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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/23 in all areas

  1. This feature has existed in multiple other pokemon online games for many years already. It's not even a remotely new idea. But that really doesn't matter. This is a fruitless argument. I am not trying to deny that. If this fact has importance to you that is completely fine. I just personally don't assign it much relevance. This is the crux of the misunderstanding and the source of your anger I believe. In my initial rejection I very clearly communicated my reasons for why the idea was rejected at the time. This was not related to who made the suggestion or what status the person had. I think anyone would be hard-pressed to come up with data that supports such a claim. But what is even more important here is the reasoning behind this accusation of nepotism. It seems you have the impression that the vote was a proposal by Shinohara and I accepted it because of that. That is not at all what happened. People recently brought the idea to me in droves long before the voting thread was created. (A certain other pokemon game that has this feature and recently gained some traction might have been one of the reasons for this.) I still was of the opinion that the potential downsides of such a feature might be too big but I discussed it and arrived at a solution that takes care of the two biggest worries I had about such a feature. Namely, chat spam, and exposing people to harassment over rare shinies. To get a feel of how the community thinks about this I asked Shinohara to create a Vote and even heavily editorialized his initial draft myself to remove bias from the proposal before he posted it. At this point we were still in the information gathering phase and no decisions had been made. But after the vote so heavily favored the feature even though many didn't even realize that I included solutions to the two most expressed worries, I agreed to implement the feature. There is no favoritism going on here and neither am I trying to snub you. I didn't reject the initial proposal because you are not part of the staff. I have decided against the feature in the past, the circumstances surrounding my initial decision have changed in the meantime, and so I have reconsidered and ultimately decided to give it another chance. And the reception the second time around is much more positive than the reception was back when you initially suggested it. Shinohara was one of the advocates of the feature so I gave him the task of creating a vote because that is one of the many tasks he does in his staff role. I hope you understand better now how we as a team arrived at this decision.
    5 points
  2. Hi, this time ill auction this Current Bid: 18M by Saruron. Min. Raise: 200k. End Point: Countdown Timer. This time i only accept Pokedollars. Rules to highlight: I don't accept any other form of payment - Please be serious about offers - This auction takes place on the Silver Server, I dont take any responsibility for transferring - If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. If you have some question just ask me here, ingame: Mattsw or Discord: Mattsw#5874.
    3 points
  3. I wouldnt mind if it's implemented, but I agree it's not really a good idea. Might be fun in the beginning but it will just become spam and annoying. I don't get why this is next on the to do list when there's so many more important/interesting things lol. Everybody concerned about noobs getting scammed.... We need to realize only a small percentage of people actually stick around and play this game long term. Plenty of low hour accounts get rare shiny, sell for a ton of money and never see them again. Almost all OT of rare/useable shinys are not active. I had a great opportunity to be in a shiny collectors group and have seen almost all of the best shinies in the game and who the OT is, so I am not assuming. If someone gets a shiny and sells it with no knowledge, awareness or at the least, curiosity as to what the price could be, then they deserve it 100%. I said +1 before but this time could be used for more interesting things
    3 points
  4. We would like to ask your opinion about a potential new feature. The feature would send a system messages (e.g. Fishing Contest), each time that a player encounters a shiny or very rare form. What would be announced? Shiny →→ [ALL Rarities/Tiers] Shadow Pokemon →→ [ALL Rarities/Tiers] Event Pokemon →→ [Only Rare Tier) The reasoning behind implementing such a feature would be to provide players with the impression that catching rare forms is not an insurmountable task, while also motivating them to actively hunt for these forms. It could offer an extra boost of instant gratification. We are worried that players might be approached by profit sharks or feel pressured to sell their newly acquired Pokemon, and the amount of message could be perceived as excessive especially during events. You could configure whether the system message displays your username or posts anonymously (hiding your username, default). Additionally, you would have the option to turn off the system messages for yourself. If you have any other concerns, we would be grateful if you could share them with us in the thread below. Your feedback is important to us.
    2 points
  5. Starting Price : 2M Min Raise : 200K Insta Price : 6M Accepted Payment(s) : Coin Capsule (350K), Nature Reroll (275K), IV Reroll (550K) & Cash. Auction Length : 48 Hours after first bid https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4019771/auction-27-timid-rotom
    2 points
  6. So 1m Insta 1.5m Accept cc 360k Rrt 550k 24h
    1 point
  7. S.o: 1m. C.o: 1m By BountyHunter91 Insta: 3m. Min raise 100k. Accept ccs = 350k. Ends 3 days after first bid. Thanks and good luck! Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/counters/fullscreen.html?mode=a&year=2023&month=4&day=16&hour=21&min=14&sec=0&p0=58&msg=Houndoom Auction
    1 point
  8. S.o: 1k. C.o: 800k by Suncity. Insta: No insta. Min raise 50k. Accept ccs = 350k. Ends 3 days after first bid. Thanks and good luck! Auction countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/counters/fullscreen.html?mode=a&year=2023&month=4&day=16&hour=20&min=22&sec=0&p0=58&msg=Toge Auction
    1 point
  9. sold can be close
    1 point
  10. Duration: 72h after 1st bid C.o:15m M.bid:100k Insta: None
    1 point
  11. Pawniard 360k
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 280k pawniard 400k Pinsir
    1 point
  16. 260 pawn 380 pinsir
    1 point
  17. 240k pawn / 360k pinsir
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. What's the current prices plz update 300k pinsir
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. i mean 1 cc for both ( 180k each )
    1 point
  24. @Lyn1311that's why i pulled out the idea about it in Page 1, like the system message for rare shiny would be included in ms/bms (for free now), those guys atleast have the knowledge about what's happening in PRO. Now it's upto mods about what they will do.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Is this little guy still there? I would buy him for 50k as mentioned above. Kind Regards
    1 point
  30. ok go 200k, it showed 100k in title so I thought it will be 100k, didn't see it is "+"
    1 point
  31. Actually I was inspired for this by "the ded chat" + "chat after a rare shiny is linked" and that's how the idea came and yea the pokemon planet or one of it's developer created an account here and suggested about it here bruv :v , still it doesn't change the fact that I'm the first one to suggest about this suggestion here. Like I'm always up for this to be implement but this reply made me concerned and he is supporting that announcement now: It shows if a mod suggests it, you agree with it but if a normal player suggest it, you have high chance of denial.
    1 point
  32. @Medu5a Remember to click X on the uploaded image to fully eliminate it from your post: Will let you do it so it's a learning experience for you. Seeing as the Clefairy has already been sold, there's no infraction. Apologies to the interested player for this minor inconvenience. Good luck in your sales.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. and half people here vote - 1 here and +1 there
    1 point
  35. I mean, the idea sounds great, knowing what is going on around and seeing how lucky the rest are. The thing is, imagine being a new player, with less than 30h playtime and you don't know about prices/pvp/ivs-evs etc, but you find a shiny Charmander on your way to the Elite 4, the fact that your name appears on a list saying that you got that Charmander, will make a lot of people try to scam or offer low prices for that shiny, which would only lead to veteran players scamming lucky new players. The best way to solve this would probably be the option of hiding your name, but I'd suggest that it is hidden by default, and if you want to flex or show what you get, you have to go to options and enable it.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
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