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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/23 in all areas

  1. Auction finished, @Enokida win . Ty all for participate.
    4 points
  2. Greetings gentlemen. I'm just a player from somewhere, I had to quit sometime ago and when I came back I sadly discovered that my only friend in game had stopped playing forever. His name was Jinzoooo, we played for a decent ammount of time together and almost talked everyday for different months, sadly I had to stop playing for a while and at my return I dsicovered that he was gone... He gifted all his pokémons to some of his friends and he just went away forever... I remember I once asked him for his Discord nickname and he refused saying he prefered not to, I respected his decision and not wanting to look like a friendless loser (shoutout to every friendless loser like me, we stand strong together remember that!) and make him feel bad for refusing, I didnt insinst. I now kinda regret it, I'm serious when I say that 1 month ago I relogged after stopping playing for 3 months, I was sad and felt bad to notice that he was not anymore in my friendlist... It's my bad tho I regret that I didnt find the time to log at least once a week just to say "hi"... I'm not even exagerating when I say that I would play this game only for have an excuse to talk to him... I feel kinda sad I wasn't there when he waved goodbye, and I'm just sorry... I don't believe he will ever read this but, hey man, thanks for the good times, thank for help me out in game, and thanks for those hours and hours of chatting. I hope you will find happiness, I believe you are a really good person and trust me for someone like me who has always doubts on trusting people, it's a real compliment even if doesn't sounds like it. I just wanted to say it, and to you people which are reading this message and still playing with friends exc. I'm jealous of you... I still wanna tho tell you one thing: enjoy it my boiz coz one day everything will be over, you won't even notice, you will think you will log like everyday, talk to the same people, do your daily ingame routine... but one day will be the last day that you will talk with one fella of yours and you won't even know it... I just wanted to write it coz I felt like it... I hope one day I'll log and find my pal once again online greeting me with one of his "Hey Chickenwings" "Hey fried Chicky"... IK I sound delusional but better be delusional but with hope than sad and hopeless ig...
    3 points
  3. Hello, To clarify the time remaining due to the auctioner saying ends in a few hours. There is still 22h and 58min remaining from the time of my post to avoid confusion. Best Regards, MBK
    2 points
  4. I'm sorry, it's the first time I've made a sale We will wait the 5 days and I spoke with @Raaah who is the c.o.
    2 points
  5. Wts!!!! Mamo:- 250k(sold) Goodra:-300k Chandlure:-800k cuz hp ice Serp:-800k hp bug useless....can be used as screen or leech seed Furret:-150k Electrode:-150k Snorlax :- 69k plz take it....he eats alot food....can't afford anymore.(sold) Mantine:- 300k Negotiable...but not too much....i put fair price already.
    1 point
  6. S.o. 18mil Raise min. 300k 48 hour after first bid Timid hp fire
    1 point
  7. Starting Price : 2M Min Raise : 200K Insta Price : 6M Accepted Payment(s) : Coin Capsule (350K), Nature Reroll (275K), IV Reroll (550K) & Cash. Auction Length : 48 Hours after first bid https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4019771/auction-27-timid-rotom
    1 point
  8. PS: I would recommend an edited form of the rating system. The current one brings up more problems on the table as it should.
    1 point
  9. -1 The idea to fight against toxicity is a great one to support but doesn‘t solve the existing problem. I have provided reasons why we shouldn‘t implement such a feature in the game. 1. So said toxic players or trolls will purposely give others negative ratings to sabotage their own title. The competition in PvP is highly big and some people will send the opposite player a negative rating as soon as they start losing. 2. People would start to exchange their free ratings for money. Besides pokemon and items a new currency will be implemented in the PRO market. This also causes fake identifications to players who just want the rewards at every season. Toxic players on the other hand receive the opportunity to boom their low rating by buying ratings. 3. Scamming will still remain. It‘s almost impossible to fight the negative attitudes of toxic players. I respect every opinions. Please share your thoughts about my comment.
    1 point
  10. 200k my shop https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/212059-lucky-shop/    
    1 point
  11. I hope Heroic Sigil in Forforn Dungeon is able to see the number of items or make a new item in the bag
    1 point
  12. I'm on now, I'm in Breezy Town
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Hello @Lacomus. The count limit for any item is 999, anything obtained beyond that is sent to the void. You should certainly be wary of this limit if you do not want to lose important or valuable items. Let me know if you have further questions.
    1 point
  15. Anything beyond x999 is gone iirc.
    1 point
  16. Here are my shinies and events form poke that i caught by myself (except for the amogus diglett). Valentine Day April Fools Easter Summer Halloween X-mas Shiny
    1 point
  17. In my experience of playing another mmo that does this, harrassment is minimal, in fact it incentivises people to congratulate one another and discuss their encounters. I think this is the right decision but also I believe that if messages just show 'A player encountered X' that this is going to feel more like spam as it lacks the personal touch of using a name. This can be fine tuned to ensure it does not spam chat by removing a category that posts too often e.g. pink commons for example. I am glad you're looking to add this feature, community interaction is desperately needed for PRO to grow bigger and this should help a little towards achieving that.
    1 point
  18. +1 Points to be noted - It should be turned off at first as default. User have to turn it on. Let's keep it to uncommon and rare only for all types i.e., event,pink and shiny.
    1 point
  19. Let me know whether you like it or not.
    1 point
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