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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/22 in all areas

  1. Name: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Mission Leaderboard Description: A leaderboard that shows which player achieved the highest score in a certain activity in the game. e.g. most pokemon caught, most money spent, most pvp battles done, fastest region clear. Sort of a guinness world record but with money prizes; only money. This can serve as a substitution to bosses as well as encouraging people to try things they haven't tried such as pvp or re-defeating gym leaders. How to obtain: system added to the game
    5 points
  2. This has probably been suggested before but: Name: Black Medallion(in-game hours) Description: BMS that expires after a certain amount of in-game hours(12-16?) have passed. How to obtain: Coin shop People that work a lot and have families can hardly ever find a 3 day span where buying a BMS is worth it so hunting for HA Pokes isn't an option for them.
    4 points
  3. Name: PP UP pvp reward Description: We have Ramona that grants u 20 sashes after 200 points, just add the option that gives u X PP UP's, since its also an important item for pvp, and kinda boring to farm them (mostly PVE reward) How to obtain: Psychic Ramona rewards, just like she gives u multiple options, and u pick one (example sash, weakness policies)
    4 points
  4. Name: Red Card + 50% berries like Figy berry Description: The items are coded but still need a way to be obtained How to obtain: 1. Add them to the weekly PvP quest where you are able to choose from items like Focus Sash, Baloon etc. 2. Add them to some boss rewards but in a way to choose from already existing items like Leppa berries, Lum berries etc. so players still have a way to obtain the items they need. -- Name: PvE Coins Description: Weekly / Every 3 days PvE quest How to obtain: A quest which makes various PvE tasks more interesting again. Do X headbutts, do X dig spots, do X excavation rocks -- Name: Rewards like exclusive cosmetics (for example: Lileep, Kabuto, Omanyte hat; Shovel, Pickaxe back item; Tyrantrum, Bastiodon, Ramardos mounts; Omastar, Carracosta, Kabutops surf mounts; for reaching certain excavation ranks after 10.000. Description: Rewards for 20.000, 30.000, 40.000 excavation rank etc. Also display the players excavation rank next to the title like Tomb Raider since even the highest title is not meaningful anymore. How to obtain: Reaching X excavation rank -- Name: Equal rewards as in fishing contest, maybe less for balancing purposes for a weekly leaderboard at the bug catching contest. Description: The Spear, Bow, Water Shuriken cosmetics could be replaced with cosmetics like a Bug catching net back item, Scyther wings, Pinsir head item. The Keldeo sprite could be replaced with a Scizor sprite for example. How to obtain: There could be a leaderboard which takes all scores of players who did the bug catching contest within a week. Top 25 players get rewarded at the end of the week.
    3 points
  5. Name:Grey medalion We have black medalion to boost our chances of finding ha poke but not every poke needs ha some pokes need specific ability 1 or 2 like bisharp needs defiant and conkeldur needs guts.we should have a medalion that boosts our chances of finding ability 1 or ability 2 ,maybe 2 different medalions for 2 different ability slots or single medalion that lets us choose either 1 or 2 How to obtain:coin Shop
    3 points
  6. Name: Happy berry Description: Berry that increases happiness by 30; How to obtain: Berry tower;
    3 points
  7. Hello everyone, Im looking for some new items / in game boost creation / rewards ideas. If you could create any boost, item, or new way of rewarding in PRO(example: exclusive Keldeo Skin for the fishing contest) what would it be? By following theses steps post your ideas! Of course all broken ideas will be ignored try to stay objective and take in consideration that PRO is a MMO. Name: Description: How to obtain:
    2 points
  8. Name: PvP Coin Capsule. Description: Make PvP Coins tradeable, function is the same as Coin Capsule. How to obtain: From PvP Shop.
    2 points
  9. Name: Multiple cosmetics; Description: We need more cosmetics; Suggestions: Viking helmet; Kimonos; Sari / Lungi; Basically 1 clothing per country tradition; How to obtain:PVE Coins;
    2 points
  10. Name : fixed/special escape rope Description : send player to fixed pc. Example i set my fixed pc is vermi. Ill sent back to vermi even if my last visit pc is not vermi. And ill sent to my last visited pc with normal escape rope. Pretty simple and handy also wont effect money sink How to obtain : any mart or pve coin. Can be sell around 2.5k same like if we use subway.
