditya118 I bet this user can play on silver as this user has never created a profile in that server. As we can not verbose or get the specified message the reason our login is keeping out, any mod can you check if our account is being locked, please?
    1 point
  19. Have you tried with another device other than a mobile like a PC ? I'm honestly not quite sure how to fix this issue, first time I see it happening with one character only.
    1 point
  20. You seemingly changed your password on July 1st, were you able to connect after changing your password ?
    1 point
  21. Since when did the problem happen ? Did you do something like changing your password before this happened ? Also, what happens when you try the 2 last options I mentioned ? Any error message ?
    1 point
  22. Greetings @Aditya118 New issues arises from client release and as such it is impossible for us to be able to fix them all directly. Can you perhaps try the following ? - A clean re-install (Delete all files and re-install) - Try to reset your password. Do you have any special characters in your password (Do not show it here). If so, try removing those. - Using a VPN, such as cloudflare - By trying the following Furthermore, please keep your bumps to a rational minimum. You are only allowed to bump when going unanswered for at least 24 hours. Bumping after an hour of your post does realistically nothing, even if someone had the chance to be able to look into your post in the following hour the chance that a fix is already available is slim to none. That's besides the fact that we are volunteers and that staff members handle different sections of the forum.
    1 point
  23. Hello Walross, with all due respect, I don't think lowering the XP cap is a good move. Why ? - You would indirectly nerf MS 50% bonus XP, 25% Guild and 25% Potions ones. Having the XP cap at 150k encourages to get all 3 bonuses above to maximize XP gain in all circumstances and thus saving time. - The value of MS and 25% XP Potions will drop. You indirectly remove some XP % bonus from them. - CCs will be harder to sell to players if the items you'll buy it for get nerfed. Everyone wants a MS when they massively XP, the XP potion isn't as used because MS + Guild Bonus will give you enough punch to reach the 150k cap most of the time. By having at least both MS + Guild Bonus Experience, you can hit the 150k cap even with opposing fully evolved Pokemon having 10 less lvls than you (lvl 80s fainting lvl 70s). This is why we appreciate Trainer Npcs for annoying tanks that are a pain to XP otherwise. For offensive Pokemon we mainly use Cerulean Cave. There are few solid daycarers in both servers, if you make XP more time consuming, sure they will have more customers. But what about people who always XP their Pokemon themselves ? Why would you make it more time consuming and thus annoying if it's already irritating as it is for everyone ? I sincerely hope you will reconsider your opinion on the XP cap. Regards Fafouney
    1 point
  24. Glad your issue was resolved. Since that is the case, this thread will be locked. If you have another question or concern, feel free to create a new thread. Have a great day.
    1 point
  25. I'd love to see you going into details. Because I wouldnt just disagree with Iceflakes arguments, I think the key ones are wrong too - at least for those you can count as arguments. How is that so obviosly overpowered, am I missing something? Im totally fine when ppl say that they dont like it for whatever personal preferences, but not when they use 'arguments' which are no arguments. I want to summarize what iceflake wrote so far, as it summarizes your opinion too and give my input on it. Iceflake said: I think we all agree that this is just a statement, not an argument yet. This is smt like an argument. We wouldnt waste money/pokeballs anymore as we are good hunters and dont catch Sassy Froakies. However, I responded with: As you see I showed on a very simple example that there would be no op money sink you would dodge. Infact, depending how you balance the prize of the GMS, its even a better money sink. Next post Iceflake makes 4 szenarios to show that it makes no big difference if the nature is shown or not, if its not for Pokemon like Swablu. - Ok. Nothing I can say against. The more interesting part is: Its stated that hunting is one of the best money sinks in the game (as an opinion). This is, ngl, a weird statement, as hunting is one of the best ways to generate money in PRO. Its no sink when you go out with an plus. Buying stuff in order to hunt is a sink - that is what is meant I guess. The GMS wont affect repels, but it does on Pokeballs. But, to that stuff I already wrote a passage. Once you read that passage I wrote, there is no way you can have still the 'opinion' that the GMS would lower the money sink. Unless you calc the stuff more exact, maybe with real data, different thoughts I may have not included and come to an different result. I didnt made a very realistic calc, I did it even pretty sloppy since I was kinda sure about the outcome. To this part. I can't understand the first sentence. Why is it as balanced as it can get? Is 49.45% not balanced anymore? What about 55%, is that to much? What about 50% but a way lower encounter rate? How can you see that 50% is as balanced as it can get? (Is it even 50%?! More about that in the next quote) *adding more onto that just makes the chances better* Yes, indeed. The chances are still the same tho The difference between a percentage booster and a GMS like thing is actually huge as the GMS barely touches the time you need in order to catch a good Pokemon while a percentage booster, for example 100%, halfes the time to find a good one. If there was a GMS in the game, there wouldnt be more epics than before. Even less how it seems Im not 100% sure how syncs in PRO work - if they work as in the originals or not. I always had the fact in the head that they dont work like in the originals. If they do, this guy has a good point too: If there was a GMS that tells you if a sync did work or not, and we assume you only catch those where it worked, your total 'good nature' catches sink by 2% as the 'random nature encounter' falls off. Which brings us back to the point of if it makes a difference if the GMS states just if the sync worked or not, or if it tells you the nature. My conclusion is still: You dont have to make the GMS very expansive to make it a) Attractive to be bought b) To be an even bigger money sink than buying Pokeballs
    1 point
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