    2 points
  11. There have been some discussions lately regarding the PvE bosses on PRO. Mostly in terms of the way they operate and what makes them "worthwhile" in terms of the rewards they yield. While this topic is still hot, I'd want to front my own suggestion towards this, especially after the difficulity was raised up with the recent bans to a few major metas that made the boss "farmers" halt and potentially lose interest. This suggestion is solely focused on getting their drive and passion back and give them the ultimate reason to continue grinding bosses day after day, week after week, on several accounts or just their one main and feel that their grind was worthwhile the time they spent doing so. Make PvE bosses worthwhile grinding again What makes something fun? What makes people come back to the game? What drives each and every one of us back to PRO on a daily or weekly basis? While this is all different for each and every one of us, there are some who grinds bosses for fun or for the rewards, time and time again. But with the meta changed, with bosses finally getting its own A.I that can switch, it makes setup a pain, meaning any good guide in the past can easily be K.O'd by a single switch-in. This has already lowered many boss "farmers" wishes to continue to grind on a weekly basis, maybe even halted their entire grinding process or in worst case stopped doing bosses in overall. Many may have already overcome this challenge and are back where they once was grinding. However, is that good enough? Is the rewards the bosses yield good enough? Do you not wish there were something unique, something shiny at the end of the tunnel waiting for you to grab it? That is where this suggestion comes in, the rewarding part of grinding. What this suggestion entails in short: Each boss is given something extraordinary as a low-tier obtainable one-time reward. The chance for obtaining them after a successful boss win on Medium or Hard difficulity can be between 0,1% to 0,5% or adjusted accordingly with the reward it yields. Doing it on easy will not grant a chance at obtaining this, to make it fair to those that take bosses seriously and are dedicated enough to fight them on the difficulity they deserve to be fought at. What can a unique reward be? Let's say you fought Sage boss located on Bellsprout Tower, hes entire team is the Eeveelution family. A fitting reward would either be a special boss-form Eevee mount or a synchable special boss sprite Eevee that have a unique boss sprite for each of the evolutions it can evolve into. That is but one out of many different combinations that can work in creating a unique reward for each boss. Is this suggestion possible? I know from past suggestions and others suggestions that it will require a lot of attention from various different groups of staff on PRO, meaning it will halt the projects that is currently ongoing (i.e Astrella region). But, this is something that can be implemented in the distant future, it doesn't have to be right now. Furthermore, only the idea of it being implemented in the future would be enough to sway a few people back to the game. Final note: I know that many who have played/is playing World of Warcraft can relate to coming back to the game for farming the low obtainability dungeon-only mounts that had like 0,1% or in some rare cases even lower obtainability rate, or at least that is what kept me coming back for more. And I feel that something similiar can be utilized on PRO because of the ongoing stagnation that PvE bosses face right now. The rewards are the same and there is no "ultimate" reward from doing them, meaning that it will never have the same thrill as when you finally manage to get that super unique reward from a boss that you've grinded for weeks, months or even years. Because some pesky people hate that I don't include a TL;DR, here is one. TL;DR Bosses should each get their "ultimate reward" that have the lowest obtainability rate seen so far on PRO. It'll be unique for each boss and can only be obtained once per account. The low obtainability chance makes the bosses worthwhile farming, meaning it'll keep the boss farmers happy and while at it giving them a common goal for farming them. Furthermore, it'll sort of work like the "end-game" items for PvE bosses, much like the prestige mounts/cosmetics from PvP but in a PvE-related way and style. This doesn't have to be implemented right here and now, but can serve as a beacon of hope for boss farmers for them to return in the future and once again farm bosses.
    1 point
  12. Hey there! I'm currently bored from spamming bosses in my accounts so I've decided to temporarily (or permanently) open up a leveling and EV training shop. My prices are as follows: EV Training is universally 50k per service. The only pokemon that I don't train is Wynaut, Wobbuffet and pokemon that do not have moves to damage by themselves. Example: Metapod with Tackle > Yes, I do. Metapod with Harden > no wtf lmao go train it yourself! ^Just make sure your pokemon can damage wild pokemon and that it's not as defenseless as a newborn baby. ^Note, sometimes I may make it 40k if your pokemon has a full moveset and I don't have to teach them moves myself. SOMETIMES. The reason why it is so expensive is because IT IS NOT WORTH IT FOR ME OTHERWISE. EXP Training is divided into: 60k - First stage pokemon, first evo, easy to do pokemon. These pokemon must have moves to attack by themselves or be able to move relearn them if they get leveled up. I don't mind giving them a few extra levels with Misdreavus so I can move relearn them myself (for example, Gastly). 90k - Second stage pokemon, pokemon with just 1 evo (Gligar, Yanma, Munchlax), acceptable tanks (Ferroseed) that are not obnoxious, just slow. 120k - Third stage pokemon, fully evolved pokemon (whether 1 or 2 evos), very slow tanks / high exp requirements / obnoxious. In this stage I also consider pokemon that cannot evolve like Miltank/Tauros due to their really high EXP requirements. 150k - Highest EXP requirement pokemon, absurd stall pokemon (Shuckle who is borderline untrainable), Wynaut/Wobbuffet, Chansey evo line, stuff like Audino, Skarmory, Alomomola, etc. For business inquiries: Bhimoso#0136 is my Discord, you can find me in the Official PRO discord. We will do the agreement both in Discord and ingame because I will take screenshots of the ingame agreement. Discord evidence is not valid proof in a report (whether I need to report you or you need to report me, which I hope neither will happen lmao). ^experience: 2k+ hours on main, total 3k hours counting my 3 alts + both servers + I've made the level up guides you probably followed as a newbie when you started PRO. I know what I'm doing. (Except with my life, I'm clinically depressed there). Prices are to be discussed in discord, depending on each pokemon and case. I don't do discounts to anyone unless your pokemon is already at a very high level, keep in mind I would easily earn more money doing bosses, but I've noticed the lack of Daycarers so I've decided to give it a go. I can be invited to your guild to daycare if needed, I always have MS active + Ladder Boost to level up. Thank you! Expected times are from 1 day to 3 days depending on your task. Keep in mind I can easily do ANY level service in less than an hour (even Chansey), however, I have an actual life outside of PRO. (jk, I actually don't) Keep in mind the prices might go up or down depending on current economy + availability + how worth it is for me to do these services. I had to increase them because it was just not worth for me. Write below and tag me if you're interested, or find me in PRO Discord. I will try to bump this as much as I can.
    1 point
  13. S.o 10m Min 500k No inst End 72h CC=400k RR=700k
    1 point
  14. Insta by Alexxi sold Start : 2m Min raise : 500k Insta : 20m Duration : 2days after start Payment options : cc(400k), reroll(700k) and pokedollars Goodluck
    1 point
  15. Greeting @masters3726@Liz@Jorogumo, This auction had a duration of 24 hours. Initially, the ending point of this auction was today at 16h15 GMT +0. According to our Auction Rules, the current best offer has to stay the best offer of the auction for at least 15 minutes. If an offer is done a few minutes before the end then the ending point will be edited in consequence as explained in detail in our Auction Rules: Many offers were done between 4h11 GMT +0 and now and for this reason, time has to be added. The last best offer was from "Jorogumo" at 4h26 GMT +0 and for this reason, the new ending point was at 4h41 GMT +0. No other offer was done and "Jorogumo" is the rightful winner of this auction. Please complete the trade and post a screenshot once it's done. Take a moment now to read our Auction Rules to avoid further issues and handle your future auctions correctly. Not respecting them will lead to harsher punishments. Take care to handle your ending point correctly, not announcing a winner before the correct end, do not use Discord bids or methods like "last-call". Have a nice day and sorry for the inconvenience - Monteria.
    1 point
  16. Hello @Smogking, I have removed your insta once the auction has started you can't add an insta bid. You are correct with your winner. But give our auction rules a read next time and the forum rules in the server you are posting in before your next auction. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ Regards, Polteageist
    1 point
  17. I buy it . I'm gonna buy that PM me from game ''Bymayan''
    1 point
  18. Starting price: 1m Min raise: 100k accept cc = 400k // IV reroll = 700k // nature reroll = 350k Auction will last for 24h after first bid
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Hello, so I tried helping Fitteman in a trade evolution. However, I didn't know that it was a Pokemon from Sinnoh so it got locked instead. I would like to request for help for any trade moderators here about our situation. Thank you very much in advance. Gold Server Here is some screenshots.
    1 point
  21. Name: White medallion Description: An item that increases the rate of sync We don't want an easy game where the sync rate would be 100%, it wouldn't make sense. But it would be nice to have an item like the black medallion that would increase the sync rate by 15% for example How to obtain: Coin shop ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name: liscence of professional hunter Description: a liscence that would allow us to see if the pokemon in front of us has been synced or not How to obtain: Like the train pass, this liscence could be purchased monthly at a Npc for the price of 300k+. But there would be conditions to be fulfilled : -Champions of the 4 regions -Pokedex completed -1500 hours of play time -Have done a related quest ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name: delivery shop Description: a delivery service that would allow us to buy pokeballs and other items no matter where we are (some expetion ; for example during the heatran quest) How to obtain: Pay an additional fee on these items through a new interface such as the coin shop (pokeball: 200 ====> 250) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name: encounter log Description: encounter register that would allow to know how many times we met this or that pokemon This feature would be included in the pokedex How to obtain: Pay professor Oak 100k per month for a pokedex update service ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name: cosmetic and exclusive mount Description: the opportunity to get mount and cosmetic when world quest is completed (at a very low percentage like 0,3%) this could make the player want to complete these world quests again or cosmetics that can be bought at an NPC for example at the celadon shopping mall How to obtain: World Quest / Boss / NPC (pokedollars)
    1 point
  22. Only Serious Offers Accept cc=400k Nature rr=350k Iv rr=700k IG:Touchmez
    1 point
  23. Name : For exemple "Permanent Focus Sash" Concerned items : As you surely noticed, those are consumable items used in battles. As a result, Rare Candies, PP Up and PP Max will be ignored. Description : "A permanent version of [insert item name] usable anywhere. It has been enchanted with powerful magic beyond our understanding." How to obtain : Trading to Dark Mage Fafouney Npc a said quantity of your consumeable items in exchange of their permanent version. It would be possible after having done a difficult Quest that I'm gonna tell the story so you could get inspired if you wanted to do one. I'll be putting it at the end as it's not the most important. For the amount required, how accessible one item is will be taken into account. By accessibility I mean in which quantity in average can you get the said item in 1 week if you do all PvE content where the item can be possibly dropped on 1 account ? And why not the average PvP coins earned a week + the ratings rewards on 1 account to satisfy both sides. The problem with that will be multi-account abusers in PvE (that I am part of) multiplicating by 4 their ressources income and totally breaking the balance between PvE and PvP rewards. I guess the most common items dropped on Bosses such as Focus Sash and Lum Berry will have a way bigger quantity requirement. Focus Sash as a permanent item will be problematic for PvE content such as Bosses and Suspicious Bot. To avoid that, you can restrict the usage of the same permanent item version to 1 for Suspi and 2 for Bosses. About economy, in a distant future, when 99% of people will have 99% of permanent version items, consumeable items will be a pain to sell. To compensate that, we can sell like 10 Sash or 30 Lum Berries for 2 Pve Coin if you're either impatient or full. Also, permanent items won't be tradable, so the economy will still be running for non permanent consumeables and will still act as a money sink. Why this suggestion : I've come with this idea mainly because on PRO, you are restricted for teambuilding since consumeable items aren't permanent. It's one of the many reasons we're seeing the same boring teams in PvP. I think the majority of PvP players got into one of those situations : "Either I can't play this team since I need [insert item]on a specific pokemon" or "I have few of those + they're rare". You're basically trapped. Story Peace Fafouney
    1 point
  24. Name: forms anihilizer Description: Once activated in settings, all pokemons with special skins/forms are seen as usuals by the player. How to obtain: unlock by deleting 10 OT special/event form pokemons.
    1 point
  25. Name: Spawnite; Description: An item that boost the spawn of pokemons by 5% while you re under the repel effect; (For example if you repel-trick a mon, it has a 5% boost to spawn rate; If you have a level 100 pokemon on 1st slot instead, the effect will not occur) How to obtain: PokeMart (5000 a piece)
    1 point
  26. Name: PokeFesta Description: A weekly event that top 3 get a random cosmetic anime based; (Like we have in Urahara boss for TZ Clothes) How to obtain: an NPC will fight you in a 2-on-2 battle; Pokemons of the NPC are always random, no megas, dbond, disable allowed from the players; The 3 players with most wins against the NPC within an hour get a random cosmetic; The 3-25 players get 3 PVE coins and 2 Rare candies;
    1 point
  27. Name: Mystery Lunarian Description: A random shiny mount for 100 coins; How to obtain: Purchasable with coins (like Mystery boxes)
    1 point
  28. Name: Mini IV Reroll Description: An item to reroll only 1 selected IV of legendry Pokemon. How to obtain: Via PvP coin Master and PvE coin Master on paying 50 PvP Coins or 100 PvE coins respectively. We may restrict its use for twice or thrice on each legendary Pokemon so as to not anyone everyone get 31*6 IV's on any Legendary. Thanks!
    1 point
  29. Name:synch tool We need a QoL change for Synchable boss reward pokemons if we have a synch tool all problems would be non existent. Make it a coin Shop item either low price like 40 coin for every different synch or a high price item contains all natures that lets us choose the synch we wanted and can be changed whenever we want for a price like 600 coins.all the tools replaces something a poke does and synch is something that poke does so it makes sense How to obtain:coin shop
    1 point
  30. Name: Crownium Description: Raises IV of choice base stat by 1; (ex: from 30 to 31) How to obtain: 200 PVP Coins; 350 PVE Coins;
    1 point
  31. Name: Pokeball Mystery Box Description: A mystery box but with randomized normal or special pokeball designs inside. How to obtain: Preferred at coin shop. (or pve coin shop?)
    1 point
  32. Name: Champions Heaven. Description: A building that contains status for all the winners of old and upcoming ladder tournaments mentioning how many times each one of them won the ladder tournament... Note that all the winner's names are still available in "hall of fame" in pro ladder tournament discord... How to obtain : Win the ladder tournament.
    1 point
  33. Name: Reroll Roulette Description: A roulette item fixed in a certain map that each player can visit once every 2 weeks. After paying a certain fee, the Player can enter a normal pokemon or a legendary. If its a normal pokemon, its nature is rerolled randomly and has a very minsicule chance of becoming a shiny. If its a legendary, 1 of its IVs is rerolled randomly. ANY AND ALL POKEMON THAT ENTER THIS ROULETTE BECOME UNTRADEABLE. (Certain Pokemon can be prohibited from entering this roulette) How to obtain: Certain Quest Completion and a minimum of 2000 play hours.
    1 point
  34. Welcome In the Reaven Shop Contact In-Game : TheLucyfer Discord : Varx#3985 Payment PokeDollar Reroll IVs : 720k Coin Capsule : 360k Rocky Helmet : 150k Choice Scarf : 100k Master Ball : 40k Rare Candies : 7k Rules 1. Prices are negotiable in some cases 2. Fake offers will be reported 3. I have every right to decline your offer 4. Offers cannot be revoked (you can't go back, so be sure to check if you have the amount of money required before the purchase) Normal Section Treined Untreined Mega Section Treined Untreined Boss Section Treined Untreined (Empty)
    1 point
  35. "was falsely banned" why u lying, just admit u were botting smh
    1 point
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